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Almost GTA:SA's 10 year anniversary. Did you like playing as CJ?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Not as cool as Tommy Vercetti but my second favourite protaganist, easily the best GTA game tho. I'm really annoyed that Rockstar had to ruin the series with the implimentation of real-world physics, completely sucked all the fun out of the franchise.

The "realistic" physics didn't suck al the fun out of the games. Fun was hindered due to restrictive mission design that didn't acknowledge/take advantage of those physics.
People had issues with CJ because he was black. I don't know why anyone is acting oblivious to the fact. I remember all the nonsense I was reading online. It sickened me. The worst was the "can't relate" argument.

Okay, so it took to post 46 before I could figure out what was going on here. I only ever played a brief amount of GTA 3 and GTA 4 and wasn't much a fan of even those.


Only started caring for the characters in IV, so haven't a clue really.

Tommy's shirt was way more dope though.


CJ was great, but part of me still prefers Franklin over him.

Either way I absolutely loved the whole game, the characters, radio stations, map, activities and everything else were all amazing. Shame the game was too ahead of it's time as it really deserved to be a 360/PS3 game instead I think.

At the end of the day it's my second favourite game only behind GTA V but I have to say SA is more fun.
I and others that I knew didn't have any trouble playing as CJ and enjoyed his character when the game came out, and there was nothing about him that would have warranted such...special attention as in that thread there. Honestly, the fact that he was a black character (and a protagonist, no less) within a medium where such representation is rare didn't remotely register at the time, but maybe that's because we where 12 and living in the Middle East.


Looking back at it, Tommy is probably the only GTA protagonist I've actually liked. CJ is definitely in second place for me though. CJ himself wasn't that bad, but I found it hard to relate to any the characters during the first and final chapters of the game. It just seemed weird that CJ would hang around someone like Ryder.

Maybe it would have been easier to get if I were born in the US, or had more experience with American media at the time the game came out.
Italian crime mobs are totes more romantic than thugs. Watch Godfather, they had honor and rules and loved family!

Man that original thread was full of utterly remedial wastes of oxygen.


I loved every second of GTA: SA, and CJ is one of my favorite characters of all time.

In fact, even though I love GTA: V, I have to admit that Franklin and Lamar (especially Lamar) take away from the experience for me - simply because they don't match up to CJ and the CJ version of Grove Street that was so interesting and compelling. There were so many times in the V story (especially when Lamar would be whining on and on about something), that I would think to myself that CJ would never have put up with this.


I liked the characters, CJ wasn't anything special but tenpenny, the hippy, the fat Grove Street member, the Easy E rip off dude, some real good moments in that game.
People had issues with CJ because he was black. I don't know why anyone is acting oblivious to the fact. I remember all the nonsense I was reading online. It sickened me. The worst was the "can't relate" argument.

Strangely, I didn't 'relate' to him in the same way I did Tommy Vercetti, simply because my exposure to LA gang life is much lower than the things Vice City was a pastiche of. Overall, Claude is the most easily relatable for me, since he's silent and just does what others tell him to until the final few missions or so, he's like a blank slate for the player to impose their own personality on.

I think all 3 of them are as good as eachother though, overall. The fact I was playing as a black guy never even crossed my mind at the time for some reason, this was before I was on the internet all the time, and got all my gaming news and views from OPS2 :p
Yeah, I really liked CJ and never had any problem playing as him. The only slight issue I had with him was that, storyline-wise, he seemed a bit too nice to be doing all the naughty things I had him do. But all in all he was great.


love on your sleeve
People had issues with CJ because he was black. I don't know why anyone is acting oblivious to the fact. I remember all the nonsense I was reading online. It sickened me. The worst was the "can't relate" argument.

Don't forget the "every radio station will be filled with rap music" arguments/predictions. Those were quite enjoyable too.


I loved every second of GTA: SA, and CJ is one of my favorite characters of all time.

In fact, even though I love GTA: V, I have to admit that Franklin and Lamar (especially Lamar) take away from the experience for me - simply because they don't match up to CJ and the CJ version of Grove Street that was so interesting and compelling. There were so many times in the V story (especially when Lamar would be whining on and on about something), that I would think to myself that CJ would never have put up with this.

