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Adam Sessler's: On Xbox One and PS4's Resolutiongate, and Day One Patches

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What a fucking moron.

While I typically respect his opinion, I don't get this. PS4, PS+, and PS Camera together costs $510.00 (+ tax). XB1 and XBL together costs $560.00 (+ tax). He conveniently left out the XBL subscription to make his point. However, since so many of the features of XB1 are gated behind XBL, his argument makes little sense. Since he left out XBL in his comparison he should have left out PS+, but then it would be $460 (+ tax) vs. $500 (+ tax). Either way, you are buying PS4 for less. I'm sure he was called out on this long ago.


Neo Member
I'm actually more curious to know how the network infrastructures will compare. Will Gaikai also be used to augment their network stability and speed? I thought PSN performed a bit questionably a bit too often than I liked on PS3.


I've already brought this up before, but I don't know if "racism" or "xenophobia" is the reason for the MS bias. It may have a little to do with the fact that since many of these "journalists" are American and are good friends with Xbox affiliated employees, which gives them more of a reason to be kinder to them. However, even that is not what I think it is.

I think it has to do with the American obsession with "the underdog". American culture loves backing the little guy, and in the beginning of gen 7, the Xbox 360 was clearly the underdog. Journalists used every metric in the book to paint the 360 in a positive light compared to the powerful Sony console. However, despite all the hooting and hollering, MS still came in dead last for gen 7. So here we are once again, MS is inexplicably still the underdog, even after all the media backing last generation, so the media (mostly the American gaming media) will try to talk the Xbox One up, and downplay the weaknesses as much as possible.
Haha. If that is true, the Ouya, Nintendo and every other underdog would get a lot more love.


Junior Member
Vita and WiiU say hi.

Haha. If that is true, the Ouya, Nintendo and every other underdog would get a lot more love.
Wow, totally forgot about those guys. My bad. Well, I guess it could possibly be a combination of the "friends who work for MS" plus the "underdog" mentality that breeds that kind of behavior. Underdogs from across the sea or outside of the industry are just strangers to the journalists, I guess.

It's like having your small friend talking shit to a bigger guy who looks like he could hurt him, and despite your friends stupid remarks, you're willing to bend over backwards to make peace.


It's always been about members of the gaming press playing down the differences between the PS4 and the XBox One. Look up a few posts, someone posted yet another example.

Read the comments after that article, Kotaku readers are just as pissed about this. And of course, inevitably, kotaku readers pointing out that this same writer bitched in another article about how pathetic it was that a game came out in only 720p.

Vita and WiiU say hi.

Yeah, gamers should hold a rally and/or a Parade for both of those systems.

"Buy the Vi-ta! Buy the Vi-ta!"

"Buy Wii U! Buy Wii U!"

*repeat until rally/parade is over*

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Love this. The last two consoles to have this much common in hardware were the Gamecube and the Wii, but no, there's absolutely no way to be certain which will have the overall performance advantage yet, each will have their own strengths and weaknesses yadda yadda.... Film critics are expected to know the basics of how movies are made, camera types and the like. Don't see why this level of tech illiteracy should be tolerated amongst those who are paid to comment on it.


Love this. The last two consoles to have this much common in hardware were the Gamecube and the Wii, but no, there's absolutely no way to be certain which will have the overall performance advantage yet, each will have their own strengths and weaknesses yadda yadda.... Film critics are expected to know the basics of how movies are made, camera types and the like. Don't see why this level of tech illiteracy should be tolerated amongst those who are paid to comment on it.

Game critics are paid to ignore the facts if they're inconvenient.


My personal belief is that some people are seriously pissed off that gamers are positive about the PS4 and negative about the xbox one.

Okay gamers, all dancin around naked because you think Sony isn't going down the same DRM path as Microsoft? Well guess what, they are.

Okay gamers, all dancin around naked hugging copies of Legend of Dragoon thinkin Sony isn't going down the same drm path as Microsoft because they announced it at e3? Well guess what, they lyin'! Just you wait!

......Microsoft reversed their drm plans because you were dancin around naked holding your ps4 pre-order slips, but it's at your loss idiots, the future was going to be glorious.

Do you honestly think that Sony would've further risk damaging the PS brand by going with DRM on PS4 after they just got back on their feet with PS3? ROFL.


