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Based on what we know, will the PS4 will be THE multiplatform console next gen?

Why wrong? people trend to forget 360 is the console that sells more software at this moment, Microsoft does not need to do something magical or megaton to keep as the leader of the market, they just does no need to screw it as Sony did with the PS2-PS3 change.

do you have any numbers for this?


MS have Epic and Crytek working on exclusives for xbox. Those engines will naturally favour the xbox regardless of the PS4's specs.

Most big publishers seem to be moving away from UE and no one seems to be picking up CryEngine so it probably isnt a huge deal like it was last gen but I think enough games will still use it to be a bit of a problem for pixel counters.

What an utterly absurd statement.


1) This doesn't matter with a new gen, look at PS2 -> PS3. I think we make way too big of a deal about brand power when in fact most people don't care

2) I don't think Gears has the same system selling ability as it did before. I think a Halo launch would move a ton of systems, but not Gears.

3) Price is a big one and if Durango is substantially lower (like $150-$200) then it will make a huge difference indeed.

I agree with your second and third points, but not the first one.

It is pretty much universally accepted that Sony badly messed the PS3 launch, they hit nearly all the wrong notes so to speak to completely mess things up. I guess the point I'm getting at here is that the PS3 would have had a lot more momentum earlier on transitioning from the PS2 (partly as a result of brand power, coming off the most high selling home console ever) if they only made a fraction of the mistakes they ended up doing.


They were demoing UE4 at the PS4 event :D

And MS responds...


Yes. UE4 is running on PS4 perfectly.

But they didn't even announce a exclusive IP for it.


y'all should be ashamed
Epic is rumored to get out of the games biz after FortNight is done. Should be interesting to see what happens.

edit: though looking at their jobs pages I wonder if that's really true.


Its not automatically easy to port things over because they are similar architectures, but it will be easier than for ps3 360 conversions. So that is a plus.


Epic is rumored to get out of the games biz after FortNight is done. Should be interesting to see what happens.

edit: though looking at their jobs pages I wonder if that's really true.

On a side note from that, I expect Cliffy on stage at Microsoft's event as an exclusive trophy.


EA not being at the Playstation event doesn't mean anything. They haven't officially announced anything for next gen yet, so why would they want their announcement to be overshadowed by the PS4? They'll be with Sony at GDC.


Not if PC and Durango converge into one OS that allows you to play games on PC and Darango for free or with just a Live subscription.
i too forsee a storm brewing. microsoft aren't going for hardware superiority, they're going for service superiority. games being one of those services. sony will present developers with a more capable machine and as little red tape as possible, microsoft will come at developers wielding their current momentum and market position like an iron mace. i also expect their reveal to go down far better with investors and other non-industry spectators, in stark contrast with its reception from gamers.

i imagine PC and its attractive install base will be used as a bargaining chip.

I agree. I think gamers are going to be very disappointed at Durango's reveal, but the press that constantly talks about tablets and phones will probably like it.

But, that press also liked the Surface tablet, and we have all seen how well that's done. I think ultimately, gamers rule the roost for this market, and most of the features Microsoft is gunning for will not be cared about by the vast majority of consumers.


We don't even know the PS4 is worth buying yet. I know this gen has been long, but we have to wait a little longer to have these conversations.


Where were you listening to Patrick? Bombcast?

Richard Ledbetter is a much more credible source than SuperDae. A guy who writes about gaming tech for a living, vs a dude with a twitter account. Think about it.

You mean a hacker, whose exploits of companies in the games industry have basically been verified, with a twitter account.


I guess, not sure why you'd ignore pc though. My big question is will either console be my multiplatform platform of choice or will I stick with pc. So far I'm leaning towards the pc.

I'm with you, but that is until console manufacturers and even some independent developers start to stonewall PC versions in favor of console exclusive ones, which shouldn't happen anymore, but I doubt it won't. =/


We may still have PS4 news coming out of third parties from Destination PlayStation and GDC before the NextBox is unveiled. But all eyes will be on E3.
I dont think anyone can answer that question right now. We havent even seen the next xbox. At this stage of the game services and first party games are more important. Because the console that all third parties go to probably have to do more with ease of development and market share rather than power
MS have Epic and Crytek working on exclusives for xbox. Those engines will naturally favour the xbox regardless of the PS4's specs.

Most big publishers seem to be moving away from UE and no one seems to be picking up CryEngine so it probably isnt a huge deal like it was last gen but I think enough games will still use it to be a bit of a problem for pixel counters.

how do you know epic is doing an exclusive? also is the crytek game ryse or something else?
I agree. I think gamers are going to be very disappointed at Durango's reveal, but the press that constantly talks about tablets and phones will probably like it.

