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Ah screw it.....go ahead and state your HW biases....here...I'll start


Axel Hertz

oh wait.. that's not an option anymore.. :((

I'm pro Microsoft, but i don't hate Nintendo (in fact, i love nintendo. Nintendo DS is my next gen console of choice, just like the GBA was before).

But i'm betting on the 360. So i got one.

So i guess you can sign me up for microsoft and nintendo.
If only one, microsoft.
Sony +1
Nintendo +1
Sega Dreamcast +20

Microsoft -100
Hopelessly unbalanced lineup where ever other game has guns on the front cover, Unable to get Japanese support because Microsoft are only prepared to push western centric themes.
I've always been a Nintendo fan, though I also loved Sony's systems before PS3. Right now, I have a Wii which I'm mostly happy with, though the lack of power (not expecting anything next-gen level, but come on!) and lack of DVD playback (I only have one set of component inputs for one thing) are dissapointing. After Gamecube, I was gearing up for a PS3 but the decisions made by both Nintendo (wii remote, virtual console, a lot of good games announced already) and Sony (not enough games I want yet, ridiculous price, and more or less a need for HDTV, which I don't myself own) have made me switch sides. I had no desire whatsoever to buy an XBox last gen, having owned GC and PS2, but I'm open to getting a 360 in the future (that or PS3 depending on how things work out, though the 360 is way in front at this point.)

So yeah, you can call me a Nintendo fan that buys one other system, depending on which one is and when it is the most economical.
A few years ago, I would have easily said Sony because PS1/PS2 has a huge number of "good" games. After high school, I no longer have the time to play everything I want to, so I mostly spend my time playing games I consider to be "great" or just fun. Between Nintendo's portables and consoles, there are more titles that are simply more fun to me.

btw, I have PS2, PSP, Wii, Gamecube, DS Lite, Xbox, Xbox 360...
No PS3 yet, too expensive and not enough titles I care about. I can play friend's systems anyway.


Sony +1: I love the games, I love the hardware (Blu-Ray movies especially), I love the features... Sony has yet to let me down ever since the PSone... They continue to bring whatever I want out of a gaming machine everytime... They're first-party support is great... Resistance shows that you can make the most superior console online game for free... Not as rounded as Live non-gaming options, but they're trying...

MS +1: I like a bit of the games, love a couple, I hate the hardware as it's the most unreliable piece of junk ever (the Yugo of consoles), I hate MS business practices... XBL is vastly overrated, the "GAMING" part, you know main reason for online... the Lag is terrible anymore... It has more non-gaming options than needed... MS gave it to me without the lube last gen, this gen, the games are getting better... so they're giving me some of that KY warming mist at least... Games, when the console works, makes me forget the negatives...

Ninty -1: They have steadily disappointed me with their consoles the last two gens, and this one is shaping up to be the grand finale to me with them hardware wise... I used to adore them in the NES and SNES days, now if they crashed and burned, I really could care less if they're gone for good from the "console" segment...


Banstick Emeritus
I'm biased towards my wallet. The more copies of a game I can sell, the more money it makes, which means I make more money, which means I can make more games!


"I like money!"


Kabouter said:
Can I be the only one in the PC camp? Or is that not allowed? :p

I'm in the PC camp too. Although it's getting harder and harder these days. At least we have Company of Heroes and Bioshock. I'm looking forward to trying Spore, although I'm skeptical.

I also enjoyed PS1 and PS2 a LOT, which is why I decided to purchase a PS3.

I only liked 2 or 3 games in Xbox 1's lineup, and only Gears and Dead Rising interest me on the Xbox 360, which is why I haven't jumped in. I don't like MS game designs and design philosophy at all. Finally I guess the main problem for me is that I look at Xbox 360 and see a PC. When I look at PS3 it's so different and unique, I know I won't be getting so many PC style games.

I don't think I'll buy a Nintendo Wii, because I'm pretty convinced that there won't be too many "must play" titles for me. I'll just play my friend's wii if I want to play anything spectacular. It'll take a huge amazing game for me to buy a Wii.


Being biased is like being a biggot, and the only thing i hate worse than biggots are the Jews. But anyway, put me down for MS.


i root for Nintendo always and forever.

i think the 360 is a decent system with different kind of games and i´m 100% anti-Sony and hate them with passion (their comments, politics, sytems, quality, etc), even if they have good games.


