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ARROW |OT| Green Arrow TV series on CW

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This is why I laugh at critics. That was at least enjoyable, and by NO means terrible. TV GAF told me this was going to be terrible. :lol

I'm on board.

Enjoyable is the word I'd use
It won't win awards, but it is fun
At least didn't have Smallville let's talk in the barn enders.


I enjoyed the fight scenes in this. It helped that the fight scenes involved actual fighting and not like how Clark pretty much destroys anything without trying in Smallville.


It has one guilty pleasure that's a nice lesson in pacing (The Vampire Diaries) and one okay drama that's a good escapist television (Nikita). That's it. They're the bottom of the barrel of network television which already pales in comparison to cable dramas.

They like a shitty ABC Family and SyFy merged into one failed attempt at profitability.
You crazy... both Vampire Diaries and Nikita are great shows. And Supernatural is the finest show of it's genre the TV has ever seen.

Sure, they make escapist shows, but great ones. And cable? Vampire Diaries has propably 20% of budget HBO shows have and yet it completely annihilates True Blood.

CW does pure entertainment and does it extremely well.

Anyway..really enjoyed the premiere. The tone is great, the hero convicingly bad ass and there's plenty of plot hooks for further developments. And the action looks great.


Sure, they make escapist shows, but great ones. And cable? Vampire Diaries has propably 20% of budget HBO shows have and yet it completely annihilates True Blood.

CW does pure entertainment and does it extremely well.

Anyway..really enjoyed the premiere. The tone is great, the hero convicingly bad ass and there's plenty of plot hooks for further developments. And the action looks great.

True Blood is awful but its ratings are HBO's best right now for any show of theirs.

But anyways Arrow is awesome, I'm really digging the very serious Batman/Punisher type approach. It's a lot like how they went with Supernatural's approach when compared to say Buffy/Angel. It's like they know we are older so their making the same type of shows we like but just more mature.



Fuck, that's an amazing upper body.
Great job!


Not sure why they felt the need to put a fake tattoo on his otherwise perfect body.

All those tatoos look like vanity nonsense he made in his playboy times. I actually liked the contras with how scarred his whole body is.
I was expecting something awful based on early impressions from gaffers who saw the pilot. I thought it was great. I hated Smallville, so expected to hate this too, but I was pleasantly surprised. The narration was incredibly cheesy though.


I enjoyed this. Thought some of the dialogue was a bit corny/goofy. Some references to characters they plan to introduce were a little too overt (Speedy! Hey Speedy!!), but as a DC fan they still excited me and I'm glad they're introducing those characters as people first/making provisions for them. As posted above: perfect by no means, but fun. I'll keep watching!


I really liked the show. the only issue I had the was every time GA went topless my would start hooting and hollering.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
First ep was great. Just the right mix of ragemad melodrama and stupidity.


That was a lot darker in tone than I thought it'd be. It was pretty satisfying to see all of the violent scenes shown rather prominently though. Overall, I thought it has potential but I need to see more to know it's not a fluke. Probably need more regular nemesis as well as fellow helpers to make it more than just a simple vigilante series.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
That was a lot darker in tone than I thought it'd be. It was pretty satisfying to see all of the violent scenes shown rather prominently though. Overall, I thought it has potential but I need to see more to know it's not a fluke. Probably need more regular nemesis as well as fellow helpers to make it more than just a simple vigilante series.



Not bad. I was entertained even though my CW's audio kept screwing up.

Did think that it probably could have used another hour to set the stage a bit more.

I also did like that they've decided to acknowledge that using a real bow and arrow isn't exactly a peaceful option, and that he'll be killing and maiming people in his hunt.


Was surprised, enjoyed it.

I've read zero Green Arrow related stuff, then again, haven't read up on DC stuff aside from the occasional Batman, Superman arc.


You crazy... both Vampire Diaries and Nikita are great shows. And Supernatural is the finest show of it's genre the TV has ever seen.

Sure, they make escapist shows, but great ones. And cable? Vampire Diaries has propably 20% of budget HBO shows have and yet it completely annihilates True Blood.

CW does pure entertainment and does it extremely well.

Anyway..really enjoyed the premiere. The tone is great, the hero convicingly bad ass and there's plenty of plot hooks for further developments. And the action looks great.

Vampire Diaries is a good lesson in pacing. It's not a great show. I would never call Nikita great. It's sometimes good with some nice set pieces and action. And Supernatural is a piece of shit after its fifth season. Arrow falls directly into this camp -- it's not good television, but it's escapism. Take that as you will. But there's enough mediocre TV on air as is.

You're also failing to mention: Gossip Girl, 90210, Hart of Dixie, Ringer, The Secret Circle, and the upcoming abominations Beauty and the Beast and Cult.

At the same time, if you liked it, you liked it. I just don't think it's in their wheelhouse to ever make compelling television. They want escapism and they hit that mark from time to time.


At the same time, if you liked it, you liked it. I just don't think it's in their wheelhouse to ever make compelling television. They want escapism and they hit that mark from time to time.
Well..you're entitled to your opinion of course. I just completely disagree with it. To me Nikita and Vampire Diaries are objectively great television and Supernatural was still good in season 5-6.
So I'm hoping CW will continue their tradition of creating great shows with Arrow.


The pilot was pretty good but my god, the acting was quite horrible. Only the detective guy was interesting.


I was really expecting it to be bad, and expected the main actor to be wooden as hell only carried on his looks. I'm glad I was wrong.

Excellent show. Love the fact that people actually die in this show.
it's not mentioned in the opening post, but why was the oliver queen / green arrow from smallville recast? I thought he a bang up job in smallville and would have liked to see him develop the character some more in a standalone show.


I also thought he was great. However, I think they wanted to differentiate the show from that universe and backstory. It has a completely different tone. I think Smallville Olliver did the playboy thing better than this guy-- I'm not sure he could go as as dark, though.


it's not mentioned in the opening post, but why was the oliver queen / green arrow from smallville recast? I thought he a bang up job in smallville and would have liked to see him develop the character some more in a standalone show.
He probably didn't fit the dark tone of the show.


Dang, that was nice. Never really got into the DC universe expect for Batman, but I'll gladly follow this show. The trailers got me hooked and the first episode delivered.
it's not mentioned in the opening post, but why was the oliver queen / green arrow from smallville recast? I thought he a bang up job in smallville and would have liked to see him develop the character some more in a standalone show.
Its a different story to tell unrelated to smallville and besides he has another show now
He probably didn't fit the dark tone of the show.

Its a different story to tell unrelated to smallville and besides he has another show now

thank you both. It makes sense if the show is telling a different story that's completely unrelated, but I do think he suited the role well in smallville.

anyway, this is airing on october 22 in the uk, so I'll definitely be setting my sky+ box.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
I like that they re-used Luthor Castle/Manor.

I was also surprised when
Randall Flagg greased himself


Final ratings is out. It stays at 1.3 with 4+ million viewers. Pretty good for CW's standard. Let's hope it stays that way next week.

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