Do these incidents at least give us reason to laugh the next time these same "journalists" talk about how the industry needs to grow up or comment on the state of games journalism as if they're the solution to the problem? They contradict themselves, support individual companies regardless of the situation at hand, pick and choose when certain things are an issue in reviews, shit on hardcore games for being too hard instead of looking at it objectively (since a lot of them struggle in certain games period) and rather get free shit than do their jobs and have a little bit of integrity. It just seems to be a total mess right now and I'm not the type to bitch about certain game reviews or hating certain reviewers period, but blatant hypocrisy always annoys me and it seems to be more rampant now than ever before. It's kind of like the journalists on ALL of the American news networks that spin stories for their own biases based on whatever side they might fall on while downplaying anything that happens under the leadership of someone they blatantly support. It goes both ways in the news and it goes both ways in the gaming industry too.

Contradicting yourself has to be a requirement to be a journalist in ANY industry I'm sure. :D

Reviews are always subjective, but if you can't be objective in other areas of the industry, then you aren't going to be trusted much longer.


My personal belief is that some people are seriously pissed off that gamers are positive about the PS4 and negative about the xbox one.

Okay gamers, all dancin around naked because you think Sony isn't going down the same DRM path as Microsoft? Well guess what, they are.

Okay gamers, all dancin around naked hugging copies of Legend of Dragoon thinkin Sony isn't going down the same drm path as Microsoft because they announced it at e3? Well guess what, they lyin'! Just you wait!

......Microsoft reversed their drm plans because you were dancin around naked holding your ps4 pre-order slips, but it's at your loss idiots, the future was going to be glorious.

It's like... wow... honestly, seeing somebody with this level of delusion, spouting shit that is suitable maybe for Gamespot or IGN, on NeoGAF forums, well, colour me impressed.

To still see people so fucking challenged to think the "family sharing plan" was anything remotely like what MS had suggested, (yes devs would be willing to give out 10 copies of a game upon a single purchase), or to think Sony had or even HAS similar DRM policies that the MIGHT employ later.

You have to be joking.....the future as MS saw it would have been shit, utter shit.
To the point where you would hardly even own physical copies of your games.
Man I dunno, the post you made almost seems too stupid to be serious.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
My personal belief is that some people are seriously pissed off that gamers are positive about the PS4 and negative about the xbox one.

Okay gamers, all dancin around naked because you think Sony isn't going down the same DRM path as Microsoft? Well guess what, they are.

Okay gamers, all dancin around naked hugging copies of Legend of Dragoon thinkin Sony isn't going down the same drm path as Microsoft because they announced it at e3? Well guess what, they lyin'! Just you wait!

......Microsoft reversed their drm plans because you were dancin around naked holding your ps4 pre-order slips, but it's at your loss idiots, the future was going to be glorious.

Is the bolded satire? Or do you really feel this way?


All I can think is that if MS' willingness to spend in order to secure exclusive content is any indication of things, I wouldn't put it past them to do the equivilant in terms of currying favor amongst the games media. Maybe a catered lunch here, xbox live codes...who knows.

comfy MS pillows

if all your needs are pre-empted and provided for free by MS, why would you look elsewhere?

this doesn't have to be suspicious or conspiratorial - could just be MS better at handling the press

maybe that will change after launch. We are already seeing publishers mainly send PS4 versions of games for previewing. If that keeps up then PS4 will get more mindshare among the press and maybe we'll get a level playing field again. Maybe


While i totally understand gaf's frustration over the seemingly biased ( i like to think of it as purposely nuanced) opinions of these faux gaming celebs, i think this public scanting only unifies these dudes under the banner of " the ones that get it" and might even cause them to double down on these 'controversial' outings.

He/they have a part in this though: he should adress the situation so this can become a dialogus. But instead they either shut up and deflect any self reflextion, greatly fanning the flames, or they back eachother up through not-so-cryptic twitter convo's while again donning that elitust attitude and turning the flames in an all out inferno.
Is the bolded satire? Or do you really feel this way?

