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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Comic-Con Trailer

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Oh sure it's OK when Spidey and Gobby do it, but when Supes and Zod do it with power levels over 9000 it's suddenly terrible

Zod was literally the only person left that could have made Superman bleed, and he couldn't do it because of reasons.

Not even a scratch, but we were allowed to witness Kal-el's birth along with the confirmation that he was a healthy baby boy.
Oh that's an idea for a thread, best comic book (or general) movie climax fights/battles/sequences

We all know its Blade tho

spiderman 1 and 2 fights, xmen's quicksilver and nightcrawler scenes, blade vs deacon frost

everything else is a runner up. crazy how the first two nolan movies have crap action but still end up being some of the best films in the genre tho.

edit: holy crap that man of steel fight is corny. just two cartoons doing super punches with no sense of pain


spiderman 1 and 2 fights, xmen's quicksilver and nightcrawler scenes, blade vs deacon frost

everything else is a runner up. crazy how the first two nolan movies have crap action but still end up being some of the best films in the genre tho.

edit: holy crap that man of steel fight is corny. just two cartoons doing super punches with no sense of pain

I'd include Winter Soldier's highway fight in there as well.
Look at Zod's weakass uppercut game


looks comical

That's another problem directors still haven't figured how to give us a flying fist fight using wires that looks like the actors are properly planted when throwing punches. The worst offender is Thor in AoU during the Gazebo scene it looks like he's dangling from wires flailing wildly

When they're on the ground this problem doesn't exist because they can plant their feet and use proper form


It's pretty crazy seeing that outside shot of Bruce watching Zod destroy that building with his eye beams and go back to watching the fight between Zod and Kal and how absolutely none of their attacks had any visual effect on each other. They couldn't even throw in a little blood on the lips to show that these gods were really fighting to the death.

I hope there's more weight to the action in this film.

Not the climax though.

That said, Winter Soldier probably does have the best climax out of any of the Marvel movies.

I'd still go with Iron Man sheerly for the fact that it was more personal than any of the climaxes that followed. The fight between Stane and Tony is something they would put in like the first 5 minutes of a MCU film these days when it comes to scale.

- J - D -

Look at Zod's weakass uppercut game


looks comical

That's another problem directors still haven't figured how to give us a flying fist fight using wires that looks like the actors are properly planted when throwing punches. The worst offender is Thor in AoU during the Gazebo scene it looks like he's dangling from wires flailing wildly

When they're on the ground this problem doesn't exist because they can plant their feet and use proper form

One fight where Snyder maybe should've indulged in some of his signature slow mo (or speed ramping if you're fancy).

A lot of folks compare MoS fights with Dragon Ball Z, but DBZ knows the value of a good, hard-hitting slow motion money shot now and then.


Also important is cutting up close to see the anguish and pain on the faces of the combatants, something that Raimi understood with Spider-Man that Snyder hasn't really gotten, despite making like a half dozen action movies. Even The Matrix Revolutions knew this like a decade ago.
That's another problem directors still haven't figured how to give us a flying fist fight using wires that looks like the actors are properly planted when throwing punches. The worst offender is Thor in AoU during the Gazebo scene it looks like he's dangling from wires flailing wildly

When they're on the ground this problem doesn't exist because they can plant their feet and use proper form

Can't get over Cavill's nothing face
One fight where Snyder maybe should've indulged in some of his signature slow mo (or speed ramping if you're fancy).

A lot of folks compare MoS fights with Dragon Ball Z, but DBZ knows the value of a good, hard-hitting slow motion money shot now and then.

Also important is cutting up close to see the anguish and pain on the faces of the combatants, something that Raimi understood with Spider-Man that Snyder hasn't really gotten, despite making like a half dozen action movies. Even The Matrix Revolutions knew this like a decade ago.

I think he avoided using it because he used it so much in his previous movies and was getting flak for improperly using it, which he was.
Also important is cutting up close to see the anguish and pain on the faces of the combatants, something that Raimi understood with Spider-Man that Snyder hasn't really gotten, despite making like a half dozen action movies. Even The Matrix Revolutions knew this like a decade ago.


Mad Max: Fury Road is so damned effective, despite being almost a silent film (Miller did this on prupose), because you understand what the characters are feeling via their reactions, beat-by-beat. For almost every wide shot of the action, we get a closeup of the principal character(s) involved.

Half of Furiosa's character is built through her expressions alone. Having Supe's primary expression be a chiseled face with a furrowed brow, plus one weird scream, ain't cutting it.


I don't know how you go from slow motion to "Battlestar Galactica zoom in with some shaky cam and blurry camera"

Easily. You pay attention to the Internet complaining about your style of slowmo shots and don't have any in your next film. To then have the Internet complain again about how there are no more slowmo scenes in MoS.


Just watched the Comic-Con panel, and noticed how they never ever said Goyer's name. Really makes me wonder exactly how much of his script they kept. He's still listed at the end of the trailer IIRC. They must have only taken the basic premise at most, and completely redone the actual screenplay.

Easily. You pay attention to the Internet complaining about your style of slowmo shots and don't have any in your next film. To then have the Internet complain again about how there are no more slowmo scenes in MoS.

There's the problem...but then if they didn't do that we wouldn't have the story we have today.


Just watched the Comic-Con panel, and noticed how they never ever said Goyer's name. Really makes me wonder exactly how much of his script they kept. He's still listed at the end of the trailer IIRC. They must have only taken the basic premise at most, and completely redone the actual screenplay.

There's the problem...but then if they didn't do that we wouldn't have the story we have today.

Goyer is getting credit cuz that's Hollywood for ya. Doubt that this film has not been scrubbed free from his coodies.

