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Angry Joe being accused of sexual harassment

And another One

Dude getting cancelled who was in the threads of other victims calling em all stunning and brave. Go woke get cancelled.

During the con, there were multiple people, including a close friend, who warned me about him both in-person and via text message. They warned me that Will had a bad reputation in the industry among women. He would date several women at one time, and made them believe that he was only seeing them. That was actually how i felt the entire time I was talking to Will. In public, we'd somewhat kept our distance but he made it known that we were there together. In private, he'd treat me almost like his girlfriend. Very confusing.

I took their advice with a grain of salt, and preferred to find out who he was on my own. This was a red flag and wish I had trusted them.

But i of course ignored them all cause fuck it i am strong brave wahmen hear me roar.

Someone who I didn't know came up to me to clear things up between me and Will. He then told me that Will had another date set up for Monday with another woman. I was hurt. Then, I asked Will to go outside with me to talk. At that point, I was drunk and indicated that I wanted a relationship with him. In the process, I started tearing up because it was the first time I had ever opened up to another guy in a while. I felt vulnerable. There was zero reaction from him and then he suggested to go back to the hotel. In hindsight, one month of talking was not that long at all but I was lonely and vulnerable at the time, plus I liked him a lot. Never did I act desperate or clingy with him, but even so, he shouldn't have treated me the way he did.

So what you are saying he is a scumbag for sure, but nothing forced. Right now you are just lashing out cause he didnt want a relationship with you, so you decided fuck it lets make him pay?

He fetishizes Asian women and almost exclusively dates them based on his dating history.

GET HIM! he likes the asian women!

Also purple danger hair guys.


Right, lets the guy drag her away from the building, into a cab, inside the hotel, through the hotel room's door, declines to take a shower with him but sits by the foot of the bed with him and then gets on another cab with him, does not text her boyfriend about her whereabouts because it would be disrespectful, goes to a restaurant with him, allows him to tell others she's his girl, tries again to contact her boyfriend but Joe was on his game and stopped her in front of a table full of executives, gets relieved when Joe tells her they are going to a party because you know, Allen will be there? Wrong party. So Joe puts her in chains and drags her inside against her will, and hides her bag and phone! After some drinks, oh no, her boyfriend hasn't heard from her in 8 hours!? Gotta call him, he must be upset! Wait! No! It is Joe who will be upset if she says she's talking with her boyfriend on the phone!

Give me a fucking break. She went along with it because she thought she had something to gain, and guess what, Joe also thought he had something to gain.

Women who like to pretend they have no agency are hilarious. Grow the fuck up.

And yes, Angry Joe is a douchebag, but everyone already knows that.
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And another One


Man, he just can't catch a break. He's always being falsely accused because he looks scary.


And another One

Dude getting cancelled who was in the threads of other victims calling em all stunning and brave. Go woke get cancelled.

But i of course ignored them all cause fuck it i am strong brave wahmen hear me roar.

So what you are saying he is a scumbag for sure, but nothing forced. Right now you are just lashing out cause he didnt want a relationship with you, so you decided fuck it lets make him pay?

GET HIM! he likes the asian women!

Also purple danger hair guys.

It's like none of these women have thought anything through when writing their "Stunning and brave" accounts of "Abuse". She had a weekend fling with a guy then caught feelings and told him. No shit he bailed out, sounds like the guy knew the dating game and recognized that red flag.


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Yeah, right, let's just pretend crazy people don't exist when we start "believing" everything someone's saying without questioning it nor anything. Yeah, it's hard to come forward if it's true, but not so much if you're lying. Who the fuck knows what's true? You get to the truth by asking questions.

I literally experienced this TWO times already in my life. My ex girlfriend threatened to hurt herself If I didn't play by her rules and at some point I literally felt unsafe in her presence, thinking of waking up one morning being tied to the bed. Gladly I "survived" (lol, that rhetoric) that one (that dude who cut off his arm with a pocket knife to escape a gap he'd fallen into is a survivor, he survived because he could have died countless times). The other one pretended to carry a child some weeks after we spend the night, trying to make me stay with her. After a few weeks (probably when she couldn't pretend anymore) she went to the hospital, calling me on the phone and saying she lost the child. When I arrived at the hospital, turns out the doctors didn't know her at all and there was no miscarriage. Only after confronting her and pressing on she confirmed she had never been pregnant, never was the whole time. That's not creepy like AJ is, this is outright psychotic.

Fuck, both women made me uncomfortable many fucking times over months but I didn't called them out on social media. Because after those episodes, after some reflecting, I noticed so many signs I should have noticed before. Not saying I can spot crazy women on sight now, but you definitely get better at it.

