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ANCEL STILL CRYING Rayman Origins $19.99 at Toys R Us #bomba

The animation obviously looks amazing. But can anyone comment on the level design? Is it really great?

It's pretty damn good, but be prepared for longer-than-average levels (long when compared to Mario or DK). Checkpointing is good and the difficulty curve is sublime. Plenty of secrets too.


Paid $40 for it. I think its worth it, looking at the content and production values, but for some reason, it hasn't hooked me yet. I don't want to rush through the levels and the Electoon grind feels frustrating
Paid $40 for it. I think its worth it, looking at the content and production values, but for some reason, it hasn't hooked me yet. I don't want to rush through the levels and the Electoon grind feels frustrating
Electoon grind? I've missed them all over the place (usually missing/not earning 1 or 2 of them from each level) and I've still had enough to easily get to World 5 so far. There's really no need to grind them unless you're trying to unlock the treasure chase levels as early as possible (which themselves are completely optional) or other characters.


The only things collecting Electoons get you are the treasure chase stages. If you aren't having fun freeing them, just keep going and come back to them later.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
The animation obviously looks amazing. But can anyone comment on the level design? Is it really great?

I'm only through the 1st world but I can say with confidence it's the best level design since Donkey Kong Country Returns.


Just read the manual, or a game like this will remain forever mysterious.

Really? The only thing the game itself doesn't explain to you are how to bubble yourself up and the player-tower move.
I don't think its hard to discern what to interact with in the environment either, especially if you've played a platformer before. The only difficulty I've come across is in multiplayer with two teensies when the camera zooms out. Its really hard to tell whos who, and I tend to make two people play as globoxes since they're big and come in easy to differentiate colors.


PokéKong;34092665 said:
The perfect level of challenge this game offers absolutely needs to be more emphasized.

This is most evident in the treasure racing levels. Where as games like Super Meat Boy after many failed attempts might make you feel "I'm just not skilled enough for a game like this" or "THISISTOTALBULLSHIT RAGEQUIT", every time I die in Rayman I can tell exactly where I went wrong, I jumped off the platform too early or too late, I stomped when I should've dropped, I ran when I should've walked, and can easily correct myself the next time around. My progress in catching that pesky little scampering treasure chest is completely linear, I always get a little bit farther in the level than I did my previous attempt.

I don't know aout that. I get through levels just fine but in many cases I hit jump again to hover and there are times in which his hair didn't activate properly for some reason. I feel this is definitely tighter than LBP but it's way below platformers like SMB or Mario. Sometimes I feel like they should have allowed you to hold punch to run instead of using the bumper/trigger and there are times in which I get really frustrated with how the run mechanics work in general.


Which ones? The only one I can think of that comes close is Super Meat Boy, but obviously there is a huge different between the two when it comes to production values and scale.

'Splosion Man, Ms. 'Splosion Man, Adventures of Shuggy, Outland, Braid, N+. Plus there's some good cheap platformer in Xbox Live indie games, such as the Johnny Biscuit games, Tempura of the Dead, Growing Pains, etc.

Played the demo and didn't care for how the jumping felt.

Ubisoft shot themselves in the foot releasing it on the same day as Assassin's Creed with very little promotion for it during one of the busiest release schedules of the year.


Poor Michel Ancel. ;_;

I was a huge advocate of buying this at full price seeing as how it had more content packed into than most current generation offerings 2D be damned. I have to say this whole "sell such and such copies and we get BG&E 2" is stupid though, if you can't get backing for it - find someone that will.

protip: It's not Ubisoft.


The animation obviously looks amazing. But can anyone comment on the level design? Is it really great?
It feels very much like something designed in the early to mid '90s--for better and for worse. I wish it didn't put so much emphasis on collection. Outside of that, the level design is fantastic and inventive.


'Splosion Man, Ms. 'Splosion Man, Adventures of Shuggy, Outland, Braid, N+. Plus there's some good cheap platformer in Xbox Live indie games, such as the Johnny Biscuit games, Tempura of the Dead, Growing Pains, etc.

