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Bands that you don't get the appeal of?

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I don't understand the appeal of the whole country genre.

I mean, with every other standard genre I can usually find a band or an artist I enjoy listening to. Even if that said band/artist is categorized in a genre I typically don't like, but country? I've yet to find something I can, at the very least, tolerate from it. Then again, I'm not really looking that hard.
I've enjoyed what I've heard from little lisa dixie and others in that circle:


but a lot of it probably bleeds over into 'folk' or something. but anyway, it's a pretty far shot from 'beer and trucks' radio country.


Anyone who has mentioned the genre of metal:

Animals As Leaders. Takes metal to a new level.

AAL while good don't take metal to a whole new level. If you want a mishmash of genres, click the first link in my previous post.

Most people who don't like something don't like it for what it is. You could give me the best Sludge/Doom Metal and I probably wouldn't like it.
I don't understand the appeal of the whole country genre.

I mean, with every other standard genre I can usually find a band or an artist I enjoy listening to. Even if that said band/artist is categorized in a genre I typically don't like, but country? I've yet to find something I can, at the very least, tolerate from it. Then again, I'm not really looking that hard.

Willie Nelson has his moments. I think Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground is pretty awesome, especially the guitar solo. But that could be because I grew up with it playing in the background a lot when I was growing up.
Edit-screwed up that link hang on. here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3PB1jWO3_E


That's a tough one. Although I don't like bands like Abba, Iron Maiden, U2, Kiss, Alice Cooper, etc. I get the appeal. I understand why someone would like them.

But Rush, man. Why? I don't get it. Like, at all.


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I don't understand the appeal of the whole country genre.

I mean, with every other standard genre I can usually find a band or an artist I enjoy listening to. Even if that said band/artist is categorized in a genre I typically don't like, but country? I've yet to find something I can, at the very least, tolerate from it. Then again, I'm not really looking that hard.

What's "country" to you? Modern country music is disgustingly bad. It's uninspired, it's cheesy, it's played-out, and it's often a little racist. But there are some great bands that evoke the country style in a way that's not shit.

Do any of these songs appeal to you?


Junior Member
I don't understand the appeal of the whole country genre.

I mean, with every other standard genre I can usually find a band or an artist I enjoy listening to. Even if that said band/artist is categorized in a genre I typically don't like, but country? I've yet to find something I can, at the very least, tolerate from it. Then again, I'm not really looking that hard.

I also agree with all the mentions of The Beatles.

The pop country of today is terrible, but the genre itself is very broad and... Wait you do not like The Beatles! Nevermind there is nothing I can do for you.


I don't get how people can say rap artists aren't musician. Pop stars, I can understand, but still disagree with, it still takes a lot of hard work, even if they aren't writing there own songs.
Johnny Cash is a good start.
Gosh, I don't think I could bring myself to listen to anymore Johnny Cash, thanks to my dad's obsession in the past.

What's "country" to you? Modern country music is disgustingly bad. It's uninspired, it's cheesy, it's played-out, and it's often a little racist. But there are some great bands that evoke the country style in a way that's not shit.

Do any of these songs appeal to you?
I'll admit I'm ignorant when it comes to the genre, thanks to, like you said, modern country being the only thing I hear.

Some of those don't even really sound country, specifically the Iron And Wine. Still not a fan of the twang that goes on in country songs though.
White Stripes.

Guitar lines can be interesting, but drums and vocals completely drive me away. That chick was a pretty shit drummer, maybe to bring more attention to the guitar?


White Stripes.

Guitar lines can be interesting, but drums and vocals completely drive me away. That chick was a pretty shit drummer, maybe to bring more attention to the guitar?

I like some White Stripes, but they were from that period of music where people were trying to recreate the 60's and that shtick got old real quick.


Their musicianship is pretty up there, to the point where there may not be a more talented group in rock music.

Musicianship is nice, but if it's not in service of a good song, I don't care. I've never heard a Rush song that struck me as anything special. Top it off with Geddy Lee's absurd sounding voice, terrible lyrics and cheesy production and you got something I just can't stand.

Even then, I can still see why other people might like it.


I don't get the appeal of practically every popular artist these days. Rihanna, Katy Perry, Bieber, Taylor Swift, etc. I really, really don't get it.

edit - yea, title says bands, so I done fucked up.
I listen to mostly alt, alt-country, folk... And Google Music or LastFM or whatever I'd be using, would always recommend some bands that I just ... I just never understood why people liked them. Animal Collective was one such band... and I see so many people wearing Animal Collective shirts that I wonder whether they're doing so just to say that they listen to a really alt band or because they like them.

I'd sort of agree with Neutral Milk Hotel too... I like them, but I don't get the widespread appeal. Honestly, I think they're a band that more people say they like than actually listen to them.

And for an older band, like someone else mentioned... Rush. I have no idea how anybody could like Rush.

Blink Me

James Arthur and N-Dubz are probably the shittest artists in existence IMO.

As for other bands I can't stand:

The Killers
And basically 97% of the playlist on BBC radio 1
I don't understand the appeal of the whole country genre.

I mean, with every other standard genre I can usually find a band or an artist I enjoy listening to. Even if that said band/artist is categorized in a genre I typically don't like, but country? I've yet to find something I can, at the very least, tolerate from it. Then again, I'm not really looking that hard.

