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Avengers: Infinity War: Adding Defenders Into Film Is "Complicated"

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That be cool if they put in some appearances/cameos in it. But yea, I dont want them to just shoehorn it in for the sake of it.

If anything, id imagine theyll just do some crossover event across every show still showing by then. Like nick fury giving orders to each of them on their show, to protect a position/city or some shit for like 2 or 3 episodes while theres like some big ass flashes/explosions/battle happening in the sky/space/moon etc.


I fully expect Part 2 to have a tracking shot like the one in Avengers 1, but this time, with EVERYONE.


Bitches love smiley faces
Damn I wasn't even thinking about them. It would be awesome if during the final fight, Thor arrives with the calvary, Heimdal opens the Bifrost and all the armies of the 10 realms pour out to fight Thanos.
I wasn't even thinking about regular armies...

If the Iron Legion isn't enough to pad out the battles, besides the Asgardians you've got the Nova Corps, and maybe the Kree. The latter would be cool to see, especially since it's been established that they've been pissy with the Nova Corps. The threat is so great, that they have to join forces.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Honestly the best reason to have the neflix heroes in the movie would be to put them together. Which could hopefully lead to a heroes for hire/mighty avengers series.
I wasn't even thinking about regular armies...

If the Iron Legion isn't enough to pad out the battles, besides the Asgardians you've got the Nova Corps, and maybe the Kree. The latter would be cool to see, especially since it's been established that they've been pissy with the Nova Corps. The threat is so great, that they have to join forces.

With all this talk of armies, I'm starting to envision this looking more like The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.


Let marvel cook they never fail.

Their biggest hurdle in the foreseeable future is getting people to care about Carol Danvers, that is a herculean task, i am sure Feign is losing sleep over

Feige right now:



Bitches love smiley faces
Honestly the best reason to have the neflix heroes in the movie would be to put them together. Which could hopefully lead to a heroes for hire/mighty avengers series.

The more I think about it, I can see the Defenders season 2 being a big tie-in to Infinity Wars, where it's just them (and hopefully a few others) taking care of things at home while everyone gets their ass-kicked in space.
I think they will end up adding other heroes into the movies, but I hope they do it in natural ways. I think the fact that we seem to be getting a lot more crossovers between the movies, shows that they are willing to buck the trend a bit.

It would be cool if Civil War had a sort of Order 66 montage of different heroes being captured and on the run. Seeing a clip of Daredevil being chased by Black Widow, Quake and Coulson going underground, Luke Cage getting processed. Also I would love to see a Bruce Banner cameo, with him being cornered by a squad, only for Thor to turn up and bifrost them both away.


Paper or plastic?
Of course they will.

I expect a scene in (probably) the second Infinity War film that has fucking everybody in it. The Avengers, the Defenders, the Agents of Shield, everyone. Can't be that hard to get a bunch of people in for a ten second cameo in front of a green screen as they chew through whatever army of mooks Thanos shows up with.

That's the money shot of this whole endeavor. Of course it's happening.
..and I for one cannot wait for that "all hands on deck" moment. It's coming.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
The more I think about it, I can see the Defenders season 2 being a big tie-in to Infinity Wars, where it's just them (and hopefully a few others) taking care of things at home while everyone gets their ass-kicked in space.

...why are they being called the defenders?


Those films are going to be stuffed enough as it is. It will be interesting to see how the Russos do with the packed super cast in Civil War because Avengers 3 will be almost double that with the Defenders included, right?

I'd much prefer if they get integrated in smaller scale films first before IW so we see how well they fit in with the film heroes. Throw DD into a Spiderman film first and see how he jives because honestly, as cool as the TV heroes are so far, in terms of tone and powers, they feel pretty different from the film heroes.

Maybe a cameo would be fine, but anything more than that and they will probably feel pretty unnecessary.

I should mention that I've seen only like two episodes of Jessica Jones, if that matters at all.
Good. Keep those two universes as separate as possible because otherwise continuity and the audience's understanding of what the 'world' knows (or is supposed to know) becomes impossible, and grounding the street-level characters becomes harder.