I believe that it is supposed to be the journalists asking the questions. That the journalists aren't happy that gamers are positive for PS4.

le.phat said:
While i totally understand gaf's frustration over the seemingly biased ( i like to think of it as purposely nuanced) opinions of these faux gaming celebs, i think this public scanting only unifies these dudes under the banner of " the ones that get it" and might even cause them to double down on these 'controversial' outings.

The main stream press will be more scathing about the power difference. "Which one's more powerful? That means it is better right?"


Gold Member
Thought of something, since the Xb1 is really behind in specs, maybe M$ is going for a shorter generation before releasing XbNext?
Thought of something, since the Xb1 is really behind in specs, maybe M$ is going for a shorter generation before releasing XbNext?

If the Xbox One fails there might not be a next Xbox, I think there were some news about the MS investors wanting out of the console business. So I don't think they want a shorter gen.


If the Xbox One fails there might not be a next Xbox, I think there were some news about the MS investors wanting out of the console business. So I don't think they want a shorter gen.

Yeah, Microsoft's investors want Xbox One to make a profit from Day One. If it stumbles in sales for say, like about a year or so, or if they lower the price too soon in order to try to catch up to Sony in worldwide sales, they'll lose a lot of money off of each console sold, & either one of the two scenarios could give investors more fuel to force Microsoft to shut down their gaming division.

Therefore, Xbox One needs to be a big hit for Microsoft.
All I ask is for people in the gaming media to present themselves as objective professionals that report the facts. No double talk. No apologizing. No "you wait and see". No strained opinions that avoid the real issue at the heart of it all. I don't think this should be difficult.

Pulling the counter argument of "torches and pitchforks" is the worst thing Sessler could have done. No one buys him as the victim in all of this whatsoever. Trying to paint a community as, "Dur-her hive mind," is all one needs to know about his level of professionalism in this situation. The gaming media equivalent of, "Did not. They started it."


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
My personal belief is that some people are seriously pissed off that gamers are positive about the PS4 and negative about the xbox one.

Okay gamers, all dancin around naked because you think Sony isn't going down the same DRM path as Microsoft? Well guess what, they are.

Okay gamers, all dancin around naked hugging copies of Legend of Dragoon thinkin Sony isn't going down the same drm path as Microsoft because they announced it at e3? Well guess what, they lyin'! Just you wait!

......Microsoft reversed their drm plans because you were dancin around naked holding your ps4 pre-order slips, but it's at your loss idiots, the future was going to be glorious.
S' gotta be a joke. Yeah... Gots'ta be.
Yeah, Microsoft's investors want Xbox One to make a profit from Day One. If it stumbles in sales for say, like about a year or so, or if they lower the price too soon in order to try to catch up to Sony in worldwide sales, they'll lose a lot of money off of each console sold, & either one of the two scenarios could give investors more fuel to force Microsoft to shut down their gaming division.

Therefore, Xbox One needs to be a big hit for Microsoft.
Microsoft doesn't need Xbox. Xbox needs Microsoft. And Xbox One needs to be a big hit, for its own sake.
All I ask is for people in the gaming media to present themselves as objective professionals that report the facts. No double talk. No apologizing. No "you wait and see". No strained opinions that avoid the real issue at the heart of it all. I don't think this should be difficult.

Pulling the counter argument of "torches and pitchforks" is the worst thing Sessler could have done. No one buys him as the victim in all of this whatsoever. Trying to paint a community as, "Dur-her hive mind," is all one needs to know about his level of professionalism in this situation. The gaming media equivalent of, "Did not. They started it."

Agreed. It's the same shit Blezinski, Sterling, and Geis have pulled in the past (Sessler and Sterling having both criticized the foremost for having done so). If your audience disagrees, either keep quiet or respond as befitting your position.

If you're under Microsoft NDA to not breathe a word of their resolution, you can say that you lost your balls when having made that deal for content (obviously not in verbatim, though it would be refreshing).

If it's due to that there were different contexts behind each statement, as a few people have probably referenced the SGC panel to him, then explain it.

Or just stick to your guns, while either reiterating or letting the 'torches' wash over.

It's not a sophisticated concept.


Wow, totally forgot about those guys. My bad. Well, I guess it could possibly be a combination of the "friends who work for MS" plus the "underdog" mentality that breeds that kind of behavior. Underdogs from across the sea or outside of the industry are just strangers to the journalists, I guess.

