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As the NX reveal looms, what are your thoughts on the WiiU/3DS generation?

3DS didn't necessarily have a lot of games for me, but it was still a great machine, especially considering how rough the early days were for it.

The Wii U at least had Mario Maker.


Unconfirmed Member
My take is probably different than most.

I was fairly happy with the overall quality and quantity of Nintendo games and there's even some really good third party games (if you're willing to acknowledge the fact that indies count as third party support).

Hell, I even love the Gamepad. I hate modern UI, that seem to take up half the screen and distract from the immersion, and the Gamepad fixes this. It's also fairly comfortable in my hands (though a bit too thick for my tastes).

But it all fell apart in the last year or two.

Nintendo has returned to 90's level of censorship, which doesn't bode well for the NX, and an aging fanbase that doesn't want to be treated like 12 year olds. They ruined miiverse with the constant updates and redesigns, it's now a shell of it's former self (it's long since been abandoned by the most popular posters and artists). And pretty much everything they've released since Splatoon has been a half-ass money grab: unfinished games, unpolished games, games that look like they belong on Apple's App Store, with very little is up the standards I'd expect of Nintendo.

Even Splatoon was released unfinished, and is still buggy as hell, and some of these bugs could be fixed with a single line of code. But Nintendo has made it clear, they no longer give a shit about the Wii-U, or it's hardcore fanbase.

So, for now at least, I'm pretty much done with Nintendo. My next console will be a Sony.


It's crazy how at the same time, they dropped the ball in a way people thought it wasn't even possible by having just appalling comunication with consumers. But on the other hand, despite software not capitalizing on trends and not implementing certain standard features, the games they're putting out are outstanding without forgetting the Nintendo polish.

3ds itself was a safe bet to capture the Japanese handheld market. It was positioned from the very start as a replacement for the PSP by having great Japanese support that may have not taken off as they would've liked. A steady stream of quality content has made it a respectable platform but there hasn't been many standout software. MH was the kick it needed in Japan surf through the Mario holiday games and it's absence or a replacement for the west was felt very badly. High price and too much liability discretion that came back to bit them in the ass as to how 3D was communicated in mainstream media. Overall it still did well enough in the fast changing smartphone world and the amount of support from Japanese publishers.

Wii U was a complete disaster. We know HD development took them by surprise but that really was inexcusable in 2010. 2011 and 2012 unveils were confusing, pointless and not engaging. A whole year of terrible content marked it's early grave as public reception wasn't going to recuperate from it. Through it's life it only had two games that took advantage of the tablet, Splatoon from a design perspective and Mario Maker from an input perspective. The first and second generation of software output was stretched through it's entire life, with strong but safe choices like Mario Kart. Some were completely ignored like DK but without a doubt the crowning achievement was Splatoon, a game that came out from the bright successors at Nintendo, which via intense pressure from senior members they were able to create a visually stunning and creatively bold that communicated with consumers, so just because of it, there's something noteworthy about the Wii U, for having a new IP that is will become staple for them that is heard to head with their most popular franchises.

The last 2 years have been a serious lull, and I hope that with everything from the DS to Wii U will help them prepare and push out truly exciting projects. I certainly think that they're going to show serious commitment that will pay off for them, so I'm excited today.


First generation I didn't buy a Nintendo console or handheld. So for me it was a failure. I do plan on buying a NX though.


Neo Member
Honestly, the Wii U is one of my favourite systems ever. Sure, it's not without its flaws, but it had Bayonetta 2, The Wonderful 101, Mario Kart 8, Hyrule Warriors, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE and more... I had so much fun with these games in the last few years and I won't stop playing anytime soon.


worst than wii/ds.

The first party output for wii u and 3ds was good but the droughts for wii u were too much. I got a good number of games on wii u but NX needs to change things up.

