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Anti-Trump Protest In Portland, Ore., Turns Destructive, Declared A Riot

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Yeah, fuck Americans for expressing their anger against a fascistic candidate.

They can express all they want, but they will get arrested if caught. Unless of course you think damaging property and peoples cars has to now get a free pass? The law doesn't care if you empathise, it cares if it has been broken. As do the store owners and owners of cars.

It's not even as if they're outside Trumps building throwing eggs at it or attempting to smash windows on it. It's taking your anger out on innocents property. Not so fun if your windows get smashed and you have to deal with an insurance claim. I mean these people are never standing outside their own homes/shops/cars smashing their own windows are they?
The rioters were arrested. 23 people I think I read. What use is it to continue condemning criminality already condemned and enforced by the law? Don't miss the thousands of peaceful people out there also trying to get attention.
Looting is also not violent protest for the record, so don't conflate the two and say that they're both bad and have the same intent or logic behind them. Looters joining a protest cuts the legs out from under it; utilizing a violent protest does not destroy your message like many would have you believe.


Rioting is also not violent protest for the record, so don't conflate the two and say that they're both bad and have the same intent or logic behind them. Rioters joining a protest cuts the legs out from under it; utilizing a violent protest does not destroy your message like many would have you believe.

[rahy-uh t]
a noisy, violent public disorder caused by a group or crowd of persons, as by a crowd protesting against another group, a government policy, etc., in the streets.
Law. a disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons acting together in a disrupting and tumultuous manner in carrying out their private purposes.
violent or wild disorder or confusion.
They can express all they want, but they will get arrested if caught. Unless of course you think damaging property and peoples cars has to now get a free pass? The law doesn't care if you empathise, it cares if it has been broken. As do the store owners and owners of cars.

It's not even as if they're outside Trumps building throwing eggs at it or attempting to smash windows on it. It's taking your anger out on innocents property. No so fun if your windows get smashed and you have to deal with an insurance claim. I mean this people are never standing outside their own homes/shops/cars smashing their own windows are they?

true I doubt I would be sympathetic if my car was destroyed

everything is a matter of perspective I guess
While you guys keep discussing the shit people and shit results of those shit people, I'm seeing stories like this online from my friends.

I feel surrounded by a lot of people who CARE, and I freaking love this city. I saw a lot of people stuck in traffic and some of them seemed to be on our side. One person in their car started honking the horn to the tune of our chant. I saw high fives and peace signs out of car windows. I saw faces and words of support from Portlanders in stalled max trains. A lot of emotions were running through me last night. A lot of people I saw were pretty young, very passionate, and so kind.
This place has known activism all its life, and everyone here has some form of basic education on it just from experience. I've learned while living here and talking to GAF that protest means something really fucking scary and different to others from how it actually is. Join one!


Us liberals arent good at doing practical shit like voting for boring candidates , we sure can throw a tantrum though...
Us liberals arent good at doing practical shit like voting for boring candidates , we sure can throw a tantrum though...

Democrats won everything here except Dennis Richardson for Secretary.
Well you see how vitriolic and angry some have gotten on GAF. Unfortunately some when they have that anger don't find a way to release it in a more civilised fashion.

This isn't excusing them, just a reason why it happens. As I always say, if you do shit that can get you arrested and have your rights suspended then how on earth is that helping? Imagine being in jail for 2020. Great. -1 vote.

Certainly they have the right to feel anger and frustration, but to quote the great philosopher James Hetfield, this is fighting fire with fire...obviously that only means more fire and it's not going to solve anything. Instead it's just more ammo for Trump supports to label the people against him as "libtards, spoiled babies, SJWs bla bla bla"

Honestly, can we even write things like this anymore? Donald Trump just got elected President. It's easy to believe the most trash behavior can allow you to accomplish anything you can dream.

I get your point, but at the same time following Trump's poor examples as a way of voicing your disgust with him doesn't make sense IMO

Yeah, fuck Americans for expressing their anger against a fascistic candidate.

Protest and being active in preventing this type of shit in the future seems to be a much more effective tool of expression than resorting to violence and destruction.
[rahy-uh t]
a noisy, violent public disorder caused by a group or crowd of persons, as by a crowd protesting against another group, a government policy, etc., in the streets.
Law. a disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons acting together in a disrupting and tumultuous manner in carrying out their private purposes.
violent or wild disorder or confusion.

Fuck, I'm sorry, I actually fucked up what I meant to write. I meant to write looters and looting. That's my bad.

