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Arstechnica: Don’t read too much into the PS4’s million day-one sales


Junior Member
LOL @ console tards.

yeah.. i don't think this guy will have his job for a long time.

if they do, then sure as hell the management of that site is full of retards to keep an idiot like him in. no matter what is his position


I don't see why people are so upset about this article. It is simply pointing out there is a low correlation between initial sales and final sales. It is a valid point. It is the best article? No, but that is hardly a reason to get upset. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft was benefiting from an anti-Sony fanboy bias. The Sony defense force is a little ridiculous right now.

And to the people pointing out the difference between 24 hours and the first week, it is completely irrelevant when you sell out of 95%+ of your launch stock in day one. You rarely see replenishment stock until the following week. They are essentially the same thing. I'd be really surprised if Sony made an announcement of week 1 sales because it is unlikely to change beyond potentially passing 1.1M units.

Day one PS4 console owner that valiantly attempted to get his wife to switch from Xbox to PS4 despite the fact that his first PS4 console was bricked


'Future is constantly developing. We'll have more on this as it develops.'

This article seriously isn't worth the server space it's been given.


Here's what I love about how modern tech articles are written:

Editor In Chief: Okay guys, Company X just announced 1 billion products sold in 24 hours.

Writer who still believes in integrity: Wow, that's good news right?

Editor In Chief: Are you kidding? Who wants to read good news? Quick, someone write the headline as, 'Company X ONLY ships 1 billion products in 24 hours. Is the magic gone?'

Writer who suddenly wishes he had become a doctor: What about the body text?

Editor In Chief: Meh who cares about that. Just write 'Story Developing...' and add it to our story stream on the failure of Company X.




Noone knows how the generation is going to play out.

That much is true. In this case, its the source, and the timing of this article thats suspicious as fuck. The guy tweeting that gamers are 'losing their shit' needs to realize that the only reason that the feedback is going this way because they made their fucking bed.

Had they not written such bullshit in weeks prior, noone would doubt their motives here.

This is what happens
when you take a steaming wet shit all over your own credibility. They were all chest out at the time they were peddling that resolution bullshit. Don't go crying about the side effects of noone taking you seriously now. Deal with it.


It is all fun in games until the consoletards start writing the articles instead of just replying to them.


These fucking articles man, these fucking articles. That's a lot of fucking words saying a lot of fucking nothing, aimed at no one in particular. There needs to be some sort of simple checklist a journalist goes through before writing these articles about nothing in particular where they saying nothing of any substance:

"Is my article an opinion piece?: Yes? Say it's one!"

"Do I have a particular demographic of readers i would like to address with the article?: Yes? Continue..."

"Is this demographic gamers in general
and by address do I mean piss them off?: Yes? Better check you facts son or make sure everyone knows it's an opinion piece. No? Continue..."

"Am I adding anything of value to any discussion that is being had, do i have any point what so ever?: Yes? Continue..."

"Even if my viewpoint is massively misaligned with the average gamer, do my views make sense, do i present them in a fashion that is not condescending, can someone who is reading the article say to themselves 'I don't agree but i see where he/she is coming from'?: Yes? Continue..."

"Does my article entertain or inform?: Yes? Continue... No? Try again Both? You won neogaf!"

It's like a choose your own adventure where the moral of the story is stop writing shite.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
This, to me, is worse. Stop calling people butthurt because they're not believing that this says much about the PS4's long term prospects. It's a good number and the PS4 will obviously not go the way off the Wii U. Will it reach PS3 sales? No one can know that. No one. But the fact is, launch day sales have like an almost zero correlation to the long term performance of a console.

They don't? Didn't someone just show that both the Wii and the PS2 (market leaders in their respective generations) also had the highest launch day sales?

Any data from previous generations?

I don't see why people are so upset about this article. It is simply pointing out there is a low correlation between initial sales and final sales. It is a valid point. It is the best article? No, but that is hardly a reason to get upset. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft was benefiting from an anti-Sony fanboy bias. The Sony defense force is a little ridiculous right now.