It's like having your small friend talking shit to a bigger guy who looks like he could hurt him, and despite your friends stupid remarks, you're willing to bend over backwards to make peace.

I don't think that it has anything to do with perceiving Microsoft as an underdog.

Their minds are just stuck in 2006, with the narrative that Microsoft are "the good guys" and Sony are "bad guys". That are so strongly attached to this view, they'll even refuse to acknowledge that what Microsoft tried to pull this year was far, far worse than the KZ2 footage scam. One can debate that the PS3 launch price was worse, but that just made even more people avoid the product altogether.

I've seen sycophant blogs calling the Xbox brand "righteous", etc., and I do have a feeling that back in the beginning, Microsoft used a lot of the frustration of SEGA fanboys to their advantage and managed to paint themselves as the "saviours" of gaming, the "avengers of SEGA". In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.
Agreed. It's the same shit Blezinski, Sterling, and Geis have pulled in the past (Sessler and Sterling having both criticized the foremost for having done so). If your audience disagrees, either keep quiet or respond as befitting your position.

If you're under Microsoft NDA to not breathe a word of their resolution, you can say that you lost your balls when having made that deal for content (obviously not in verbatim, though it would be refreshing).

If it's due to that there were different contexts behind each statement, as a few people have probably referenced the SGC panel to him, then explain it.

Or just stick to your guns, while either reiterating or letting the 'torches' wash over.

It's not a sophisticated concept.

It's funny that you mention Geis because Sessler should be lumped in with him. I think that's very fair. Geis is slightly worse because he refuses to pay up, but my point still remains. I don't think anyone should refer to GAF as a bunch of manchildren anymore because what the current gaming press actively has a hand in is some of the most intellectually dishonest, childish bullshit imaginable.
Okay wow. That was amazing in comparison to the hand holding and soft ball we've all been conditioned with from gaming press.

Hats off to that journo and that publication.

Yoy know what makes that article even more remarkable? the paper in question 'Metro UK' is a free publication handed out on the trains and train station in the UK...

dwell on that for a minute....


All I ask is for people in the gaming media to present themselves as objective professionals that report the facts. No double talk. No apologizing. No "you wait and see". No strained opinions that avoid the real issue at the heart of it all. I don't think this should be difficult.
Yeah you'd think they should be able to do that. I think they dont believe it'd be interesting/catchy enough. As in, they feel they need to be controversial and/or provide "added value" to drive page views.

Pulling the counter argument of "torches and pitchforks" is the worst thing Sessler could have done. No one buys him as the victim in all of this whatsoever. Trying to paint a community as, "Dur-her hive mind," is all one needs to know about his level of professionalism in this situation. The gaming media equivalent of, "Did not. They started it."
Yeah playing the victim card was pretty ridiculous.
Ok so has anything happened in the past 18 hours? Has adam responded to anything or said any other stupid stuff?

If I was Sessler, I sure as hell wouldn't respond to a bunch of people who have already determined I'm a paid shill because my opinion changed from six months previous.
I get sick and tired of so much media focus put on the "whiney fanboys" on forums. Yes, forums have whiney fanboys. Anybody who has been on a board has seen one and probably been called one. We don't need non-stop coverage of what you and almost everyone else would consider is the static noise of forums. Comment more on actual real discussions and points. If you read a thread that has a good idea, comment on it. If you notice people feel a certain way, comment on it. If you agree or disagree with points, give your thoughts. But please stop talking about how petulant, incessant and whiney Internet spot x, y, and z is so much.


If I was Sessler, I sure as hell wouldn't respond to a bunch of people who have already determined I'm a paid shill because my opinion changed from six months previous.

Was it a "change of opinion" that caused him to spread misinformation about the overall cost of the two consoles by adding in online costs on one and not the other? Was it a change of opinion to use standard PR techniques to change the negative name of "720p" and "900p" to the more positive name of "uprezzed 1080p"? (Especially when "uprezzed 1080p" is essentially what we've had for the past 7 years on 360, making it an even more disingenuous name to use on next gen when NOBODY used that terminology to describe PS360 graphics, including Sessler.)

