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Based on what we know, will the PS4 will be THE multiplatform console next gen?


We know Bob is 5'6". We don't know how big anyone else is.

Based on what we know, Bob is the tallest man in the world.


Based on estimated specs alone, I would say yes. In reality, I'm almost 100% positive that it will not be, since Microsoft policy mandates that games released on their platform have to be equal or better in quality than versions released on any competitor's system.

Not a SINGLE third party developer has made a truly superior version of ANY game on the PS3. They haven't even cleaned up old ports that could have easily been fine tuned given the advances since the game was originally released. How is the original Mass Effect just as bad on PS3 in 2012 as is it was in 2007 on xbox 360?

Vanquish? Tekken ... 5, I think? Lords of Shadow? There have been a decent number of games that were marginally superior on PS3. But the point there is that developers wanted versions that (sane) members of the public would think were more or less identical. It's not in their interest for the differences to be really stark.
Based on estimated specs alone, I would say yes. In reality, I'm almost 100% positive that it will not be, since Microsoft policy mandates that games released on their platform have to be equal or better in quality than versions released on any competitor's system.

Not a SINGLE third party developer has made a truly superior version of ANY game on the PS3. They haven't even cleaned up old ports that could have easily been fine tuned given the advances since the game was originally released. How is the original Mass Effect just as bad on PS3 in 2012 as is it was in 2007 on xbox 360?

Link pls.
What is this, I don't even...

I get that people are excited about the next generation but use your brain OP. Lets take a wait and see approach.
It'll be the one that comes out first for the first 12 months, and then multiplat will focus on the lower spec machine as the baseline. Unless one of them flames out spectacularly.

Yes, MS must be handing out jars of special sauce to developers to ensure that...
We don't know half of what we need to know to begin to answer that question. But considering that the two consoles are rumored to be so similar (the true HD twins gen) in specs there will be no incentive or excuse to one version of a multiplatform title be noticeably better than the other.

Maybe there will be no incentive, but if you've got your Xbox code running on the PS4, and you've got all this overhead remaining, why wouldn't you turn up the anti aliasing at minimum, or turn up other effects?

Based on estimated specs alone, I would say yes. In reality, I'm almost 100% positive that it will not be, since Microsoft policy mandates that games released on their platform have to be equal or better in quality than versions released on any competitor's system.

Not a SINGLE third party developer has made a truly superior version of ANY game on the PS3. They haven't even cleaned up old ports that could have easily been fine tuned given the advances since the game was originally released. How is the original Mass Effect just as bad on PS3 in 2012 as is it was in 2007 on xbox 360?

You are got that all wrong. Portal 2 for example looks and runs noticeably better on PS3.

We know Bob is 5'6". We don't know how big anyone else is.

Based on what we know, Bob is the tallest man in the world.

People keep throwing up these kind of statements, but we've had numerous leaks, and numerous sources all reporting very similar specs. If sites like the Digital Foundry believe they're accurate, they're accurate. Any differences from the rumored specs will be minor.
So you're going to have developers creating code that will immediately be usable on each console. Very little effort will be required to put your game on both. It would seem to me there will be no more excuses for developers. "Porting" will barely even be porting anymore. Developers can just build their game and basically turn up the "settings" on the PS4 version, almost like a PC gamer would today if they suddenly put a better GPU in their rig.
Developers will see a difference: APIs are not the same. You'll still have to port your game. It will probably be less painful though...


Maybe there will be no incentive, but if you've got your Xbox code running on the PS4, and you've got all this overhead remaining, why wouldn't you turn up the anti aliasing at minimum, or turn up other effects?

You are got that all wrong. Portal 2 for example looks and runs noticeably better on PS3.

There's a financial disincentive to make one version look significantly better than the other, generally. If both console bases think your game looks great, neither feels slighted (except for the crazies who insist their version has to be better, because their console is better, because REASONS).
Doesn't MS have a rule that gives them the right to not allow a multiplatform game on their system if they think it's inferior from the other versions?


They both have that rule. MS appears to wave it around more though. I think they even have a rule where they have the right to refuse any and all ports of games that first appeared on another system. And not for quality reasons. Just because they want to "encourage" devs to always provide them with the content first. That's kinda been good for business. Their business, anyway.


Junior Member
It depends on what the lowest common denominator ends up being. Last gen the Xbox got superior versions of most multiplatform games but that didn't stop the PS2 versions from usually selling the most.


