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Alright GAF, time to give me a push: Horizon Zero Dawn or Nier Automata?


Well first of all, play the Nier Auomtata demo if you haven't already.

My recommendation, support the game that needs it more.

I see Horizon doing really well sales wise, but we will likely have a better picture by the end of its first week as to how it's performing.

Nier Automata on the other hand is extremely unlikely to sell a lot, so if Horizon, as expected, is doing well, then just get Nier. If it isn't, that's when you'll have to make the decision.

I'm getting both day 1 thanks to having them preordered at a terrific discount where they come out to (including taxes) 32.54 CAD/24.82 USD each.


I'm getting both so I don't have to face this dilemma, even with Persona 5 also on my list, but I'd say it's a matter of which game would make a better "palette cleanser" for you. Myself, personally, I've been on a binge of Japanese games, with FFXV, The Last Guardian, Gravity Rush 2 and Yakuza 0, so jumping into a western game like Horizon is a nice change of pace.

But if you've had the opposite, then maybe it's time to get some Japanese action in your system and Nier would be the better choice. Depends on what games you've been playing lately.


Nier is being released in Japan later in the week, so there will be plenty of impressions and videos going up if one doesn't mind getting spoiled. Won't really need to wait for reviews, so at least wait until impressions start coming up before you make a decision.


Wait for Nier reviews.

Do you like shooting or Melee? Edit: I guess both games has both lol.

Is graphics high on your Priorities? Horizon has better graphics, Nier has 60 FPS.

Horizon seems to be Longer. Length could be positive or negative and depends on the person.

Play the Nier demo.

Horizon is the safer choice as it seems to be made for mass appeal. Unless you like quirkiness which Nier has.

Once you reach the decision on which one to get,
Get both
I'd say Nier, just because the combat looks absolutely amazing. + i played the demo so i'm a little bit more certain that i'll like it.

But i'll be getting them both on release day. You should too.
I'll say Horizon because the full games quality is more known then Niers which is still up in the air, especially from a critical perspective.

Try the Nier demo out. I thought it was pretty good. Some issues here and there and it's not exactly pretty (really ugly looking levels in places) but it plays pretty good as is per Plat usually.
Horizon always looked way more promising.

I'm a huge JRPG fan and more Platinum fan, but Nier got nothing on Horizon for me aside from melee combat.

Also the enemies in Nier don't only seem boring in design, but they seem repetitive as fuck if the trailers and the first Nier game are anything to go by

also this.

Horizon is mainstream game and won't be discounted anytime soon.

Same here. I'm a huge Platinum/character action fan, but Nier's enemies seem really repetitive and the game environments are quite dull aesthetically. The combat is also simplified compared to Bayonetta/DMC since it's an RPG.

I'll get Nier when it's cheap, but I'll probably grab Horizon day 1.


Nier Automata

Horizon Zero Dawn has awful animations and less interesting combat. Also occasionally some really shoddy acting.
Nier Automata has no serious flaws


Enemy variety and Aesthetic of Nier is questionable based on the demo.

Streams show there's likely to be a good amount of enemies, though it's safe to assume that the majority of them will have the same face, so to speak. But yea, in terms of weapons, attire, size, behavior (One enemy is a suicide bomber for example) , etc. they definitely have variety. As for aesthetic, that's subjective, so nothing to say on that.


For 5 dollars cheaper....may as well get it new and support developers hard work. People should support good work period, not just Nier because it won't sell as well.

Horizon will ship way way more, and with no multiplayer component for the long-tail, it will see many trade-ins, and "$5 cheaper" at launch week will be $40 in less than a month most likely.

Nier will most likely be severely undershipped, and Square will probably never give it an official retail price drop. You will probably be waiting for PSN sales with Nier


Streams show there's likely to be a good amount of enemies, though it's safe to assume that the majority of them will have the same face, so to speak. But yea, in terms of weapons, attire, size, behavior (One enemy is a suicide bomber for example) , etc. they definitely have variety. As for aesthetic, that's subjective, so nothing to say on that.

Given how the basic concept of the game is about a war between androids and those mass produced tin-mans, I think one shouldn't except the basic enemies to differ all that much in terms of basic design. Variety in this case likely translates to what kind of weapon or tools an enemy is using. An enemy using their fists appears to fight much differently than one using a large axe.

That said, given how they only just introduced how the game handles death only a short time before release, they're likely hiding shit as well.
I'm getting both but there's something about Nier that just seems more exciting to me, maybe it's the Platinum effect but damn I'm hyped for it.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Nier Automata

Horizon Zero Dawn has awful animations and less interesting combat. Also occasionally some really shoddy acting.
Nier Automata has no serious flaws
Awkward sprinting and swimming aside Horizon's ingame character animation is really good. Also it seems to have a lot more enemy variety and plenty of useful tools leading to lots of variety for the player. Then ofc that incredibly gorgeous world that GG created.....and probably shouldn't criticize the acting while trying to prop up Nier Automata, 2b's five minute turn from "no emotions" to "don't die on me" is about as natural and believable as Horizon's depiction of mental illness in that sidequest.


I haven't played either of them, but I watched a lot of footage for Horizon, so I'm an expert on this subject.

I'm gonna give it to Nier.

Although if you wait on Nier, I think it's likelier to get a price drop.


