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American Idol X|V |OT| Please Be Excited

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This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Wow. Rayvon wit da three-peat.


Wow, finally saw the Quentin/Harry moment. What an awful dick move of Harry.

Quentin is the only one left I really care for. I've been spoiled by my favorites getting to the finals in the past two seasons, but we all know this will be a Jax/Clark finale, with a boring Clark win.
Quentin needs to stop feeling his feelings so much.

Harry needs to stop existing.

The show needs to hire Melinda to occupy the role of host, judge, mentor, and executive producer.


Hang out with Steve.
I only caught Joey, Rayvon and Clark's second performances last night. I had to stop watching because Harry is just so freaking terrible. I'll watch the rest of the performances on YouTube. Sad that Joey's gone, that was way too early.

OK watched them. I liked Tyanna's Proud Mary (though she's no Tina Turner). Both of Nick's songs were perfect choices for him, I think he had the best night. Clark's first song was really good, Moon River is boring no matter what you do with it -- bad song choice. Both of Joey's songs were weak; it's no wonder she didn't get the save as Rayvon did pretty well, especially in his first song. Jax sucked on Beat It, and was uneven on the Janice Joplin song (verses great, chorus bad mostly because her breath choices were poor). Quentin had one good song and one bad.

Revised top 3 prediction: Clark, Nick and Rayvon, just because Rayvon clearly has nine lives ;-) Watch Jax go next week, then Tyanna, then Quentin.

Clark wins it all still. He's going to have to really blow it (or get consistently thrown under the bus by the judges) to lose.


*watching it now...and too lazy to proofread any what I just wrote*

-Joey's in the bottom 2? :(
-Uh oh. Quentin looks annoyed. What's going on? lol
-"This whole thing is wack." LOL did he get into some bad shrooms or something?
-Oh shit, now Harry is giving his 2 cents? This is all for ratings, right?
-OK let's move on.
-This genre is putting me to sleep -___-
-The finale will be Clark vs. Nick
-Quentin's a cool dude.
-WTF is Ryan doing with Lysol wipes xD

Round 1 - Old Crap
1. Nick. I don't think I've ever heard of this song. Anyway, it was pretty good. Nick's tone really suits a lot of songs (I typed this BEFORE Jennifer said it! lol). 7.3

2. Joey. That was good
although no one can touch Melinda's version
. It felt a little too structured and rehearsed for me though...kinda like she was in her own head....and that definitely came across 7.2

(tie) 3. Jax. Decent performance. But I have to agree with Keith and Harry on how well Jax does with the band; she has great awareness rhythmic awareness. Still, I wasn't exactly jumping out of my seat. 7.1

(tie) 3. Clark. Unfortunately, he was off-key in several spots. Seemed like he was a little caught up in the excitement...which I guess isn't such a bad thing, since he rocked the opening. Got the crowd really into it. But....it is what it is. 7.1

5. Tyanna. Not really much to say. It was in-tune. It was pretty. But it was too simple. A straight version of that kind of song is just not going to cut it. Ad-lib, walk around....something. 7.0

6. Rayvon. They didn't get to pick these songs, right? Because my GOD this song isn't doing him any favors (if we're looking at this within the context of today's music). He tried, and I guess that's all you can ask for. But he probably would have picked an even lamer song if given the chance, lol. 6.9

7. Quentin. Well, he definitely has a rocking attitude. But the vocals are just a little too amateurish for me to get excited. 6.4

Round 2 - Even Older Crap
1. Tyanna That was awesome! She did every single thing right. Although it may have sounded a little copy-cattish, it was the GOOD kind because she nailed every single note and injected the right amount of enthusiasm in each one. It was amazing VISUALLY as well. She looed amazing and strutted around like she owed the place; like she has been doing this for years. Very, very good. 8.5

2. Rayvon. Now that's how you redeem yourself. I could have done without the falsetto in the end, but as a whole, that was quite good. He knows how to spit out a warm, fuzzy ballad. 8.0

