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As the NX reveal looms, what are your thoughts on the WiiU/3DS generation?


I enjoyed Wii U a lot more than Gamecube. Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Pikmin 3, Mario Kart 8 and Nintendoland saw a huge number of hours played.
Somewhat disappointed by 3DS. I only really loved SM3DL, ALBW, Kid Icarus: Uprising and the Pushmo series.


Pretty mediocre. 3ds was fine but the Wii U was pretty bad, too much 2d Mario pandering, no new Zelda, Smash Wii U was easily my least favorite entry, no good Metroid, no good paper Mario, they screwed up star fox again, No mother 3 port, lack of third partys, pointless amiibo, dumb things like Splatoon with no voicechat etc.


Wii U was GameCube Lite for me. Great games I will remember playing fondly, but not very many of them. I had no problem with the controller and no problem with the lack of 3rd party support. Nintendo delivered what I expected MINUS a Metroid game (and of course an original Zelda game that's yet to be released, but will end up being associated with the NX when history looks back on it).

I have few complaints and don't regret my Wii U purchase. I did wait until 2014 to buy one as that's when I felt enough good quality first party titles were available.


The main thing I think was missing for Wii U was an all-time classic.

SNES: SMW, DKC2, Chrono Trigger, FFVI, Super Metroid, LttP, MMX
N64: OoT, MM, SM64
GC: Metroid Prime, WW, SSBM
Wii: Galaxy, Galaxy 2

Each of those are legendary games that still get discussed today. Wii U doesn't really have that game that in the future we'll look back on as being on that same pedestal. Even Wii and N64 which I feel like were Nintendo's worst consoles had at least 2 each. Wii U has great games for sure: Bayo 2, Pikmin 3, Tropical Freeze, SMW, a few others. But nothing that achieves that all time status. I'm sure some people will vouch for Tropical Freeze or Bayo 2 being that game, but I really have a hard time elevating those to Ocarina or Prime levels.
I enjoyed both, especially the 3DS, I've put so many hours in that thing over the years, so many great games. The Wii U also had a really great library, but releases were so few and far between that months would go by without me touching the damn thing, probably great to jump in now tho. The gamepad too was a stupid idea, that very few games took advantage of it, which only makes it more evident that it was a dumb idea. I hate the gamepad, and that will probably never change, and any game that let me use something other than the gamepad, I would do so. The Wii U in so many ways felt dated compared to its 8th generation conterparts (not just in the graphics department) that it just felt so archaic when you played it, like that it really didn't feel like current gen hardware at all. Hopefully Nintendo has learned, and many of these problems have been addressed with NX, but despite how bad a lot of the Wii U was, the game lineup was no joke, so I'll probably remember the system fondly.


In my eyes, this was all things considered an ok generation, especially given the turnaround of the 3DS. However, it was no means a great generation, particularly financially.

The 3DS has a very good lineup. It's first party library is fantastic, and the third party library is good too (although I miss the 'high profile' third party support that the DS and the early 3DS years had).

The WiiU has a very good first party lineup, and that's about it unfortunately.
I don't care for mobile, so I can't comment on 3ds. But Wiiu was the worst console I ever had. Even worse than n64 imo.

There are definitely some good games in it, but not nearly enough to justify my purchase, specially when Nintendo pretty much dropped it too. (I had a black edition and lost the rebate, and later they decided to withdrawn to the Brazil market, which caused a price hike in the games).


I terms of raw game quality, both 3DS and WIIU hit it out of the park, it's just a shame the WiiU never hit it big and the games stopped coming pretty quickly. Still, the WiiU has an insanely high level of quality games and I'm happy with it overall. 3DS was pretty solid throughout its life, lots of great titles in every genre.


Thoughts on the 3DS:
I bought an OG 3DS blue at launch and loved the design, but got impatient with the lack of games and ended up selling it after about a 1/2 year or so. After Bravely Default came out, I needed to play that game, so I ended up getting a blue 3DS XL and kept that until I dropped it down a flight of stairs. At that point the *new* 3DS was about to come out in Japan so I figured I would just wait for the console to hit US shores. I was sad to hear the regular sized n3DS was not coming to the US, but wanted to wait it out. I'm glad I did. I bought the Animal Crossing n3DS when it was released and still play it on a nightly basis. I'm currently playing DQ7.