Rioting is a form of violent protest, as the race riots proved. I have no idea why I said riots instead. Lemme change that.
I won't say riots are never understandable, but what I don't understand is doing it in a blue state surrounded by people that agree with you.

People are pissed off and they want an outlet for that rage. They don't have the funds to travel to a red state and riot there, so they take out their anger where they live, and end up hurting members of a community that are on their side. It's completely illogical, obviously, but extreme emotions are going to win over logic every time. Also, some people just want to see the world burn. Fortunately they are in the minority.

Still, I have great faith in the people of my city to continue to fight for justice without allowing ourselves to give in to blind rage and destroy our communities in the process. Protesting is necessary; rioting is not.



I know its a meme and forgive me for that, but you can't say that's all riots are bad, some riots with good purposes have its place. But i agree i don't see a good reason and purpose in this one.



Good news.


I know its a meme and forgive me for that, but you can't say that's all riots are bad, some riots with good purposes have its place. But i agree i don't see a good reason and purpose in this one.

Pirates are bad ass though, so pirates can do whatever they want. Can't wait for the next season of Black Sails!

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
As a person living in Portland, Oregon, the anarchist there were stupid and I'm glad other protesters tried to stop them. Destroying shit in general as protest is dumb, but on top of this, Portland is literally one of the most progressive cities in the country. What does destroying stuff in a city that embraces not only all types of sexuality, race, but alternative life styles, hipsters, people freely being able to dress as they like, and is a city that is incrediably anti-Trump accomplish?

(I know it's just idiots who want to riit with this gathering as an excuse.)


Yep. People think oregon is a liberal state, but the truth is very different.

That map is pretty much the same situation as what we have in Washington. Everything east of the Cascades is super conservative, everything west is super liberal. People have even campaigned to separate it into two states.


Shit like this is literally fuel for conservatives to call liberals hypocrites. IDGAF about these labels but it is what it is...if you want to protest against the things Trump stands for this is the absolute dumbest way to go about it. Protests, ok. Rioting? No, wtf is wrong with these people and how does that accomplish anything?

Conservatives will either steer clear of the story entirely or pretend Black Lives Matter was responsible.


Yep. People think oregon is a liberal state, but the truth is very different.

Not sure what you are talking about, the picture says the exact opposite. Oregon is an extremely liberal state because the majority of the people in it are liberal.
If you want to violent protest you do it in a city that is part of the problem. I mean, this was literally what Martin Luther King Jr. did when protesting in a city that put up with his peaceful protests did. He protested in Albany, Ga. where non-violent protest was shut down by the sheriff without acts of police violence and after months of not getting anywhere meaning that people didn't care or pay attention and the news didn't spread he changed tactics. He went to Alabama and pushed at Bull Connor, inciting violence that he used by letting police inflict it on CHILDREN and then utilizing that imagery to make the movement explode. MLK literally sent a wall of children out into the wolves jaws and let them get completely fucked up to make social change happen.

Labor riots helped end unsafe working conditions.

Trans and gay activists literally fought police to overturn homophobic/transphobic policies in some of our most progressive cities.

The CIVIL WAR was fought to END SLAVERY.

Don't even pretend that violence hasn't or can't get shit done; the history of social progress has rarely, if ever, been achieved through solely peaceful means.

We have holidays that celebrate the violence of our past that has gotten us to where we are today.

We're not "too civilized" or "too smart" for violence.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
If you want to violent protest you do it in a city that is part of the problem. I mean, this was literally what Martin Luther King Jr. did when protesting in a city that put up with his peaceful protests did. He protested in Albany, Ga. where non-violent protest was shut down by the sheriff without acts of police violence and after months of not getting anywhere meaning that people didn't care or pay attention and the news didn't spread he changed tactics. He went to Alabama and pushed at Bull Connor, inciting violence that he used by letting police inflict it on CHILDREN and then utilizing that imagery to make the movement explode. MLK literally sent a wall of children out into the wolves jaws and let them get completely fucked up to make social change happen.

Labor riots helped end unsafe working conditions.

Trans and gay activists literally fought police to overturn homophobic/transphobic policies in some of our most progressive cities.

The CIVIL WAR was fought to END SLAVERY.

Don't even pretend that violence hasn't or can't get shit done; the history of social progress has rarely, if ever, been achieved through solely peaceful means.

We have holidays that celebrate the violence of our past that has gotten us to where we are today.

