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Address the Sess - Machinima/MS YT Scandal with Leaker, TotalBiscuit, J Schreier

For those who missed the live show

here is the link for those who missed it

they will repost it on there channel in a hour or so

Video is up


There is a sort of timeline in the video description


While you wait please enjoy this gif made by local gaffer gif legend eltorro

Maybe it sticks in gif-form.



Back on topic of this Address the Sess

Well, this got interesting:



So thought it would be good to make a thread to discuss the episode as it has some interesting characters

Time until showing

Links for it


For reference Totalbiscuit has already said his take on the situation

For anyone that missed it, here's TotalBuscuit's take on the Machinima/MS controversy from earlier today.


He gave an honest perspective on his experiences with these sort of CPM policies, and didn't outright condemn the practice for reasons detailed in the video. I can imagine the Address the Sess will maybe highlight many of the perspectives shared in this video.


I hope Sessler is on the right side of this issue, as he has been on the wrong side frequently since the systems have been revealed.

Did he make a comment on his twitter or anything indicating how he feels about it?


Uhhhhhhhh what? Really? Color me surprised.

Hopefully Sess isn't dumb enough to... well, brush the issue off like he has so many other issues in the last year.


I hope Sessler is on the right side of this issue, as he has been on the wrong side frequently since the systems have been revealed.

Did he make a comment on his twitter or anything indicating how he feels about it?

I think he made a twitter comment about how it was suspicious that ReconXBL (one who posted contract) twitter's been suspended.
For anyone that missed it, here's TotalBuscuit's take on the Machinima/MS controversy from earlier today.


He gave an honest perspective on his experiences with these sort of CPM policies, and didn't outright condemn the practice for reasons detailed in the video. I can imagine the Address the Sess will maybe highlight many of the perspectives shared in this video.


For anyone that missed it, here's TotalBuscuit's take on the Machinima/MS controversy from earlier today.


He gave an honest perspective on his experiences with these sort of CPM policies, and didn't outright condemn the practice for reasons detailed in the video. I can imagine the Address the Sess will maybe highlight many of the perspectives shared in this video.

I thought TB's video was pretty good. I have a feeling they will mostly agree.
For anyone that missed it, here's TotalBuscuit's take on the Machinima/MS controversy from earlier today.


He gave an honest perspective on his experiences with these sort of CPM policies, and didn't outright condemn the practice for reasons detailed in the video. I can imagine the Address the Sess will maybe highlight many of the perspectives shared in this video.

Thanks added this to OP

Looks weird to be quoted in an OP xD Thanks for that SwiftDeath, let's see what these guys have got to say..

No, thank you. You did all the work I just aggregated stuff is all :)


After checking out totalbiscuit's video, it's going to be interesting to see how adam and he interact about this issue.


I don't think Sessler is particularly "for" microsoft or anything like that. It's more that he has a constant urge to be a devil's advocate against prevailing internet opinions. I've known plenty of people who are like this, including myself sometimes.


It looks like his two guests won't let him. They seem to understand the issue.

Will they stick to their guns however? Some people tend to buckle easily, don't know much about his guests, but would hate to see them back away from their opinions just because they don't want to appear dickish on some other guys show.
No, thank you. You did all the work I just aggregated stuff is all :)

*blushes* Oh, stop it you.

aaaaaanyways... It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out. I actually have a feeling Sessler is going to agree with most of us on this subject, though he'll probably chime in with the Sony Too™ caveat. Just an hour more now...


I don't think Sessler is particularly "for" microsoft or anything like that. It's more that he has a constant urge to be a devil's advocate against prevailing internet opinions. I've known plenty of people who are like this, including myself sometimes.
I get this feeling as well, however I haven't really followed his stuff before the XB1 announcement.
I don't think Sessler is particularly "for" microsoft or anything like that. It's more that he has a constant urge to be a devil's advocate against prevailing internet opinions. I've known plenty of people who are like this, including myself sometimes.
Yeah, that's my take as well.

In which case my gut fully expects "Sony Too" and "everybody does it" to be the heart of it, which is fine if they drill down into some details and blow this open even wider. Not so much if the thought it just left in the air to linger.
Thanks added this to OP
Awesome, I appreciate being in the OP!
I thought TB's video was pretty good. I have a feeling they will mostly agree.
I agree, TB gave a pretty fair explanation of the CPM practice in games media, and shed some light on his experiences with it. He also disagreed with probably the most important part which is the practice of withholding information from viewers when CPM is in effect for videos.