I didn't play all of those games, but I feel that the main difference between good platformers on XBLA/PSN and Rayman Origins is that the former usually are based on a simple but deep gameplay idea, and have many levels built for it.
Rayman has a rather standard gameplay, but aims for diversity, with regular levels, underwater levels, scrolling levels, shooters, racing, boss fights... and of course a lot of creativity on the characters and worlds themselves.
I don't know aout that. I get through levels just fine but in many cases I hit jump again to hover and there are times in which his hair didn't activate properly for some reason. I feel this is definitely tighter than LBP but it's way below platformers like SMB or Mario. Sometimes I feel like they should have allowed you to hold punch to run instead of using the bumper/trigger and there are times in which I get really frustrated with how the run mechanics work in general.
Eh, that really wouldn't have worked though, since the game eventually introduces some sections where you have to be able to run and attack at the same time, like in Moseying The Mountain (5-1), so they had to be separate buttons.


This is pretty much exactly the reaction I got from the people I wanted to play Rayman co-op with and after the first couple of levels everybody wanted to stop playing it for exactly those reasons. You don't know exactly what you land on, people didn't understand why they blew up into balloons, they didn't understand the collision model and the pickup system, etc.

Mario is something that everyone can jump into and immediately get it. The way the visuals work in combination with the gameplay, everything is totally clear to everyone. In Rayman I had people explaining to me why they thought they could reach this platform or land on that platform and were completely annoyed that the game was trying to fuck with them.

I'm having a hard time believing this. I can't think of anything on the "player plane" that can't be interacted with despite looking like it should. And stuff that are in the background and foreground tend to make themselves distinct by way of obvious depth, parallax scrolling. focus, etc.
Each world has a set tileset for what you can run on and the game never fucks with that. You don't see floating platforms like these hovering in the foreground for instance.

The game is more lush than a Mario, but it takes great aims to make sure you know what the playable plane is at all times.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Ubisoft shot themselves in the foot releasing it on the same day as Assassin's Creed with very little promotion for it during one of the busiest release schedules of the year.

Indeed they did. It's almost as if they didn't want the game to be sold.
Really? The only thing the game itself doesn't explain to you are how to bubble yourself up and the player-tower move.
I don't think its hard to discern what to interact with in the environment either, especially if you've played a platformer before. The only difficulty I've come across is in multiplayer with two teensies when the camera zooms out. Its really hard to tell whos who, and I tend to make two people play as globoxes since they're big and come in easy to differentiate colors.
Well sure, but if you missed some particular gameplay instruction it would probably be much faster to scan through the manual real quick than to try and find the in-game tutorial that explained it. It also isn't overwhelmingly obvious that tip hats offer multiple tips if you keep jumping on them, just because so many games don't do it that way.


Well sure, but if you missed some particular gameplay instruction it would probably be much faster to scan through the manual real quick than to try and find the in-game tutorial that explained it. It also isn't overwhelmingly obvious that tip hats offer multiple tips if you keep jumping on them, just because so many games don't do it that way.

im pretty sure the first thing he says is "get lums" and theres a lum hanging near him that you have to wallkick to get.
Now you know the wallkick and that you should get lums.

From there you slowly get every move and are taught through gameplay/prompts how to use them. Except running, which every place that requires it tells you blatantly "HOLD (x) TO SPRINT!"

That is literally all you need to know to beat the game except for like the heart and Lum Kings, which I feel should be pretty self explanatory after picking them up.

Some of these complaints are on the level of complaining that Mario games don't tell you what the coins are for. "I keep collecting these coins but theres no store to spend them on! Why am I doing this? I dont understand! THIS GAME IS GARBAGE!"

EDIT- I haven't played the demo, but if it gives you all the moves with no explanation and expects you to use them I can understand not knowing whats going on. But the full game explains everything a solo player needs pretty well.