Maybe all of this is just an unfortunate series of coincidences that are all counter to how he treated resolution differences in the past. I guess it's possible.
I just want to throw my two cents. I don't know if the American media (not calling them journalists, not by a long shot) really have a pro-Xbox mindset, but I think currently there is definitely a disconnect with their readers.
The moment it became plainly obvious to me there is a huge disconnect between the media and their readers was during the Xbox One DRM 180º debacle. The whole downplaying of the issue, simply assuming SONY would surely go through the same route, calling out "entitled gamers" and the seemingly disbelief and surprise many in the media showed when people actually cheered at the Sony E3 press conference was just simply disgusting. It's like some thought "Wow... What's happening? I never realized people actually cared for this stuff". It's like they live in a bubble.
However, it's these recent examples of for some reason trying to force a leveling of the field using fallacious arguments instead of simply stating the fact that the field isn't leveled at all, that are starting to make me think these people may not be just oblivious but actually consciously biased.


pretty sure way back in the day on a 1up podcast garnet and co openly talked about how MS fostered the relationship with the US gaming press with free Live accounts (and systems?) .

which was a smart move really, and if you consider the state of ps3's online service at launch well ... can't really blame the media for jumping on the xbox bandwagon.

i mean being part of the live community would have given them all a really handy way to communicate, and play those preview versions of upcoming titles etc ....

and we are talking game press here people, can't imagine they are paid well enough to go buy every system, every game, ...every buck they can save is a winner.

AND if you think about yr typical gaming press ...whats the career path look like? they either work there way up the editorial tree, or , find themselves scooped up by a developer in some creative or community role ... that usually happens after being raging fanboys of said dev or company, see shane/david/etc etc

so hell yeh .... totally has to be some bias or leanings. but they can do so while being intelligent about it . and long as they are not straight up telling lies then it makes for fun podcasts. thats why so many people liked the 1up days when shane was around, cause he knew so much factual gaming history.

but yeh, meh ... props to MS for taking advantage when they could. but if sony's online offering is up to scratch this time, and bf4/fifa/madden etc runs/looks alot better on ps4 ... wont take much for bias to change.

the media can't be tooo happy about all these review embargoes for x1 titles right? i mean that has to be frustrating for them, who's imposing those? MS or the game publishers?


I still don't get the 'MS provided free live accounts and games etc'

first, any actual professional game media site will be a real company, so could pay for live and games and just write them off as expenses

second, don't publishers provide review copies of games for free anyway? I can understand publishers providing 360 versions of multiplatforms as they were generally better early in the generation, and later on it is probably easier to keep supplying that version as sites are familiar with the 360 etc

this coming generation, publishers seem to be leading on PS4. If that becomes common, perhaps we'll see media adapt quickly and we'll have a reverse of last gen? Just needs some time to overcome that inertia


My personal belief is that some people are seriously pissed off that gamers are positive about the PS4 and negative about the xbox one.

Okay gamers, all dancin around naked because you think Sony isn't going down the same DRM path as Microsoft? Well guess what, they are.

Okay gamers, all dancin around naked hugging copies of Legend of Dragoon thinkin Sony isn't going down the same drm path as Microsoft because they announced it at e3? Well guess what, they lyin'! Just you wait!

......Microsoft reversed their drm plans because you were dancin around naked holding your ps4 pre-order slips, but it's at your loss idiots, the future was going to be glorious.

You appear to have had an extra layer of delusion on your cornflakes this morning.
My personal belief is that some people are seriously pissed off that gamers are positive about the PS4 and negative about the xbox one.

Okay gamers, all dancin around naked because you think Sony isn't going down the same DRM path as Microsoft? Well guess what, they are.

Okay gamers, all dancin around naked hugging copies of Legend of Dragoon thinkin Sony isn't going down the same drm path as Microsoft because they announced it at e3? Well guess what, they lyin'! Just you wait!

......Microsoft reversed their drm plans because you were dancin around naked holding your ps4 pre-order slips, but it's at your loss idiots, the future was going to be glorious.

It's my copy of chrono cross, not legend of dragoon. Spot on with all the other stuff though, lucky guess. Thought this guy hacked my kineckt or something there for a second.


My personal belief is that some people are seriously pissed off that gamers are positive about the PS4 and negative about the xbox one.

Okay gamers, all dancin around naked because you think Sony isn't going down the same DRM path as Microsoft? Well guess what, they are.