My top games for the 3DS were :
- Bravely Default / Bravely Second
- Luigi's Mansion : Dark Moon
- Smash Bros 3DS (stopped playing once WiiU version came out)
- Final Fantasy Rytheater (or whatever)
- Dragon Quest VII
- Mario 3D Land

I also bought the Wii U at launch. After cracking open the box and setting it up, the anticipation was reaching its maximum point during the 3 hour long initial OS patch. Popcorn bowl empty before even pressing the start button for the launch Mario game, I knew this was going to be another 3DS launch for me...But I kept the system, even with the heavy layer of dust over the console, I knew there were going to be great games for this system. It basically serves as a Smash Bros / Mario Maker box. I don't think I'll sell this for a long time. I'm awaiting Zelda BotW and was let down by Star Fox.

My top games for the WiiU were :
- Smash Bros WiiU
- Mario Kart 8
- Mario Maker
- DK Tropical (PK) Freeze
- Zelda BotW (once it is released)

All in all I think it was a solid generation for Nintendo, when you consider BOTH systems at once. Seperate, the 3DS shines for shear number of quality games, both 1st and 3rd party. While the WiiU only had a handful, albeit, great and well polished 1st party games.


Two consoles that petered out the minute Nintendo realized they failed to capture the zeitgeist in the same way as the as the previous generation.


3DS is a great system but hindered by two factors:

No cloud storage.
I already lost two games I heavility invested many hours into and that was Smash Bros 3DS and Mario Kart 8. After that dilemna I would then trust only online games like Overwatch and Destiny to save my progress.

And Data Corruption.

Way too often.

Pokemon is great because of Pokemon Bank for storing all my Pokemons.
You're terrifying me... I'm scared about corrupting my AC save...

On topic, as much as 3rd-party were nowhere on Wii U, which is unfortunate, I still enjoyed the console a lot with 1st party offerings (and off-TV). I just miss pointer controls :/

3DS was nice, too.


I had a hell of a good time with both. Going PC and Nintendo consoles this gen meant I could see Nintendo's amazing lineup and still play third parties.
I'm going to miss the gampad I feel like. I never had much TV screen time at my house, and I played so many of my games on there. And when I did have the TV I really liked it's functionality, especially in the HD reamake Zelda games, that Luigi's Mansion Nintendo Land mini game, and some indie titles like Affordable Space Adventures. I think that more games could have used the gampad better, but the Wii U's lineup was so solid.
I also really liked every single thing about the 3DS hardware. Especially how that launch layer cake looked. It had a diverse lineup, and possibly my favorite port of MGS3. I worked 2 3DSs to death, showing how much I played mine (also showing that maybe the build quality needs to be improved for the NX) especially when Mario Kart 7 was at it's peak.
This was my first generation I would call myself a serious gamer, and I'll miss it a little bit.


The Wii U was a jump back into Nintendo Gaming for the first time since the N64.

Getting the combined Wii and WiiU lineup all at once was incredible. No regrets.

Although the early game drought did lead me to buying a ps3. So thats probably not what nintendo wanted to hear.

Shame that the hardware was so poorly communicated because the games make the WiiJ comfortably the best console of Gen8


I bought a refurbished WiiU, rented the ten games worth playing, then traded the WiiU in for a little less than I purchased it for. Most forgettable Nintendo generation imaginable.


Maturity, bitches.
No clear concept sums it up nicely.

Just think about all those weird stories and promises from the early days that either didn't materialise or just died out.

3DS was meant to have 3D movie support. We got a short videos app that was soon killed off... Oh and the Green Lantern trailer on the eShop lol

3DS also came with AR cards and touted it as a feature we could expect to see utilised in games. Sometimes the ? card is used once in a blue moon but honestly I expect the majority of owners don't even know where their cards are.

And in the end even the 3D became secondary.

Wii U had a really rocky beginning. The infamous slow OS that needed two major updates to fix, two GamePad support never happened, Wii Chat being totally useless since it couldn't be used in the background and didn't really inform you well if someone was calling, and finally TVii.


Thank goodness for the games.

(Saying that, some neat ideas did come through like Streetpass and Miiverse)


Unconfirmed Member
The 3DS could have ( and perhaps should have ) been a bit more powerful on the hardware side and there were some droughts early on, but I think it turned out to be an excellent handheld with a fine library of games. I still pick it up from time to time and I can't wait for Sun & Moon.