Wait a little bit to see the reception for both games, then make an informed purchasing decision.

Or just flip a coin. You know you'll eventually play both OP, it's just a matter of when...


If they'd give us anything on the PC release of Nier they could probably sway me, as it stands Zelda and Horizon have my money.


I was facing the same dilemma and choosing Nier. But the review thread for Horizon made change my mind and get both. And I still haven't finished FFXV


I am getting both (Nier in 2 days, Horizon in 2 weeks) + the Switch/Zelda (I will play it while commuting the work/during breaks first).

The fact that I plan to finish Nier before Horizon (IF I am able to finish Nioh by the 23rd) says a lot about my expectations for its length. Knowing platinum I would put the game everything between 5 and 15 hours, even though Yoko Taro was talking about 25+ hours in an interview last year.

Horizon is an open world with an emphasis on hunting, Nier Automata is much closer to Bayonetta/Devil May Cry. We know Horizon is close to being a masterpiece (so wait a couple of months for the natural bashing that happens every time a game is that well received). We know Nier is going to be amazing regardless of the reviews.

Which one makes your gamer sense tingle the most, OP?


How is this even a question?

Horizon's scores are out and it seems to be an amazing game- Nier's scores aren't out yet but considering Platinum has a 20% success ratio and can't even deliver on their deadlines as seen from Scalebound, I think it is safe to assume that Nier has a very low chance of being good- now I am not even a fan of Horizon's aesthetic but Platinum is a trash tier developer propped up by fan hype, and hey I like Metal Gear Rising as well but we have to be rational here, one is a game of which the general consensus is positive, the other is made by a developer that performed so badly that Microsoft had to cancel their game, a game that Microsoft banked on quite a bit to get made.


How is this even a question?

Horizon's scores are out and it seems to be an amazing game- Nier's scores aren't out yet but considering Platinum has a 20% success ratio and can't even deliver on their deadlines as seen from Scalebound, I think it is safe to assume that Nier has a very low chance of being good- now I am not even a fan of Horizon's aesthetic but Platinum is a trash tier developer propped up by fan hype, and hey I like Metal Gear Rising as well but we have to be rational here, one is a game of which the general consensus is positive, the other is made by a developer that performed so badly that Microsoft had to cancel their game.

Both if possible.
Nier isn't going to be your typical platinum game. Unless you already know what youre getting into, in which case theres no point in asking the question


It's amazing that Horizon: Zero Dawn, Nier Automata, and Zelda:BOTW are all looking to be amazing, yet are coming out within a couple weeks so each other. I think Square and Sony are both making poor decisions with their respective games coming out within a short time frame of Zelda. Even though some on this board will argue that these three games are very different, they are all clearly in the same genre and will be competing against each other for attention. As someone excited for all three of these games, I wish these publishers had planned this out better and set their release dates in different months. Zelda is going to get the most attention, and the others are going to fall by the wayside. This is unfortunate, because Nier is going to suffer the most in the sales department from this.


How is this even a question?

Horizon's scores are out and it seems to be an amazing game- Nier's scores aren't out yet but considering Platinum has a 20% success ratio and can't even deliver on their deadlines as seen from Scalebound, I think it is safe to assume that Nier has a very low chance of being good- now I am not even a fan of Horizon's aesthetic but Platinum is a trash tier developer propped up by fan hype, and hey I like Metal Gear Rising as well but we have to be rational here, one is a game of which the general consensus is positive, the other is made by a developer that performed so badly that Microsoft had to cancel their game, a game that Microsoft banked on quite a bit to get made.



I feel like you can't really go wrong either way, I'm definitely getting both.

But if you can only get one and are equally excited for both I'd probably go with Nier. There's a dumb part of me that always roots for the underdog. While Horizon with Sony's massive marketing muscle will probably be fine, it feels that Nier needs the sale more lol.

Though if you're more interested in Horizon obviously you should go with that.


Gold Member
Might wanna wait for reviews for Nier first? Also, maybe get both. Get the other one a bit later in the year maybe.
How is this even a question?


I may not be one to speak - what with my 2B avatar and everything - but this comes off as incredibly one sided and bias.

The only titles that are both made by Platinum and generally agreed to be bad are their licenced games. (Transformers, TMNT, Korra)

All of their main games have been top tier action games and hallmarks of the genre.

Also, from what I read about it, which admittedly wasn't overly much, responsibility for the Scalebound situation rests squarely in Microsoft's court.
How is this even a question?

Horizon's scores are out and it seems to be an amazing game- Nier's scores aren't out yet but considering Platinum has a 20% success ratio and can't even deliver on their deadlines as seen from Scalebound, I think it is safe to assume that Nier has a very low chance of being good- now I am not even a fan of Horizon's aesthetic but Platinum is a trash tier developer propped up by fan hype, and hey I like Metal Gear Rising as well but we have to be rational here, one is a game of which the general consensus is positive, the other is made by a developer that performed so badly that Microsoft had to cancel their game, a game that Microsoft banked on quite a bit to get made.
That's quite the bone to pick you got there lad.


I'm in the same boat OP.

I was planning on getting both, but then Zelda's release date was announced smack dab in between the two.

I only have a budget for two games this month, so I have to drop either Horizon or Nier.

I'm thinking Nier is going to win though, Platinum has a firm grip on my heart.
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