There's a financial disincentive to make one version look significantly better than the other, generally. If both console bases think your game looks great, neither feels slighted (except for the crazies who insist their version has to be better, because their console is better, because REASONS).

True to an extent, but then devs will also want A.) their games to match up to first party efforts, lest they're seen as lesser products and B.) to give more value proposition to the consumer base of that platform, provided the improvements are easy to add and come at little to no extra development cost. The latter will only happen if the install base is big enough to warrant any extra effort mind.
Tinfoil hat time, but if Microsoft goes the no-used-games route and Sony doesn't, what are the odds some third parties willfully make their games better for the Xbox?
PS4 will have the best multiplatform version in most cases. Even if Durango has double the CPU power it eon't really matter. PS4 will have superior GPU and far more memory bandwith. It's going to a bigger difference than last gen


Then how come PC versions of multiplats are still being developped ? Wouldn't that harm them ?

Because the console advocates only compare themselves against the closest console competitor. They expect that PC will be the better looking version, and that's fine, because "LOL 2000 DOLLARS WHATEVR."

This assumes no first party development or competition. If anything Sony and MS seem to be putting a greater emphasis on first party development.

Well, yeah. This is a thread about multiplatform games.
There's a financial disincentive to make one version look significantly better than the other, generally. If both console bases think your game looks great, neither feels slighted (except for the crazies who insist their version has to be better, because their console is better, because REASONS).

This assumes no first party development or competition. If anything Sony and MS seem to be putting a greater emphasis on first party development.


I think "the" console will be the most engine-friendly console.

So assuming PS4 is a better fit for the likes of Unreal (seems promising), CryEngine (looks good) and Frostbite (also looks good)... from what we know, which is only half of the info... yes.

Baconsammy said:
Tinfoil hat time, but if Microsoft goes the no-used-games route and Sony doesn't, what are the odds some third parties willfully make their games better for the Xbox?
I don't think that's tinfoil hat talk, it's a real possibility. But we need to weigh what that means vs. sales. It's a pretty difficult equation to envision. i.e. consumer demand for used games vs. extra revenue and publisher pressure.


Then how come PC versions of multiplats are still being developped ? Wouldn't that harm them ?

Easy money. And it's widely accepted and acceptable that PC versions will be considerably better than consoles. They are not direct competitors in the same closed platform market. One more reason a SteamBox, depending on what it will really be, can disrupt this space.

Tinfoil hat time, but if Microsoft goes the no-used-games route and Sony doesn't, what are the odds some third parties willfully make their games better for the Xbox?

That would be considered sabotage by the users and they could expect some backlash and a PR clusterfuck.
I don't buy that the PS4 versions won't look better even if Durango is used as the main console. Considering how close the PS4 architecture is to what they're developing with, it probably won't be hard at all to utilize the extra RAM and GPU power wherever they can. Nothing astronomic but I don't think it's far-fetched at all to assume it will have the better looking multiplatform titles.

The benefit of them taking the short amount of time to improve it outweighs not doing it. Especially when you consider what they'll be competing with on the PS4.


I hope so. If not, since the hardware is so similar I hope the ps4 games that extra push in the graphics department.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Wasn't the PS3 considerably more powerful than the 360? I don't see how MS has much of a disadvantage seeing how well they did (especially with 3rd party support) this gen. In fact, many third party games were better on 360 but I guess that had to do with how the PS3 wasn't developer friendly or program friendly. That supposedly will change with PS4.

If history is anything to go by, usually the more powerful consoles end up in 2nd place. But this gen, 360 and PS3 are tied if not close.

Really, on this one only time will tell.


We don't know anything about Durango though, unless you consider rumors (possibly based on outdated information considering SuperDAE may have been telling the truth) to be a worthy point of comparison.


Obviously the PS4. 50% more GPU power and way faster and more elegant RAM (and most likely more of it dedicated to games). You can't secret sauce yourself around those aspects.


They both have that rule. MS appears to wave it around more though. I think they even have a rule where they have the right to refuse any and all ports of games that first appeared on another system. And not for quality reasons. Just because they want to "encourage" devs to always provide them with the content first. That's kinda been good for business. Their business, anyway.

Well after the Bayonetta port i don't think Sony has any rules or at least as strict as Microsoft's.


They're using the same architecture, so even if games are designed around the weaker system(durango), PS4 should get "free" bonuses, like higher/more consistent framerate, more AA, etc.