3. Clark. Sang it well enough, but the song (or maybe the way he played) didn't really have the potential to dazzle and amaze. (LOL I love Keith. He's so silly). I got the sense that she song was about to peak, but it just kinda stagnated. 7.2

4. Nick. Decent performance, but I'm starting to notice how limited his range is. It kinda sounds like he's just singing the same couple of notes over and over....which is why he always sounds to good. Sneaky, sneaky. 7.1

(tie) 5. Jax. I probably enjoyed this more so because of the song itself, rather than her rendition of it. It was OK. I definitely don't think that that kind of song suits her voice, per se. Her sound is more "controlled chaos" than out and out insanity. 7.0

(tie) 5. Joey. Probably my least favorite performance of hers. It was definitely vibrant, wild, and sounded OK, but it was just a little much for me. I couldn't quite get into the same groove as the band. But again, that folky kind of music isn't really my style anyway. 7.0

7. Quentin. It wouldn't be Quentin if it weren't a little sloppy. Some of it was a little horrendous (especially when he quickly changes notes) and some of it was quite good (Harry mentioned that when he holds notes, he sounds great, which is very true). But he kinda cleaned it up near the end. 6.9


I'm out of town with my family (on break) but since I can't watch a recording, I'm going to shun them for 2 hours :)

Jax. Quintessential karaoke. The song was way too big for her type of voice, which is why she always sounds so awesome on songs with softer arrangements and slower tempos. 6.6


Ugh Harry is like when your boss or older family member tells an awful joke and you have to just humor them.


Nick. Great song choice and he definitely did a reasonable job on it.The judges are right: he's seemingly getting a bit better as week week goes by. Maybe not to the extent that the judges are implying, but enough to get him to the finale. 7.0

Clark. This is an "arena song"? Anyway, throughout the song, he had this annoying, off-key tremble in his voice that kept distracting me. And while he had some terrific notes in there, too much of it was off-key....which is surprising for a singer like Clark, especially after coming off of a really good week. 6.9


I like his voice until he goes for high notes then it just sounds like screaming. Last note was almost Gokey dream on tier.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Rayvon is going to inexplicably sneak through again. Quentin's "incident" with Harry last week probably hurt him with some voters, as dumb as that is.


Tyanna. Fun performance...although a little odd (since she doesn't usually go for songs like this). She was definitely grooving. Maybe it was just me, but it felt like the arrangement was a little slower than the original? Nonetheless, solid vocals and solid performance. 7.2.

Quentin. Had the right attitude going into the performance, but the song (or rather the way he sang it) felt a little too "one-note". And even then, there were vocal issues. 6.6

Rayvon. Perfect song choice. Questionable execution. He's essentially KNOWN for being able to knock these crooning types of ballads out of the park. Maybe he was way into his own head, but this performance was a little too structured for my liking. Not to mention that some of the notes weren't all there. 7.0

EDIT: Is Rayvon going for Syesha/Nikki McKibbin's record?
Rayvon is going to inexplicably sneak through again. Quentin's "incident" with Harry last week probably hurt him with some voters, as dumb as that is.
It's sad, because as confounding as his song choices were, Quentin actually added something special to this show.

The early boots for Joey, Quentin, Adanna, etc. show that all America wants is milquetoast pageantry.

What has become of this show is exactly what America deserves.
Harry is such a shady bitch, increasing by about 20 decibel levels every time he used the word "vocal" or "vocals" in his Rayvon critique just to make sure that Quentin could hear

Nick (2nd song). Solid, confident performance. 7.1
Somehow, Nick's performance even was lazier than your critique.


Harry is such a shady bitch, increasing by about 20 decibel levels every time he used the word "vocal" or "vocals" in his Rayvon critique just to make sure that Quentin could hear

Somehow, Nick's performance even was lazier than your critique.

My brother is in here bothering me so I'm a little distracted right now lol

Tyanna. Interestingly enough, it came across to me as rather soulless. Tyanna confessed that she had never heard of the song before so perhaps that's why she had trouble connecting. But still, she could have ad-libbed, hit some glory notes or do something to liven it up. All I kept thinking was, "Hey! Elliott sang this!" 6.9


It's sad, because as confounding as his song choices were, Quentin actually added something special to this show.