I don't like pop country at all, but a lot of the people who like pop country like it because it has catchy, predictable songs with lyrics that are generally about having a good time. Think of most of the pop country hits from the last 5, 10 years, they're almost all about hanging with friends, drinking, and having fun. That has a real appeal to people who are really into hanging with friends, drinking, and having fun.


A friend tried to show me how good and different this Lorde chick is.

The two songs I heard were normal pop songs with good vocals and the same wub-wub bassline every song is using nowadays. I didn't see the appeal.

I mean, it was okay. But not award-winning good.



As an Australian I don't say that often, mainly because I don't want to be crucified on a cross made out of VB stubbies.
90% of current pop "musicians..."

Maybe I'm just old, but I don't get how someone using autotune to have a computer sing their voice for them can be called a musician... In this scenario, the guy doing the sound mix is the only musician involved... The person on stage is just an extra on stage acting it out like Milli Vanilli while getting paid a shit-ton more than the actual musician sitting on the side-line...
Vampire Weekend
Mumford & Sons

I don't "get" those, and also I think they are pretty terrible. but I guess it's me becasue they are super popular over here.

I've also always really hated Pearl Jam even if I loved stuff like Soundgarden, Smashing Pumpkins, ...


Neutral Milk Hotel & Arcade Fir

It's not that they're bands, but I don't see why people praise them (most of their music sounds bland to me)


Most ska, bleh.

This! So much this! I still remember late 90's when Kroq (LA's rock/alt station) started playing ska. I stopped listening to that station then and never went back.

Man I'll listen to the worst country music before having to listen to ska again. Instant headache inducing music.


Metal obviously doesn't compare to classical music that way, but in chord structure and ornamentation I think it tends to be a lot more advanced than most rock, pop, or even jazz. There are certainly a lot of artists from those genres who surpass most metal guitarists, but by and large I think that metal is much more complex than most other modern genres. It's really a shame that the vocals tend to be so obnoxious.

That can be true, but some of the best vocals in popular music also come from metal - Tarja, Tate, Khan, Dickinson, Floor, Cornell, Halford, and others all have some really great vocal performances, and some of them have conservatory training that is quite evident.

I think that the difference between a good metal vocalist and a bad one is that the good one screams because it is an artistic decision that fits with what they are trying to communicate in the song, or because of the aesthetics of screaming. The good vocalist may not even be 'screaming' per se, but using a particularly intense mix voice or head voice, though frankly I think it's quite hard to tell the difference. The bad one, by contrast, screams because that is all he can do.

He's not a metal singer, but James Brown is a good example of a singer who often employed screaming, but was still capable of singing with properly produced resonance and clarity across about three octaves.


Junior, please.
The Offspring
Nine Inch Nails
Red Hot Chili Peppers

All supposedly legendary, but I immediately change the channel when any of their material comes on the radio. Literally just do not understand the appeal, it's all terrible.


No, you're objectively wrong. I don't believe that you can't find some niche of music that appeals to you. Listen to some classical stuff or something. Like no, why would you shut yourself off from something like music?

You don't get to claim that someone's opinion on a matter of taste is objectively wrong. I understand his position better then those of people who are passionate about music. I like some of it but it doesn't move me, it's a purely aesthetic liking. It's pleasant to listen to.

Yeah, seriously - how can something that is a personal opinion be "objectively wrong?" That literally blows my mind.
Literally. See what I did there?

I'm not "shutting myself off" from anything - I just don't enjoy it.

And yet you like music from a Super Nintendo JRPG because...?

Because I like SNES RPGs.
Frankly, if it wasn't for the game, I probably wouldn't care much for the music.

And, many games I play on mute anyway. In particular, all PC games and all Handheld games I always play on mute. Even many console games I play on mute - and if not, with the volume very low.

I don't mean to pry, but do you have Asperger's? I'm asking because disliking music (except for obscure video game music you grew up on) and thinking of it as "Noise" may be a sign of it.

Not to my knowledge. I've pretty much always felt this way about music, and, I would imagine that if I had Asperger's, that it would have been diagnosed sometime within the past 31 years of my life.

Frankly, the idea that a personal preference has to be because of something that is wrong with the person (I know you didn't say it "had to be" that, you were just asking. But to touch off on that point) is pretty absurd. I could just as easily ask if the people who need to be listening to music all the time/say they can't study or relax without music/have to be singing or humming or drumming their fingers or whatever constantly have ADHD.

I pity you.

There are plenty of reasons that my life is pitiable. Not liking music is definitely fairly low among them.


Metal obviously doesn't compare to classical music that way, but in chord structure and ornamentation I think it tends to be a lot more advanced than most rock, pop, or even jazz. There are certainly a lot of artists from those genres who surpass most metal guitarists, but by and large I think that metal is much more complex than most other modern genres. It's really a shame that the vocals tend to be so obnoxious.

I might be biased, but the average jazz song is probably more advanced than the average metal one. Not saying metal isn't advanced, there are some pretty technical metal songs out there.

Everyone has their own preferences.
To me, it's just noise. Silence is beautiful.

Yeah, that's why I hate talking to people. I also hate going outside, and don't even get me started on watching TV, playing games, or watching movies with the sound on. I can't stand sound, it's all just noise.

I used to think all music was "just" noise in middle school. I regret thinking so now.
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