Then I have this friend who lives with his female friend (no romantic or sexual relationship, just sharing an apartment and they only hang out in the beginning) and she goes crazy whenever he does something without her, meeting other women. She outright tells lies about him to other people, to put him into a bad spotlight, and since they share the same apartment she literally gives him hell whenever she finds out that he "secretly" met with people and didn't ask her to come. She would trash every other woman he'd meet and/or know. Another psychopath.

Yeah, right, crazy people, that includes women, doesn't exist and there must always be a logical reason why someone would lie over and trash anybody on the internet. People aren't always logical and act like it, in fact we act irrational on so many and countless times. I don't even like AJ and he does come across as a creep in those screenshots but I think this is blown out of proportion. As of right now he only came across like a douchebag but there's broad line between being a douche and doing something criminal.

And I never get why some people think it's not allowed to ask questions and see both sides of the story. To quote Bill Burr:
"If I got bit by a rattlesnake wouldn't you guys have some questions? 'How did it happen? Did you not see it? Did you fucking with it!?' *poking with a stick* How did this snake get so mad, it almost killed you. Firemen put out a fire, they don't just drive away afterwards, they sift through the debris, 'how did it start? Here's an oily rag'. Right?"


Gold Member
I think these women are confused about how dating works.

I found a handbook

Act I: The commencement of the lure
The male will puff out their cheeks and wear a bright jerkin in order to attract the female eye. They will begin with a short jitterbug that last approximately 90 seconds. During this time, it is common practise to wink suggestively or lower the right sock suspender to make their intention clear.

Act II: The submission of emotion
The male will calm themselves to display their mastery over their boyish energy. They will then perform a short number of interpretative elemental dances covering earth, air, water and fire. The fervour of each dance will reflect the type of partner they are wooing.

Act III: The offeration
At this point the male will provide an opportunity for the female to leave by kneeling and facing the wall whilst the door is opened. During these three minutes the male will prepare for dsiappointment if his quarry leaves or elation if she stays.

Act IV: The feelwheel
The male will provide a series of seven teas from the scattered lands, brewed with a non-phallic cinnamon stick. The female will partake of each of these. Each cup will represent a stage of bonding and comfortableness with her would be suitor. Finishing the balearic cup would mean that the female is open to having her breasts exposed and nuzzled. Finishing the Korean blend would signify she is ready to start receiving rubs between the legs. This is to be done as though the male were attempting to feed a horse with sore lips. The Chinese sup signifies the female is unhappy and wishes to leave. If she finishes this cup, the male must lay prostrate on the floor until the room has been vacated.

Act V: The mount horning
The male will leave the room when all cups have been emptied (excepting the Chinese brew). The female will prepare herself to receive her intercourse acquaintance. The male will enter the room after exactly 8 minutes. Tradition dictates they will curtsey at the foot of the bed, before stripping down to their love making netted underwear. The male will obey the 'law of the paw' while the experience takes place. This merely states that the male cannot be touching more than one region of the female body at any one time. At the time of the climax, the male will be expected to announce his release is iminent and make every effort to avoid spoiling the bed linen. If this is not possible, it must be scooped up, accompanied with apologies and discarded. The male will then sit facing the rearmost wall and give the female ample opportunity to shower, dress and leave.


Gold Member
Be careful, you may just get a real taste of what you're looking for.

What she described is not exactly being "hit on"... But neither is it undeniable proof that he had bad intent (it mostly make him look like an ass, but nothing close to be a criminal).

Oh really, and why is that exactly


Jussie all over again at retardera. People getting banned for not believing or wanting more information. People being told they are victim blaming when the story doesn't add up logically.

Maybe he did it, maybe not but the mentality of making guilty without more information and banning people for not crucifying him is beyond stupid.


I wasn't even serious with that post. It's amazing to see the reactions it got. :messenger_grinning_smiling:
Not the solution honestly. Men need to marry more women and have more children that are raised on two parent households. Only way to turn this Marxist ship around.


And another One

So, she fooled around with a dude that happened to be known in the industry, and it didn't become anything more than a few flings? I've known SO many guys and girls that went through this over the years. Yeah, a lot of them were hurt about it, and it sucked. But they were just like, "That person sucks" and moved on...

Then she tried to call him out for apparently having a preference in Asian women? I mean, hasn't that always existed? Some people don't care about ethnicity and culture, but some have their preferences. Is he a monster for that? I've known both women and men that have preferences. no one said they were a monster, just teased and poked at them for their "fevers", haha.

It's weird, I felt like society was getting much more progressive and forward thinking with sexual encounters. But for awhile now, it feels like it's all regressing. It's like anyone that uses Tinder or something similar has a huge target on their head, even if something was known to be consensual at the time.
Please don't try to defend ProJared.