Okay gamers, all dancin around naked hugging copies of Legend of Dragoon thinkin Sony isn't going down the same drm path as Microsoft because they announced it at e3? Well guess what, they lyin'! Just you wait!

......Microsoft reversed their drm plans because you were dancin around naked holding your ps4 pre-order slips, but it's at your loss idiots, the future was going to be glorious.

See username...joke...yeah a joke :D

We all know that even if Yoshida-san president of SCE WW said no DRM even prior to all this the board was definitely considering it(I can't imagine a board of asshats not considering it). Ergo the gag he got afterwards. Then instead of just announcing it straight out they rode the wave, getting more attention even waiting for the #PS4NoDrm Campaign to really gather some members before announcing to to seem as an even better guy "for listening".

All this seems so stupid to me, I prefer my shots straight but then again I'm not a shrewd marketing Guru so what do I know?
I just want to throw my two cents. I don't know if the American media (not calling them journalists, not by a long shot) really have a pro-Xbox mindset, but I think currently there is definitely a disconnect with their readers.
The moment it became plainly obvious to me there is a huge disconnect between the media and their readers was during the Xbox One DRM 180º debacle. The whole downplaying of the issue, simply assuming SONY would surely go through the same route, calling out "entitled gamers" and the seemingly disbelief and surprise many in the media showed when people actually cheered at the Sony E3 press conference was just simply disgusting. It's like some thought "Wow... What's happening? I never realized people actually cared for this stuff". It's like they live in a bubble.
However, it's these recent examples of for some reason trying to force a leveling of the field using fallacious arguments instead of simply stating the fact that the field isn't leveled at all, that are starting to make me think these people may not be just oblivious but actually consciously biased.

Maybe it's just me, but I do not even view the video game market with Sony and MS as an "us versus them" (US vs. Japan) argument because it just doesn't resonate like something with the auto industry. In the auto industry there is a very entrenched mentality of "Buy American!" in many pockets of the US because those communities, especially the blue collar workers, rely on American cars being sold to survive. When they fail and "foreign" cars sell better, we get The Rust Belt and large swaths of people are affected.

Video games just aren't the same. If the Xbox goes away, some white collar workers at Microsoft have to find new jobs, which is probably not a huge issue with their skill set. If the auto industry goes bankrupt, hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers with very few translatable skills get laid off and it's a giant mess.

It's definitely not a Japan us. America thing.
The only way to deal with idiots like Sessler and Gies is to ignore them.

Not to create threads about them and boost their profile.

Not to click on their videos.

Not to pick up on their vague tweets and create discussion and drama about what do they mean.

Not to empower them by giving them any attention because that's all these menchildren crave.

Just ignore them.


The only way to deal with idiots like Sessler and Gies is to ignore them.

Not to create threads about them and boost their profile.

Not to click on their videos.

Not to pick up on their vague tweets and create discussion and drama about what do they mean.

Not to empower them by giving them any attention because that's all these menchildren crave.

Just ignore them.

I practice the bolded. I don't think its a great idea, however, to NOT call out their bullshit. If not for GAF, these FUD videos and articles would go unchecked in the gaming community, and they essentially would get what they want. I say bully to that.


Gold Member

shouldn't be this easy :) . his addendum:

IMPORTANT NOTE: All the disappointment and bitching you'll see over the game's visuals are just that. Bitching over visuals. The game itself - the important part - is all there and, from what I've played of it, works just fine, whether using a controller or a mouse + keyboard.

so, luke: worth bitching over visuals, or not? all the time, or just some of the time?...


shouldn't be this easy :) . his addendum:

so, luke: worth bitching over visuals, or not? all the time, or just some of the time?...

No, it shouldn't be that easy, but it is.

And as a lowly gamer, you should know that when lowly gamers react to resolution issues, it's just the internet bitching, but when the prestigious media overlords post an article titled "Dark Souls Looks Like Complete Shit", that's something else entirely.

Keep up the good work Luke.
I practice the bolded. I don't think its a great idea, however, to NOT call out their bullshit. If not for GAF, these FUD videos and articles would go unchecked in the gaming community, and they essentially would get what they want. I say bully to that.

Agreed. Talk about them but don't visit their sites/videos.
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