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Arstechnica: Don’t read too much into the PS4’s million day-one sales


Damn a console doing to well there's no more consoles to actually compare it too, it's only matchup is essential consumer electronics.

Actually when you really think about it, is 1 million even a lot? think about how many refrigerators are sold yearly.

I can't wait for Microsoft's inevitable...Biggest Console Launch Ever!!! announcement....1.5 million consoles shipped!!


"For instance, in 2000, the PlayStation 2 sold about 500,000 units in its first 24 hours on its way to capturing a huge majority of the console market in the coming years. In 2001, Nintendo's GameCube and Microsoft's Xbox sold 500,000 and 550,000 units, respectively, in their first week on store shelves, but neither console maker was able to ride launch sales to PS2-level post-launch success."

Sooo, doesn't this contradict the point he's trying to make?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
People who get defensive and make snide generalizing comments to their inner circle of followers on Twitter are such a shameful lot. It's always an embarrassing thing to witness.


That's a surefire way to come across level-headed and not personally invested. Call everyone criticising you retards!

Nice going, Ars. God, how far they have fallen.


Just trying to get caught up on this thread.

- Ars releases a click-bait article

- GAF calls them out on it.

- Ars lashes out at GAF for calling them out on their bullshit "journalism"

Is that about right?

TRUTHFACTS hurt apparently.

Gamers can take a lot of shit, and they can give it out in spades... it just so happens gaming mouthpieces get oh so very hurt and yell timeout at the slightest valid critcism. At which point they close a circle round their wounded compadre and resort to ad hominem attacks, strawman fallacies, appeals to authority and a general "this set of people are fools haha, I am too great. I don't even need to respond to valid concerns as I am above all that yet I must sully myself to your level in order to insult you. I said good day sir!". You could argue that the odd idiot exists and crosses a line, they are welcome to name and shame them instead of lumping us all together.


I don't think it makes much sense comparing PS4 launch numbers to prior ones as though they are similar. The Dreamcast had to compete with the PS2 coming out, and Sega did not have any money. The Xbox 360 didn't move a ton when it came out sure, but it was the only console on the market for a year, and it didn't help that Sony botched the launch of the PS3. It's easy to say "Hey, there are other systems that sold quite a bit at launch, then didn't do so well long term, therefore the PS4 isn't necessarily going to do well", but there is also zero reason to believe the PS4 won't perform spectacularly.


If MS is so sure about that production capacity then why did they cut the launch down and postpone the launch in so many countries? Don't give me that localization bullshit excuse either. They could have launched with "coming in 2014" like everything else in those countries for the kinect voice control and many of the countries they cut are the same language as ones they kept.

Good to see my favorite poster in here doing more damage control for anti Sony articles.


"For instance, in 2000, the PlayStation 2 sold about 500,000 units in its first 24 hours on its way to capturing a huge majority of the console market in the coming years. In 2001, Nintendo's GameCube and Microsoft's Xbox sold 500,000 and 550,000 units, respectively, in their first week on store shelves, but neither console maker was able to ride launch sales to PS2-level post-launch success."

Sooo, doesn't this contradict the point he's trying to make?

It appears as though first 24 hours = first week in the writer's world.
I don't think the article is particularly good, and it doesn't make a very strong argument, but if this is supposed to be GAF's evidence for an anti-Sony conspiracy... well, keep digging.
TRUTHFACTS hurt apparently.

Gamers can take a lot of shit, and they can give it out in spades... it just so happens gaming mouthpieces get oh so very hurt and yell timeout at the slightest valid critcism. At which point they close a circle round their wounded compadre and resort to ad hominem attacks, strawman fallacies, appeals to authority and a general "this set of people are fools haha, I am too great. I don't even need to respond to valid concerns as I am above all that yet I must sully myself to your level in order to insult you. I said good day sir!". You could argue that the odd idiot exists and crosses a line, they are welcome to name and shame them instead of lumping us all together.

I call it 'circling the wagons'.
I am seriously glad I am not writing about consoles this week, because anything you say brings down rage from frenzied consoletards.

Well, I will remedy them from having to have a consoletard like me read any of their articles from now on. Sorry for my passion for new console tech. Not all of us are rabid fanboys. I have noticed a lot of valid complaints about their article and website overall.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Know any ex-journalist that Sony has hired? Serious question.

Shane Bettenhausen, although he jumped to the business side by spending a few years at Ignition before going to Sony.


I don't think the article is particularly good, and it doesn't make a very strong argument, but if this is supposed to be GAF's evidence for an anti-Sony conspiracy... well, keep digging.
I don't think it's anti Sony in particular. If the article had been about Microsoft about the same subject, I think the neoGAF would've called them out on it as well.

The thing is they're right. The presentation of the information though is pure click bait and I don't mind calling out journalists for this. I'm not sure why every news needs to be turned into an editorial. Ars used to be above this. Clearly that's not the case anymore.




Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
TRUTHFACTS hurt apparently.

Gamers can take a lot of shit, and they can give it out in spades... it just so happens gaming mouthpieces get oh so very hurt and yell timeout at the slightest valid critcism. At which point they close a circle round their wounded compadre and resort to ad hominem attacks, strawman fallacies, appeals to authority and a general "this set of people are fools haha, I am too great. I don't even need to respond to valid concerns as I am above all that yet I must sully myself to your level in order to insult you. I said good day sir!". You could argue that the odd idiot exists and crosses a line, they are welcome to name and shame them instead of lumping us all together.

Every time something like this happens, there's always such an air of "us vs. them" they try to create, as if their followers and readers do not overlap in the slightest with forum-goers.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I don't think the article is particularly good, and it doesn't make a very strong argument, but if this is supposed to be GAF's evidence for an anti-Sony conspiracy... well, keep digging.
No need, journos are already digging a large hole for themselves without much help from GAF.


Why is going on Twitter and whine about the mean gamers the first inclination from many within the enthusiast press?

Why is making a detailed, thoughtful forum/blog post that addresses the thoughtful criticism they received not the first thing they do, if they do anything at all?

It seems the first thing to do is to go on Twitter, whine, and get a circle jerk going with their peers who share their disdain for gamers that don't praise their hack writing to high heaven.
I don't know if it's just me but, it seems like since the PS4 and Xbox One have been announced, most of the games media likes to somehow downplay the PS4 every chance they get.


I don't think the article is particularly good, and it doesn't make a very strong argument, but if this is supposed to be GAF's evidence for an anti-Sony conspiracy... well, keep digging.

It's not a conspiracy. But there are enough people in the gaming media like this guy in Ars who are in the first stages of realizing that the era of Microsoft being the dominant force in HD consoles is over, and they are NOT taking it well at all.


No shit. Still WAY too early to say anything.
It's not too late to say PS4 has a record breaking launch.
Saying the PS4 may go the way of the Wii U? Wishful thinking and WAY too early.

Congratulate Sony and be done with it. No need to be butthurt about the PS4s success. We all saw it coming so it's not like this took people by surprise.


I don't think the article is particularly good, and it doesn't make a very strong argument, but if this is supposed to be GAF's evidence for an anti-Sony conspiracy... well, keep digging.

It's from the same guy who wrote that there's no real difference between 720p and 1080p for the general consumer so the power difference between the PS4 and Xbox One is of little importance. His PS4 review says that next gen games show little improvement compared to next gen, he doesn't go into any detail about the PS4's innards (CPU/GPU/RAM), he thinks the OS and the camera aren't that good and he's telling us to look forward to his Xbox One review.

Gee, I wonder how that comparison's going to look for the cheapest, most powerful games console when you aren't interested in the games and disregard both power and price in favor of non consequential stuff like using your arms to swipe non gaming apps to the left and right of your TV screen while trying to switch channels with your voice.

He's just as biased as Gies, Sessler and Leadbetter.


Why is going on Twitter and whine about the mean gamers the first inclination from many within the enthusiast press?

Why is making a detailed, thoughtful forum/blog post that addresses the thoughtful criticism they received not the first thing they do, if they do anything at all?

It seems the first thing to do is to go on Twitter, whine, and get a circle jerk going with their peers who share their disdain for gamers that don't praise their hack writing to high heaven.

because then they would have to either think or admit they are wrong. neither of which they really want to do.


Junior Member
is the guy who wrote this article an idiot ?

how can you downplay a 1 million sold in 1 day ?

how deep is the xbox or the pc is inside his "arse" ?

why is he even talking about the future of the next gen consoles ? leave the future for the future.

what sony have accomplished is nothing but stunning in terms of sales. period.
400,000000 $ were made in 1 day " not all of it for sony of course"

this guy needs to stop writing. period.
TRUTHFACTS hurt apparently.

Gamers can take a lot of shit, and they can give it out in spades... it just so happens gaming mouthpieces get oh so very hurt and yell timeout at the slightest valid critcism. At which point they close a circle round their wounded compadre and resort to ad hominem attacks, strawman fallacies, appeals to authority and a general "this set of people are fools haha, I am too great. I don't even need to respond to valid concerns as I am above all that yet I must sully myself to your level in order to insult you. I said good day sir!". You could argue that the odd idiot exists and crosses a line, they are welcome to name and shame them instead of lumping us all together.

Here's what I love about how modern tech articles are written:

Editor In Chief: Okay guys, Company X just announced 1 billion products sold in 24 hours.

Writer who still believes in integrity: Wow, that's good news right?

Editor In Chief: Are you kidding? Who wants to read good news? Quick, someone write the headline as, 'Company X ONLY ships 1 billion products in 24 hours. Is the magic gone?'

