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Batman The Telltale Series Ep. 1-5 [SPOILERS]


Finished playing through Batman: The Telltale Series last night. Missed out on the discussions while the episodes were coming out and I couldn't find a general thread for all episodes. Was also wondering if other people played through it since the holidays.

I really enjoyed it. I haven't played the other Telltale games (mostly because I don't care about any of the other franchises) and was pleasantly surprised by how they handled Batman. Batman in particular is such a good character for this kind of interactive narrative because so many people have different interpretations and preferences. Now I kind of don't want to play another game where I can't play as my Bruce.

Since I had never played a Telltale game before, I was really anxious whenever "[Character] will remember that." appeared on the screen. But apparently this has no effect. Reading online it seems like your choices don't usually matter except in a superficial sense. But I'm kind of okay with that? For now I was amused enough with being able to control Bruce's actions and seeing the immediate consequences of that even if they didn't tend to carry through. Of course I'd rather that my choices mattered more narrative wise. But ultimately I had more fun than I usually do with recent Batman stories because I wasn't constantly complaining about Bruce's characterization. :p

It seems like the episodes weren't very well received and that a second season isn't locked in, but I'd really want one. My biggest issue was performance. Played on PS4 and while I had minimal issues in episodes 1-4, the finale episode was almost impossible to play. :/

My Bruce was very compassionate, honest, collaborative, and merciful. I loved, loved how much time we spent as Bruce out of the costume. The fighting seemed unnecessary most of the time and just filler before getting back to the meat of the game. I think my ideal Batman game might be Telltale narrative choices with Arkham fighting and predator sections. (Except I absolutely suck at those.) With some sort of way to choose how violent to be. Or I can live with them just being entirely separate games.

It's kind of cheating because obviously I get to choose how Bruce acts, but watching the game just reminds me how I have yet to see a Bruce I like in live action movies. (And by Bruce I mean the whole character. None of this Bruce and Batman being separate shit. If you can't play Bruce, you can't play Batman. Vice versa.) My other gripe is with the small "puzzles" and detective parts, if you can even call them that. Having a Batman game where you can actually be a detective would be amazing. (Even if it would probably be pretty hard.)

I'm generally really bored with stories about the early part of Bruce's life, but the game did a good job of keeping me interested and invested in where things were going. I don't know if I agree with all the changes, but at least none of them were so jarring that I couldn't move past them. Naturally the biggest change is the nature of Bruce's parents. I'm not 100% in yet, but I do think on some level the Batman stories should recognize that wealth of that size just cannot be dirty in some way. And it cemented that Alfred is truly best dad. On the other hand, I can see people reducing it to "Thomas and Bruce both put people into Arkham and make them worse so they're the same and evil!" I didn't take the bait when Cobblepot started talking about Martha and she's criminally ignored in Batman stories (as most female characters are) so I'm not entirely sure what was going on there. Maybe they'll go into it more in the future.

But what I want most in later games? Bruce as a dad. <3

My avatar is typically of Bruce and Selina's daughter (and right now it's of me copying a panel from her book) so of course I'm going to make sure her parents get together. Tbh my main goal in the game was to get Selina to fall in love with me once I realized that I could romance her. Success... pending? Seems like I was on the right track but the game didn't want to jump the gun with it. I also controlled myself and didn't tell Selina I loved her at the end 'cause I was pretty sure that would have sent her running. Which is fine because I prefer Bruce and Selina to be on and off when they're younger and then settle down when they're older and more mature. Speaking of mature, I thought the sex scene was pretty okay all things considered. In retrospect I could have been far more embarrassed while playing with my boyfriend watching. :p

I love that Bruce recognizes her as one of the smartest people he knows and that she was generally rather competent. I didn't even mind that there was an option to "save" her because she returns the favor afterwards so it really feels like they're on somewhat equal footing. I felt the stuff with Harvey though was kind of unnecessary considering there's already so much there for each character. (And guys fighting over a girl is stupid in general.)

I do like my Selina to be a bit more heroic, but considering that this is a young Selina, I thought it was a good foundation. I think it makes sense when she's younger that she feels guilty about how she's had to pull herself out of the gutter by stealing from people who are poor like her. So she puts on this persona of doing it for the fun and excitement to deal with it. Of course, you can also just buy into it and think she's selfish which is fair. :p But I like that the game gave me the option to tell her to cut the bullshit.

