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Are 3D TVs and 3D console content dead?


Blockbuster movies will still have 3D releases, but yea the networks and pretty much everyone else has significantly dropped 3D including the TV manufacturers themselves.


Unconfirmed Member
It was a stepping stone for VR, which VR in itself is a stepping stone for better AR/holo-rooms.


I have a 3D TV and still buy 3D Blu-Rays, there were a few 3D enabled games and they worked great, I don't know why they stopped giving the option.


on the gaming side VR rendered 3D useless.

for example i'm playing dark souls 2 right now on my rift in 3d through the theater mode or whatever it's called. does the job


3D looks incredible on OLED. Although I went for the 3D-less B6 this year, last year I had the EF950 and despite other issues with the TV, the 3D was nothing short of phenomenal.

Passive, flicker-free, cinema-style, easy to watch 3D, but with the full 1080p resolution of active 3D. Amazing stuff. It seems a shame that 3D is now dead just as we finally have the home display technology to do it justice. But it's dead. And that's why I chose the B6.


I hope not but it's looking that way. It's tansitioning into VR.

Currently playing through Ridge Racer 7 in 3D. Looks great and plays wonderfully. Good 3D requires high framerates and it's a shame that we now have hardware powerful enough to run games in 720p at 120fps (60 per eye) but no one is utilising them to power great 3D on the millions of compatible televisions out there.

You'd think they would as it would get games and engines ready for VR.


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3D on TVs looks amazing but too many fucking constant whiners kept shitting on it and ruined it for the rest of us who like 3D content on our TVs.

I'm so glad that corporate VR companies are not listening to VR whiners.
The death of 3D was a self-fulfilling prophecy. As soon as it was released...I mean AS SOON AS it was released, everybody on the internet called it a fad and a gimmick. It never had a chance.
It's a shame what happened to 3D in general. Image quality on a 4k 3D TV with passive glasses is way better than what you'll get with a VR headset. Sure they are trying to achieve different things, but I rather watch Avatar or Gravity than look at the smear of last gen quality textures inside a headset.
Back when all the stores were trying to sell 3D TVs every time I walked in there, I used to tell the sales people that this technology will die within five years. Of course they didn't want to hear that. I tell people the same thing about VR and I get the same kind of responses including on this forum when Sony first announced it for the PS four.

Of course it will be around a while for people to be jealous of if you don't have it, but just wait 3 to 5 years and it's going to be yet another plastic instrument sitting in the closet.

I also feel that a good 4K TV makes the images so sharp and they almost look like they have a depth to them.


Just bought civil war 3d and watch on my 4k hdr LG TV. It look phenomenal and nothing like the 3d pushed years back. The technology has only just hit the right level imo.

That's great to hear. I bought that tv this weekend to replace my now dying DLP that I've had for 9 years, comes Wednesday. My last TV did not have 3D so I am kind of excited to check out some movies and games. It's too bad they didn't support that more on the Playstation.


I had some enjoyment out of 3D, but VR is far superior in terms of showing depth, and so I would question the purpose in supporting it when better technology is in the wild.

That said, it had no where near enough support for my liking.
If you're going to add a VR option to games like Bound and Resident Evil 7..

..there's really no reason not to add a mode for 3D tv's. Odd that they don't considering plenty more will have 3D tv's than will have VR for quite a while.
Yeah, this annoys me. You'd think in the necessary steps to take a regular flat game into good VR form, you'd have to hit a good 3DTV form about 10% of the way in. It's just a little camera trickery and making sure everything layers right, before having to deal with keeping frame rate perfect, how to handle changes in controls, head movement, etc.


Most upsetting thing to me of this decade. 3D games and movies when done correctly were fucking fantastic and truly unique experiences. Now 4k blurays don't have 3d and most games don't support it now. Major buzzkill since I bought a 3d tv for games like Uncharted 3 in 3d.

Yeah, that's the unfortunate secret behind all of the obnoxious hype and upselling and shoveling of 3D TVs... if you bought one, they were pretty damned good!

Maybe you only used it on occasion, perhaps not enough to justify the cost (though I had one of the Passive 3D models and was pretty much in like with comparative TVs at the time, maybe it was on special or something) but when you did settle in for a rare experience of 3D at home, it was often a nice change of view from your regular TV watching experience. 3D movies came off more or less as in theaters (I highly recommend the Criterion BD of Pina, best 3D I've ever seen outside Captain Eo.) 3D games were an extra sensation (I played Killzone 3 with 3D and the SharpShooter, I don't personally like FPSes but this was a truly memorable play experience.) And with Active 3D tech, it only happened on the PlayStation 3D Display but SimuView was an amazing way to have full-screen in 2P games.

It'd never get to the hyped point that the market wanted to sell that everything new would eventually always be 'in 3D and be gloriously better', but having it available was always a nice benefit. A 3D treat for special entertainment nights.