Theoritically, if the rumoured durango specs are right, then any PS4 multiplatform game should run better, or be equal to the durango version.
Vanquish? Tekken ... 5, I think? Lords of Shadow? There have been a decent number of games that were marginally superior on PS3. But the point there is that developers wanted versions that (sane) members of the public would think were more or less identical. It's not in their interest for the differences to be really stark.

Just to be very clear, I'm not suggesting PS4 versions are going to look "OMG" better. I'm envisioning the kinds of differences that Neogaf will immediatey notice, but COD Bro will not. Such as 4xAA vs 8xAA, or shadows on ultra vs shadows on medium. Nothing earth shattering, but still noticeable improvements.

Wasn't the PS3 considerably more powerful than the 360?

In some ways it was, but in some ways it was actually lacking compared to the 360.

We don't know anything about Durango though, unless you consider rumors (possibly based on outdated information considering SuperDAE may have been telling the truth) to be a worthy point of comparison.

We know quite a bit.



Well after the Bayonetta port i don't think Sony has any rules or at least as strict as Microsoft's.

It was also a matter of Sony being in a weaker position and couldn't enforce as strictly those requirements as it could mean losing the support of major studios/publishers. The Skyrim shenanigans were a perfect example of this.


It was also a matter of Sony being in a weaker position and couldn't enforce as strictly those requirements as it could mean losing the support of major studios/publishers. The Skyrim shenanigans were a perfect example of this.

I wonder if the situation changes this gen (by MS being in the weaker position) would MS accept a port as bad as Bayonetta was?
Wasn't the PS3 considerably more powerful than the 360? I don't see how MS has much of a disadvantage seeing how well they did (especially with 3rd party support) this gen. In fact, many third party games were better on 360 but I guess that had to do with how the PS3 wasn't developer friendly or program friendly. That supposedly will change with PS4.

If history is anything to go by, usually the more powerful consoles end up in 2nd place. But this gen, 360 and PS3 are tied if not close.

Really, on this one only time will tell.
Well. The PS4 seems to get an edge in the department that precisely helped 360 vs PS3. It's strange that the 720 could be PS3 of the generation with a better CPU (let's give it to Reiko) while the PS4 would be a simpler machine with a better GPU.

None of the next-gen consoles seem to be as hard to crack as the PS3 with its cell processor though. The gap, if it exists seems smaller than ever.


Just listening to Patrick on Giantbomb and he said that 3rd Party support for the consoles will be a "blood bath" and certain companies are aligning themselves with certain consoles. That timed exclusives will be a thing.


I wonder if the situation changes this gen (by MS being in the weaker position) would MS accept a port as bad as Bayonetta was?

Depends on the sales of the weaker console. The sales numbers will always have more weight than the specs when these are marginal.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
Just listening to Patrick on Giantbomb and he said that 3rd Party support for the consoles will be a "blood bath" and certain companies are aligning themselves with certain consoles. That timed exclusives will be a thing.

If that's true, can someone tell me what console EA are getting behind please?

...So I can buy the other :p
MS have Epic and Crytek working on exclusives for xbox. Those engines will naturally favour the xbox regardless of the PS4's specs.

Most big publishers seem to be moving away from UE and no one seems to be picking up CryEngine so it probably isnt a huge deal like it was last gen but I think enough games will still use it to be a bit of a problem for pixel counters.

I dont think people realise how nice Cryengine is.....having just played through Crysis3 on a mid to high spec pc i can honestly say its the best damn looking game i have ever seen

While devs like to say they are moving away from engines like Cry and Ue4 a large amount of them will stay simply because they dont have the money to develop their own engines
as costs for the next gen consoles would of made production go up a crapload


For consoles, probably.

Overall the king will still be PC.

Unfortunately we can't be sure that virtually every multiplats will make it to PC. I hope the situation will improve next-generation but there's not certainty at all. The architecture lends itself to positive hypothesis (easy porting job from consoles to PC) but the main problem has always been profitability.....This is the reason why RDR has no PC version.


Just listening to Patrick on Giantbomb and he said that 3rd Party support for the consoles will be a "blood bath" and certain companies are aligning themselves with certain consoles. That timed exclusives will be a thing.

That is a dangerous gamble to make and a nuisance to the end user. Maybe major publishers will spread their exclusivity deals with different franchises in different consoles to decrease the risk.
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