Just because it's not illegal doesn't mean it's not fucked up.

And here we have it. These authoritarians don't care about legality and crime/not crime: They want to decide what's ok behavior and what's not ok, in other words, they want to create a world in their own, ignorant, twisted moral image.

You might not agree with how some guys treat their girl friends. But that A) none of your business and B) there's probably enough girls out there that ENJOY how their bf treats them, it's probably why they chose him to begin with.

Resetera wants to eradicate any hint of maculinity/machoism, but these are valid parts of a healthy man's life. They vary between all men, some overdo it and start beating their woman, others become full-soyboys and hardly can be called man anymore. Both these extremes are bad, but you don't get to dictate where the healthy middleground is. No, asking a girl 10times before and during intercourse if she still wants it is NOT normal, most girls will be turned off and start thinking you're an idiot. Touching a girl's ass without consent does NOT make a guy a rapist nor any kinda of monster. And publically talking about sex is NOT toxic masculinity, it's perfectly fine and you're free to ignore any such talk if you're uncomfortable with it. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it "not okay" and certainly doesn't justify ruining a person's life over it.

We're now at the point where the harassment mob from ResetEra will ruin a man's life only because he's (maybe!) been mean to a girl. How fucked up is that?


And another One

Ah, "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned", as they say - a tale as old as time. He was a big womanizing meanie who hurt someone's feelings, so he should be outed in the same breath as rapists and sexual assailants.

On the bright side, it's always entertaining to see such a brave and woke ally get devoured by his own.
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So, she fooled around with a dude that happened to be known in the industry, and it didn't become anything more than a few flings? I've known SO many guys and girls that went through this over the years. Yeah, a lot of them were hurt about it, and it sucked. But they were just like, "That person sucks" and moved on...

Then she tried to call him out for apparently having a preference in Asian women? I mean, hasn't that always existed? Some people don't care about ethnicity and culture, but some have their preferences. Is he a monster for that? I've known both women and men that have preferences. no one said they were a monster, just teased and poked at them for their "fevers", haha.

It's weird, I felt like society was getting much more progressive and forward thinking with sexual encounters. But for awhile now, it feels like it's all regressing. It's like anyone that uses Tinder or something similar has a huge target on their head, even if something was known to be consensual at the time.

Society is at a point where those who want to "progress" only want to progress in a way that benefits them. These people are VERY strongly introverted, ergo a lot of the progress they want involves more segregation into smaller and smaller groups so that they feel comfortable in a little group that always agrees with them. The very idea of interaction between those outside the group must be blown out of proportion because they feel that interaction should only happen between them and their group, if an outsider with different views speaks, it's seen as one of the most horrible experiences ever. This is why identity politics are so important to them. It's less about allowing people to live as they are, and more about trying to group people into clicks that make them feel more comfortable and valid in their opinions. This is why they keep making more and more groups. This is why places like REEEEEEE can't hold itself together. They can't be one community without segregating themselves into smaller groups based on the separation of identities and ideals.

Dating for these people is an absolute mind game that only makes sense to them. They don't want you to flirt with them or even speak with them, yet they want you to want them. They want you basically to bend your knee to their ideals and grovel for their acceptance, without ever speaking a word to you about it. Some even get mad if you're talking with someone else and it's not about what the they feel you should say to a stranger. Also, because they are introverted, they won't come talk to you directly either, so you'd never know if they were even interested or not. Online dating is the ONLY way these people get dates, and even then they are so massively picky that their profiles read like manifestos. They make demands of you and they way you live. They tell YOU what kind of match percentage you have to have or they won't speak to you. They'll even go as far as to message people who aren't messaging them that they are not interested in dating them (again, without you ever messaging them first).

For the average person however, it still works the same, with progressions happening in the idea of having one night stands and just being FWB being more common instead of being seen as a bad thing. You just got to stay away from these types (not that it's that hard, just don't talk to women with certain hair colors).
The moral decay of “the old place” has never been more apparent to me than in the case of this accusation... God damn it, now I know why it is not to be mentioned

This GOT to be irony, come on. Since you're reading NeoGAF, let me tell you: *You* are the ones ruining a man's life merely on an accusation, without any facts, without any proof that anything happened. And in this specific case, even *what* is supposed to have happened isn't even a crime - she later claims she felt uncomfortable and that's it. And I take it you have seen her tweet where she herself says "I never said he assaulted" me, after he tweeted about his lawyer?

Your moral bankruptcy is astounding, and everyone could ignore you, if only the gaming industry wasn't listening to you extremist crazies. Shame on you.


