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Anti-Trump Protest In Portland, Ore., Turns Destructive, Declared A Riot

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A Portland, Ore., demonstration against President-elect Donald Trump included a group of people who engaged in "criminal and dangerous behavior," authorities say, leading police to declare the Thursday night gathering a riot.

Some protesters smashed windows, lit a dumpster on fire, threw objects at police and lit firecrackers, according to The Associated Press.

Police say they responded with non-lethal munitions fired into the crowd, and that 26 people were arrested. The AP has more from the scene:

Oregon Public Broadcasting reports that the evening's protests were largely peaceful at first, with thousands of marchers blocking roads and chanting. As the march continued, there were occasional confrontations with bystanders, including one smashed windshield and a few incidents of graffiti.

"Later in the evening, what appeared to be a small subgroup of self-described anarchists began to damage cars at a Toyota dealership and ignite fireworks, before moving through the Pearl District and damaging several businesses," OPB writes.

Portland Police also attributed the destructive behavior to a subset of the protesters, tweeting at one point, "Many in crowd trying to get anarchist groups to stop destroying property, anarchists refusing." The would-be peacekeepers were met with threats not to interfere, police said.

Portland Police Twitter

Many in crowd trying to get anarchist groups to stop destroying property, anarchists refusing. Others encouraged to leave area.

Source: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-...ortland-ore-turns-destructive-declared-a-riot

Some ruining it for many. As always people don't destroy your own damn town.


Anarchist children always seem to ruin these things.

This here. These situations will always attract some of the worst idiots.

I watched streams of the Ferguson protests and it was pretty clear who was starting the horrible shit there, too.
Cross posting from the Happy Veterans Day thread.
Happy Veteran's Day BTW

Thank you for your service!

As a veteran myself, sitting here in my cubicle dungeon seething about the current state of our nation, I had completely forgotten it was Veteran's Day.

I live in Portland and have been watching the protests on Periscope and the news. I served because I believe absolutely in the right to protest but seeing these people destroying our own city? The one that overwhelmingly voted for Hillary? One of the most progressive cities in the country?

I just don't know anymore.

Some protesters smashed windows, lit a dumpster on fire, threw objects at police and lit firecrackers, according to The Associated Press.

is a riot.

Fuck opportunist assholes like those, you're just vindicating Trump because you want to see shit burn
How sketchy has it actually been? I only came on to try and look it up after seeing the news when I finished dinner (UK news) mention this protest had turned into a "riot".

I could only see what was going on through crappy periscope streams and such but it was pretty tense. I saw a motorist trying to get through the crowd after stating they had an "emergency" and they got their windshield smashed with a bat by someone.

Tons of video of breaking window after window. There was definitely a lot of tension and it seemed as if it might get violent towards people a couple of times. Generally though any time someone tried to jump in and stop them it would get broken up pretty quick.

I am afraid that it will be worse tonight. The cops essentially stayed back and let them do their thing which is partly why this happened. I am afraid that tonight's police response will be quite different and not so nice.


I could only see what was going on through crappy periscope streams and such but it was pretty tense. I saw a motorist trying to get through the crowd after stating they had an "emergency" and they got their windshield smashed with a bat by someone.

Tons of video of breaking window after window. There was definitely a lot of tension and it seemed as if it might get violent towards people a couple of times. Generally though any time someone tried to jump in and stop them it would get broken up pretty quick.

I am afraid that it will be worse tonight. The cops essentially stayed back and let them do their thing which is partly why this happened. I am afraid that tonight's police response will be quite different and not so nice.

Well sadly it's gained international traction so stay safe anyone living in the area. By news I mean it was on national TV news in the UK.
This is the one that was peaceful until the "anarchist" group crashed it, right

Yes, can confirm. It was peaceful and the small anarchist group showed just wanting to wreck shit. They are the type who'll use any excuse to burn everything to the ground, a few of them with martyr complex.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Yes, can confirm. It was peaceful and the small anarchist group showed just wanting to wreck shit. They are the type who'll use any excuse to burn everything to the ground, a few of them with martyr complex.

Once the people wearing shit over their faces shows up, it is time to go home.


Once the people wearing shit over their faces shows up, it is time to go home.
Yep. Pretty much. I wasn't out last night because I've been recovering from a cold, but from what I can tell is it was largely peaceful until these fuckheads got involved. People tried to get them to stop, but... yeah.


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
Sadly, I felt like riots were unavoidable in the wake of this election regardless of the results. The rhetoric during the campaign was too divisive, and the stakes too personal for so many Americans. If people riot in San Francisco after the Giants win the World Series, it shouldn't be too surprising that they'd riot over this.


There is always the clowns who show up and use it as a means to destroy things, loot, steal, assault people.

In canada, these sacks of shit would show up in Guy Fawkes masks or Balaclavas and then start rampaging and turning peaceful assemblies violent and so the government made it a felony that you cannot cover your face.

It completely ruins the momentum of what the protest was for, and instead people are left defensive. Now the people protesting Trump in Portland becomes an anti-Trump riot. The people who have had their property damaged will view everyone through the lens of this etc.