I didn't play all of those games, but I feel that the main difference between good platformers on XBLA/PSN and Rayman Origins is that the former usually are based on a simple but deep gameplay idea, and have many levels built for it.
Rayman has a rather standard gameplay, but aims for diversity, with regular levels, underwater levels, scrolling levels, shooters, racing, boss fights... and of course a lot of creativity on the characters and worlds themselves.

I don't disagree with that at all. That's hard to show in a demo though, and even with the positive word of mouth I have a hard time justifying buying a game at $60 when I could buy six other good-great platformers at $10 a piece. $20 is a great price, but personally I've enjoyed Ancel's art direction far more than the game design of his games, so I'm still going to wait till it drops further. I already have a hell of a backlog anyway.


It's a damn good platformer, but it is also a damn good co-op game. Makes it much easier when playing with friends since you get more "tries".
im pretty sure the first thing he says is "get lums" and theres a lum hanging near him that you have to wallkick to get.
Now you know the wallkick and that you should get lums.

From there you slowly get every move and are taught through gameplay/prompts how to use them. Except running, which every place that requires it tells you blatantly "HOLD (x) TO SPRINT!"

That is literally all you need to know to beat the game except for like the heart and Lum Kings, which I feel should be pretty self explanatory after picking them up.

Some of these complaints are on the level of complaining that Mario games don't tell you what the coins are for. "I keep collecting these coins but theres no store to spend them on! Why am I doing this? I dont understand! THIS GAME IS GARBAGE!"

EDIT- I haven't played the demo, but if it gives you all the moves with no explanation and expects you to use them I can understand not knowing whats going on. But the full game explains everything a solo player needs pretty well.
I know that is all true, but that poster and his co-op buddies still missed...something. I'm not so much trying to help them as I am pointing out how weak it is to fault a game because you missed something. If you can't be bothered to check the manual, which can't be that far away honestly, then you must not be trying that hard to like it.


Eh, that really wouldn't have worked though, since the game eventually introduces some sections where you have to be able to run and attack at the same time, like in Moseying The Mountain (5-1), so they had to be separate buttons.

I don't think I'm quite there in the game yet. I do think the game is worth $20 and I don't think the mechanics are broken, more so unique compared to standard 2d platformers. Not every game should control exactly the same and I ended up enjoying both Splosion Man and it's sequel after a lot of trial and error and frustration. I think it needs to be said that the main part of this game is not frustrating at all, it's just the extra stuff like time trials and getting those gold medals that is a challenge so I wouldn't hesitate in simply recommending the game.


I know that is all true, but that poster and his co-op buddies still missed...something. I'm not so much trying to help them as I am pointing out how weak it is to fault a game because you missed something. If you can't be bothered to check the manual, which can't be that far away honestly, then you must not be trying that hard to like it.

I have to agree then, if they missed everything ingame, they should've perused the manual.


Wow. I picked this up from Toys R Us a few days ago and finally got around to playing it last night. I LOVE IT. From what I've played so far, this is right up there with DKCR as the best 2D platformer to come around in years. It controls like a dream, has interesting level design with secrets and tempting challenges galore, and it's literally the most impressive 2D presentation I've ever seen in a game. It's an absolute TRAVESTY that this game is bombing in retail.

No matter what happens to Ancel or this series, the UbiArt Framework engine needs to be utilized in other games moving forward. It's mindboggling how much detail and fluidity is on display in this game. Truly next-gen 2D if I've ever seen it.

And to respond to the prevailing debate in this thread, this game absolutely would be worth $50-60. This $20 sale is certified BOMBA.


It's a damn good platformer, but it is also a damn good co-op game. Makes it much easier when playing with friends since you get more "tries".

Damn! I'm at the end "The reveal-the chase" and it goes SO FAST, it's totally unfair. Is co-op going to help me???

Sadly, I'm ready to give up on this game. The ending is just too frustratingly hard and I'm too pissed to try it again. A shame because I called the game a masterpiece earlier but that is just insane. Is there any cheats?


Damn! I'm at the end "The reveal-the chase" and it goes SO FAST, it's totally unfair. Is co-op going to help me???