But, that press also liked the Surface tablet, and we have all seen how well that's done. I think ultimately, gamers rule the roost for this market, and most of the features Microsoft is gunning for will not be cared about by the vast majority of consumers.

Knowing MS and how aggressive they were at the start of this gen i expect a huge amount of title to be revealed. never underestimate MS.
It will only be THE multiplatform console of choice if it sells well enough. Unfortunately I can see Sony having another Vita on their hands. There's no way that Sony are in a financial position where they're able to make big losses on each unit sold whereas Microsoft should be able to have their console retailing for less than 400 dollars/pounds.

I've mentioned it on these boards before - we may have a situation similar to the 6th generation where the least powerful console is also the market leader. Once Nintendo drop a few Megatons at E3 I can see them shifting plenty of consoles, it wouldn't surprise me if the Wii U has an installed userbase between 10 and 15m by the time the PS4 and 720 launch.

Given that devkits and SDKs are in a constant state of flux until a month or two before launch any sensible developer will be using the Wii U as the lead platform and supply up-ports to the PS4 and 720. And I can see that continuing in the future too, so that developers and publishers can be sure their latest game can run on the weakest platform. Using either the PS4 or 720 as the lead would halt development on the other platforms if devkits are overheating or an SDK revision breaks the code.

Of course, some people are going to reply to this post with comments such as 'not gonna happen' or 'in your dreams' without giving a reason why this isn't possible apart from 'because Nintendo'.

For cross-generation titles such as Watch Dogs it would make sense to have two lead platforms - the 360 for the 360 and PS3 SKUs and the Wii U for the Wii U, PS4, 720 and PC SKUs because the two generations have completely different architectures.


Seeing how late ports were universally shunned to hell and back this gen whoever is paying for that timed exclusivity must be paying a shitload of money to make this in any way viable for the 3rd party. It probably wont be viable in the long run and these clowns that couldn't manage the budget of a lemonade stand will probably be further hurt financially.


In the short term I would say yes. Games coming out early in the life of each system have been in development for a while now. In the long run, it will depend on pricing and how that impacts the hardware sales. Publishers will focus their effort where they are going to see sales.

A big issue could be developers focusing on the version that is getting some type of exclusivity window on content (similar to GTA and COD content). Or if this idea of blocking used games leads to a lot of support for Microsoft. The system that isn't the lead SKU probably isn't going to be optimized.

Best case scenario is that with the architecture PS4 has being easy to deal with, there won't be as many lazy, lower resolution crap ports as the PS3 got.
It will only be THE multiplatform console of choice if it sells well enough. Unfortunately I can see Sony having another Vita on their hands. There's no way that Sony are in a financial position where they're able to make big losses on each unit sold whereas Microsoft should be able to have their console retailing for less than 400 dollars/pounds.

I can agree with you here. MS can probably afford take more losses on hardware than Sony, but I don't expect a sub $400 price. $399-$450.

I've mentioned it on these boards before - we may have a situation similar to the 6th generation where the least powerful console is also the market leader. Once Nintendo drop a few Megatons at E3 I can see them shifting plenty of consoles, it wouldn't surprise me if the Wii U has an installed userbase between 10 and 15m by the time the PS4 and 720 launch.

For starters, to get those sales numbers, you'd have to see WiiU sell like greater than one million units every month up until November. Considering they only could manage 55K in January in NA and there's no big named third party software coming out in the next few months, I'd say that's a pretty unlikely scenario. Console sales are the biggest in holiday months, and they'll be directly competing against PS4 and 720 by then.
I'm not sure what kind of megatons you are expecting at E3 when third parties already appear to be shying away from the WiiU and at least one un-named publisher expressed disappointment at sales of an un-named big budget WiiU title. We're already seeing WiiU titles being delayed. GTAV hasn't and probably won't be announced for WiiU and that will likely be the biggest game of 2013. There's no talk of Destiny being on WiiU. As far as I know, even Bioshock Infinite doesn't have a WiiU release planned.

Given that devkits and SDKs are in a constant state of flux until a month or two before launch any sensible developer will be using the Wii U as the lead platform and supply up-ports to the PS4 and 720. And I can see that continuing in the future too, so that developers and publishers can be sure their latest game can run on the weakest platform. Using either the PS4 or 720 as the lead would halt development on the other platforms if devkits are overheating or an SDK revision breaks the code. Of course, some people are going to reply to this post with comments such as 'not gonna happen' or 'in your dreams' without giving a reason why this isn't possible apart from 'because Nintendo'.