Can't really think of anything I like about the WiiU. I felt it was a disaster from the start with the terrible unveiling, poor marketing and focus on a gimmick controller without anything to actually justify it as the standard controller. As for the big games; while Super Mario 3D World was by no means bad, I found it severely lacking for a main-line 3D Mario entry, especially after the Galaxies. Pikmin was cool but nothing earth-shattering. Mario Kart was fun, but nothing really new and its longevity lies primarily in couch co-op. I disliked The Wonderful 101 to the point that I couldn't get past the first level. I felt no need to get Splatoon as it seemed to be focused on online multiplayer and that's not my main thing. The WiiU library just doesn't really have anything that really speaks to me at the moment.
Almost ended up copping a Wii u several times but never actually purchased one. There were only a handful of games i wanted to play. Got a 3DS last Christmas from the wife, and never got into because for me the resolution of the screen was a big problem. There are many good games I'm sure I missed, that being said, I'm really looking forward to see what the NX is going to be.

If the price is right for what's its packing, I can see myself purchasing on and having it set up by my gaming rig if it allows for that kind of thing.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Wii U was by far the worst Nintendo console I ever owned. Smash was dull with its sp content and its lacking online options. 3D Mario was a sequel and was nowhere as good as the other 3D Marios. Splatoon was mainly an online shooter and I'm not big on that. DK was a fun 2D title. Pikmin and Mario Kart were whatever. No Metroid. No Zelda.

Like, the best thing I played on it was Bayonetta 2, not even a Nintendo title.

The 3DS? I played OoT and Street Fighter on it, and then sold it.
Even though I am still enjoying both my 3DS and Wii U, I'll give my thoughts on them up to this point.

The 3DS is my favourite handheld of all-time. The library is fantastic. Games like Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates, Super Mario 3D Land, A Link Between Worlds, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon... I mean, yikes! I love these games and more (3D versions of OoT and MM come to mind). Also, I really love the StreetPass function. I hope Nintendo will continue to implement that feature. My 3DS joined me on the road while I backpacked, so it will always be special to me for that reason alone.

The Wii U was the first Nintendo console that I did not buy at launch. I finally picked one up a year later (after a two-year break from video games) and I was immediately reminded why I enjoyed Nintendo's products. It's not perfect, there's no doubt, but there are a lot of fun games and that's what I want. I'll always fondly remember SM3DW, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Maker, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Hyrule Warriors, Splatoon, The Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, among others. (Captain Toad, DKCTF, the HD Zeldas... man, top-notch stuff.)

The Wii U severely lacked third-party games, but it is where I first played a Splinter Cell game (loved Blacklist!) and it's also where I first played Deus Ex: Human Revolution (absolutely incredible game). And to this day, ZombiU remains one of my favourite games on the console.

Also, Off-TV play is amazing. It's been perfect for me to be able to play games while my girlfriend watches her shows. It's something about the Wii U that I didn't know I wanted, but couldn't have been better for my situation.

So, I guess to sum up, I'll remember that neither were perfect, but both had great games that I loved to play.


The 3DS is the worst hardware I've ever owned and I consider using it is a necessary pain to play some amazing games that I can't ignore like SMT or theatrhythmFF

I purchased Bayonetta 1+2 in a sale but never got around to buy the WiiU, maybe I'll get someone to lend it to me as it seems they're never going to drop the price


Unconfirmed Member
The main thing I think was missing for Wii U was an all-time classic.

SNES: SMW, DKC2, Chrono Trigger, FFVI, Super Metroid, LttP, MMX
N64: OoT, MM, SM64
GC: Metroid Prime, WW, SSBM
Wii: Galaxy, Galaxy 2

Each of those are legendary games that still get discussed today. Wii U doesn't really have that game that in the future we'll look back on as being on that same pedestal.

Splatoon? Issues aside, it's the freshest Nintendo IP in YEARS.


Wii U is mostly a disappointment. They were ill prepared for the transition to HD. Nintendo spin off games were abysmal. Just compare the quality of them to Gamecube ones. The library, of course, is severely lacking.

3DS I can't complain at all. They recovered as well as they could after the terrible launch.


I won't say I hate, but I resent the 3DS. Every game I like on it is a victim of shitty hardware and software.

The 3D effect is cool though.
These platforms have some of Nintendo's best games ever. Shame about the droughts in the final years but at least 3DS third party picked up the slack. Overall I was satisfied with them.
The main thing I think was missing for Wii U was an all-time classic.

