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Assassin's Creed Unity - First Footage [PC/PS4/XB1, French Revolution, Holiday 2014]


How is this in "early alpha" and releasing this year?

Them releasing footage from their Alpha milestone right now doesn't mean the game is in Alpha as we speak (quite the contrary actually).

Also, since this is shown as a reaction to an ugly leak, I'd bet my horse they just grabbed footage from the most recent publisher milestone they had (in this case, when they presented their Alpha), which could be several months ago.


Them releasing footage from their Alpha milestone right now doesn't mean the game is in Alpha as we speak (quite the contrary actually).

Also, since this is shown as a reaction to an ugly leak, I'd bet my horse they just grabbed footage from the most recent publisher milestone they had (in this case, when they presented their Alpha), which could be several months ago.

Which hopefully means it wasn't tinkered or altered with at all. I think the deeper we get with development of strictly next-gen games and engines, we'll see less of the "projected" visuals and more of what is actually current.
What do people expect AC to look like built on current systems? ACIV? This is the kind of step up I would expect really. I personally think stuff like The Division and Order look as good.


Can't seem to force myself to finish AC4 so skipping this one as it French Revolution is not very interesting sounding. Graphics won't look anything like that on any platform too. I wish companies would cut it out with that shit.


Which hopefully means it wasn't tinkered or altered with at all. I think the deeper we get with development of strictly next-gen games and engines, we'll see less of the "projected" visuals and more of what is actually current.

Seeing how they didn't bother to fix or cover up the missing geometry and clipping problems, I'd say it's safe to assume the trailer was either originally not intended to be shown to the public, or very hastily put together.


I will honestly be shocked if this is downgraded a heavy degree. There's tons of aliasing in the gamersyde video and seemingly even a small frame rate hitch. This definitely looks like a console game, if next gen. The newer in-game videos of Deep Down honestly look just as good as this too.


Seeing how they didn't bother to fix or cover up the missing geometry and clipping problems, I'd say it's safe to assume the trailer was either originally not intended to be shown to the public, or very hastily put together.

Yep, agreed. Which is great since I think it looked pretty solid already


Is it confirmed the new assassin is a women in the French Revolution?

Id play it just to hear her accent....Love some French accents.


Is it confirmed the new assassin is a women in the French Revolution?

Id play it just to hear her accent....Love some French accents.

Doesn't look like a woman to me.

Plot twist: you're Jean Valjean assassinating Javert - Mission 1 the Confrontation


Well, if we are not sure it's spelled "Arno" it's most likely "Arnaud"

I know that Arnaud is a french name but if I read Arno my mind goes automatically to the river.

The important part in the post you quoted was the eagle reference. Both Altair and Ezio had names whose original meanings had "eagle" in them so Arnaud fits into that pattern quite nicely.

Is it confirmed the new assassin is a women in the French Revolution?

Id play it just to hear her accent....Love some French accents.

According to the plane leak guy (who has been completely correct up until this point) the protagonist is a guy. But I'm sure his French accent is going to sound just as nice.


Naw, UE4 had SVO GI. I think it was Sweeney that said that the engine's performance on a 680 based PC was what lead them to rip it out. In guessing they didn't have any other real time GI solutions so they reverted back to light mass.

Maybe Ubi has a better real time GI solution.
But i'm guessing if a 680 is not good enough for it, neither are consoles?


Looks like Versailles' Hercules Room, some Paris Street near the Seine and Notre Dame of course. But a guillotine on Notre Dame square? I thought the gullotine was in la plaza de la Concorde...


Looks like Versailles' Hercules Room, some Paris Street near the Seine and Notre Dame of course. But a guillotine on Notre Dame square? I thought the gullotine was in la plaza de la Concorde...

I'm sure there was more than one guillotine in Paris, wasn't there? But it's very possible they simply took some creative liberty with it being in front of Notre Dame.

EDIT: Tried looking it up but I can't find anything on a guillotine existing there. All I found was this French article which also deals with the question of whether that part of the trailer is historically accurate or not and the author also says he couldn't find anything to back up the trailer (I think. My French is extremely rusty). http://www.gameblog.fr/news/42009-assassin-s-creed-unity-une-erreur-historique-dans-la-video


how are people not sick of this series? there's so many god damn ass creed games

Because they are good games, and Ubi tries to keep them fresh by introducing new things.