Writer who suddenly wishes he had become a doctor: What about the body text?

Editor In Chief: Meh who cares about that. Just write 'Story Developing...' and add it to our story stream on the failure of Company X.



I really like this comparison. Sums up the whole thing nicely, and why people are utterly bemused by this kind of article.

Edit: And "Consoletards" now, really? Holy fuck I didn't think the enthusiast press could get any more childish, but there you go.
Clearly they resent anyone for having a mind of their own. And they loathe their readership.

You know, I could at least harbor some modicum of respect for posting blatant click-bait articles if they were completely self-serving about it and doing it just to provoke GAF into generating reactionary revenue for them. That's simply capitalizing by exploiting a hot button issue. Nothing wrong with that in a business sense.

But this moaning and bitching and whining and complaining on Twitter derails that argument. They're genuinely upset. They're genuinely invested in not having their perceived "norm" - of a Microsoft-dominant console marketplace in North America - which it HAS been for the past 3+ years or so - overturned. They've resorted to name calling. They've decided this battle is worth sacrificing all manner of impartiality. They've decided that they would rather make their profession look bad than to just shut the fuck up and let the masses decide how to spend their dollars.

And that IS what they're doing. They're making their profession look bad. And it is in the best interests of the Jim Sterlings, the Patrick Klepeks and the Jason Schreiers to start calling out some of their peers because of the pall it casts on the professionalism of gaming media as a whole.

There is no next-gen console war. In the grand scheme of things, it probably doesn't matter much whether the PS4 or Xbox One sells more units in North America. Both systems will do well and that's just super-duper.

The real war brewing right now is that the gaming enthusiast media - the non-journalists - is on the verge of imploding and going to war with their audience for daring to call into question their relevance and their role as PR shovelers for these companies.

They need to stop editorializing.

They need to stop taking calls for accountability personally and, perhaps, own up to some of their criticism by embracing some hard reporting and providing some perspective to their articles... or hell, do the exact opposite of that and simply embrace being click-baiting PR-shoveling shills if that's what will make them more money.

But this ongoing escapade of posting an apologist, downplaying article that's self-serving and laced with half-truths and then whining on social media when their audience calls them on it and then demonizing their audience as reactionary half-wits and then expecting something to change?

What the fuck? You're insane. Stop doing insane things. WE'RE not going to change. YOU have to change. Either provide balanced coverage and STOP editorializing, do some actual reporting or embrace being a shill. And stay the hell off of social media if you don't want to piss what's left of your reputation away by acting like a spoiled brat who isn't getting their own way and calling your audience retarded.


For some reason I was under the impression that ArsTechnica was reputable, guess not.

Naw, its owned by a mediacorp that wants maximum profits. So yeah, about as reputable as any of the other big sites. Before the corporate buyout, it was pretty awesome.
I don't think the article is particularly good, and it doesn't make a very strong argument, but if this is supposed to be GAF's evidence for an anti-Sony conspiracy... well, keep digging.

Why? Take the subject of the article- "The PS4 sold 1 million units it's first 24h"

Ask a Sony PR editor to write an article about that subject.

Then ask a MS or Nintendo editor to write an article about that subject.

Which article do you think do you think this Arstech article will sound more like? I don't even think the MS article would sound so dismissive, and this is supposed to to be a neutral perspective. It's not neutral, it's clearly tainted, and it deserves to be pointed out.


It's not too late to say PS4 has a record breaking launch.
Saying the PS4 may go the way of the Wii U? Wishful thinking and WAY too early.

Congratulate Sony and be done with it. No need to be butthurt about the PS4s success. We all saw it coming so it's not like this took people by surprise.

This, to me, is worse. Stop calling people butthurt because they're not believing that this says much about the PS4's long term prospects. It's a good number and the PS4 will obviously not go the way off the Wii U. Will it reach PS3 sales? No one can know that. No one. But the fact is, launch day sales have like an almost zero correlation to the long term performance of a console.
I like Ars...but that article is a bit of a nonentity. So we don't know what the future holds? Could have saved battery life and word count rather than inform us of that Ars. Must try harder. ...D+

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Why is going on Twitter and whine about the mean gamers the first inclination from many within the enthusiast press?

Why is making a detailed, thoughtful forum/blog post that addresses the thoughtful criticism they received not the first thing they do, if they do anything at all?

It seems the first thing to do is to go on Twitter, whine, and get a circle jerk going with their peers who share their disdain for gamers that don't praise their hack writing to high heaven.

Twitter makes it extremely easy to exchange nothing but short quips with like-minded people. It's much easier and comforting for people to seek a quick burst of reassurance there than to actually reflect on their work and face criticism with something thoughtful.

It's certainly a sad sight to see, though. Just pitiful.
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