XBOX Live, Crackdown, Gears, Halo, Capcom and Ubisoft love have me secured firmly in the 360/Microsoft camp for some time to come... Did own a ps2, dreamcast, genesis, and snes/nes...but oh, how times have changed.

Stage On

I have no hardware bias. I simply go where their are enough good games to be had (of the type I'll play anyhow which is mostly rpgs), as long as the price is right anyhow.


yoopoo said:
I root for Sony's death.

Everything else is all good.
After Eurownage total, I am going to agree with you.

DSN2K said:
you fools you have basically given the mods the NOC list.
You're implying we could make a difference to random and whim-based modding. Yeah right.
It's complicated. I love the DS and think it's the best system in years. I hate the Wii. The 360 is awesome though I don't own one. I don't care about the PS3 because its games don't interest me (though they look pretty). PSP is cool but I'd rather not buy one because it would just drain my money even more.

So... I wouldn't call myself a Nintendo fanboy (though they make my favorite games), but I would call myself a portable fanboy. And perhaps anti Sony. :lol if only because I hate their fans. :)

all in all... who cares? :lol
Sega :/

I suppose I'm a bit partial to the PS2, Wii, and DS, but I make an effort to own everything because there are games I adore on all systems.

White Man

I don't think I have any real hardware biases. All 3 companies make boneheaded moves with frequency. As of right now, 360's got the games, so I guess that's my current favorite.

I'm a PC boy, all the way though. PC gaming > console gaming. Unfortunately the market has dried up since the turn of the millenium :(


I love Nintendo always forever,
Near or far, closer together
Everywhere, I will be with you

**** Sony

Is there a special bias for Shenmue you can sign me up under


I can't tell if this is more about hardware bias, software bias, or company bias, but I'm assuming company... So.

Short answer:
Nintendo +1

Long answer:


-Standardized true 3D gaming on home consoles. In doing so, however, they marginalized 2D gaming on home consoles. -5
-Standardized four controller ports. +1
-Advance Wars. +3
-Pokemon. +3
-Standardized free-roam 3D gaming. Sorry guys. I'm not Jean-Paul Sartre; I'd rather not have to invent my own happiness or purpose in gaming. -5
-Yet when it comes to providing options, they're not great at it; they shoehorned stylus functionality into numerous DS games with no choice for the player to avoid it, forced Wii controls for Wii TP, etc. Choice is a good thing, usually. -2
-Retained $200-250 price for home consoles, generation after generation. +1
-Priced GBA and GBA SP at $100 to start, and DS at $150. -1
-Self-fulfullingly prophetic defeatist attitude--they've claimed for a long time now that it's misguided to continually produce sequels. Unfortunately, they can't claim to know this by experience considering that it took, you know, fifteen years after Super Mario World before another 2D Mario showed up. -3
-With the Game Boy line, they housed the only major sources of 2D gaming around from 1996-2004. +3
-Nintendo provided all my childhood gaming memories. +3
-Nintendo began to trash a lot of those childhood gaming memories starting with N64, thanks to 3D franchise iterations that couldn't approach their predecessors. At least the portable systems stayed fine. -2
-The Virtual Console. +5
-Smash Bros. +3

End tally: 4 points.


-Introduced what I call honorary 2D games, or 3D games that play exactly like 2D games. Far from being a bad move, sometimes this can actually be a step up for 2D--allowing for such things as alternate costumes. +5
-Actively worked to sabotage actual 2D gaming. -7
-Standardized cinematics as almost a necessity for gaming. -1
-Enormous leap in graphical capabilities for a portable system. +2
-Enormous leap in price for a home console. -5
-Took them ten years longer than Nintendo, and five years longer than Microsoft, to provide four controller ports. -1
-Their hardware prices post-PS1 take so long to drop that I stop caring. -2
-Retained the SNES controller design, for the most part. I still don't think having four trigger buttons and clicking analog sticks was anything resembling necessary, but eh. +3
-Square, circle, triangle, X? David Hume would be spinning in his grave, knowing that anyone would intentionally use such abstract concepts for their buttons. -1
-PSN. +2
-I neither love nor hate their first-party franchises. +0

End tally: -5 points.