I agree with part of what your saying. Lamar and Franklin never feel proper Street either. I didn't feel In the ghetto haha, it wasn't flushed out enough and the rise of the characters in five is very quick, so your out the hood In no time, whereas I felt like I really worked to get my status up in S.A




I posted on Gamefaqs when this came out but not here. Was Bigfoot just a Gamefaqs thing? Or was that an internet thing?
Loved CJ and thought the controversy was ridiculous. The quintessential diet racism when so many people who loved playing as a mute hit man and Italian gangster couldn't see themselves playing as a "gangsta" as it went back then.

I didn't get GTA:SA at launch because I had never finished III or Vice City when San Andreas came out, and I didn't have any interest in it really. Then randomly one day I decided I was going to put the time into playing a GTA game, and the series became my favorite because of San ANdreas. Went back and beat Vice City and III after that, and I've replayed San Andreas close to 5 times all the way through. Each time I forget about specific missions and end up really falling in love with the game again, though some things are poorly designed by todays standards.

GTA:SA does many things better than even the newest GTA's.
  • Property ownership providing a real and tangible benefit, giving you save spots around the world, places to store your vehicles, and places to reload your guns.
  • An actual storyline, with a protagonist and antagonist, a story with a beginning, middle, and an end. Shit, Rockstar has not made a cohesive storyline since GTA:SA. The closest has been Red Dead Redemption but even that fell apart completely at times.
  • Consistent characters who are identifiable and memorable.
  • Star-studded cast
  • Still great radio stations, although I think original VC is the GOAT, but SA is a close second.
  • So much stuff to do.
  • You feel like you make a mark on the world in the game instead of being insignificant and instantly forgotten like in GTAIV and GTAV.

And much more. I personally prefer the world of San Andreas over that of GTAV, though GTAV's is great and can obviously do things that San Andreas never could... but the scale and diversity of San Andreas' world is unrivaled for a modern-setting action game. Big cities, mountainous areas, small towns, middle-of-nowhere isolation.

Regarding OP itself, and CJ, CJ is up there for my favorite Rockstar protagonists. I go back and forth on John Marston and like him less after replaying RDR (Marston is the most naive, trusting moron in the West upon replay), but CJ stands up to the test of time. I might like Tommy Vercetti more but CJ's much more developed than Vercetti, who is completely one-dimensional. Trevor in GTAV is great, Michael is tollerable, and Franklin was completely boring to me with nothing interesting.

But, the icing on the cake of GTA:SA is the best antagonist of all time, Officer Tenpenny. I don't think there is a better bad guy in any game, ever, than Tenpenny, superbly acted and also incredibly well thought out. He's always within reach of the protagonist, always messing something up for you, always being a thorn in your side, and always present in the game... Something that a lot of bad guys aren't in videogames. Incidentally, it seems that Rockstar spent all of their creative energy on Tenpenny because since GTA:SA, they have not made a single memorable bad guy in any of their games, and not even those badguys who are forgettable, none of them are even in the same universe as Tenpenny. GOAT bad guy, IMO.

I'd be surprised if that many people like that played any of the gta games

You would be surprised. At the time, there was a huge backlash against it. The old forums I used to go to were littered with people who claimed they "just can't identify with a gangsta" and don't want to play "that life." It's ridiculous, but it also feeds into a lot of portrayals of black crime sub-culture and other criminal sub-cultures, particularly Italian. Nearly every media portrayal of mafia sub-culture glorifies the sub-culture, almost holding it up as being virtuous.

The old Madden forums I used to go to, there were a huge number of people who loved GTA III and Vice CIty, but "didn't like gangsta culture" and couldn't identify with it. It was ridiculous. Gaf had a similar response though I think more subdued than elsewhere.


Only played it a little bit. Never got into it. Vice City is still my favourite but looking forward to V in November.
The "realistic" physics didn't suck al the fun out of the games. Fun was hindered due to restrictive mission design that didn't acknowledge/take advantage of those physics.