*Scarlet Witch causes the Hulk to go mad in Brazil, helps save a city in the sky and joins the Avengers*
Jessica Jones "Nobody will believe there is a man out there mind controlling people"
For crying out loud they talk about this in this very show. It's the difference between having to convince the lay person on the street and proving it in court. Do you think any self respectin judge wants to be the guy that set the legal precedent that mind control is real without and hard proof? People would be making mind control claims left and right.


Making movies is exponentially harder than making comics. You can't just have an editor drop a couple emails, swap in a fast artist, and crank out 15 scripts in the course of a month and hope the two-month pushback will be enough time. That doesn't work in TV and Film production.

It's crazy enough that Marvel Studios has managed to keep things as tightly organized with the storylines as they have. Besides which, having the Studios go out of their way to imitate publishing's strategies (especially during events) isn't a foolproof plan for success, either.

You mean like how Agents of Shield got some of their highest ratings by doing comic-book esque crossovers with MCU films? Using the exact same approach I suggested? Every April, AOS has crossed over with whatever MCU film has come out that month.


You mean like how Agents of Shield got some of their highest ratings by doing comic-book esque crossovers with MCU films? Using the exact same approach I suggested? Every April, AOS has crossed over with whatever MCU film has come out that month.

I mean, doing it in a movie is exponentially more difficult than doing it in a telvision show.
You mean like how Agents of Shield got some of their highest ratings by doing comic-book esque crossovers with MCU films? Using the exact same approach I suggested? Every April, AOS has crossed over with whatever MCU film has come out that month.

Actually, it's never gotten a significant ratings boost from those episodes, and that's really not comparable to crossover in the TV->film direction anyway. The logistics of that would be a lot more complicated.
They acknowledge this in the show though. Something along the lines of, "Aliens attacked New York and you're having trouble believing mind-controllers are real?"

I thought Perlmutter was gone? I think this is merely a case of logistics.

You have real life people who deny Climate Change, the Earth being more than 6,000 years old and this is with overwhelming evidence at your fingertips to research yet how is it hard to believe that majority of people would deny mind controllers.when there is absolutely no evidence of them existing other than people's stories.

Today People tell stories of sasquatches, alien abductions, ghosts, etc.. and they are laughed at. If you take this perspective into the explanation of people denying mind-controllers, it makes sense because humans only choose to believe what they want to believe, I don't see how that is hard to see.


I really hope it's not internal politics keeping cool crossovers between Marvel film and TV from happening.
You mean like how Agents of Shield got some of their highest ratings by doing comic-book esque crossovers with MCU films?

How quickly you think those "crossovers" (Lady Sif hangs out for an episode, yay) came together? That's taking into account the fact those "crossovers" go in one direction only (movies to TV) and aren't so much "crossovers" in the style you're arguing for.

Comics don't come together super easily/quickly, and television shows even less quickly, and then add the extra complications of blending shooting schedules and post-production processes, and then try to line all that up with the calendar of a completely separate division with its own production problems on any given day.

PLUS: You'd have to ask what benefit smashing those two universes (which are VERY different, tonally and stylistically) would give the movies. If there's nothing to bringing them in aside from "It scratches that weird continuity itch I have and can't really explain, but boy wouldn't that be cool" then there's probably not going to be a high priority in pursuing it.


Damn I wasn't even thinking about them. It would be awesome if during the final fight, Thor arrives with the calvary, Heimdal opens the Bifrost and all the armies of the 10 realms pour out to fight Thanos.

Add also the Nova Corps, the Ravagers, some Kree just for shit and giggles....


Honesty while I do love the Netflix shows, I would be fine with the movies having cameos or just references to Agents of Shield. Like maybe if anymore Hydra appear on the movies, you hear one of them to report to Ward.
That is if he even survives this season.


I mean, doing it in a movie is exponentially more difficult than doing it in a telvision show.