-Kept the SNES four-button layout, but switched X/Y and A/B seemingly for no reason. Uh... thanks? +0
-Can't make any headway in Japan, leading to a dearth of Japanese support. -3
-Extra media functionality can run in the background while you're playing games. +2
-If any software library lacks 2D gaming, it's theirs. -2
-If any software library lacks a variety of genres in general, it's theirs. -5
-I can't think of a relevant philosopher to namedrop for no particular reason. -0
-Jack of all trades and master of none, with no compelling reason to choose them over either of the other two. -1

End tally: -9 points.


I don't know if I have any hardware biases, but I generally look at Sony's products as reliable and sleeker than the competition.


-Sony is just "unatractive" for me in some way, they have some mighty awesome games but I hate there way to adress the fans and the world in general. The Sony bosses are so arrogant...I just can´t stand them.
-Nintendo, I don´t care so much anymore.
-Microsoft: They´re still the most community-friendly bunch imo and they also have a pack of mighty awesome games+they have cooler developers on their side.

MS is my favourite after all.


I would've said that I'm definitely in the Nintendo group, but looking back at my history of which of the big game companies I favor, I've been known to change my mind on a whim. I mean, I bought a PS2 yesterday.

I... bought... a PS2...

I never, ever thought that day would come.

So today I'm definitely with Nintendo, but tomorrow, who knows? I may even buy a PS3 at the end of its lifecycle.
I guess you could put me in the 360 camp. Last gen I didn't care for the Xbox, but I've been really impressed with the Xbox 360 so far. The controller is the best I've used, there's a steady flow of good games, and Live truly does enhance the experience.

But I don't have a company bias.... just hardware preferences that are prone to change every generation.
I don't like the crux of Microsoft games and the obssession of its fans with online, i lived with a PC nut for 2 years I can't stand the whole fragging death match online shouting down the microphone pwning people crap. I stil can't differentiate between annoying PC geeks and annoying xbox geeks.

I liked Nintendo for a long time, but I've had a daily "roll eyes" since the announcement of the motion control. I knew it was coming, some company had to pull out of the tech race and pull some crap like this. All I think is how is this different to the Virtual Reality crap that was in every arcade in the early 90s, they were as left field compared to the normal arcade stuff, everyone was creaming over them for a year, then traditional gaming pulled through.
This being the final nail in the coffin for my liking of Nintendo (for the time being anyway)


So Sony it is, if I was a games reviewer or ran a games shop so had a supply to every game and system, I'd play them all but as it is getting 6 years from PS1 and 6 years from PS2 (probably 7 looking at the price of PS3) I'll stick with them.

I don't want to see any other company crushed though, and I've never felt the urge to post about wanting a game from a different system on the PS.
Last generation, I really really loved the Xbox. I bought a PS2 first, but frankly, hated it because in contrast, the Xbox was a lot more powerful, had a hard drive, had a better controller, had custom soundtracks. And the PS2 seemd somewhat cheaply made. I mean, the Xbox was like a muscle car - it have been ugly, but it had the horsepower and it was tough. I really liked the Dreamcast better than the PS2.

This generation, I'm not impressed with any. The 360 seems to be this generations version of the PS2 - cheaply made, lacking some frills (it can have a hard drive, but the support for it is somewhat gimped, since it's optional), still uses DVDs. And somewhat overpriced for what you get.

The PS3 is somewhat sexier in terms of hardware, with the Blu Ray and the big hard drive. But the graphics are no better than the 360, if that. And with the same amount of ram, I don't think it will ever be much better - even if it does have more processing power, the textures will have to be the same basically).

I'm not sure either offers better graphics than what I can get on my moderately priced PC. It' hard to tell, but the only direct comparison is Oblivion, and that looked worse on the 360 and seemed to run slower.

Nintendo, I never liked, and still don't. I just don't get the appeal of Mario & co.


Used to be a big Playstation fanboy, but that shit came to a crashing halt starting with the media snowjob of E3 2005, and since then it's been like one "**** you" from Sony to its fans after another. I can't believe how many things they've done wrong in the last 2 years. It's staggering.

Microsoft, meanwhile, looks after gamers in North America and Europe first. They also happen to be behind my two favorite platforms, 360 and PC. They're generally so much more accessible and available than the other two. They hire cool people from the gaming community and press to work for them. They're still committed to PC gaming. Age of Empires, Halo, Flight Simulator, Rare, Bioware, Bungie. And to top it off, Bill Gates, although a prick in his younger days, has become the most charitable person ever.

Microsoft for me in a landslide. They just need to steal Jaffe.
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