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Are 3D TVs and 3D console content dead?

If it was something games on PS4 Pro added rather than things like above-1080p resolutions, I might be interested.
I was looking at getting a new TV, and was kind of annoyed that you have to pay a large amount to get 3D now.
Yeah, it's either pay out the nose or watch eBay for an older model.
Zafir said:
Well, theoretically yes. However, Nvidia at least, has compatibility patches which fix any issues.

In other words, if a game isn't listed as supported by Nvidia, it will probably still work, but you may experience random glitches - such as items being at the wrong depth etc.
People often mod their way around these issues. Sometimes very well, other times just cutting out effects that come out wrong in stereoscopic
Most upsetting thing to me of this decade. 3D games and movies when done correctly were fucking fantastic and truly unique experiences. Now 4k blurays don't have 3d and most games don't support it now. Major buzzkill since I bought a 3d tv for games like Uncharted 3 in 3d.

Yeah it sucks many studios are making you chosebetweek 4k and 3D... luckily a few are offering both, Star Trek Beyond and Angry Birds are a couple of examples. Unfortunately the current HDMI spec doesn't provide eough bandwidth for 4k 3D
WTF, so many posts saying it's dead, yet 3D movies release all the time, and still get 3D Blu Ray releases to boot. OK...?

As far as games though it seems pretty dead or close to it, this is true unfortunately.


Passive 3D TVs for 3D Blu-ray is still a thing. Just about all the films that have 3D releases in the theater release in 3D for home.

Home console games seem to have moved away from it though. Fortunately we still have the new 3DS.


I at the very least hope that some support continues to exist going forward considering that over the years I have amassed a fair number of 3D games and Movies for my current 3DTV. As I said in another thread on the topic, I'd hate to suddenly invalidate a decent chunk of my library if I can help it, so I'll grudgingly pay a little extra to have a 4KTV with 3D support.
I think a huge untapped potential for 3d gaming was the ability to have 2 players playing full screen on the same tv. Black ops 2 had it. You do need special glasses but you could try it out with standard 3d glasses and have the effect by covering one eye. It blew my tiny mind but wasn't really practical to play for too long looking like a pirate.

I remember Sony's monitor with that functionality. Too bad it turned out a dud by various testimonies.


Motorstorm Pacific Rift was a great 3D experience, I'm kinda sad it never caught on. I really like it, even if I have to wear glasses to experience it. I still have that 32 inch Playstation 3DTV that I can use for the content I own, so whatever.

It was really really hard to find a fairly priced 4k TV with 3D capabilities, so I eventually just gave up.
WTF, so many posts saying it's dead, yet 3D movies release all the time, and still get 3D Blu Ray releases to boot. OK...?

As far as games though it seems pretty dead or close to it, this is true unfortunately.

For the most part though, that's stopped being a selling point for most movies. I'm sure theatres are still happy to take more of your money for a ticket to a 3D movie, but it isn't like a while back when "3D" was literally being included in the titles of a movies to try to upsell it. I'd imagine it'll be slowly relegated to rare occurrences unless something comes along to give it another push.

I think the only mainstream 3D support you're going to see is going to be baked into VR going forward. It'll just become part of that package (And we're far from that package being mainstream as it is).



"The E6 has passive 3D which performs very well. The higher resolution of the 4k screen means you don't see the alternating lines which are visible on 1080p OLEDs."

I never used the 3D on my TV because it kind of sucks due to crosstalk, dimness and giving me headache and eyestrain from the active shutter glasses. 3D at home could still work if 4K fixes its annoying problems, which the OLED set above seems to do well.


Elden Member
I was a 3D hater on TV's until I got my 4k Sony 75x940c. Watching Frozen on it is AMAZING. I've never seen 3D done so well. Judging by what the AVSforum says about it, its the best 3D tv ever made.
For now, yes.

It's still too imperfect and inconvenient for the average viewer. Who wants to wear clunky glasses when they watch something with their beloved ones?

Once they figure out a way to produce glasses-free 3D that looks as good as the 2D alternative for every viewer in a room, people will jump in.


I was hoping a glasses-free TV solution would come about using the N3DS tech so I could create a mini (22") virtual pinball cabinet running Zen Pinball in 3D...
Can find 3D sets new or used anymore. It's like all the displays have disappeared and if I do find some they are very marked up. I always wanted a 3Dtv too. Even worse on PC only Nvidia reigns supreme if you want to do anything 3D related and they stopped support years ago

Feels bad man
VR kinda makes the old 3D TV's redundant in the sense its 3D but like you are IN the world not OBSERVING IT

And I actually liked 3D Vision for example (New Vegas was incredible in 3D)

I really wanted a 3D TV but annoyingly my last TV broke before 3D TV's were sold affordably. So I always planned on getting a 3D capable TV when that one broke but it never happened and looks like window has passed...


