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Arcana Heart 3 |OT| Thread of beating up moe moe girls


Setec Astronomer
Morro! said:
You saw that godlike cathy player on the NCI stream? He was only using lariat when hit confirmed, learned a ton of her stuff, i totally didn't knew cathy was a combo machine.
Yeah, I know. My Cathy is shit but she's fun regardless. Ground bomb, Ground bomb, Mid bomb, Bomb super, superjump cancel, whatever.
Picked this up on Friday (GAME's now selling the LE for £18/£20 in store), despite promising myself I'd never buy another fighter after MvC3. It's been two days and I've already spent way more time on this. Absolutely loving it.

After cycling through the cast in training mode I'm leaning towards Weiss, with Petra as plan B and Nazuna/Dorothy as outside shots. Going through story mode with everyone'll be the decider. Probably going to end up using the Tone Arcana because it's goddamn channelling Patty from Psychic Force 2.


Disco Devil
The Take Out Bandit said:
So if I import the Euro version I can play online with you fine folks, right?

Still mad I can't play as big titty elf lady. They gonna make her DLC at some point? :(

As far as i know, yes, since Hito has the jp import and i have the psn version and we can play just fine.

Also big titty elf lady is crazy overpowered, if she didn't handicap herself everytime you lose, she'd be easily the hardest fighting game boss ever. I'm glad she isn't playable :c

So yah, if anyone wants to play or wants to get into the chat, just add me on PSN. We should get a decent sized room going one of these days...

P.S.: Lieselotte is godlike.


Are people still playing this online on here in any organized fashion, or has everyone moved on to other stuff? I've been using this game as a stopgap to KOF, and I've been enjoying the hell out of it lately.


Disco Devil
alstein said:
Are people still playing this online on here in any organized fashion, or has everyone moved on to other stuff? I've been using this game as a stopgap to KOF, and I've been enjoying the hell out of it lately.

Not really, the time we do manage to get a lobby going is always super random.

AH3 GAF consists of only like 5 or 6 people at most anyway. I'm down for a lobby one of these days!


Bought the game yesterday using the 60/10 promotion. Trying to relearn Saki (played with her in AH1), but they changed her to charge moves. WTF?

If there is some lobbies going on, send me an invite: PSN - Shinriji



Just got my copy of the UK limited edition version of this game in the mail today. I must admit, I honestly didn't know much about this game other than what I saw in videos. Never played it before, and I didn't want to waste money on a download only version when this cool looking set only costed me about $10 more.

I've only played a few matches against the AI so far, and I do really like it just from a visual, and control standpoint. All the difference arcanas and characters are a bit overwhelming for me at first, since I'm not really familiar with any of them. Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated.

Playing against the AI though really doesn't help me much trying to learn the game, because they barely seem to put up much of a fight.

Anyone else who have this game wanna add me to their PSN friend list? I'd appreciate an invite to play sometimes. My PSN name is Ockman
My brother has left side paralysis so Videogaming is hard enough, but he was really excited when he learned BlazBlue had "easy/stylish/noob" mode. You know when you just mash one button to pull off combo's. I wanna get him another fighting game (One of his favorite genres) and was wondering if this game also had an "Easy/Stylish" mode ?


I finally ordered a ps3 pad so I'll be able to put in some real time with AH3 once school ends. Haven't played since AH1. Anyone from Texas might remember me as the Kira w/Rock arcana player from SA. It sucks that they nerfed Kira and the Rock arcana but I'll probably still use her and and pick up someone else. AH3, UMVC3, KoFXIII, MK and VF next year? Times are starting to remind of the golden days of my fighting game youth.


My brother has left side paralysis so Videogaming is hard enough, but he was really excited when he learned BlazBlue had "easy/stylish/noob" mode. You know when you just mash one button to pull off combo's. I wanna get him another fighting game (One of his favorite genres) and was wondering if this game also had an "Easy/Stylish" mode ?

I don't recall it having a simple mode.
My brother has left side paralysis so Videogaming is hard enough, but he was really excited when he learned BlazBlue had "easy/stylish/noob" mode. You know when you just mash one button to pull off combo's. I wanna get him another fighting game (One of his favorite genres) and was wondering if this game also had an "Easy/Stylish" mode ?