For cross-generation titles such as Watch Dogs it would make sense to have two lead platforms - the 360 for the 360 and PS3 SKUs and the Wii U for the Wii U, PS4, 720 and PC SKUs because the two generations have completely different architectures.

Why would they use the WiiU version of WatchDogs as the lead platform for PC when it is already running on PC? At best you might see the 360 or PS3 version being the lead for the WiiU, with the PC version being the lead for the PS4/720 version. I just don't see the WiiU being the lead for PS4/720 up-ports. I don't want to say it would be like the Wii being the lead for a PS3 or 360 game since the disparity isn't that dramatic, but if the PS4/720/PC all have a similar PC-like architecture, why would third parties use WiiU's custom architecture as a lead. It seems like a waste of resources. There's nothing to suggest right now that WiiU will fare any better than the Wii in attracting substantial third party support. I'd actually be happy if that did happen, because I was scorned by third parties as a Wii owner. WiiU will certainly get cross gen ports in the transition between generations, but I'll be surprised if the third party landscape doesn't mirror Wii's two or three years from now.


MS have Epic and Crytek working on exclusives for xbox. Those engines will naturally favour the xbox regardless of the PS4's specs.

Most big publishers seem to be moving away from UE and no one seems to be picking up CryEngine so it probably isnt a huge deal like it was last gen but I think enough games will still use it to be a bit of a problem for pixel counters.

Sure, if they never want to license their engines to anyone making multiplatform games all generation.

Fact is, everyone is going to try and get the most they reasonably can out of both systems because the competition will be. Activision isn't going to want to see CoD getting smoked graphically by Battlefield on one system or the other simply because they didn't want to fine tune to the specific hardware at hand, and vice versa.

The big X factors ultimately are going to be:
1. hardware divide, unknown for sure but rumors are leaning in Sony's favor.

2. ease of development, also unknown, but it doesn't get much easier than what the PS4 has been designed to be, so MS' best hope is likely just to match here.

3. market viability. This is where things begin to fragment, and where 3rd parties can start to fall on either side of the isle.

Case in point, MS is DOA in Japan and everyone, including MS, knows it. Given that if you need a new title to have some legs in Japan and Sony is willing to offer an advertising partnership/reduced royalty fee/etc. for worldwide exclusivity then what's the real damage done? You miss out on a few sales in America.

This is why I could see Square Enix lining up strongly behind Sony this generation. Abandoning exclusivity did more harm than good to them (and I don't say that as an expert on Japanese culture). The port of FFXIII to Xbox 360 didn't sell particularly strongly compared to it's PS3 counterpart despite a major userbase divide at the time and it cost them a lot of Sony's previously assumed support for the franchise. They can get all of that back along with some technical help from SCEJ if they return to the previous arrangement.

Really that applies to many of the major Japanese 3rd parties. The PS3's early struggles and 360's head start gave them all pause and incentivized going multiplatform, but neither of those are givens this generation. It's entirely possible that a strong early showing by the PS4 could cement much stronger Japanese 3rd party support for the system.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.


I'm calling it between Steamboxes and PS4, with Steamboxes ultimately winning and defining the industry console model to follow.


It will only be THE multiplatform console of choice if it sells well enough. Unfortunately I can see Sony having another Vita on their hands. There's no way that Sony are in a financial position where they're able to make big losses on each unit sold whereas Microsoft should be able to have their console retailing for less than 400 dollars/pounds.

I've mentioned it on these boards before - we may have a situation similar to the 6th generation where the least powerful console is also the market leader. Once Nintendo drop a few Megatons at E3 I can see them shifting plenty of consoles, it wouldn't surprise me if the Wii U has an installed userbase between 10 and 15m by the time the PS4 and 720 launch.

Given that devkits and SDKs are in a constant state of flux until a month or two before launch any sensible developer will be using the Wii U as the lead platform and supply up-ports to the PS4 and 720. And I can see that continuing in the future too, so that developers and publishers can be sure their latest game can run on the weakest platform. Using either the PS4 or 720 as the lead would halt development on the other platforms if devkits are overheating or an SDK revision breaks the code.

Of course, some people are going to reply to this post with comments such as 'not gonna happen' or 'in your dreams' without giving a reason why this isn't possible apart from 'because Nintendo'.

For cross-generation titles such as Watch Dogs it would make sense to have two lead platforms - the 360 for the 360 and PS3 SKUs and the Wii U for the Wii U, PS4, 720 and PC SKUs because the two generations have completely different architectures.

The Wii U simply won't reach those level of sales by November considering just how poorly the Wii U is selling now.

Ubisoft have confirmed that the lead platforms for Watch Dogs are PS4/PC/720, the game is being ported downward to 360,PS3 and Wii U.
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