3D TVs and related contents are dead.

A simplistic answer that won't help the OP.

For games, 3D is dead. I can't remember the last officially supported NVidia 3D vision game for instance. The industry has understandably moved towards VR. For movies though things aren't quite as bleak. There are still many being churned out in 3D at the cinema, while a fair amount of this year's range of TVs still support 3D.

The big headline is Samsung dropping support entirely from their TV range. Sony have also quietly abandoned 3D in all but their top X93/94 series. On the other hand, Panasonic still include active 3D in most of their sets, while LG's passive 3D is still present in the majority of their OLEDs (although inexplicably absent in their entry level B6), and from the 850v upwards for LCD.

The problem is, it doesn't look like 4K AND 3D content is in the pipeline. This is an old leak, but I'm not aware of anything being put on the roadmap since for 3D in 4K:


As a fan of 3D it's pretty damn annoying, because when done right (Avatar, Hugo, Dredd) I think it can look fantastic.


I was hoping a glasses-free TV solution would come about using the N3DS tech so I could create a mini (22") virtual pinball cabinet running Zen Pinball in 3D...

I have been wanting this too. I'm surprised a company out there hasn't done it yet. Maybe with 4K 3D it will happen, since the resolution halving with 1080p 3D is probably not worth it for pinball table simulation.


i purchased a VIZIO M701d-A3R 70-Inch 1080p 3D Smart LED HDTV right at the beginning of 2014. it was the last BIG 3d TV made by Vizio.. the 2014 model removed it.

It's passive so any cheap glasses work with it.. (the ones you get with real 3d at the theater) so i aways grab a hand full when i go. I have a box full and let me tell you every person that as watched movies like Amazing Spider-Man 2, Coraline and Book of Life in 3D in my living room has been blown away, they al stated the same thing.. "looks so much better than the theater"

So yeah i'm bummed, because now i have to be extra careful with this TV as it's the last of it's kind and i still buy 3D copies of blu-rays when i can


How many modern PC games support a 3D mode? I'm looking to buy a 4K OLED TV with 3D support and this is something I'd like to play around with.

Nearly all games can be be played in 3d still on PC.

Visit helixmod and see the list of games that have 3d patches.

The developers seem to have turned there back on it but there is still a hard core community of 3d modders and it's easy to add the helixmods.
While 3D games are "dead," the idea lives on through VR. After all, the experience would be much less immersive if you were viewing a 2D image with headtracking.

There are still 3D Blurays coming out, but since the new 4K standard purposefully excluded 3D, and since the UHD Blurays generally include the regular Bluray, but not a 3D Bluray, even for movies that have one, the releases will likely dry up within the next year or two.

I love 3D and still enjoy 3D content, so I am greatly looking forward to VR.


If you're going to add a VR option to games like Bound and Resident Evil 7..

..there's really no reason not to add a mode for 3D tv's. Odd that they don't considering plenty more will have 3D tv's than will have VR for quite a while.



Also, put me in the "told you so" camp. 3D with glasses will never become the default way of watching movies or playing games. It's just not comfortable and seamless enough. People accept it once a month for a two-hour cinema visit but that's it.

VR is similar btw. It's the current fad but as long as you have to wear a stupid helmet/glasses thing, it'll never convince mainstream audiences.

It's unfortunate. I really love passive 3D. I would actually like to get a 4K display with HDR and 3D if such a thing exists. But I imagine content would have to created with 3D, 4K and HDR in mind. I consider myself a 3D enthusiast but it seems the dream is dead.
HDR doesn't actually mean anything. At least 3D TVs meant something but was always a gimmick. My good ol' 720p Toshiba makes me happy, lol.

Meanwhile I spend much more on 144hz computer monitors but... That's a different thing, lol
I also play all 3DS games with 3D on MAX, for the games that support it. I really enjoy the gimmick. I hope there will be enough people that feel the way I do to support a small but sustainable market for it.


Sailor Stevenson
The 3D on LG's 4K OLEDs is amazing. 1080p for both eyes.

An absolute shame TVs like this weren't around when 3D was first getting pushed, as it might've caught on


I personally don't think 3D is a gimmick. I love the 3DS's 3D and have wished for VR to be not much more than a 3DS strapped to my face. On consoles however, performance is clearly an issue. And 3D TVs have been middling.


I don't think it's a terribly odd comment. People were assured 3D would eventually spread to the corners of the earth, same thing is happening with VR.

It's funny that you are portraying "people" as the victims of the failure of 3D to catch on, rather than the cause of it.