With 4K TVs, you would now get the full 1080p datastream to both eyes of 3D BDs (and games render at a higher resolution with more powerful consoles as well,) and a lot of the issues of 3D would be diminished over past versions. Even though the craze is over for television 3D, the tech is good enough and the availability of 3D BD movies is frequent enough that it'd be worth owning if the price were right, just to have 3D as an option. The problem is, the 3D flameout has made manufacturers bail on 3D entirely (even Active 3D, which as I understand it is just a matter of clocking the display to a BT signal, is it even something special the TV has to be built for?) and now the choice isn't even out there.


3D is useless (outside of cinemas), just like VR will be on arrival.

HDR 4K is where it's at. There is a real thirst for this tech in the coming years.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
I play most of the time with the 3d slider cranked up, so not sure about the death of stereoscopy just yet ; )


The 3d effect might be better, but you go from using an annoying pair of glasses to use a even bigger annoyance that is the VR headset so for me it's a worse solution.

There's a huge difference here. VR is leaps and bounds a better experience than any 3D TV ever was.

With a 3d TV, you need to keep your head still and sit right in the middle. With VR, you can look around at whatever you want naturally. You're IN it.

It's completely different. To say VR is going to fail because 3D TVs fizzled out (along with everything else that's come before) is akin to saying the Red Sox couldn't win the world Series in 2004 because they hadn't won in 86 years*. The equation has changed. This situation is very different.

Not to mention, there are some major companies that have put some major money down on this. In the billions. There is so much support for this, it's crazy. It may not take off immediately, but it is absolutely here to stay. And it's only going to keep getting better.

*(For non-sports fans, not only did they win it all in 2004, but again in 2007 and 2013)
There's a huge difference here. VR is leaps and bounds a better experience than any 3D TV ever was.

With a 3d TV, you need to keep your head still and sit right in the middle. With VR, you can look around at whatever you want naturally. You're IN it.

It's completely different. To say VR is going to fail because 3D TVs fizzled out (along with everything else that's come before) is akin to saying the Red Sox couldn't win the world Series in 2004 because they hadn't won in 86 years*. The equation has changed. This situation is very different.

Not to mention, there are some major companies that have put some major money down on this. In the billions. There is so much support for this, it's crazy. It may not take off immediately, but it is absolutely here to stay. And it's only going to keep getting better.

*(For non-sports fans, not only did they win it all in 2004, but again in 2007 and 2013)

I've used oculus a few tries, perhaps I'm jaded, but I didn't find the experience good at all. The helmet is very uncomfortable, and the low resolution (mostly because the screen is right on your face is very apparent).

Imo, the burden required to use VR currently is not even remotely compensated by the experience which is not that great at the moment.
As long as they keep coming out in theaters in 3-D .... there is clearly a market. ( I just bought Civil War 3-D.

However, it is true... new TVS are focusing more on HDR and 4K rather than 3-D.

It will be dead soon.. :(
I love the 3D on the 3DS. It makes up for the lack of HD, and then some imo. Sadly, I don't think Nintendo will implement it again unless 3D somehow blows up again (it could). I also loved seeing films like Avatar and X Men Days of Future Past in 3D, which were some of the few films that actually shot with 3D cameras instead of a post-conversion process. To me it is nice to have the optiion for certain types of films in theaters, but I don't opt for it often anymore unless it's a much anticipated film for me...

The Goat

3D was dead before it could even catch hold. It was obvious, to me at least, that 3D was a gimmick. They needed something else to sell TVs, and 3D fit the bill. I'm sure some people enjoy the 3D content they have, but I'm glad I didn't buy into it myself.


I've used oculus a few tries, perhaps I'm jaded, but I didn't find the experience good at all. The helmet is very uncomfortable, and the low resolution (mostly because the screen is right on your face is very apparent).

Imo, the burden required to use VR currently is not even remotely compensated by the experience which is not that great at the moment.

It's first gen. Right now, it'll just be for enthusiasts. Comfort, price, all that comes with time.

Try the PSVR sometime, too. You can barely even feel anything.

For me, though, I have a cousin I used to be really, really close with, like brothers. We played all kinds of Man Cave type games, pool, darts, ping pong, all that stuff. When the Wii came out, we both would play Wii Sports until we were legitimately exhausted.

Now that I live a few hundred miles away, the idea of us both being able to play ping pong again in a virtual world is absolutely amazing. It's not comparable to a 3d TV, this is a totally different experience.

VR may not be for everyone, or at least not yet, but it's not going to just go away. Too many people have made too big of a bet on the technology. As prices start dropping, headsets start getting more comfortable, and most importantly, legitimate content starts coming out, it will bridge than gap unlike anything that's come before it.
Yes, and it's a shame.
I'm currently playing Shadow of the Colossus on PS3 and looks great on 3D, also did ICO. On PS4 I was just able to play Trine 2 and looked great too.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I think its dead on both TV and consoles. Nintendo made a entire separate handheld that excluded 3D.

Even tho you could turn 3D completely off on the 3DS.

I agree with those saying its a shame. I probably wont even waste my time getting a 3D TV now. But as long as 3D movies are getting released in theaters 3D content for TV's will be around. Retail movies but not channels or 3D movies coming to cable. I need to see how big Vudu's 3D section is these days...
Its a shame its dead cause when it works 3D is really fucking neat. I got a 3d montitor and i like to use the feature from time to time, also recently bought a n3ds and ppl weren't lying when they said the 3d actually works now, i play with it on for most of my playtime with the system now


3D on TVs looks amazing but too many fucking constant whiners kept shitting on it and ruined it for the rest of us who like 3D content on our TVs.