And to the people pointing out the difference between 24 hours and the first week, it is completely irrelevant when you sell out of 95%+ of your launch stock in day one. You rarely see replenishment stock until the following week. They are essentially the same thing. I'd be really surprised if Sony made an announcement of week 1 sales because it is unlikely to change beyond potentially passing 1.1M units.

Day one PS4 console owner that valiantly attempted to get his wife to switch from Xbox to PS4 despite the fact that his first PS4 console was bricked

People are annoyed (I don't think upset is the right word), because it's a condescending article no matter how you look at it. It's telling its readers, "hey, you know that record-breaking impressive achievement that just happened? I'm going to tell you why it's not actually impressive at all! I'm going to tell you why you're wrong if you think it means anything." Who is it being directed at? The writing history of its author also indicates a pretty heavy bias, which is annoying when it's being posted on a tech site from which you'd hope for some neutrality.


I don't see why people are so upset about this article. It is simply pointing out there is a low correlation between initial sales and final sales. It is a valid point. It is the best article? No, but that is hardly a reason to get upset. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft was benefiting from an anti-Sony fanboy bias. The Sony defense force is a little ridiculous right now.

And to the people pointing out the difference between 24 hours and the first week, it is completely irrelevant when you sell out of 95%+ of your launch stock in day one. You rarely see replenishment stock until the following week. They are essentially the same thing. I'd be really surprised if Sony made an announcement of week 1 sales because it is unlikely to change beyond potentially passing 1.1M units.

Day one PS4 console owner that valiantly attempted to get his wife to switch from Xbox to PS4 despite the fact that his first PS4 console was bricked
1.1M is still 100,000 units higher than 1M. As far as I know, Sony shipped 100,000 PS2 units per week after launch so the total after week 1 could very well have pushed it above the GC and Xbox first week sales.


Eh the premise that launch day sales does not mean that the console will dominate is true, but the whole article just read to me like the writer is trying to downplay Sony's amazing launch day. With the whole line about how any console maker could of hit those number if they had the units. Well sure maybe they could, but they didn't and Sony did. So in my opinion everyone should be at least congratulating them not saying "Eh anyone could of done that" I want to make it clear that I don't want to claim that it is because he loves Microsoft or anything either. Maybe he is just one of those guys that has to rain on everyone's parade.


Why are people getting so offended by this article?

Don't get me wrong, I think it's pretty much guaranteed PS4 will have PS2 level dominance this gen. But he has a point - launch day sales mean nothing.
Why? Take the subject of the article- "The PS4 sold 1 million units it's first 24h"

Ask a Sony PR editor to write an article about that subject.

Then ask a MS or Nintendo editor to write an article about that subject.

Which article do you think do you think this Arstech article will sound more like? I don't even think the MS article would sound so dismissive, and this is supposed to to be a neutral perspective. It's not neutral, it's clearly tainted, and it deserves to be pointed out.

I agree. Even MS managed to congratulate Sony on their launch:

simply embrace being click-baiting PR-shoveling shills if that's what will make them more money

What strikes me as odd is that these types of articles aren't even PR hand-me-downs. Game previews are sometimes pre-baked PR. Interviews and Q&A's may be as well. But this? It's beyond PR. No one at Microsoft would write something like this. It's almost as bad as some of the poorly informed rants (that end in bans) in NPD threads over the years.


Twitter makes it extremely easy to exchange nothing but short quips with like-minded people. It's much easier and comforting for people to seek a quick burst of reassurance there than to actually reflect on their work and face criticism with something thoughtful.

It's certainly a sad sight to see, though. Just pitiful.

This is why I respect Jason from Kotaku. I may not agree with him on occasions, but at least he has the guts to come here and engage us in thoughtful discussion and not run and hide on Twitter.
Why are people getting so offended by this article?

Don't get me wrong, I think it's pretty much guaranteed PS4 will have PS2 level dominance this gen. But he has a point - launch day sales mean nothing.

Just because he arrived at the right answer doesn't mean he did the math right.