3ds has good games, but I don't like the system as I did with the DS. I don't know why exactly, i think it's a combination of the form factor, 3d and such. I think I'm more into home consoles than handhelds


Awful generation

Both hardware were garbage. 3DS low res screen and awful controls. They should have had dual analog by then. It was also underpowered with a odd architecture when they could have used typical mobile hardware like Vita. The price was also insane for what you get.

Wii U another crap hardware with a terrible concept of 2 screens gameplay that doesn't make much sense. Controller was awkward to hold with terrible low res resistive screen when tablets were all using capacitive at the time. Also once again underpowered. And once again overpriced for what you get

As for games there were alot of gems such as Splatoon and A Link Between Worlds. But overall it didn't hold a candle to Wii and DS games libraries.

The launch line up for both of these systems were horrible with some crazy long gaps between good software releases

As for NX rumours I think going hybrid is the best bet for Nintendo and just releasing great games. They also should charge a fair price for what you get. If it's just above Wii U level power on the go then it should be no more than $300. And please Nintendo have some decent launch games for once and no software draughts now that you are only making games for one system.


Considering how third parties basically sabotaged the 3DS and Wii U, basis as heck gaming media with the focus on "more power" and always saying that it is "super weak as $#$%^". Power truly don't matter but games matter as we see in the case of the 3DS. The 3DS still manged to carve out it a very sizable niche. However, due to Nintendo supporting both platforms damn near independently in the West when compared the Xbox One/PS4 and even the Vita(Yes, the Vita got a Western develop port of Xcom! this year by 2K games which blows my mind due to Wii U sales > Vita sales in the West) both libraries feels like they never reached there full potential.

I would love high quality traditional arcade racer or some type of arcade space shooter and arcade sport games like Mario Strikers on the 3DS. I would have love a tactical RPG game that made use of the gamepad. I mean why couldn't Nintendo double down on the Gamepad and released it separably and made games that require usage of two and/or multiple Gamepads. Imagine being able to play games were you can strategize without the other player knowing. For example, you can actually have local multiplayer Pokemon Trading Card game on a home console with two gamepads. Or local co-op action RPG were each player can manage his or her inventory and stats by his or her own gamepad.


3DS and Wii U delivered with first party sofware across the board.
Only gripe with Wii U gamepad is that it was only for 1 player and it had the worst battery life. 3DS's rubber circle pad, nub, gloss, and shoulder placement made me feel like I was about to have carple tunnel. With accessories things worked out though.


Also, at some point in 2014 Nintendo clearly shifted software development away from the Wii U.

That was a good business decision, but sucks for fans. I think Nintendo has to be judged harshly for this.


Junior Member
I wasn't a fan of the Wii at all. Aside from a few games like Skyward Sword and Mario Galaxy, I pretty much loathed that console. The Wii U made up for it completely, but since it sold like hot garbage and had the worst drought of software for any Nintendo console ever, it was still a disappointment. Regardless, I love the Wii U and I'm bummed that it never took off properly.

The 3DS has always been a great platform aside from the rocky launch. I just hope their next handheld (if there will even be one) will do something new aside from the dual screen setup. Maybe the NX will make the need for a separate handheld obsolete.


from 2013 and on Nintendo has released some of the best software that they've ever put out. there were some major and minor missteps for sure but god damn were the games good.


The 3DS is my least favourite nintendo handheld of them all. It's basically a Monster Hunter machine and the other games I've bought for it are pretty meh. I hope the NX reaches the heights of the GBA which is my number 1 nintendo handheld. That would rekindle my love for Nintendo handhelds. The WiiU has a few games that interested me but nothing on it screamed "MUST BUY".

Overall, it's probably the weakest Nintendo generation ever imo.


By the end of the Wii's lifecycle, I found myself having more fun with the titles that didn't use motion controls. I was sick of it and when the Wii U launched, the gamepad seemed like another attempt to stand out with untraditional controls. So, I didn't even bite and instead worked through a PS3 backlog and got a PS4.