I'm so glad that corporate VR companies are not listening to VR whiners.

Yeah, it's sad. We humans have stereoscopic vision. There is no reason why TVs should not have this optional feature.
I sure am glad that the internet wasn't around when stereophonic sound technology was introduced in the 1930s. The whiners would have made sure we'd only have mono today.


Another fuckwit statement to add to the pile...

I wouldn't be that harsh .. Not sure if the comment was sarcasm.

Buying 6 glasses in my case is an issue for me. A reason why no 3D TV in my house. That's why I mentioned glass less 3D. Maybe when the technology is there in the future.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I wouldn't be that harsh .. Not sure if the comment was sarcasm.

I don't care for it.

Buying 6 glasses in my case is an issue for me. A reason why no 3D TV in my house. That's why I mentioned glass less 3D. Maybe when the technology is there in the future.

I haven't got a 3D tv but do have a 3D projector and 6 glasses. Yes the glasses can be a bit expensive but it's totally worth it in terms of separation of the stereo image.

Gravity 3D on my projector looks better then it did at the cinema. It's awesome and really do love the experience.

Obviously if the tech ever evolved to the point where we didn't need to wear glasses then that would awesome. It's coming though. Companies are working on it.


It was obvious, to me at least, that 3D was a gimmick. They needed something else to sell TVs, and 3D fit the bill.

I wouldn't call 3D a gimmick, more a value that need not be exploited to the extreme degree that it was, but a value that can add enjoyment and artistry when handled properly in the right circumstances.

Problem is, manufacturers treated 3D like a gimmick, and they got a gimmick's worth of business out of it. Which is a shame, since IMO 3D is not a gimmick.

It would have been nice if 3D had just become a standard HDTV feature as tech became easier and implementation prices dropped, and we could have moved on to 4K without even thinking about it as a bulletpoint or a missing feature. (Again, as I understand it, Passive 3D does take a layer but the majority of the work of Active 3D is just syncing the refresh with glasses, so it shouldn't add cost to the set itself if the TV processor is accurate and the refresh rate reasonable, somebody correct me if wrong?) But sadly, the attempt to cash in on 3D has meant no 3D. Manufacturer's Active 3D glasses largely run on incompatible signals, so their hunger for money has meant no money there, and the glut and hype of 3D has made either 3D HDTV method an embarrassing bulletpoint now in stores, so no money there either. They burned up 3D, and now the money's gone. And no money in it for them means no 3D for me, I guess, even though I'd like to to offer them money for my next TV to have 3D.
Good riddance.

What did 3D do to you? Besides inflate cinema ticket prices?

3D pushed TV tech towards higher refresh rates.

Devs that included 3D support in their games, generally ended up with better 2D performance.

Naughty Dog have stated that the split-screen multiplayer in Uncharted 3 only happened because the 3D feature made it trivially easy to implement since the game was already setup to render everything twice.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I wouldn't be that harsh .. Not sure if the comment was sarcasm.

Buying 6 glasses in my case is an issue for me. A reason why no 3D TV in my house. That's why I mentioned glass less 3D. Maybe when the technology is there in the future.

When passive 3DTV's hit the market I havent bought a pair since. Just make sure you can sneak the glasses out the theaters when you finish watching the 3D movie and you're golden!!

And a big no to glasses free 3D. Until it can produce the same pop out effect of regular 3D, I dont want it.


I used it a fair bit, Black Ops campaign was really good in 3D, in some games it is really good. Not console but I did try GTAV in 3D, couldn't get it working right for some reason though.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
When passive 3DTV's hit the market I haven't bought a pair since. Just make sure you can sneak the glasses out the theaters when you finish watching the 3D movie and you're golden!!

I got a 4K LG Oled tv two weeks ago and I was astounded at how good a 3D Blu-Ray movie looks. And I was pleasantly surprised that the display was compatible with the passive 3D glasses I get at the local cinema. :)

I'd seen quite a number of 3D movies in cinemas, I'd tried out 3D movies and a few games at a friend's house, but I was never really a fan of 3D. But seeing movies like Frozen or Wreck It Ralph on my new TV made me a believer. And now I'm sorry the tech is slowly dying. On a good TV it's an amazing experience - and it certainly looks a lot clearer and sharper than the PSVR I tried out yesterday.

I've now bought a bunch of 3D Blu-Rays and a couple of PS4 games with 3D support. It's such a shame there are only a handful of 3D compatible games on the PS4 ...


I've had a 3D TV since about 2012 or something. Never bought a 3D Bluray until a week ago (The Jungle Book).
Recently purchased a LG 2016 4K OLED, Passive 1080p 3D, 3D blu rays look fantastic, Ironically just as 3D is dying out it's the best 3D I have seen on a TV, if 3D was this good on Tv's from the start it may have thirved
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