It does. In your brother's case go for it.

If you don't have paralysis then use normal mode.

Your options in Simple Mode are very limited and you won't get the full mileage from a character in using it.

Hope he has fun playing it.


Boo. Any fighters that have it besides BB ? I wanna get him a fighting game for Christmas ...
A much older game on Gamecube and Xbox, Capcom vs SNK 2 EO, did have kind of a simple mode where you could do combos with the right stick. I miss playing that game...why isn't that on downloadable services yet?
It does. In your brother's case go for it.

If you don't have paralysis then use normal mode.

Your options in Simple Mode are very limited and you won't get the full mileage from a character in using it.

Hope he has fun playing it.

No, I'm a perfectly healthy 19 year old male, and I myself don't really like fighters.

When I introduced BlazBlue to my brother, he absolutely fell in love with it. I saw this game and how similar it is and figured perfect. The only thing I was unsure about was how he would do without the simple mode thing. But if it's here then awesome. So anyways, thanks for the answer.
No, I'm a perfectly healthy 19 year old male, and I myself don't really like fighters.

When I introduced BlazBlue to my brother, he absolutely fell in love with it. I saw this game and how similar it is and figured perfect. The only thing I was unsure about was how he would do without the simple mode thing. But if it's here then awesome. So anyways, thanks for the answer.

I meant "you" in the general sense of anybody else reading it. The internet is never good at conveying meaning. But the point still stands for anybody who reads that post though.

Street Fighter Alpha 1 and Regular Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 have simple mode IIRC.

They do. And most of the PS1 Capcom Games do as well. But depending on the game Simple Mode could be anything from just Auto Block to a whole different control style.


It's a great game, too bad no one in my area plays it because they can't get past the "lolita animu crap". Guess It'll forever be UMVC3/KOFXIII.


I have that edition as well.
The cards with the move lists for the Arcanas and the "Moes" were cool, but I found the game's look disapointing, and the game was overwelming as well.
I usually pick female characters in videogames whenever I have a choice despite being a male my self (with the exception of real life simulation games like Persona 3 P were I don't feel comfortable hitting on guys), but I couldn't get attached to any of the character's of this game!
They are all cliche anime stereotypes that we've seen a million times before and that make them look fake to me.
Long story short, I didn't like the game much.

My PSN is "KiteGr" if anyone want's a match, but I can't prommice that'll be in the mood for it.


This really is a game you have to learn to start enjoying. That said, without many folks online these days (KOF kinda killed most of the folks playing it) except for a few diehards who are top tourney players at it, it's near-impossible to get into it unless you live in an Arcana hotbed and are willing to play offline.


This really is a game you have to learn to start enjoying. That said, without many folks online these days (KOF kinda killed most of the folks playing it) except for a few diehards who are top tourney players at it, it's near-impossible to get into it unless you live in an Arcana hotbed and are willing to play offline.

Unfortunately, you answered the question I was about to post. I like the art style and mechanics of this game but I don't want to invest too much time in a limited community.
So, is anyone still playing this?

I wanna get a decent lobby going sometime!

Add me~

I played the game once and shelved it. Too moe even for the likes of me.

I wouldn't mind picking it back up for a GAF session, but these days I'm all EXVS or nothing.


If you just want more dmg output, fire is the way to go. Although i like metal for Kira the best, every arcana works for everyone depending on the matchup or playstyle

El Sloth

Re-posting this in all the fighting game threads:

This seems like a good time to post that I just set up what I hope to be a FGC catch-all channel for GAF on IRC:

#gafilluminati (props to Stabby McSter for the name!)

on Dorksnet servers (irc.wiicafe.com, irc.gamecubecafe.com, irc.browsingtheinternet.com))

Mibbit link for those that don't have a chat program:

I recommend downloading XChat or mIRC though.

It's pretty quiet right now, but it was only literally just made 20 minutes ago. Probably best used during streams, but come and talk about whatever the hell you guys want.
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