The 3DS was enjoyable. Fantasy Life, Animal Crossing, and Steamworld made it interesting. Tried but couldn't get into the JRPGs and tactical games. Mind you, I found the 3D aspect obnoxious and had the slider down all the way all the time. It has been sitting in a drawer for the better part of 18 months. I play my PSTV more. I like the library better, the PS Plus offerings have been solid, and the DS3 is so much comfier than the 3DS.

I switched from Sega to Nintendo with the N64 (after feeling burned by the 32X). I was happy with only Nintendo through to close to the end of the Wii era. At this point though, I don't think I will go back. I have played the tentpole Nintendo games in previous generations and losing out on new iterations seems minor compared to losing out on the diversity of PS4 games.


I think both have really solid line ups, the wii U's being much more limited and probably a pretty penny in the future.


Hurt N so bad perception wise that I don´t feel any thrill for the NX reveal later today.

I'm excited to see what it is but I'm not jumping in just yet. Gotta prove that 3rd parties are on board or drastically reduced drought time between games. Most likely not getting at launch like wii u


3DS is so good.
Might like it more than DS when all is said and done.
It's a safer/more by the books system than DS, but the lineup is fantastic.

Wii U is definitely their weakest system, but maybe their best party machine.


I don't think I've ever felt truly ripped off till I owned a 3DS and Wii U. Buying digital on the e-shop with no return policy was a great learning experience for me. Realizing I had to buy a new version of essentially the same handheld if I wanted a playable experience in Hyrule Warriors was good in realizing this too. At the very least I managed to return Mario Kart 8, a game with less content than Mario Kart DS, after beating all the courses and getting some of my money back. Smash 4 Wii U is neat but as the only actual game I own for the thing now it's safe to say it wasn't worth it, especially since there's a virtually identical 3DS version available.
One thing you have to realize about the Wii U is that Nintendo did the best they could with it.

Compared to the PS4 and X1, the Wii U was fairly underpowered and had what many consider to be a flawed gimmick. Despite that, I feel Nintendo did the best they could to make the most out of it and, in doing so, we got some absolutely amazing games to make the system memorable overall.

Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, ZombiU, Wonderful 101, Ect.

Overall I consider it to be an average system with some stellar games to make it somewhat memorable.


El Capitan Todd
Wii U has been an horrible product in terms of sales, a potentially good but non fulfilled machine for me (I've played the most on it than on other home consoles, with many exclusive games very good for my tastes, but that's not "enough" to justify it).
It somehow helped Nintendo in doing the first right steps not only in the HD development, but in the infrastructure system (with the DDP deals, the Indie development, the eshop structure, initiative and sales...)

3DS has been a not-so-good-hw also in terms of online/OS infrastrucutre, but a great console for me, with so many purchase options, but especially so many great GAMES, even now and in the '17. A way-less-surprising machine than the DS, way more classic, but with so many "solid" productions on it. I still play it a lot


3DS - great. There were some dry spells along the way but I certainly think it's a great system overall.

Wii U - thoroughly enjoyed it for what I used it as, which is a secondary console to my PS4. It really never had a chance with the lack of output. I'm always an advocate of quality over quantity, but they took it to the extreme.


Wii U has a small-ish but still fairly awesome library. 3DS library is far bigger, but for some reason my opinion of it is pretty low. At this point in its lifespan, I feel it has been a very lackluster follower to DS, which is easily one of the best gaming machines ever.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
It cemented my whole opinion that "hardcore gamers" are not interested in game variety and plurality of gameplay approaches and are too busy worrying about appearances to enjoy the richness of their medium.

That salt aside,

Wow, when there are a multitude of 3rd party games that didnt make it to Wii U. Why would many gamers: hardcore, softcore, casual, committed relationship, etc, etc worry about the Wii U if most of their friends are on other platforms? How good is a Wii U gonna do them for multi player games (online and offline) that never came to Wii U?

The Borderlands series has multi player online or offline. When was the last time a GTA or Metal Gear game was on a Nintendo home console.....

Where the hell is Minecraft for the Wii U? Oh yes it finally came out Dec of last year. 2 of the biggest 3rd party games and one finally made it late last year...and one might never come at all.