SNES: SMW, DKC2, Chrono Trigger, FFVI, Super Metroid, LttP, MMX
N64: OoT, MM, SM64
GC: Metroid Prime, WW, SSBM
Wii: Galaxy, Galaxy 2

Each of those are legendary games that still get discussed today. Wii U doesn't really have that game that in the future we'll look back on as being on that same pedestal. Even Wii and N64 which I feel like were Nintendo's worst consoles had at least 2 each. Wii U has great games for sure: Bayo 2, Pikmin 3, Tropical Freeze, SMW, a few others. But nothing that achieves that all time status. I'm sure some people will vouch for Tropical Freeze or Bayo 2 being that game, but I really have a hard time elevating those to Ocarina or Prime levels.
You knew people were going to say Tropical Freeze, but if we're counting stuff like Galaxy 2 and MMX then we should count 3D World. Mario Kart 8 is one of the GOAT couch multiplayer games too.


You knew people were going to say Tropical Freeze, but if we're counting stuff like Galaxy 2 and MMX then we should count 3D World. Mario Kart 8 is one of the GOAT couch multiplayer games too.

I'd count Splatoon among the all-time Nintendo classics

shit, I'd personally put it above most everything on that list
WiiU had some really incredible draughts. Overall I have 25-30 games for the system. The second screen was an unsupported disaster with the exception of a handful of games. I give the WiiU a 3/5 stars. The system.did provide some real gems.

The 3DS was a mess with the multiple iterations. I have an XL and 6-7 games for it. I DLed a few new games as well. The sweet spot on the 3D was always very small so I usually turned off the effect instead of fussing with it all the time while playing. I give the 3DS 2/5 stars.

Cross buy would go a long way in fixing a lot of issues I had with both.
I bought both the Wii & Wii U and absolutely hated both of them. Nothing but gimmicks and, outside of 1st party games, very few decent experiences. I hope Nintendo can win me back with NX.


It's a decent generation. We received wonderful gems such as Splatoon and Xenoblade Chronicles X. But I'm happy we're finally moving on from the DS and Wii brands.
I'd count Splatoon among the all-time Nintendo classics

shit, I'd personally put it above most everything on that list
I never got over the art style and stopped playing before ranked came out 😖

But yeah, that deserves to be there. Personally I'd put Pikmin 3 on there too but I doubt many others would. Mission mode baby!

It's a decent generation. We received wonderful gems such as Splatoon and Xenoblade Chronicles X. But I'm happy we're finally moving on from the DS and Wii brands.
Hey now, for all we know we're 45 minutes away from the reveal of the New Nintendo WiiDS!


I put it just slightly above Gamecube as the second worst. GC may have had more stuff than the Wii U but it was a steady stream of disappointment for me either in the quality or direction the games went. Wii U lacked a lot and what I liked wasn't innovative and mind blowing but it was high quality.

I really disliked the 3DS, it was too weak for 3D and made most of the library ugly. It did had have Mario 3D Land & Zelda:ALBW which salvaged it a bit.


Console Market Analyst
They lost me at Wii.

I'm actually interested in getting back into the world of Nintendo(going to get rid of my Xbox one), but I don't want a handheld, and have high standards for graphical fidelity and a strong online service.
Mixed. On one hand, both are absolutely the least creative Nintendo has ever been. Real disappointing on that front. But, as a testament to their developers' talents, you had a number of great games.
Never owned a 3DS so I can only speak for the Wii U.

Personally, I felt like the system was a disappointment from the moment they revealed its idiotic (IMO) name. Branding was terrible, advertising non-existent, software sparse, and the thing was overpriced due to the gimmicky controller. The gamepad was awesome for a few experiences - Wind Waker HD and Rainbow Curse stand out to me - but was too often under utilized to justify as the main controller. Honestly, I thought it should have been an optional peripheral while the pro controller was bundled in. Online, while better than the Wii, was still a joke compared to PSN/XBL but at least Nintendo kept the service free. 3rd party support was laughably bad outside of a few gems though Nintendo's first party offerings were amazing as usual.


I never got over the art style and stopped playing before ranked came out 😖

But yeah, that deserves to be there. Personally I'd put Pikmin 3 on there too but I doubt many others would.

yeah Pikmin 3 was great

also splat zones released within like 3 days of launch aka the only ranked mode that matters ;p


Unconfirmed Member
3DS had a lot of quality games, so I look back pretty fondly on it.
WiiU was saved by Splatoon for me. Easily my most played game this generation, which is something, because I thought that Smash Bros would end up getting the most play time.