Except I never said 'do it in a movie.' I said 'just bleed the TV shows into it.' Jessica Jones and DD both had episodes which, while tied into the seasonal arc, had a 'one shot' feel to them. I'm sure they could figure out SOME way to tie in with Infinity War, even if it's just a crazy human yelling 'THIS IS THE END.'
I'd be happy enough with Avengers and Guardians crossing over really. If that doesn't even happen I'll be struggling to think what the point of the MCU was in the first place (apart from "money")

Can't lie though, I'd die if a " Theoden King stands alone..." moment happened with Daredevil et. al
I really hope it's not internal politics keeping cool crossovers between Marvel film and TV from happening.

Some of it probably is, but most of it probably comes down to simple logistics and the differences between the two mediums. Look at the five films since Agents of SHIELD premiered.

In the case of Thor:TWD, Cap:TWS, and GotG, those films all wrapped production before or shortly after the SHIELD pilot aired, so it wouldn't have been reasonable to expect any crossover in that direction.

In the case of AOU and Ant-Man, they could have included SHIELD elements if they really wanted to, but they only had the decidedly lukewarm reaction to the show's first season to go on at the time those films were coming together.

Civil War is really the first film they've made, in its entirety, after the diversity of their TV offerings and the reception thereof has significantly improved, so I think there's a somewhat better chance of TV references there, though it's by no means a foregone conclusion.

But that doesn't mean you should start expecting TV characters and plot points to play significant roles in the films. Even setting aside the scheduling and the different divisions involved, the films still draw a vastly larger audience than the TV series, and I imagine Feige would want to avoid anything that might cultivate the impression that you have to watch entire seasons of TV to keep up with the films.

And even that is setting aside the enormous tonal and stylistic differences between the Netflix shows and the rest of the MCU, which makes it questionable whether putting Daredevil and Jessica Jones in Infinity War is even a good idea in the first place.
I think at some point they will try to get everyone into the same room for a speech or something.

Maybe a wine and cheese event for super heroes.
I dont know what to make of Marvel's TV stuff. They seem to have created a weird divide by having one tier (Agents, Agent Carter) and their street stuff tier, of which those two do not relate to one another but both pay respects to the MCU.

Personally, I'd be fine if they kept the street stuff off to the side. It's much more darker and mature than the rest and I can't see it mixing well with the ABC TV stuff and the MCU in a direct manner.
Kamalas existence depends or carols. Try again

Eh, its a new universe with new continuity... I am sure they could skip straight to Kamala if they wanted to. Its not like the character wouldn't still have ever bit of charm just being a young girl who is in love with the very notion of super-heroism.

Plus, if we're in a thread all about blending Marvel's offerings across TV, etc... hell, Agents of SHIELD is all over excuses to make Inhumans show up whenever needed. :p


I'm ok with not seeing them, there's not enough screen time for everyone as it is. I'd rather just have more Iron Man time when it comes down to it. We get enough info and backstory on thentv characters during their shows. The only time we see the real heroes is in the movies, which is few and far between.
Let's face it, its probably because...

Little Timmy sees cool red guy with batons smacking down Thanos goon. Credits name him "Daredevil". Kid decides to see his show on Mommy's Netflix account. Kid's innocence gets crushed like a head on a car door.

El Topo

Eh, its a new universe with new continuity... I am sure they could skip straight to Kamala if they wanted to. Its not like the character wouldn't still have ever bit of charm just being a young girl who is in love with the very notion of super-heroism.

I think without an established superheroine her character is very difficult to do justice. It's not just about super-heroism per se.


I honestly don't get the appeal of Kamala, I feel like she'd thrive far more in her own animated series than a film.


I really hope it's not internal politics keeping cool crossovers between Marvel film and TV from happening.

Honestly thats what it sounds like when the quotes compare it to the rights issues with Fox and Sony. With Perlmutter booted from the movie side, I wouldn't be surprised if that complicated things further


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Eh, its a new universe with new continuity... I am sure they could skip straight to Kamala if they wanted to. Its not like the character wouldn't still have ever bit of charm just being a young girl who is in love with the very notion of super-heroism.

Plus, if we're in a thread all about blending Marvel's offerings across TV, etc... hell,Agents of SHIELD is all over excuses to make Inhumans show up whenever needed. :p

I dont see it. I dont see marvel giving a rookie the captain marvel name.

Especially when her own name is dependent on the same characters.
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