Sadly, I'm ready to give up on this game. The ending is just too frustratingly hard and I'm too pissed to try it again. A shame because I called the game a masterpiece earlier but that is just insane. Is there any cheats?

Co-op definitely helps. Not always, but there were definitely moments where I would fail and my brother would pick up the slack, then I'd jump back in and he'd mess up... kind of like taking shifts. Really, really enjoyed the co-op and platinumed the game start to finish playing with him.


Damn! I'm at the end "The reveal-the chase" and it goes SO FAST, it's totally unfair. Is co-op going to help me???

Sadly, I'm ready to give up on this game. The ending is just too frustratingly hard and I'm too pissed to try it again. A shame because I called the game a masterpiece earlier but that is just insane. Is there any cheats?

I had trouble on that race too, but the only way I "cheated" was to go watch on youtube the right sequence of moves to be prepared when I pass a new milestone. I think that it's the only race where you may wonder what to do next, and of course any time lost is fatal.

It's also the only part where I saw a flaw in the controls (running on moving walls is not always 100% reliable, I still don't know if you're supposed to change your stick direction but from time to time your character will stop running and get stuck on its falling piece of level).

But like most difficult parts, the best thing to do if you're stuck is take a break and come back later.


Co-op definitely helps. Not always, but there were definitely moments where I would fail and my brother would pick up the slack, then I'd jump back in and he'd mess up... kind of like taking shifts. Really, really enjoyed the co-op and platinumed the game start to finish playing with him.

I tried co-op for like 45 minutes and we still couldn't get past that race from hell. I give up :-(

I had trouble on that race too, but the only way I "cheated" was to go watch on youtube the right sequence of moves to be prepared when I pass a new milestone. I think that it's the only race where you may wonder what to do next, and of course any time lost is fatal.

Just watched that level on youtube and I almost vomited, the 3rd part looks even more frustrating. I don't have the time to bother with this, too many games waiting for me :)

It leaves a very bad taste in my mouth after enjoying the whole game.

I FUCKING DID IT!!! lol see post 543


Just watched that level on youtube and I almost vomited, the 3rd part looks even more frustrating.

The shooting part ? I think I finished it on my first go, or one of the first ones anyway. It's not really difficult, especially compared to the falling tubes race.
Anyway, even if you don't finish the game, try to unlock and play the "land of living dead" level, by getting all 10 death teeth. It's more difficult, but also the most fun I had with the game.


Picked up the game yesterday. A guy in front of me was picking up a copy as well. I probably wont get around to playing it for a while. But for this low of a price, it'd be criminal for me not to support the developers and buy it. I am still hoping we will someday see a Beyond Good and Evil 2.


I was expecting a Wii U "definitive" release for this game, since Ubi could just throw some minimal effort at it and ride the launch wave. But being a certified bomba doesn't bode well for such expectations. I went ahead and picked it up for the $20.


I tried co-op for like 45 minutes and we still couldn't get past that race from hell. I give up :-(

Just watched that level on youtube and I almost vomited, the 3rd part looks even more frustrating. I don't have the time to bother with this, too many games waiting for me :)

It leaves a very bad taste in my mouth after enjoying the whole game.

man... good thing you dont continue you would die from an heart attack if you tried land of the livid dead hahah.


bish gets all the credit :)
That last level really soured me on ever playing it through again. It took a good 45 minutes to complete. You cannot be a split second off throughout.


I was expecting a Wii U "definitive" release for this game, since Ubi could just throw some minimal effort at it and ride the launch wave. But being a certified bomba doesn't bode well for such expectations. I went ahead and picked it up for the $20.

Its already 1080p and 60fps, what would the WiiU add?
The sale is still going on. It's been like a week now. This feels more like a "gtfo clearance, will never have this product in our inventory ever again" than a sale.
Nothing specific. That's why Ubi would do it. Additional content of some sort. Something easy for Ubi to throw in with minimal effort.
Zelda TP comes to mind.