3D didn't take over because people didn't buy it, and people didn't buy it because they don't like wearing glasses to watch it and the content wasn't compelling enough to overcome this.

VR is still early, but it's going to live or die on the same market forces, which will be similarly driven by whether or not studios can start putting out compelling content to overcome the "Ew, ew, thing on my face" factor.


Saint Titanfall
VR is incomparable to 3D.

3D was a shitty gimmick nobody asked for.

VR technology is only starting, a perfected VR is gonna be a revolution of the industry.

Only people that haven't tested it properly to see its potential can say it's dead on arrival.

It might die because PsVR is shit and the others too expensive, but in ten years it will still be around and more affordable.

Nobody asked, for.. tell that to the millions of people that went to see avatar, still watch 3D movies and bought the 3DS. Quite frankly it's highly likely 3D will have more mainstream penetration than VR will have for decades if not full stop. Consumers drive technology not the other way around.


VR enabled games could theoretically allow for this since its already doing stereoscopic 3D. Now, whether devs will bother is another question entirely.


3D for movies is still going strong. For some reason it's not included in any 4K Blu Rays currently on the market. Which is dumb, because movies like Mad Max Fury Road would be amazing with both 4K plus 3D.

Side note - get a TV that uses ACTIVE 3D rather than passive. The glasses are more expensive and require batteries, but the quality is greatly improved. As they only let you see one frame at a time, you lose the blur effect that often annoys people with fast-moving films in the cinemas.

In movies, having 3D that's actually good is partly down to the filming method (true versus converted) but mostly down to shot composition (positioning of foreground and background objects.

In games, you're usually in charge of the camera, so 3D works very well.

The main benefit of 3D is immersion. Every object in front of you feels more real, and (surprisingly) more noticeable. Random peripheral objects like a lamp on the wall or dripping water from above get your attention more and it makes you appreciate the design of the world.

So from the above, I would genuinely say that 3D is underrated and better than 4K. There, I said it.

For console gaming, 3D died in about 2012. The last AAA game to release with the feature, I believe, was Assassin's Creed 3. And you should NOT play that game in 3D on PS3 - it caused major deterioration to the graphics, including a lot of aliasing and geometry completely disappearing. Which is weird considering how great the 3D was in Revelations just a year before.

Another bad example of 3D is Halo: Combar Evolved Anniversary on 360. They balanced that completely wrong, so environnments looked really flat but as soon as you get a gun it pokes your eyes out.

Also don't bother with Batman Arkham City 3D on consoles. Even with the depth turned up to full, you can barely see a difference most of the time. But later I played in 3D on PC, where you can configure the settings to your fancy, and it was amazing.

But here are some examples of console games that were great in 3D:

Uncharted 3
Call of Duty Black Ops 1 & 2
Killzone 3
Wipeout HD
Motorstorm Apocalypse
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Ico & Shadow of the Colossus HD
Resistance 3

I never tried Crysis 2 in 3D but I imagine it was pretty good.

I was really lucky to get myself a 3D TV that ticked all my boxes for a great price in 2014. Unfortunately this was just after 3D console gaming had died. Since then I've basically caught up on all the good ones.

However, since I discovered a delightful piece of software called TriDef, and set it to side-by-side mode and used the Convert button on my remote, I've been playing a lot of PC games in 3D.

Anyway, I'm going to take this opportunity to post a few screenshots (anaglyph for your convenience, but normal colour on my TV) that I've taken in the past few months.



3D for movies is still going strong. For some reason it's not included in any 4K Blu Rays currently on the market. Which is dumb, because movies like Mad Max Fury Road would be amazing with both 4K plus 3D.

The Ultra HD Blu-ray spec actually doesn't have any provision for 3D right now. That's why. It could theoretically be added down the line, though.

Of course, that doesn't explain why they can't pack in a 3D Blu-ray with a UHDBD 2D disc, so you can at least experience them separately without buying twice, but that's another issue.


3D didn't take over because people didn't buy it, and people didn't buy it because they don't like wearing glasses to watch it and the content wasn't compelling enough to overcome this.

right. and i think the original poster was arguing that the same thing could possibly happen to VR, is all.
I adore 3D. We watch as many 3D movies as we can, the few that are out there.

Not too many games, though on PC I do play some now and then with 3D. Nvidia's 3D Play software is great. Metal Gear Rising in 3D is fantastic stuff.


The 3D on LG's 4K OLEDs is amazing. 1080p for both eyes.

An absolute shame TVs like this weren't around when 3D was first getting pushed, as it might've caught on

This is true. The colour vibrancy and picture quality still looks stunning on the 4K OLED in 3D.

I was playing quite a bit of Rocket League in 3D recently and it really helps with timing for jumps/flying due to the depth cues.
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