Society is at a point where those who want to "progress" only want to progress in a way that benefits them. These people are VERY strongly introverted, ergo a lot of the progress they want involves more segregation into smaller and smaller groups so that they feel comfortable in a little group that always agrees with them. The very idea of interaction between those outside the group must be blown out of proportion because they feel that interaction should only happen between them and their group, if an outsider with different views speaks, it's seen as one of the most horrible experiences ever. This is why identity politics are so important to them. It's less about allowing people to live as they are, and more about trying to group people into clicks that make them feel more comfortable and valid in their opinions. This is why they keep making more and more groups. This is why places like REEEEEEE can't hold itself together. They can't be one community without segregating themselves into smaller groups based on the separation of identities and ideals.

Dating for these people is an absolute mind game that only makes sense to them. They don't want you to flirt with them or even speak with them, yet they want you to want them. They want you basically to bend your knee to their ideals and grovel for their acceptance, without ever speaking a word to you about it. Some even get mad if you're talking with someone else and it's not about what the they feel you should say to a stranger. Also, because they are introverted, they won't come talk to you directly either, so you'd never know if they were even interested or not. Online dating is the ONLY way these people get dates, and even then they are so massively picky that their profiles read like manifestos. They make demands of you and they way you live. They tell YOU what kind of match percentage you have to have or they won't speak to you. They'll even go as far as to message people who aren't messaging them that they are not interested in dating them (again, without you ever messaging them first).

For the average person however, it still works the same, with progressions happening in the idea of having one night stands and just being FWB being more common instead of being seen as a bad thing. You just got to stay away from these types (not that it's that hard, just don't talk to women with certain hair colors).

I dropped into that era thread just to see how that was all going, and eeeeesh. The fact that people that are like, "Man, so, if anything he sounds like he was a little creepy, but this doesn't feel justified" followed by, "Why didn't she mention her boyfriend, or just leave?" are immediately berated and banned. People commenting things about how cruel they are and how they hope they never become victimized or someone close to them.

So, people asking genuine questions makes them immediate assholes now? Lmfao. Man, I can't with that place. I can't with that mindset. Thank god that majority of the people don't feel the need to assign themselves to certain groups, or label themselves as certain things. Jesus Christ. What a waste of energy, time, and emotions.


so I'm just going to say:
1) these accusations should never be taken lightly
2) fuck anyone who actually sexually assaults another person
3) people are innocent until proven guilty
4) and having said that in light of all the information we have now: ...looks like she couldn't take the guilt of going behind her boyfriends back (who's she still with), so she spins it into how Joe is some kind of sexual predator because it alleviates any of the guilt that should be rightfully placed on her. She said he took her phone and purse and gave it to a random guy and she didn't question that or try to get it back? Huh? She said she didn't let Joe know she had a boyfriend because she didn't want to "be that girl" but no guy is ever going to get mad at a girl for saying they have a boyfriend. No. Guy. It's actually the opposite. Regret is not a fucking valid excuse for calling someone a predator or saying they sexually assaulted you.
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Demanding the UTMOST tiny shred of common sense (aka being a functioning human being) is now called "victim blaming" and dog piled on. These people are garbage from the bottom of their hearts ...
That's what happens when you live in an echo chamber that dismisses law and order, promoters victimhood culture, and enforces identity politics during your impressionable years.


The very fact that she knew Joe was making passes at her and never mentions her boyfriend makes her an asshole to Joe and her boyfriend.

My quote, outside of its context now, was mostly to make a point that there is without a doubt a double standard of a man grabbing a woman's ass vs. a woman grabbing a man's ass.


Notice how there is always a vindictive element to these reveals.
In this case their is nothing close to illegal/criminal activity.
It is only about smearing the name of others. I think some of these women feel bad they lost these now successful men and have some emotional need to act out about it.
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I read the whole thing... Where is the "Sexual harassment" part? Did I miss it or the girl has no idea what it means. Joe was heavily coming on to her and she was uncomfortable but I dont see any harassment.


Demanding the UTMOST tiny shred of common sense (aka being a functioning human being) is now called "victim blaming" and dog piled on. These people are garbage from the bottom of their hearts ...


I legit hope none of these people breed. We already have an influx of dumb useless fucking "adults" who lack the ability for even one second to think for themselves. These people are quick to condemn yet I guarantee you if these accusations were thrown their way they'd immediately want due process.

Parents should be ashamed to have brought such useless sacks of shit into this world that will do nothing but make this world a worse place.


Does the same standard apply to women?

When is the last time you've heard or called a woman a douchebag or asshole?
Imagine a chick you don't like, a chick you find annoying and generally a chick you wouldn't want to sleep with, not in a million years. Imagine letting her know this, albeit politely.

Now imagine turning your back to her, and she starts groping your ass. As if you're her plaything, as if you're fair game for her, despite letting her know you're not into her.

Sounds alright to you?
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