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Alyx Vance is the best female character in a game.


Finaika said:
I like Fina & Aika.
Your avatar, not so much in the spirit of the thread :lol


April Ryan from The Longest Journey
Lenneth from Valkyrie Profile
Heather from Silent Hill 3
Female Shepard
Jade from Beyond Good & Evil


fernoca said:
Meh, this kind of thread always end the same..
Basically, that good female characters in videogame can't be sexy, can't wear sexy clothes, can't show skin..basically they want a male character with a female voice.

In some way is good, you know..but is like according to some, female characters can't be sexy in order to be accepted; since according to them..the moment a female character shows some skin..is just there to serve a inspiration for jerk-off sessions of male gamers..

Is the same way that when a male character shows some skin (the few/far occasions), many act like "eeww..WTF..get that gay porn out of here"..
Quoted for the retarded truth!
dark_inferno said:

she is smart, sexy, realistic, not annoying[/QUOTE]

personally, I think that if "sexy" is one of the first adjectives that come to your mind when describing a good female character, you don't have a good female character.
Reading this thread, it's interesting how obvious it is that so many people here think of the default human as being male. A female character has to have a pronounced hourglass figure, a motherly personality, sex appeal and other typically 'feminine' attributes or they might as well be male?

Characters like, I dunno, Gordon Freeman don't really exhibit any particularly masculine attributes either, but nobody would ever ask Valve to justify why they made him a man. It's a common facet of society of course, but it's interesting...

It seems like there are certain developers who consistently come out with decent female characters, like Bioware and Valve... I loved the women in Shenmue 2 as well, especially that crotchety old woman who kicked ass!


autobzooty said:
personally, I think that if "sexy" is one of the first adjectives that come to your mind when describing a good female character, you don't have a good female character.
You're assuming sexiness means sex appeal/pandering. Your mother probably likes to dress up and feel sexy when she goes for an anniversary dinner or whatever (just as an example). I imagine it makes her feel happy and confident. I feel the same when I dress up for a special night. I feel happy and confident, because I know I am looking handsome/sexy/my best etc.
The right of women to be who they want to be is the whole point of the feminist movement. A part of that is a womens right to embrace her femininity and sexuality in the way she chooses.
By removing the option of sexiness as a descriptor, you're imposing your moral values upon her character, which I'm sure you'll agree is not your right (within the socially accepted bounds of public decency expected of both sexes etc etc).

I imagine you'll find that by Madison being "sexy", we learn that she takes care of her appearance (and has confidence in herself), is fit (implies a certain amount of self discipline), is well dressed (has a sense of style). These character traits, all of which are good things, are implied through this sexiness.

Sexiness is not an issue in my opinion, but it is how the character reacts and behaves within the world which is the telling sign.


Nork unification denier
Pureauthor said:
So what criteria do we use to judge whether a female character is good, anyway?

The Bechdel Test would work for me ((1) it has to have at least two women in it, who (2) who talk to each other, about (3) something besides a man.), although I'd modify it to include games with one main female lead* where the female character's main focus is not the guy:

Elika in PoP 2008
Alyx Vance in HL2
Faith in Mirror's Edge.

*because there are so few games (in fact I can't think of any at the moment) with two+ female leads. :(
autobzooty said:
personally, I think that if "sexy" is one of the first adjectives that come to your mind when describing a good female character, you don't have a good female character.

So by your same logic, a good male character can't be handsome?


autobzooty said:
+1 for Elena. Even though there isn't a whole lot of character depth in those games in general, everyone is very believable.

Yeah, she's realized very well, but IMO loses some points because her character type is so done to death in the type of movies Uncharted is emulating.

Female shepard has very good voice acting, but to me (and most likely the majority of Mass Effect players) the default Shepard will be a guy.

Also, like in a lot of westerm RPGs, you kind of create Shepards personality through your own choices/gameplay, so he/she isn't really one set character.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
There was something very off-putting about Alyx that I couldn't put my finger on... wasn't really a fan. Now Alis or Alys from the PS series... now we're talking!

Most of my fave female characters come from RPGs. Lenneth, Nei, Alys, Selan, etc.
autobzooty said:
personally, I think that if "sexy" is one of the first adjectives that come to your mind when describing a good female character, you don't have a good female character.