Nope, the physics engine made your character control like absolute shit which made anything besides driving just not fun


I enjoyed it a lot, though perhaps not as much as VC. Too many crap missions, perhaps just too long overall. But I should return to it sometime soon. Maybe mod up the PC version for long draw distance, crazy good AA.

Incidentally, does anybody know why Rockstar stopped used celebrity voices after this game?


I enjoyed it a lot, though perhaps not as much as VC. Too many crap missions, perhaps just too long overall. But I should return to it sometime soon. Maybe mod up the PC version for long draw distance, crazy good AA.

Incidentally, does anybody know why Rockstar stopped used celebrity voices after this game?

I never knew they did. Interesting, I was convinced that Micheals son in V was voiced by Jonah Hill, but I think I looked it up and he isn't.
I personally preferred Vercetti, but CJ's still my second favourite, and by a fair margin, too. Also,this probably has the best story of the lot.
My initial reaction was hate. I hated the setting, I hated the music and it just wasn't fun I thought. But then I came back to it and ended up loving everything about it, including the music. The game actually helped appreciate rap music.


I never knew they did. Interesting, I was convinced that Micheals son in V was voiced by Jonah Hill, but I think I looked it up and he isn't.

He's voiced by Little Pete from The Adventures of Pete & Pete. Even has his facial likeness.

So, they're pro actors and all, but not big names like Ray Liotta and Sam Jackson.


Nobody punches CJ

Still my favorite GTA, a remake would be great, hell I just want to see current gen render of CJ.


It was the last GTA that had everything imo. Casinos, Corner betting shops, gyms, fast food options, gain weight, muscle etc etc


I'd be surprised if that many people like that played any of the gta games

From the link in the OP

They can take this thug/gangsta shit and shove it up their ass... looks terrible
Oh, don't get me wrong.. The graphics are fine.. I just don't like the theme at all. Just looks like a cashin on the popularity of the thug/gansta look right now... god, I'll be glad when this fad is over.

I saw some white guy dressed like a thug (and he walked like a thug as well) in the mall the other day and I had to just roll my eyes at that... fucking horrible...

Sorry if I seem bitter but I see too many people who look fucking retarted by trying to be something they are not.
All chances of me playing this game are out the window. If I dont like rap how can I like this?! The mood is dead!
Yeah, and I suppose this game is going to have a variety of things to listen to, like heavy metal, rock, classical, country, and rap? Yeah, no way. This game is going to be purely rap/hip-hop driven, and you know it
I just cant fucking relate. I could BARELY relate to the first damned GTA and thats only cause my boring life bred a desire for videogame destructive rampages. IF GTA didnt have that going for it I would have been at a complete loss relating to a bunch of fat italian slobs.

I played Vice City cause it was the 80s, and I still SORTA liked the gameplay, but I never finished it, cause relating to the 80s only takes you so far.

Now that im fucking bored with the GAME Formula there's NO WAY I CAN RELATE. Im not from the inner city. I dont understand their life challenges in the hood. Sorry kids, I cant appreciate what I dont fucking understand.
The gangsta crime culture is _BORING_ AS FUCK. Thats the problem here. It is so limited. A game dedicated to the Triads or Yakuza culture would have been interesting, or what about the Hell Angel's or the russian mafia.

I would prefer if hip hop "culture" was erased from the face of this planet. Since I'm a racist now, I guess I should hop on into my pickup truck and start burnin' me some crosses and buy me a big ol' double wide.

Maybe I should move to a place where the hip hop fad hasn't taken over yet. I know! I'll go to Africa!
The REAL problem is that black people ain't as cool as white/Italians perception wise. When you think white/Italian criminals; there is an aura of yeah.. the cool factor. Black people; you'd associate with slums and ghettos, pimps, druggies and all the really negative associations (WHICH they've been dealt an unfair hand with). Mention Harlem and nothing really good comes out in relationship to the area. Racial stereotypes are deeply ingrained IMO. White america will find it hard to deal with the theme. I personally can't watch black porn. GTA SA sounds like something I won't be able to get into. (But then I wasn't too impressed with GTA to go run out and buy VC).
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