Wii U to many was a 1st party machine. The Wii and Wii U were perfect complementary consoles when overall the others offered a more varied experience. Last gen and this gen. But hey lets all play on a console where most of our friends arent. Online or offline.

That salt isnt aside, its still trickling down the screen. This is my opinion, a "gamer" that had a shit ton of Wii games and bought a grand total of 2 for the Wii U and none were Mario related. Got both consoles their launch year. Now excuse me while I go and finish playing Candy Crush.


- 3DS is GBA-tier, solid device
- Consistent, excellent software across both platforms
- Shambolic marketing
- Iwata :(

Wii U Nintendo is like Chelsea after winning the title. They played themselves, but hopefully some lessons have been learned and they'll come out of it a lot stronger. There's no good reason why a great Nintendo device with great games shouldn't sell gangbusters.


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
Really disappointing overall.

I like my 3DS as a system. It's comfortable to hold, and the controls feel nice. I don't even have the XL. The UI is all intuitive too. Unfortunately the library doesn't have nearly as many games that grabbed me as the original DS did. I only have a few more games for it than I do for Vita.

The Wii U is just awful. I hate the UI. The system being divided into halves with many controllers not working on both sides is aggravating. The gamepad is just awful and distracting. It ruins the immersion by making me look away from the TV. The Pro Controller is serviceable, but the worst normal controller this gen. and it doesn't even work on Wii games, (which require Wiimote tethered pads, also awful). Then there's the absolutely pathetic library, with Tropical Freeze and Smash 4 being the only games that I actually love.
I bought a 3DS day one.
It's terrible OS ,hardware ans battery life really pushed me to not invest in the platform.
Some awesome games of course.

Wii U never caught my attention.
I thought 3DS was a nice handheld with some great games

I didn't like the Wii or Wii U or their online set ups and user interfaces. I hope NX improves on these systems in a big way but I'm not confident at the moment.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I was pretty underwhelmed as a whole I guess.

The 3DS had some great games--though I wasn't as big on it as many as I didn't care for some first party titles like Kid Icarus and Luigi's Mansion, and the third party stuff mostly wasn't up my alley as I'm not into JRPGs or niche Japanese titles in general. I also couldn't get into the Monster Hunter games.

My enjoyment of it was also limited by the hardware. Graphics were pretty poor in a lot of title due to power needing to go to the 3D effect that I mostly didn't use and I just don't dig gaming on portables any more. I can game on a big screen anytime I want at home (mancave) and don't have much interest in gaming on the go other than occasionally on long flights--even then I'd usually rather read.

The Wii U hardware was fine for me, Nintendo's games looked great. It was just over price due to the tablet controller that I rarely used tablet features (no use for Off TV when I can use a big screen anytime), and not selling well the game library was pretty limited. Worsened by me not liking titles like Pikmin 3, W101, Bayonetta etc.

So I really hope that, hybrid or no, they manage to get all their titles on one platform with the NX. Combine the 3DS and Wii U libraries and that's pretty solid for me. Even more so if they can bring back Metroid and some other lapsed titles over the next generation, along with new IP. The other shortcoming of this Nintendo generation for me as that other than Splatoon they played it pretty safe with their big releases.


I love them both. 3DS came at a great time when I had more time for gaming and the Wii U has given me special memories. BUT.... Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Xenoblade Chronicles X released so late on the Wii U. I hardly even touch my Wii U these days.
Wii U was great for me as I used it as a secondary gaming machine. Xenoblade X and Mario Kart 8 made the bulk of my gaming time on Wii U.

3DS on the other hand was disappointing. Most titles that I got excited for was a let down. Ace Attorney 5, Bravely Default, Pokemon X&Y, and SMT IV for me weren't good. Tried Monster Hunter and Etrian Odyssey, but couldn't get into them.

The games that I would remember fondly in the future are probably only Fire Emblem Awakening and some ports, like Devil Survivor and OoT.