Being attractive is pretty important in a visual entertainment medium like video games. Just because a character looks good doesn't mean she can't also be capable, convincing and important.


DevilWillcry said:
My favorite gaming ladies?


5. Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII)
Ok, So I know a lot of people don't like Lighting. But hey a lot of people just seem to be down on FFXIII overall. So let me start by saying that I think she is the only female FF character I have ever remotely liked.

Thats as far as I read.
Well, she sneaks around the world from Kiev to Carolina,
She's a sticky-fingered filcher from Berlin down to Belize.
She'll take you for a ride on a slow boat to China.

Tell me
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

She'll steal the Seoul in South Korea,
make Antarctica cry "Uncle,"
from the Red Sea to Greenland,
they'll be singing the blues.
Well they never Arkansas her steal the Mekong from the jungle.

Tell me
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

She goes from Nashville to Norway,
Bonaire to Zimbabwe,
Chicago, to Czech and Slovakia and back!

Well, she ransacked Pakistan, and ran a scam in Scandinavia,
Then she'll stick 'em up down under and go pick-pocket Perth.
She put the "Miss" in misdemeanor when she stole the beans from Lima.

Tell me
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

She goes from Botswana to Thailand, Milan via Amsterdam
Mali, to Bali, Ohio, OAAAA-HUUUUUU!

Well she flies around the globe, and she'll flim-flam every nation
She's a double-dealing diva with a taste for thievery.
Her itinerary's loaded up with moving violations.

Tell me
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?


My female player avatar in games that let me use a female player avatar is the best female character in video-games.

Fimbulvetr said:

Agrias only counts as a character if Samus counts as a character; they have the same amount of dialogue and characterization.


The Cryptarch's Bane
TheVampire said:

Zoe's story would have had to be a few hours longer and answer a few more questions for me to consider her anywhere near April Ryan at all (I know she's in the picture too... but Dreamfall is not her story, it almost beats you over the head with that fact :lol).

Not that she wasn't a very strong character and extremely likable, but her arc just seems like it ended a few revelations too soon.

I have seen no examples anywhere near as compelling as April; she is certainly one of my favorite characters in gaming ever. Alyx Vance is the only stiff competition (haven't played Beyond Good and Evil) in my opinion. And I have a soft spot for Zoey from L4D2 and she makes me laugh, but come on, nobody knows that much about her.

luxarific said:
The Bechdel Test would work for me ((1) it has to have at least two women in it, who (2) who talk to each other, about (3) something besides a man.), although I'd modify it to include games with one main female lead* where the female character's main focus is not the guy:

Elika in PoP 2008
Alyx Vance in HL2
Faith in Mirror's Edge.

*because there are so few games (in fact I can't think of any at the moment) with two+ female leads. :(

I hadn't thought of applying the Bechdel test to games, but jeez, I just realized how completely TLJ and Dreamfall pass. I hope you've played both, they are not to be missed (ultimately disappointing as Dreamfall was, LTTP thread coming soon :()


perryfarrell said:
Samus is not a character. Hell, she's not even a cardboard character.

OP, I agree.


I was waiting for some Nintendo freak to jump out of the woodworks with that inane suggestion.

Maybe Other M will change things, but as of now, Samus is scarcely a persona let alone a character.
I like how strong female characters in video games = super masculine women that shoot guns and beat people up...sometimes wearing mech suits.

There's never been and probably never will be a good female character in a game because games are ultra violent and stupid. You'd have better luck finding good men on the Lifetime channel.

The definition of a good female character isn't a man with boobs and a lady's voice. And let's be honest, finding a good male character in a game is near impossible too...and we make male oriented games!

Alyx is a completely forgettable character btw. The only thing I can remember about her is her tomboyish-ness.
7Th said:
Your Matsuno cultism gets pretty extreme at times; most playable characters in Tactics are narratively disposable.

Not shit generic units are disposable.

What does that have to do with Agrias?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Mr. B Natural said:
There's never been and probably never will be a good female character in a game because games are ultra violent and stupid.
Is that a joke post or what?