For later games, I'd want to see Selina take on a more Robin Hood type mission. I also want to see more of her backstory because I think it's so important in understanding why she does what she does. (I'm a firm believer that a poor Bruce Wayne would had ended up more like Selina than not.) And of course, more options for Bruce/Selina. I never knew until now that what I really wanted in a game was choosing what to make Catwoman for breakfast.

Oh Harvey. He's one of my favorite villains so I tried really hard to be nice to him. But he was definitely a bit more sleazy than I had hoped even before Two-Face shows up. And yes, I saved Selina instead of Harvey after he dumped me. I pretty much assumed he'd go bad no matter what I did and with Selina at least I could show some loyalty. His character design was a bit jarring since he absolutely loomed over Bruce. Oh, and the coin came out of nowhere. I know that we've heard it a hundred times, but still. I ended up putting him into Arkham with the best intentions but we all know how that's gonna work out. I still kept telling him how I believed in him even after all the shit he pulled. Not as a politician, but as a person as least so that maybe one day Harvey can win.

Another big change for a character. He was synthesized with Hush which might make the latter redundant. (I actually like Hush as a villain in theory. Being primarily written by Jeph Loeb though...) Like, I get it. It sucks that Bruce's parents did that shit, but Cobblepot felt pretty much irredeemable. Thematically and design-wise he fits a completely different space than the original Penguin though.

Vicki Vale
Alright, I don't like Vicki. She's a poor woman's Lois Lane. And she pretty much usually only exists as a love interest for Bruce. And let's be real: there's one woman in Bruce's life and she's not it. But I really liked what they did in this game. I should have learned from Mask of the Phantasm
that the masked villain could be a woman but I keep underestimating writers[/spoiler.] I like that she's a foil to Bruce as far as adoptive parents go. My boyfriend didn't quite like how she was able to go toe to toe with Batman in that last fight, but I'm okay with that. I kind of just assume anyone who wants to in this universe can go out and be trained to do this shit. :p

It's probably a bit too much, but I definitely took every opportunity I could to thank Alfred because he fucking deserves it. Realistically I think at this age Bruce is probably still too immature to really do it (at least to the extent that I did) but still. I totally revealed my identity to save him because:
1) It's fucking Alfred.
2) I operate on the assumption that most villains know Bruce's identity later on and don't care or no one believes them or whatever.
3) I wanted to see Vicki's reaction.

Lucius Fox
I'm sorry for doubting you Lucius, but I kept expecting the game to reveal that you were the mole inside Wayne Tech all along. I'm glad you weren't. ;-;

"John Doe"
One of the most refreshing parts of the game was no fucking Joker at first. Then I get to Arkham and I thought everything was going to go down the drain. Luckily he didn't take up too much screen time. It'll be different if there's a sequel though. :( And I guess we're not going with the whole Red Hood backstory? Unless Joker just doesn't remember and Bruce doesn't recognize him as that victim.

Jim Gordan
Jim Gordan was Jim Gordon. Although sometimes he talked about me being violent when I was trying very hard not to be. ;-;

Renee Montoya
I love my girl Renee but she didn't feel quite right? Maybe we can get a Gotham Central Telltale series starting her. Before it all goes to shit and she becomes The Question.

Overall the plot and mysteries were pretty standard Batman fair. But my love of Batman exists because of the characters and their interactions so this was definitely the game for me.

Now I really, really want a game where Bruce adopts Dick and becomes a dad. Honestly can't think of a game I want more. Or I would take a time skip to when he already has most of his kids.

What would you want for a sequel?

Kaji AF16

I bought it for Xbox 360 during the recent offers, and greatly enjoyed all episodes (but if I were to choose one, I would go with the first).

It offers an entertaining, well-written story with most of Batman´s "classic" characters, most of which are introducted in a fast but convincing manner. The action scenes were good, even if a bit too easy (I finished with 100% combat rating).

I will replay it on Xbox One eventually (and in 360 in order to unlock those Episode 5 glitched achievements!).