The early boots for Joey, Quentin, Adanna, etc. show that all America wants is milquetoast pageantry.

What has become of this show is exactly what America deserves.

Jax is the exception, but otherwise, yeah. Still unhappy about Sarina going home so early.


Clark. It started off as a very tempered, cool vocal. But there was a tiny disconnect. He hasn't been able to stay "in the moment" for more than a few verses. And in addition to that his voice has seemed a little off tonight. 7.0


Jax (2nd song). That was great. An absolutely mesmerizing vocal....the complete opposite of how I just finished describing Clark; she was in the moment from beginning to end. And when she's doing good, some of her mannerisms bring just a bit more magic to her songs. She sometimes cocks her head in such a way as if she's playing with the notes. Visually, it just makes her that more appealing and definitely adds another layer to her performance and artistry. 8.0

Quentin (2nd song). That wasn't half bad. Vocal-wise, there weren't that many control issues. I actually enjoyed that. I do think that he hid a bit behind the background singers during parts of the middle, but whatever. What I DID hear of him was decent. 7.0

Rayvon (2nd song). Hmmmm.....I don't know about that. Initially, I wasn't even feeling the song, but as I started to settle into it, his "I'm a ballad guy" side started to creep out, which made the entire thing sound totally contrived, forced, and completely out of place. And that note at the end was so unnecessary. So..... 6.7
Melinda actually had a pretty good theory on this week's Reality Check that might explain Rayvon constantly ending up in the bottom.

Basically, her idea was that people voting for him in the save might not be realizing that those votes don't actually count in the tally for the next week, and thus the save becomes his de facto voting for the week.

Unfortunately for him, that buffer is gone from now on. Good thing they actually remembered to give his number this time.


Melinda actually had a pretty good theory on this week's Reality Check that might explain Rayvon constantly ending up in the bottom.

Basically, her idea was that people voting for him in the save might not be realizing that those votes don't actually count in the tally for the next week, and thus the save becomes his de facto voting for the week.

Unfortunately for him, that buffer is gone from now on. Good thing they actually remembered to give his number this time.

That's a dumb rationalization. I could see that maybe once or twice, but four times? He ended up in the bottom each week because he is a technically good but boring singer. He kept winning because a sing-off favors the better technical singer, which is why he through in an unnecessary high note at the end of his second song tonight.

The supervote shows everyone's picture anyway, and every contestant's number stays the same throughout the season. I'll be shocked if he makes the top 3.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I wish I'd been wrong. I knew Quentin wasn't going to make it to the finale, but he was still my favorite.

Rayvon the Immortal lives on...
Two thoughts:

1.) Someone needs to call out Seacrest on re-using nicknames. Over the years, he's called every person named Scott "Scottie the Body". It was funny the first time when he used it on Scott Savol in S4 b/c Savol was a big guy. Came off as genuinely clever and endearing. But then, four seasons later, he bizarrely called Scott McIntyre "Scottie the Body". Then he called S10 winner Scotty McCreery "Scottie the Body". Now, mentor Scott Borchetta is "Scottie the Body", per Seacrest. I'm starting to wonder if "the body" is some "trapped in the closet" inside joke that I'm not getting, as Seacrest has been known to use code words in the past. As for an actual nickname for the mentor, I'd go with Scott Bruschetta or Red Borchetta.

2.) I wonder if Rayvon keeps landing in the bottom 2 because people think voting for the Twitter save will also count for his votes in next week's results. Did they explain if the Twitter vote and the normal vote were separate? If so, it puts a high burden on voters to double-vote for one contestant.


Hang out with Steve.
I wish I'd been wrong. I knew Quentin wasn't going to make it to the finale, but he was still my favorite.

Rayvon the Immortal lives on...

Quentin doomed himself with his incident last week. I liked him too but that was a huge mistake on his part.