I think that this game has a good chance of having big coop segment in SP campaign. That would make me much more interested in it.


Because they are good games, and Ubi tries to keep them fresh by introducing new things.

I think that this game has a good chance of having big coop segment in SP campaign. That would make me much more interested in it.

How so?

I certainly hope there's co-op.


EDIT: Tried looking it up but I can't find anything on a guillotine existing there. All I found was this French article which also deals with the question of whether that part of the trailer is historically accurate or not and the author also says he couldn't find anything to back up the trailer (I think. My French is extremely rusty). http://www.gameblog.fr/news/42009-assassin-s-creed-unity-une-erreur-historique-dans-la-video

Great find! My French is rusty too, but pretty sure without using a translator that he says he researched the issue and there is no evidence of there being a guillotine in Notre Dame square:

Et je vous le donne en mille : à aucun moment il n'a été question de guillotine sur le parvis de la cathédrale Notre Dame. Attendez, je me concentre. Non, aucun. Attendez, je scrute l'Internet. Rien. Ce qui nous fait, vous l'aurez compris, une petite incohérence.

Later on he says a guillotine was of course located at place de la Concorde (or revolutionary square). Looks like Ubi is taking some artistic liberties here. I'm fine with that usually, but this one is pretty big. A guillotine allowed to be placed in front of the most famous Catholic Church in the world outside of the Vatican when there is apparently no evidence of that in history? That's a big liberty and could be quite controversial. I think this AC is setting out to rock the boat.
Great find! My French is rusty too, but pretty sure without using a translator that he says he researched the issue and there is no evidence of there being a guillotine in Notre Dame square:

Et je vous le donne en mille : à aucun moment il n'a été question de guillotine sur le parvis de la cathédrale Notre Dame. Attendez, je me concentre. Non, aucun. Attendez, je scrute l'Internet. Rien. Ce qui nous fait, vous l'aurez compris, une petite incohérence.

Later on he says a guillotine was of course located at place de la Concorde (or revolutionary square). Looks like Ubi is taking some artistic liberties here. I'm fine with that usually, but this one is pretty big. A guillotine allowed to be placed in front of the most famous Catholic Church in the world outside of the Vatican when there is apparently no evidence of that in history? That's a big liberty and could be quite controversial. I think this AC is setting out to rock the boat.

They already gained that freedom with Black Flag. They set themselves free with the modern story line.


I wish they would go back to the old control scheme. The one they introduced in AC3 completely ruined the gameplay (along with the horrible world design).

I think they should do three main things, as far as on foot gameplay goes:

1) Just carbon copy Batman's combat: They haven't patented it, steal it, who gives a shit?

2) Make the Parkour faster, more responsive, but give the player more agency: Right now it takes too much time to climb around, yet it is all so automated, that you end up going in the wrong direction half the times, because the game didn't understand what you wanted to do.
I'm not saying something on InFamous levels (that's far too flimsy and lacking in momentum and weight, not to mention automated), but more intuitive and that made you feel more agile.

3) Just completely revamp the stealth: Social stealth is total bullshit, when your brand REQUIRES for you character to be dressed with the Assassin's official uniform™, so either revamp that whole thing, or just stick to more classic "don't be seen" stealth and lift several pages from Splinter Cell Blacklist, which is in-house anyway.


How so?

I certainly hope there's co-op.


I think it's very likely. Ubi have been and are putting an emphasis on co-op in most of their games recently, particularly all their future games have co-op integrated in their single player. Co-op was in AC3-4 and they always wanted to do it since the first AC.

The source that leaked Unity also said england would be a setting in the game. Maybe the protagonist has to unify two assassins guilds from paris and london or something. Or maybe this game is linked with the next last gen AC game in a "buy both games to get the whole experience" marketing kind of way with this being Ubi and all. Either way, it's going to focus heavily on co-op I think.


For me, I'd like them to go back to how Assasin's Creed 1 worked. Not about the repetitiveness, but how you're one guy doing things secretly and not the centre of attention.


Great find! My French is rusty too, but pretty sure without using a translator that he says he researched the issue and there is no evidence of there being a guillotine in Notre Dame square:

Et je vous le donne en mille : à aucun moment il n'a été question de guillotine sur le parvis de la cathédrale Notre Dame. Attendez, je me concentre. Non, aucun. Attendez, je scrute l'Internet. Rien. Ce qui nous fait, vous l'aurez compris, une petite incohérence.