Junior Member
After that twitter post if I was his boss I would tell him he isn't writing about anything ever again for me. No reason to use that kind of wording.

exactly. which is why i think this shouldn't last for long. and if he does, then the "boss" or whoever is in charge is lol an idiot.

because this kind of attitude is what makes people hate you / your site. and if you do not care about your site reputation. you might as well shut it down.

i mean, he is same guy who said 1080p and 720p isn't much of a difference. and this is coming from a website that mainly PC stuff care about nothing more than benchmark, technology and resolutions.

its clear this guy is just a butt hurt troll


Why are people getting so offended by this article?

Don't get me wrong, I think it's pretty much guaranteed PS4 will have PS2 level dominance this gen. But he has a point - launch day sales mean nothing.

its more the way he tried to prove his point by using information that totally contradicted his point. also the tweets from ars like consoletards and touchy little buggers want them to give their console choice a bj. that stuff is totally uncalled for and needs to just plain stop.
They don't? Didn't someone just show that both the Wii and the PS2 (market leaders in their respective generations) also had the highest launch day sales?

Any data from previous generations?

The N64 had a better launch than the PS1. Prior to that, I couldn't tell you. They most definitely don't correlate, though. But they're also not meaningless; they just need to be looked at a little more intelligently than their awful article.


Neo Member
I don't disagree with this article either. One thing about those consoles with huge early sales that went on to have great success (PS2, X360) is that they were supported with a good amount of quality games. If Sony supports the PS4 with many quality titles, I don't see why the PS4 couldn't continue to post high sales. I just wish ArsTechnica would have explicitly stated this point, instead of only shutting people's hopes down.


It's like there's a style guide somewhere on how to maximise clicks through the synergy of articles cranked out in five minutes and inflammatory twitter remarks. A spectacular example of the genre, 5 Gies out of 5.
24 hours != A week. Wait until then and lets see if they'll still sprout their crap. They make it sound like the Wii U had the best console launch ever when they included all of 2012.
You know what. I can't even take them seriously. This is a joke right?


He is not altogether incorrect, there's not a 1:1 correlation or anything, but without a good start, it's unlikely you are going to be a competitor.

Of course, that they felt the need to run damage control on whether people were "looking into" those PS4 numbers says it all - once again, it's a service against how shitty and dumb they perceive their audience to be, not a service any one actually needs in their readership (unless they're fanboys). It's straight up for their masters.


Whenever i see new articles like this it becomes more and more clear that all these journalists are slowly but surely becoming very bitter and annoyed, why? Because they are losing their relevance, nowadays more and more people are likely to either go to a site like this for news OR go to a YT to watch some Youtuber they can relate to more than some "journalist". Their revenues and traffic are going down and their traditional business model is crumbling so it's no wonder that they scream and shout with these so called "opinion" articles. Like it was mentioned, there was a time when I thought Ars was very respectable place, sadly those times are gone.


After that twitter post if I was his boss I would tell him he isn't writing about anything ever again for me. No reason to use that kind of wording.

Lee Hutchison is a sharp guy and writes neat, informative pieces for Ars. Check out his Web Served series on setting up a personal web server.

I don't really disagree with him either, console gamers really need to chill.


Junior Butler
The whole article is one giant hypocrisy. Don't read to much into sales. Isn't that exactly what this speculative article is doing in the first place? There's nothing to read into, a piece of plastic sold 1 million units in 24 hours. That's the summation of every article I've read on PS4 sales. It's set records, it's sold a lot on day one. It's speculative/reading into it to assume someone is assuming that means instant success, is it not?

What the fuck?
Never, ever read Ars for gaming news. Tech and science coverage have gone downhill in recent years, but they're still somewhat worthwhile. Their gaming coverage has always been abysmal.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
If you guys here at GAF really want to do something save those images and retweet them to the Conde Nast twitter as they are the ones who own Ars.

That and the main Ars twitter itself.

Sitting here on GAF pissed off isnt really going to get the kind of show you folks want to see.
Lee Hutchison is a sharp guy and writes neat, informative pieces for Ars. Check out his Web Served series on setting up a personal web server.

I don't really disagree with him either, console gamers really need to chill.

If we'd chilled when the gaming press told us to, Xbox One pre-orderers would be about to enjoy their DRM infested console on Friday. This attitude of 'The people we write for are morons who need to be told what to do and what to think' really has to stop.
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