Jax's second performance won the night, but her first was pretty bad. Nick was very solid and consistent, he's definitely been improving. Clark's songs were both great choices but he definitely seemed vocally off. Tyanna was decent. Quentin was about his usual, flashy & entertaining but vocally not there. Rayvon was not good. Bottom two will probably be Tyanna and Rayvon. Rayvon will make it to the finale by virtue of the save tweets :)


Quentin doomed himself with his incident last week. I liked him too but that was a huge mistake on his part.

Jax's second performance won the night, but her first was pretty bad. Nick was very solid and consistent, he's definitely been improving. Clark's songs were both great choices but he definitely seemed vocally off. Tyanna was decent. Quentin was about his usual, flashy & entertaining but vocally not there. Rayvon was not good. Bottom two will probably be Tyanna and Rayvon. Rayvon will make it to the finale by virtue of the save tweets :)

This was the last Twitter save fortunately.
Two thoughts:

1.) Someone needs to call out Seacrest on re-using nicknames. Over the years, he's called every person named Scott "Scottie the Body". It was funny the first time when he used it on Scott Savol in S4 b/c Savol was a big guy. Came off as genuinely clever and endearing. But then, four seasons later, he bizarrely called Scott McIntyre "Scottie the Body". Then he called S10 winner Scotty McCreery "Scottie the Body". Now, mentor Scott Borchetta is "Scottie the Body", per Seacrest. I'm starting to wonder if "the body" is some "trapped in the closet" inside joke that I'm not getting, as Seacrest has been known to use code words in the past. As for an actual nickname for the mentor, I'd go with Scott Bruschetta or Red Borchetta.

2.) I wonder if Rayvon keeps landing in the bottom 2 because people think voting for the Twitter save will also count for his votes in next week's results. Did they explain if the Twitter vote and the normal vote were separate? If so, it puts a high burden on voters to double-vote for one contestant.
You're over thinking #1


As for an actual nickname for the mentor, I'd go with Scott Bruschetta or Red Borchetta.

I prefer "The Goatee from Hell"

edit: Songs from the judges' hometowns? WTF? The artist is from the hometown? The song refers to the hometown? Huh?


Clark (1st song). Not quite pitch-perfect. Throughout the song (especially during the beginning), he was a bit off-kilter. As for the performance itself, it really felt a little uninspired -- like he was just going through the motions. I didn't feel any energy or buzz from him. So all in all, it wasn't bad, but left me wanting so much more. 6.9.

Jax (1st song). Very nice take on the song. The notes weren't all there (especially the high "New Yooooooork" notes), but it was nonetheless an extremely confident, energetic vocal. Sometimes when an artist misses a few notes, the spirit of the performance can make you forget all about that, because everything else just worked so well. 7.3

Nick (1st song). Nick has an uncanny ability to make great song choices. Everything he sings sounds like it could be on the radio RIGHT NOW. That common disconnect that you sometimes here in a singer's voice and their song just doesn't happen with this guy. So in addition to an amazing song choice, he performed it extremely well. Everything was in key, he rocked out to it, and it felt very authentic. 7.7
Harry's strained eyes while he's singing make me deeply uncomfortable.

All I can visualize is that the stool he's sitting on is actually a toilet, and the bopping up and down he's doing banging away at the keyboards is actually him struggling to not rupture his constipated anal cavity.

This song is really boring, and this performance is simply the worst.


The number to vote for Harry: 9-1-1.

EDIT: OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Will he bottom 2/3 his way all the way to victory?
The number to vote for Harry: 9-1-1.

EDIT: OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Will he bottom 2/3 his way all the way to victory?
He's definitely bottoming his way somewhere.

I'm glad that Tyanna had a chance to perform. She deserved this proper send-off.


As soon as I hit "submit reply" and read that, I KNEW someone would say that xD. So now, Rayvon is officially Idol's Teflon contestant with 5 weeks in the bottom 2/3

Anyway, that was great farewell song (or whatever you call it) from Tyanna. Her performance included everything I loved about her: strong vocals, attitude, and something you can dance to.

EDIT: Rayvon without a hat @_@. It's like seeing Big Foot.
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