The action scenes were good, even if a bit too easy (I finished with 100% combat rating).
I didn't realize the game gave you a rating like this. :eek: Didn't get anywhere near 100% though 'cause I usually took that time to rant to my boyfriend about everything that was going on and thus got a game over more than once. :p


Apparently I played the game exactly as you did haha. Same kind of Bruce although I never doubted Lucius.

I loved the story and the different take on the Wayne's. Harvey was hard to love though.
I knew the villain was a female at once. The design somehow screamed that to me. I had no idea it was Vicky though.

The gameplay was disappointing to me though. I felt I had no freedom at all. Even less so than other Telltale games. Maybe it felt extra jarring because I am used to Arkham games... so I kept expecting to have to kick some ass :p

The most disappointing thing was the detective stuff though. It was just making three links between 6 items and that was it. I thought I read somewhere the focus would be on that...but I could be wrong.

Still enjoyed it though for 15 euro. I might replay it again but then as Psycho Batman / Asshole Bruce. Will be hard to be mean to Alfred though.


I didnt like how gordon and alfred got on my bat ass for my ruthlessness despite not extrmely hurting the sniper in ep 1 for example
I liked the new take on the classic characters. However the ancient Telltale engine just makes playing these a major pain with huge slowdown and lots of crashing.

The only nitpick was the pointless "finishing moves" that do nothing and might not even be the final QTE input :p


It's easily the best Batman story put to a videogame. The Arkham games always felt hollow - fun action and fun cameos, but the Batman-ness was limited to beating up dudes and bad detective minigames. Never dealing with the relationships, the ideological friction, or any of the Bruce stuff.

The Telltale game put some great twists on the fiction and really encompassed all the meaningful elements that make a good Batman story. Hell, Bruce just being Bruce was often the most interesting stuff.
I enjoyed it overall, but I feel like it could have been a lot better. Like, I got TellTale'd early on when my largely non-violent Batman broke a thug's arm, and became known as hyperviolent for the rest of the game; it annoyed me every time they mentioned it. The story and characters were overall good, especially the Batman/Bruce and Bruce/Selina/Dent dynamic, but the actual gameplay felt like it was really chafing within the TellTale engine's restrictions.

The one thing I kind of wish was that the whole Waynetech/Penguin angle was dropped--the Children of Arkham revelation and Bruce/Selina/Dent angle was big enough to fill the whole game. Like, the Lady Arkham, Penguin, and Wayne Enterprises stuff felt super rushed and as it ramped up in the back half, and the plotlines from the beginning just kind of fell by the wayside or got neatly wrapped up.

And OP, you're not alone wishing for Arkham gameplay during those QTEs and "detective jobs.". They really are the worst.
Bumping this for my LTTP on the series.

To be fair going through pretty much all the episodes in one day was asking for trouble, but man, it was a shame that it peaked at episode 3 for me. I was really intrigued by Telltale's unique take on the mythos, and repurposing Vicki as an antagonist was a legit twist to me. I did love Catwoman and Batman having everything out in the open from the start, made for some pretty fun dialogue options. And I guess believing in Harvey Dent was always gonna end badly for me...

But man, episodes 4 and 5 should've felt like a crescendo of all the build up, but it ended as a complete wet fart. Again, might've been cus I did it in a single sitting, but everything started jumping from one place to another far too readily, and it looked like they really ran out of ideas for cool stuff to be happening.

Overall was definitely worth the £10 I spent on it. But for the love of god Telltale your engine is awful on PS4, so many crashes, audio problems, graphical glitches. Do something about it, please!


Not a big fan of the Penguin change in this, felt like a new character given a canon character's name. I didn't have an issue with many of the other changes, that one just felt weird and unneeded to me.
Sorry, one of the most disappointing games from last year to me and from Telltale. Didn't like the story (some cool ideas but nothing more) and the whole Lady Arkham thing reminded me to Iron Man 3 and Pepper Potts.
It was pretty average. Voice acting wasnt fitting with their characters. Dent sounded like an Orc all the time and Troy Baker should've voiced Joker/Dent. Only good thing about it was the plot twist. It also didnt help that since telltale games focus on narrative, you'd expect a great story, instead its far worse than the Arkham ones.
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