We'll have to see just how effectively the fascist leader implements their policies.

Rioting and civil outrage against the state may be only option now. If you wait until the fascist policies actually start coming down it may be too late.


The protesters absolutely have my support and I hope they stay safe, but fuck the rioters, hard. Bunch of fucking man-children who think it's ok to throw a public tantrum and get everyone else caught up in their bullshit.
It seems like a minority fringe group ruining a peaceful protest. If you care about people's right to protest, then you should be angry at the anarchists, not Democrats.

I am angry at the anarchists. I am not angry at the protesters in general but although I support that right I don't see it bringing any actual change. My stance has always been that violence begets violence, divisiveness begets divisiveness.

I understand why so many are angry but stopping traffic in a city full of people that agree isn't doing any good. The lady whose windshield got bashed in isn't suddenly thinking "Hey, now that my windshield got bashed in I agree with the angry mob!"

I am also angry at the Democratic Party because of their arrogance and ignorance. They let Trump win. I knew before the primaries were over that this would be the result of shoving HRC down our throats.
Real talk though, the speeches and words to quell the clearly growing discontent is deafingly quiet.

There are major concerns that need to be addressed, by a government they can't trust to address. I don't condone the rioting. But I expected it.

This will only get worse unless something is done.


I could hear the non-lethal munitions being fired last night. It was pretty loud.

Is that still legal to do? I'm assuming you mean people firing blanks in public? I would have thought for safety reasons that would still be illegal as how does everyone know gunshots going off are blanks?

Excuse me if I'm being ignorant.
Is that still legal to do? I'm assuming you mean people firing blanks in public? I would have thought for safety reasons that would still be illegal as how does everyone know gunshots going off are blanks?

Excuse me if I'm being ignorant.

Rubber bullets or beanbags.


Really glad stuff like this didn't happen down in Eugene, since I work right next to the main square in downtown. Last night there was a vigil and peaceful protest in my town. I had several friends up in Portland who can also corroborate the anarchist story of protesters not actually causing any damage.
Shit like this is literally fuel for conservatives to call liberals hypocrites. IDGAF about these labels but it is what it is...if you want to protest against the things Trump stands for this is the absolute dumbest way to go about it. Protests, ok. Rioting? No, wtf is wrong with these people and how does that accomplish anything?
The police are going to start cracking down hard on anything that even resembles a protest if opportunistic idiots keep doing this horrendous shit.


Shit like this is literally fuel for conservatives to call liberals hypocrites. IDGAF about these labels but it is what it is...if you want to protest against the things Trump stands for this is the absolute dumbest way to go about it. Protests, ok. Rioting? No, wtf is wrong with these people and how does that accomplish anything?

Well you see how vitriolic and angry some have gotten on GAF. Unfortunately some when they have that anger don't find a way to release it in a more civilised fashion.

This isn't excusing them, just a reason why it happens. As I always say, if you do shit that can get you arrested and have your rights suspended then how on earth is that helping? Imagine being in jail for 2020. Great. -1 vote.


I have so much stuff to tell you since i live in brasil....

But then again, why bother? You better learn for yourselves


I won't say riots are never understandable, but what I don't understand is doing it in a blue state surrounded by people that agree with you.


I won't say riots are never understandable, but what I don't understand is doing it in a blue state surrounded by people that agree with you.

Because as I said above they can't control their anger. The ends justify the means, the means being getting a release of that anger and feeling good.

Beating the shit out of objects, windows, signs and stores is the equivalent to squashing a stress ball on steroids. However one can obviously get you arrested. Peeled back it can be explained by basic psychology. Although there are opportunists who use riots as a chance to loot goods, not just destroy things.

For their own sake it maybe would be better if they just came on GAF and went apeshit, maybe catching a temp-ban, than destroying the place they live in especially when as you said, they are a blue state.

qcf x2

I expect we will see this a lot more often.

I don't. It's Portland (and I'll add that I really love Portland as a whole). Most of the bitter segments of America will get over it the same way the bitter/racist "Not MY President" losers eventually got over Obama being the CIC.


The anger of the people will be measured by the intensity of hate approved by Trump.

It is sad, I don't want this to happen, but there will be likely a lot of riots.

Trumps isn't even taking decisions yet, but I assume January/February will be months where HEAVY shit happens.




It disgusts as someone who is living in Eugene right now when they should use their anger for peaceful means, or try to heal people up instead. I am afraid the media would generalize us youths as a whole generation of violent people. It is okay to criticize and protest in anger, but when you commit these acts of violence, other stupid people with a lack of empathy would judge a whole group for their own biases.
The anger of the people will be measured by the intensity of hate approved by Trump.

It is sad, I don't want this to happen, but there will be likely a lot of riots.

Trumps isn't even taking decisions yet, but I assume January/February will be months where HEAVY shit happens.
George W Bush visited once and never came back, calling this place "Little Beirut" because we didn't give him any peace. Trump will never have the guts, but I hope some noise gets out from here and spreads to the rest of the country.
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