I loved the 3DS but the WIiU never had enough games to warrant me buying it. If the NX is truly a hybrid system I'll be happy to see Nintendo's efforts on one piece of hardware


I just realized this is the first generation of Nintendo consoles that I didn't own. My last home console was the Wii and it turned me off so much I completely avoided the Wii U. I had a regular DS and never saw a cheap enough price to convince me to go 3D, even after my ex-gf bought one day 1.

Hoepfully the NX moves forward from this generation in more than just hardware.
A few scattered thoughts in the final hour or so before we find out about the NX:

1. Both systems stumbled out of the gate, with droughts that failed to make the case for adopting the hardware until over a year in, but first-party software quality was very high across the board, with best-in-series contenders for several major franchises (Fire Emblem, DKC, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, the list goes on—and take a step back and consider how crazy it would have been five years ago to claim Fire Emblem was major).

2. That said, the redundancy in the 3DS and Wii U libraries was conspicuous, and I could see why one system might have felt inessential to owners of the other. Integrating the software library into a single iOS-style pipeline is long, long overdue.

3. Metroid's absence from the dual-screen era is a black mark, especially if we are now at the end of the line for dual-screen systems. Franchises that were served were very well served indeed, but there were a lot of conspicuous absences from the depth chart that would give a system's library fullness and breadth (think Advance Wars and Mario Strikers). Personally, I always had more than enough to play all generation (and as someone whose third-party stack on Nintendo boxes was previously crowned with the likes of Viewtiful Joe and Okami, I can't express how elated I was to receive both W101 and Bayonetta 2) but I can't fault others whose traditional Nintendo genre priorities differ from mine if they came out feeling like it was a whole lot of nothing.

4. The normalization of gyro aiming on standard controller layouts was quietly one of the best moves this generation. I wouldn't have minded further iteration on the lightweight and dynamic Wiimote instead of leaving the concept behind so soon, but in the absence of that, as someone who loathes stick aiming in 3D space I couldn't have been more pleased to see motion control return in a more subtle form.

5. The Wii U is easily the best side-scroller platform since the SNES. Those of us who grew up on 2D platformers were spoiled absolutely rotten. We may never have it this good again.

6. I got a lot more regular use out of the Wii U than I normally would out of a home console solely because of off-TV play. It was a killer feature for me, in spite of its fundamental tension with the impulse for games to take advantage of the GamePad as a distinct second screen. If the rumours of a portable/off-screen/hybrid equivalent on the NX do not materialize, I expect I'll be using my Wii U in parallel for some time to come.

7. Hardware-wise, I suspect that the sudden and dramatic ubiquity of capacitative multi-touch blindsided Nintendo this generation as much as the late blooming of HD did in the Wii years. Their screens and touch UIs were evidently designed for the stylus first, in a continuation of the DS, and while the Wii U's screen is more finger-friendly than the one on the 3DS, modern phones and tablets have made both of these systems look dated to the general market to a far greater extent than the Sony/MS home consoles ever could.

8. Onboard storage on the Wii U failed to anticipate the demands of the digital era, and the convolution of how save files work (no longer copiable or transferrable on SD cards as on the Wii) remains the biggest complaint I have with either the Wii U or 3DS. I know this was at least partly done as a form of homebrew protection, but it came at a considerable expense to the convenience of the consumer.


WiiU has reignited my love for gaming and even pushed it higher than it ever was....and I only bought a WiiU because of Bayonetta 2 and Zelda. Even if BotW didn´t finally release in WiiU I´d still love the console. OffTV play was genius and I hope NX supports it.

Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, MK8, Bayo2 and Tropical Freeze are games I´ll hold in the highest steem forever, they´re some of my favorite games ever. 3DWorld, Wonderful 101, Pikmin3, Xenoblade X, Captain Toad...are slightly below them but I enjoyed each one of them inmensely. I think WiiU has a terrific library and there still are many games I want to play.

3DS...well I only use it when I´m travelling so I didn´t give it much love. DKCReturns was awesome, ALBW was a dream come true and I couldn´t stop grinning to the very end of the game, 3DLand was VERY good, Luigi´s Mansion was a great surprise (hadn´t played any before it), Shovel Knight is awesome...

For Nintendo this hasn´t been a nice gen, but for me it´s been awesome and it´s turned me into a Nintendo fan. I only played PC for almost the last 10 years, but WiiU has taken me back under Ninty´s umbrella and has made me more hyped for anything Nintendo than when I was a 10 year old playing SMW on my SNES. I hope they have better luck with NX.
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