Play the fucking Longest Journey before making such claims. Its main character has been nominated by numerous people in this thread. She doesn't shoot guns or even use a single weapon except her wits (well, and a calculator).
Samus = doesnt say a thing
Peach = Just writes some letters
Zelda = Wow... she can make textboxes XD

But they all make sounds like : uhh(jumping) ahh (peach = surprised) etc



Samus is not a good female character at all - mainly because her androgynous looking armour disguises the fact too much. Yes, you know there is a woman inside, but it's not until she's bent over in a leather catsuit at the ending screen that you fully recognise this. This is just my opinion, but a good female character exudes power while still retaining feminine attributes. That's why a character like Alyx is so good imo, because she has obvious feminine features like kind eyes and a loving smile, yet still has a powerful personality. She is the perfect balance between feminism and the masculinity required for her role.

A hulking great suit ruins any idea of Samus as a woman. Sure, you could argue that the chest plate looks a little bit like bewbs, but I don't really buy it - plenty of armour, such as the armour in ZOE, has featured such plating. You could also argue that Samus is just such a badass female character that she blurs the line between sexes, but again, I don't buy it - if it could just as easily be a man in there, then it may as well not be a woman, which just makes her a failure as a 'good female character'. And then there is the fact that she has absolutely no personality - she is like an empty shell who exhibits zero emotional depth (and that doesn't even relate to her being a woman - she could be a man and still absolutely blow as a character). But I guess that's just down to Nintendo not being able to tell complex stories or create characters that aren't cutesy mascots.

Haven't seen that ending.

EDIT: Also there is the whole baby metroid thinking Samus is her mother thing. That is one example of her femininity. Kratos would have just ripped the baby metroid's fangs off.

How about Midna



Fimbulvetr said:
Not shit generic units are disposable.

What does that have to do with Agrias?

Because that's kinda what she was? I mean, the only moment she felt like an actual character was in her silly tsundere-like moment added in the PSP port.
Hawkian said:
Is that a joke post or what?

Play the fucking Longest Journey before making such claims. Its main character has been nominated by numerous people in this thread. She doesn't shoot guns or even use a single weapon except her wits (well, and a calculator).

I played Longest Journey, and no she is not the gun touting roid-rage female you see the most, that doesn't make her a good character, either. She's about as much a good character as some crappy actress playing a shitty role in a bad movie. The fact that people only have this game and maybe 1 other out there as examples of decent female characters proves me right, not wrong. The fact that people think samus is a character at all, let alone an example of a decent female character proves me right, not wrong.

Games like the Longest Journey, and heavy rain are a step in the right direction for character development and female characters, but very few (or nobody) are following in their footsteps. It's not a culture here, it's just 1 game giving something a shot, and ultimately not doing a particularly good job at it.

Kings Quest 4 had a female lead and a female main villian and was a game predominantly made by a woman. It was nice to have a female lead and villian in one game, but guess what...it changed jack squat. Matter of fact, stuff got worse since then...
Hawkian said:
Zoe's story would have had to be a few hours longer and answer a few more questions for me to consider her anywhere near April Ryan at all (I know she's in the picture too... but Dreamfall is not her story, it almost beats you over the head with that fact :lol).

Not that she wasn't a very strong character and extremely likable, but her arc just seems like it ended a few revelations too soon.

I have seen no examples anywhere near as compelling as April; she is certainly one of my favorite characters in gaming ever. Alyx Vance is the only stiff competition (haven't played Beyond Good and Evil) in my opinion. And I have a soft spot for Zoey from L4D2 and she makes me laugh, but come on, nobody knows that much about her.

I hadn't thought of applying the Bechdel test to games, but jeez, I just realized how completely TLJ and Dreamfall pass. I hope you've played both, they are not to be missed (ultimately disappointing as Dreamfall was, LTTP thread coming soon :()
The nature of the type of game Dreamfall is (not 2D adventure) accounts for the difference. Honestly Zoe and April start the story as the same sort of young college burnouts who wish there was something more to life and end up in roughly the same place character wise. The differences are merely superficial, Zoe is rich while April was poor. April was alone Zoe was looking for her ex. Etc


Mr. B Natural said:
I like how strong female characters in video games = super masculine women that shoot guns and beat people up...sometimes wearing mech suits.

There's never been and probably never will be a good female character in a game because games are ultra violent and stupid. You'd have better luck finding good men on the Lifetime channel.

The definition of a good female character isn't a man with boobs and a lady's voice. And let's be honest, finding a good male character in a game is near impossible too...and we make male oriented games!

Alyx is a completely forgettable character btw. The only thing I can remember about her is her tomboyish-ness.