Edit: oh yeah, there is also Last Virtue's Reward. That was great, better than its predecessor.


Gold Member
Looking back, I will always just wonder how much better the games would have been on better hardware. Probably will do the same for NX games.

They did some good things in spite of the hardware.


3DS was lit, providing me with a solid platform to play my favorite RPGs.
Wii U, I still can't comment on, as I have one hell of a backlog to get thru.
Meh. Both systems had some great, must-play games. Nothing really excited me other than Smash, though. Release droughts of anything that was interesting (to me) were very real, and the two libraries didn't feel especially fresh, at the end of the day.

I am also not a fan of either hardware gimmick. I can barely see the 3D effect due to my eyes being crap (the New 3DS does help a bit, but not overly much), and the Wii U's gimmick wasn't terribly exciting either. Off TV play was a nice-to-have but not something I really cared about. Most of the time it was just an extension of the DS's touch screen, although occasionally the Gamepad actively harmed my opinion of the game (Star Fox). One place where I felt Nintendo really dropped the ball was asymmetrical multiplayer. It was the big, really exciting use for the Gamepad, and it kind of just disappeared off the face of the Earth after, like, Wii Party U or something? Where's my D&D-like game, Nintendo?

Will probably not look back on the systems terribly fondly. Certain games though, yeah.


Definitely played my 3DS way more than Wii U, just like I played my DS more than the Wii last gen. 3DS games had better variety and experiences. Wii U was my Nintendo playing machine yet again. Wii U still had some gems though, really dissapointed that we never got a Nintendoland 2, best multiplayer game this gen.

Hoping NX will switch that up, seeing that it's a hybrid.


I like jRPGS so I liked the 3DS. But that genre is by far the system's strongest. The 3DS was basically similar to PSP right down to Monster Hunter.

3DS was terrible and Nintendo had to divert resources from the horrible Wii U to prop it up.

Wii U was dead on arrival. Horrible name, ill advised gimmick which prevented the system from moving down from its terrible price, and the AMD deals that let Sony and MS jump far ahead of where Iwata thought they would be.

Nintendo needs an impulse buy priced system that they can support without the AAA games they'll.never ever get.


3DS is a great system but hindered by two factors:

No cloud storage.
I already lost two games I heavility invested many hours into and that was Smash Bros 3DS and Mario Kart 8. After that dilemna I would then trust only online games like Overwatch and Destiny to save my progress.

And Data Corruption.

Way too often.

Pokemon is great because of Pokemon Bank for storing all my Pokemons.


3DS could have been a lot better hardware-wise, but the games largely made up for it.

Wii U-I honestly don't have a lot of good things to say about it. The games didn't make up for it being a very low-effort and poorly thought out console on Nintendo's part.


The 3DS certainly picked up, and ended its lifespan with a handful of great games. What's on the Wii U is solid, and certain games are definitely up there as some of Nintendo's best. But the software droughts hurt it massively. This is also the gen where Mario games became incredibly conservative, which is a phase I hope we move away from going forward.


Wii U - loved it! Despite the poor commercial performance, I think the Wii U ended up with a decent library of games that are both really great and really unique. I'm worried that games with Wii U gamepad exclusive features may not be preserved well (difficulty in porting features to future Nintendo platforms/gamepads breaking making the games impossible to play on current hardware), but as it stands I had a lot of fun with my Wii U.

3DS - I have more mixed feelings on the 3DS. I didn't get the system until about a year ago, and despite it having a large library of titles I can't get into the system at all from a hardware perspective. The lack of dual analog sticks, low screen resolution and clamshell design (I've never been of that) are really off-putting. The few games that I have played have been a treat though!


"Two to three games I like don't justify buying a console", that's what I learned from the Wii U. As for the 3DS / N3DS, I had a lot of fun with it but mostly with third-party games like Fantasy Life and Monster Hunter 4U, Nintendo hasn't really grabbed me with one of their first-party games since the N64. Splatoon was fun for a few weeks and they need more than one new good IP.
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