Later on he says a guillotine was of course located at place de la Concorde (or revolutionary square). Looks like Ubi is taking some artistic liberties here. I'm fine with that usually, but this one is pretty big. A guillotine allowed to be placed in front of the most famous Catholic Church in the world outside of the Vatican when there is apparently no evidence of that in history? That's a big liberty and could be quite controversial. I think this AC is setting out to rock the boat.

I'm glad someone shares this historical thing with me - StuBurns rounded on me for pointing of the historical I accuracy of some The Order co onces artwork of Baker Street station...

To add...whom do the Assassins serve in this game? Presumably not the aristos, so the story I see is where they start out supporting the Revs until Robespierre starts going crazy & The Terror begins.

Perhaps the trip to the UK is either during the Civil War as a regicidal flashback.
Because they are good games, and Ubi tries to keep them fresh by introducing new things.

I think that this game has a good chance of having big coop segment in SP campaign. That would make me much more interested in it.

So true, a new setting, a new character always make the franchise refreshing to get back into with each passing year. That being said I am not into a pirate themed game, will definitely get this if it has nothing to do with pirates and naval battles.


To add...whom do the Assassins serve in this game? Presumably not the aristos, so the story I see is where they start out supporting the Revs until Robespierre starts going crazy & The Terror begins.

I think you nailed it here, and that's where my money is. It's difficult to see the assassins ever serving Louis XVI and Maria Antoinette, or the aristocrats. Like you said, they will likely serve the revolutionaries until they overthrow the monarchy, then change allegiances when all hell breaks loose. There is so much rich history and side stories, scandal, etc. during this time period, there is plenty of material for the moral ambiguity story lines the earlier ACs excelled at.
Only II and Black Flag are good games.

II, Brotherhood and IV are fantastic games, II being the best in the series (imo), and one of the greatest games of the previous generation. ACR was meh, AC3 was shit, but I personally liked AC1 cause it had amazing cities and a great atmosphere.

If the head honchos didn't force them to pump one out every year, the series could have seen a general increase in quality like AC1-> AC2


I think you nailed it here, and that's where my money is. It's difficult to see the assassins ever serving Louis XVI and Maria Antoinette, or the aristocrats. Like you said, they will likely serve the revolutionaries until they overthrow the monarchy, then change allegiances when all hell breaks loose. There is so much rich history and side stories, scandal, etc. during this time period, there is plenty of material for the moral ambiguity story lines the earlier ACs excelled at.

If by earlier you mean AC1. Ezio trilogy and a bit of ACIV, this was non-existent. ACIII brought it back in full force.
AC3 had some incredible animations.

Yeah, one of the only redeeming features about that game was the fact that Connor and Haytham had collectively some of the best charter animations in gaming. Also the cuteness were also animated well.

I swear animations has been the only thing that has consistently risen in quality in the series with ache game.


AC3 had some incredible animations.
Yeah, that's one of the few things I liked about AC3. Some of the transition animations could use a few refinements, but it's still pretty good as is. We're certainly not getting anything like, say... Uncharted. Not with all this free running business.

That reminds me, I hope we can still run through trees. :(


They said to have redone all animation in 3 but what about IV ? Because they felt exactly the same (free running ones) as the Ezio trilogy to me

IV used animations from 3, and it definitely had way less than 3. Apparently Connor in AC3 had around 10,000 animations alone


They said to have redone all animation in 3 but what about IV ? Because they felt exactly the same (free running ones) as the Ezio trilogy to me
From the limited footage I saw of 4, they copy-pasted 3's animations. There was a notable improvement in 3, didn't see any in 4.


But the combat will be the same, which annoys me

Do we know this for a fact? Because from the leaked screens it seems the parkour mechanic has changed.

Not to mention the rumors about AC unity claimed it was designed to be a huge rescoping of the franchise.

Since sailing seems out, it seems logical they would be trying to change the core of the AC games.
Only II and Black Flag are good games.

Black Flag is a series of good ideas strapped to a horseshit core. It's an okay game

Hopefully Unity will be less fun little distractions from trash controls and mission design and more significant rethinking of the game's design, combat and stealth system, and one button run bullshit

I never had this problem. :p

yup yeah okay uh-huh sure totally whatever


Plus jaggies and this



I find it fucking hilarious we have to go in and find flaws in order to prove this is in game and not CGI.
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