Perhaps you missed:



Carmen San Diego. Something about that black hair, sunglasses and big hat make her intriguing and provocative...

Birdo. She shows a lot of skin...

The girl from Goldeneye. She must be saved and when you try to do it she get herself in front of your bullets... oh wait.. i know why I couldn't even remember your name, bitch!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Um, no... April was rebellious, independent, artistic, and snarky, and begins the game short-tempered and with barely and more desire for more in life but inspiration and to have a good art showing with her final project at school. She claims to be enjoying living on her own and she has numerous close friends that she likes. She absolutely resents being thrust into a quest beyond her control or understanding, and is making comments about how annoying it is up until maybe the last fourth of the game when she begins to accept it.
You could sense her shivering with fear at the thought of becoming the guardian, her complete frustration with anything Cortez says in the first half of the game, the way she warmed to Westhouse because his attitude was so similar to hers. You know she has daddy issues from reading her first few journal entries before anything even happens, but you don't get to truly understand until the culmination of a supernatural quest spanning multiple worlds.
She had a genuine personality.

As far as Zoe, she is curious, but... listless and unmotivated. While that does make her relatable, it's just not as interesting. She has good friends at the start but they play a much more limited role in the plot and character development than April's friends in TLJ or the new characters she meets after the quest begins in Dreamfall. Her character doesn't develop much, and we really don't even learn much more about her until a couple interesting points in the last 15 or so minutes of the game. Don't get me wrong, I liked her, but I just think there was more to her we never go to, and perhaps because of the game style like ElectricBlue said. However, saying they "end up in roughly the same place character wise" makes me think that you might not have played both games through to completion recently or might have missed some key plot points.

Anyway, I think both are good but April is the stronger character. And at that...

As much a good character as some crappy actress playing a shitty role in a bad movie? What the fuck. B Natural, there being even one example proves you wrong, because of what you said. You may not think she's a good character but that's truly just your opinion and not fact.

She kicks the crap out of more protagonists in video gaming without ever touching a gun.


Gino said:
Also there is the whole baby metroid thinking Samus is her mother thing. That is one example of her femininity. Kratos would have just ripped the baby metroid's fangs off.
Yeah, because it's absolutely required that the surrogate "mother" be a female because males never, ever hold any paternal feelings for anyone ever. Ever.

To clarify: there is nothing about it that screams "feminine." Nothing at all.


Gino said:
Haven't seen that ending.

EDIT: Also there is the whole baby metroid thinking Samus is her mother thing. That is one example of her femininity. Kratos would have just ripped the baby metroid's fangs off.

How about Midna

not human


Twig said:
Yeah, because it's absolutely required that the surrogate "mother" be a female because males never, ever hold any paternal feelings for anyone ever. Ever.

I saw that ending the opposite way. If Samus was male the baby metroid wouldn't have bonded, he would have attacked.


farnham said:
not human
thread title/op says nothing about humanity as a requirement

mantidor said:
I saw that ending the opposite way. If Samus was male the baby metroid wouldn't have bonded, he would have attacked.
Do you hate your father / does your father hate you?
Twig said:
Yeah, because it's absolutely required that the surrogate "mother" be a female because males never, ever hold any paternal feelings for anyone ever. Ever.

To clarify: there is nothing about it that screams "feminine." Nothing at all.

Of course it's completely outrageous to even suggest a maternal bond between Samus and the Metroid, with the "mother" theme being so prevalent through the series.


Glass Soldier said:
Of course it's completely outrageous to even suggest a maternal bond between Samus and the Metroid, with the "mother" theme being so prevalent through the series.
Congratulations, you are reading more into my words than what was actually said or implied.

I applaud your inanity.


Zezboob said:
And thinking about it, I will add that women from Odin Spere are pretty remarkable.
Specially Gwendolyn and Velvet.

Yeah, they were all nifty. I liked Mercedes too though.
Despite her losses and despite her early mistakes of entrusting someone who should've been trustworthy with too much, she manages to turn it around and take her country back. The Mercedes you see in Gwendolyn's chapter gives a different feel from the girl hunting frogs.


McBradders said:
Came to post this. Jared is the man. Although the fact it took 3 pages for this shit to appear is a disgrace. A fucking disgrace. Shame on you GAF.

Not surprising since it took 5 pages or so for an picture of Alyx to be posted.
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