We're not "too civilized" or "too smart" for violence.

Sometimes you do have to fight for what you believe in, but there's an important time and place deal and most of the time violence should only be a last resort. Rioting among thousands of peaceful protesters who are delivering a message in literally one of the most progressive cities in the nation that are far left and anti-Trump and were allowing the protest to happen until the violent outburst by a fews elect anarchist and causing destruction to the city in question is neither the time nor place. It is obviously just shit stirrers at that point.

But the pacific northwest has had to deal with these extremist for a while. While the Pacific Northwest is very heavy left overall, there's a lot of buck nowhere nature around here, a strength and weakness in this case as Oregon and Washington as they continue to fight hard to preserve nature around here, but with all that empty and scattered land it does let some extremist groups foster mostly undisturbed. Famously there are some neo-nazi and KKK groups the outskirt around Portland. Most of the population of Oregon is very centered on three cities, Portland most of all, and the rest of it is mostly nature and small towns. The populated areas are far-left, and they make up about 80% of Oregon's population, but the rest is fairly right but scattered and the population of all of them together is only a small fraction of the big cities in Oregon. But due maybe in part of this, when there's peaceful protests in these areas, they have famously been soured by the act of a few sudden extremist that show up to try to deliver a very different message unfortunately. It's an actual issue of the area.
Sometimes you do have to fight for what you believe in, but there's an important time and place deal and most of the time violence should only be a last resort. Rioting among thousands of peaceful protesters who are delivering a message in literally one of the most progressive cities in the nation that are far left and anti-Trump and were allowing the protest to happen until the violent outburst by a fews elect anarchist and causing destruction to the city in question is neither the time nor place. It is obviously just shit stirrers at that point.

But the pacific northwest has had to deal with these extremist for a while. While the Pacific Northwest is very heavy left overall, there's a lot of buck nowhere nature around here, a strength and weakness in this case as Oregon and Washington as they continue to fight hard to preserve nature around here, but with all that empty and scattered land it does let some extremist groups foster mostly undisturbed. Famously there are some neo-nazi and KKK groups the outskirt around Portland. Most of the population of Oregon is very centered on three cities, Portland most of all, and the rest of it is mostly nature and small towns. The populated areas are far-left, and they make up about 80% of Oregon's population, but the rest is fairly right but scattered and the population of all of them together is only a small fraction of the big cities in Oregon. But due maybe in part of this, when there's peaceful protests in these areas, they have famously been soured by the act of a few sudden extremist, unfortunately. It's an actual issue of the area.

Oh no, I completely agree with you as far as Portland not being the right place for this kind of shit and specifically that the anarchists are just kinda shitting stuff up. They're not actually utilizing violence to accomplish the united goal of this, they're just being little shits. I've kept up with the problems up there and it's really annoying because as I said, people start conflating unrelated things to make all the violence the same when it's not.

I'm not...entirely convinced that now is not the time for it. People are waiting for shit to get really bad and "exhaust our options" but I honestly think the evidence of the last 8 years and this election has shown what high ground peaceful unity bridging is actually able to accomplish.

I think we honestly are at the last point.


The fact that anyone supports Hillary boggles my mind... I have tested between 130-160 on IQ tests
I hope every single one of those bums gets thrown in jail.

Like what Gebler/Kislev did to Fei the anarchist , right? Who then proceeded to violently riot his way out of Nortune while you cheered him on / directly controlled this behavior (lolz)


contribute something
Protest and being active in preventing this type of shit in the future seems to be a much more effective tool of expression than resorting to violence and destruction.

I'm not sure about that. Any mass demonstration gets its weight from the implicit threat of violence. This is the bitter truth behind Tahrir Square and Ghandi and all other peaceful resistance movements. What matters is if destruction is organized or blindly chaotic.

Controlled demonstrations of force can be a very effective political tactic to intimidate your enemies. The right has known this for centuries, and it's high time that the left caught up.
I don't. It's Portland (and I'll add that I really love Portland as a whole). Most of the bitter segments of America will get over it the same way the bitter/racist "Not MY President" losers eventually got over Obama being the CIC.

When did this happen? Because as best as I can remember those bitter fucks kept active until they eventually took control of the entire government...


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I'm not sure that putting pics of people attested but not convicted is communicating.

I suppose overall it could be used for good but it is twitter.

Mugshots are public information here (there is a cheap newspaper dedicated to Oregon mugshots that you can pick up at shitty convenience stores), also that image is not showing the person's face.

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