"it is in giving that we receive"
The sale is still going on. It's been like a week now. This feels more like a "gtfo clearance, will never have this product in our inventory ever again" than a sale.

You haven't been able to order it for the last day. I've been trying and it's still sold out online.


I tried co-op for like 45 minutes and we still couldn't get past that race from hell. I give up :-(

Just watched that level on youtube and I almost vomited, the 3rd part looks even more frustrating. I don't have the time to bother with this, too many games waiting for me :)

It leaves a very bad taste in my mouth after enjoying the whole game.

Quoting myself because I FUCKING DID IT! Alone! I was going to eject the DVD forever but then I tried again. I was playing as Rayman before so I changed to that little dude who looks like the "final boss" and I don't know if that did it but it felt like God was holding my hand. ANCEL WAS HOLDING MY HAND! I finished the game!!!! :)

The shooting part ? I think I finished it on my first go, or one of the first ones anyway. It's not really difficult, especially compared to the falling tubes race.
Anyway, even if you don't finish the game, try to unlock and play the "land of living dead" level, by getting all 10 death teeth. It's more difficult, but also the most fun I had with the game.

The shooting part took me 3 tries, it wasn't that bad. I guess I was blinded by rage when I watched the video.
Seriously, besides the fact that Ubisoft released the game on the worst possible week to release a game like this, why on earth would they release this on the same exact day as their premiere franchise? Was somebody not paying attention to when Assassins Creed was going to be released? If I was a developer on this title I would be fumed at Ubi for this screw up. Its like Sony releasing Uncharted the same exact day as LittleBigPlanet.
In another week this thread will probably be longer than the the game's OT, which imo paints the picture that on the whole GAF is more concerned with bomba drama than great game design. :(

I hope that the rapid price drop and subsequent discussion here lead to more people actually playing this amazing title at least. It certainly deserves the attention. It's just a bummer it has to come in this particular form.
Seriously, besides the fact that Ubisoft released the game on the worst possible week to release a game like this, why on earth would they release this on the same exact day as their premiere franchise? Was somebody not paying attention to when Assassins Creed was going to be released? If I was a developer on this title I would be fumed at Ubi for this screw up. Its like Sony releasing Uncharted the same exact day as LittleBigPlanet.

They did practically the same thing in 2003 with Beyond Good & Evil releasing it with Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield... probably the Gamecube and PS2 ports of Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell too.
You haven't been able to order it for the last day. I've been trying and it's still sold out online.
Yeah I went to a physical Toys R Us today after work and they were sold out too.

Love Toys R Us. I haven't been there in a long time. I can't wait till my daughter is old enough to play with toys.


They did practically the same thing in 2003 with Beyond Good & Evil releasing it with Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield... probably the Gamecube and PS2 ports of Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell too.

It really is amazing. Poor Ancel. Seems like Ubi must really hate him or something. No way they could mistakenly to do this to him twice, right?


Quoting myself because I FUCKING DID IT! Alone! I was going to eject the DVD forever but then I tried again. I was playing as Rayman before so I changed to that little dude who looks like the "final boss" and I don't know if that did it but it felt like God was holding my hand. ANCEL WAS HOLDING MY HAND! I finished the game!!!! :)

Haha, nice job. I ended up switching from playing as Glowbox (Globox?) for most of the game to the little dudes towards the end and found myself doing better. I assume they're all the same control wise, since the game demands a lot of precision in the trickier areas, but I felt like I did better with them all the same.
Bought this the other day. Ended up playing it nonstop for 10 hours or so.

In my opinion the best $20 I have spent this generation.

I hope this does well enough for them to make a similar sequel, but part of me doubts that.
Haha, nice job. I ended up switching from playing as Glowbox (Globox?) for most of the game to the little dudes towards the end and found myself doing better. I assume they're all the same control wise, since the game demands a lot of precision in the trickier areas, but I felt like I did better with them all the same.

Maybe it's placebo but they felt different, control-wise. Nothing huge, mind, but in a game like this, even the slightest difference could improve precision.
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