I don't think Sessler is particularly "for" microsoft or anything like that. It's more that he has a constant urge to be a devil's advocate against prevailing internet opinions. I've known plenty of people who are like this, including myself sometimes.

Playing devil's advocate for an argument is a good thing. It helps puts things in context and allows other opinions (minority) to be voiced and discussed. The problem with this, if you always play that role it affects how you are perceived in all future conversations.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Yeah, that's my take as well.

In which case my gut fully expects "Sony Too" and "everybody does it" to be the heart of it, which is fine if they drill down into some details and blow this open even wider. Not so much if the thought it just left in the air to linger.

Yeah I expect him to keep steering the conversation away from MS and to the bigger picture.
The fact that he's making such a big deal out of this suggests that he's taking it seriously and won't blow it off. One would hope.
Incoming Sess the apologist to rescue Microsoft, as usual.

I suspect something less direct. Something more like, "This stuff happens all the time. It isn't a big deal. There is no reason to be upset..." This seems to be the direction of much of the games media over the last 6 months. There's just nothing anyone is interesting in fighting for anymore. It's that good old "journalistic integrity" at work. Not to say there aren't people out there doing good work, but with the move toward more and more YouTube models of business, these people aren't going to bite the hands that feed them. (It's a matter of economics. I don't see it as conspiracy; only people making sure they make a living doing this, and effectively ruining the value of game's journalism in the process. That is, assuming you believe its value is something beyond entertainment.)

Do you really think he would though? It is such a clear cut bad thing. Or will he just put it all on Machinima.

There was a time when I thought Sessler was one of the most interesting and professional members of the game journalist community. Now? I'm not so sure he'd stand up to or for anything. I don't know what happened. I'll be much more surprised if he attacks it.
Is he going to pull a Sony Too like he did with the DRM.

Actually, I'm guessing he'll say something like, "Before you guys gang up on Microsoft about this, I think everyone needs to realize that this is more of an industry problem than a Microsoft problem etc..."

I'm ok with this as long as he condemns Microsoft's acts and points out the EA stuff and actually commits to digging out future instances of this shitty marketing tactic.


The fact that he's making such a big deal out of this suggests that he's taking it seriously and won't blow it off. One would hope.

Or that all three have agreed to gang up on the leaker, say it's no big deal, and attribute all the controversy to unwarranted internet hate.

A small cynical part of me believes this will actually happen.


I hope Sessler is on the right side of this issue, as he has been on the wrong side frequently since the systems have been revealed.

Did he make a comment on his twitter or anything indicating how he feels about it?

I'm expecting nothing but neutrality from Sess. He'll probably mostly blame Machinima but slightly point a finger at ms maybe saying something like they should've been more cafeful when signing deals like this.


extra source of jiggaflops
There will be no blame, the discussion will be steered into how YouTube personalities should strive for standards and if and how it can be enforced, as they wield influence.

Also it's amusing how everyone just automatically assumes Sess will play defense. He unfortunately has earned that reputation last year.


I hope Sessler is on the right side of this issue, as he has been on the wrong side frequently since the systems have been revealed.

Did he make a comment on his twitter or anything indicating how he feels about it?

He's cryptic as usual but he said this.



I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
I'll read the thread post-broadcast, not giving him the +1 view to be honest.
There will be no blame, the discussion will be steered into how YouTube personalities should strive for standards and if and how it can be enforced, as they wield influence.

Also it's amusing how everyone just automatically assumes Sess will play defense. He unfortunately has earned that reputation last year.

Unfortunate as it may be, he brought it on himself.
Anyway, I'm thinking someone will bring up Sony with their PSP Christmas thingo from eons ago.
I don't think Sessler is particularly "for" microsoft or anything like that. It's more that he has a constant urge to be a devil's advocate against prevailing internet opinions. I've known plenty of people who are like this, including myself sometimes.

THis. It's kind of why I can relate to him because I do the same thing.


tagged by Blackace
I don't think Sessler is particularly "for" microsoft or anything like that. It's more that he has a constant urge to be a devil's advocate against prevailing internet opinions. I've known plenty of people who are like this, including myself sometimes.
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