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Animes with awesome animation (plus a good story)

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I love Jojo's an unhealthy amount but the title says good animation, not motion comics.


He/she might mean the OVA.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Fate Zero


Legend of Korra

Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt


Towa no Quon


Sword of the Stranger




Perfect Blue


I'll probably gif some more stuff later, if no one minds... but yeah those are some of my recommendations OP.
Eternal Family and Take The X Train both need more attention. They're short, taut masterworks of impressive animation and evocative storytelling. The former takes place in a fantasy dystopia, the latter in an increasingly nightmarish version of late-80s Japan, and both are terribly funny. It helps that their stories, though stylized, largely make sense.


You'll often read people complaining that anime is crap nowadays. Yet, the majority of recommendations in this thread are fairly recent releases. I'd say mostly are from the last 5 or 10 years or so?
So it looks like there's still a lot of good stuff coming out.

The other thing I noticed is that everyone seems to have forgotten Ruroni Kenshin. The OVA was pretty imptessive.

Another one that's often overlooked is Giant Robo. There are some amazing scenes in that. Very fluid stuff. There's a crazy fight scene on a train in one of the first ep's.

I'd also like to mention the first season of Tencho Muyo but that might be just nostalgia talking. :)

The Ruroni Kenshin OVA's are definitely missing here though!


Gundam 0083 and Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team are excellent animes. The production quality for both is high and their stories are coherent and moving. Unlike many other Gundam series, both of these remain focused and grounded. Teen age angst you will not find here; brutality in war you will find here.
It's worth noting to anyone wandering into this thread that the average 'fan' would dismiss at a half of these as pure garbage. But everyone's garbage would be completely different choices.



Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise
Might be a little slow but I really like it. Excellent Animation.

A bit more of the action side even if story is debatable but I love em...





As for good animation as well as story simultaneously

Cowboy Bebop
Chuunibyo Demo Koi ga Shitai!
Kokoro Connect
Rebuild of Evangelion #1, #2 and #3

If you want just conistant good animation watch some of Kyoto Animation's series.

If you want good story try

Attack on Titan
Death Note
Usagi Drop

These are all shows.


Attack on Titan is not a good story. A good setting and setup, but a terrible story. Though I suppose the anime is a good chunk behind the manga.

Attack on Titan is not a good story. A good setting and setup, but a terrible story. Though I suppose the anime is a good chunk behind the manga.
The manga went from incredible to instantly cheesy to outright terrible and then somehow looped back around to pure guilty pleasure.

I'm excited to see the anime get there if it lasts for that many seasons.

Edit: ^^^^ If I ever am on the verge of death and need my heart to beat faster to stay alive, I'll just think of this song.



Don't know what the consensus among the regular Anime watchers is but I thought that Saint Seiya: Last Canvas was pretty great.


Sure. let's take a look at some fighting animation. This is where the best the shows have to offer typically comes into play. Even though the original is about more than fight after fight after fight.
















In the original, the lighting is better, the choreography is better, the FRAME TO FRAME LINE ART is better, the consistency between frames is better, the DETAIL ON THOSE MUSCLES, and the action is easier to follow while still maintaining a sense of acrobatics and style.

Brotherhood is hard to follow when it tries to be fast(what happens to Bradley's sword in gif 2 of B, you can GUESS that Greed broke it, but you can't TELL FOR CERTAIN), and the set pieces and framing of the shots are just plain bland and dull. The moments are VERY cool, such as the Mustang/Lust fight, but the execution is terrible.

And if you want to keep going, then next I'll tackle character expression, emotion, consistency, iconic imagery, and if you really want to get ugly: comedy comparison.


Masterful...good job, Brotherhood^

Then I'll go into still frames showing off background art, and we'll talk about FMA's beautiful painted backgrounds versus Brotherhood's ugly Photoshop filters. HOW deep are you willing to go?

If gifs are bad, I'll post Youtube links.


Neo Member
not much about animation, but pretty images: iblard jikan
no anime but: avatar: the last airbender
also samurai champloo has imo good animations.

Then I'll go into still frames showing off background art, and we'll talk about FMA's beautiful painted backgrounds versus Brotherhood's ugly Photoshop filters. HOW deep are you willing to go?

we have to go deeper!


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Then I'll go into still frames showing off background art, and we'll talk about FMA's beautiful painted backgrounds versus Brotherhood's ugly Photoshop filters. HOW deep are you willing to go?
I just wanted you to post .gifs.

Still I recalled enjoying Brotherhood more, but that could be because it's fresher in my mind. I still think they're both great however and each worth watching.
I just wanted you to post .gifs.

Still I recalled enjoying Brotherhood more, but that could be because it's fresher in my mind. I still think they're both great however and each worth watching.

Actually, in spite of my hyperbolic Fuck Brotherhood, it is good. I just came away from it feeling that it could have been WAY better with the material it had, and the only thing elevating it is the material. And to me, that feeling that it could have been far better makes it worse for me than something like the original that tried its own thing and had a couple worse ideas with FAR better execution.

And I absolutely HATE wandering into an anime recommendation thread and seeing Brotherhood and no original series being recommended anywhere.

I rewatched the original series recently expecting to hate it, but it opens so fucking STRONG.
The brothers fail their experiment, and the very first instance of the show's logo opens with Edward's horrified scream.
Fucking AMAZING. Those balls.
And I absolutely HATE wandering into an anime recommendation thread and seeing Brotherhood and no original series being recommended anywhere.

I agree

When I mention Full Metal Alchemist, I mean EVERYTHING!

Not only do you get to experience a great anime series, you actually get 2 really great, really different outcomes, for the price of one.

Watching episodes of Brotherhood, it seemed like they were aware that you may have watched the first series. The character twists which were built up in the first series were practically glossed over because of the fast pacing to get past all of the old material.

Obviously Brotherhood was mimicking the manga style to give a slightly different flavor from the first series, but I actually enjoyed the more cinematic approach of the first series.

Regardless, if you want to get into FMA, you get 2 different series and 2 movies, that are both worthy of existing.


I always thought Full Metal Panic Second Raid have some damn quality animation that never drop ever, total upgrade from the first series and Fumoffu.


I want to add "Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit"



Produced and Directed by the same minds behind Ghost in the Shell SAC


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
I want to add "Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit"

Produced and Directed by the same minds behind Ghost in the Shell SAC

Ha, I just went through the whole thread to see if this had been posted. Hardly ever seems to come up in recommendation lists, but it's one of the few series I really got into in the last decade. Some fantastic fights and a really great soundtrack.


Ha, I just went through the whole thread to see if this had been posted. Hardly ever seems to come up in recommendation lists, but it's one of the few series I really got into in the last decade. Some fantastic fights and a really great soundtrack.

Yeah its a weird omission when anime threads come up.

If I were to make a top 10 all-time anime list I personally would not put it in mine, but top 15-20 easily for me. Definitely one of top anime series in the last decade for me too.
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