I would have loved is Snyder has kept his style in MoS. I'm hoping for some cool slow mo scenes in BvS.


IMO is unfair to compare Incredibles with any other comic book movies, Incredibles is an Original idea so they have all the liberties in the world for the script, while Comic book movies have restriction because of rules already established in that character and that are hold sacred to even change it or innovate it (especially with Batman and Superman)
Thy can change things if they wish. Nolan seemed able to muck around a fair bit, introducing a "Q" character, very different take on Batmobile etc.

I get your angle but it's artificial and if they stick with those restrictions then that's their failing.

Also you seem to believe existing constraints prohibit achieving quality which i disagree with. These films could have dialogue as good as The Incredibles they just fail to. They could work in interesting ideas but they mostly fail to.

Playing it safe to placate the hardcore doesn't excuse obvious failings as films.
Just watched the Comic-Con panel, and noticed how they never ever said Goyer's name. Really makes me wonder exactly how much of his script they kept. He's still listed at the end of the trailer IIRC. They must have only taken the basic premise at most, and completely redone the actual screenplay.

Goyer's name hasn't been mentioned by anyone close to production since late 2013 outside of the official credits, and he's likely only included in those because of weird WGA rules. Snyder, Affleck, Eisenberg etc. repeatedly namedrop Terrio though every time they bring up the story.
next year looks pretty weak as far as blockbusters go, but I would be shocked if this was the top grossing film of the year—domestic or worldwide. Civil War is the prohibitive favorite and Rogue One is a dark horse. if Episode 7 is good and/or a mega-hit (like Avengers-sized), I can see that momentum carrying over for Rogue One in a way that BvS won't necessarily have.

I don't know how you go from slow motion to "Battlestar Galactica zoom in with some shaky cam and blurry camera"

Simple, you go from gory and visceral, and using ramping to hide how slow the actors are performing the choreography, to animated, invincible super humans that can traverse great distance very quickly.

The shaky cam is inexcusable though. The only time i've seen shaky cam properly used is found footage movies and Saving Private Ryan, which i suspect to get the viewer to feel as if they are a GI on that beach. Directors need to nut up and pay stunt men who can perform the choreography full speed well enough that shaky cam and ramping aren't needed to hide the flaws. Give jackie chan a prosthetic chin and stick him in a Batsuit if you have to.


Goyer's name hasn't been mentioned by anyone close to production since late 2013 outside of the official credits, and he's likely only included in those because of weird WGA rules. Snyder, Affleck, Eisenberg etc. repeatedly namedrop Terrio though every time they bring up the story.

Surely they kept the basic plot line that Goyer/Snyder originally came up with? Unless they started completely from scratch when Affleck/Terrio joined. That would be interesting. I wish we could somehow see what Goyer had come up with, story wise.

- J - D -


Mad Max: Fury Road is so damned effective, despite being almost a silent film (Miller did this on prupose), because you understand what the characters are feeling via their reactions, beat-by-beat. For almost every wide shot of the action, we get a closeup of the principal character(s) involved.

Half of Furiosa's character is built through her expressions alone. Having Supe's primary expression be a chiseled face with a furrowed brow, plus one weird scream, ain't cutting it.

Yup. Even if Fury Road's action scenes were only half as good as they turned out to be, the close ups on Charlize Theron's face would still sell those sequences 100% of the time.

Damn, Fury Road is so good you guys. I should see it again.
Goyer's name hasn't been mentioned by anyone close to production since late 2013 outside of the official credits, and he's likely only included in those because of weird WGA rules. Snyder, Affleck, Eisenberg etc. repeatedly namedrop Terrio though every time they bring up the story.

It's common. Joss Whedon binned Zak Penn's Avengers script yet Penn's name is still attached to it.


I'm not sure if "fighting in the air" is ever going to look good in live action, or anywhere. It's just silly. Neither the Wackowskis or Snyder cracked it when they tried it. It requires too much use of CG doubles, and those rarely ever look right, even worse then they float in the air.

cavill is so terribly wooden and unlikable. I hate him as Supes.

I think that gif is almost entirely CGI, dude. At some point in MoS's third act the movie becomes a CG cartoon.

this article is ridiculous, they have a right to be pissed this wasn't meant to be a trailer just a first look for fans at comic-con. Sure, they are very naive to think it wasn't going to get leaked but I really doubt this was how they wanted to officially reveal the movie, it just happens that thankfully it was a damn good first look.

whereas the avengers aou trailer that got leaked was going to be an official trailer and not a first look at a film that still shooting.

edit: dammit meant to post this in the SS thread.

That article is petty. I'm sure WB would have never posted the squad footage if they weren't comfortable with it being leaked. The footage was even cut as a trailer rather than the test footage we normally get.

I read it more as WB kissing ass to comic con's board members. I think treating the whole scenario as "oh well" wouldn't fly so well and would lead to more restrictions by them.
I'm not sure if "fighting in the air" is ever going to look good in live action, or anywhere. It's just silly. Neither the Wackowskis or Snyder cracked it when they tried it. It requires too much use of CG doubles, and those rarely ever look right, even worse then they float in the air.

There are moments where it does look good though


because there is a sense of power behind the punch, unlike the Zod upppercut.


There are moments where it does look good though


because there is a sense of power behind the punch, unlike the Zod upppercut.

That looks ridiculously fake.

I would never call that an exemple of "good"........ Sure it might look less pathetic than the uppercut, but it's not good either.
Real talk I am baffled when I hear people compliment the Superman/Zod fight. It's a series of bad shots, weird direction, spotty cg, awful pacing and terrible choreography. It's five minutes of loud nothing.


I think the shot of Zod getting punched looks good. It does look pretty fake, but that's mostly because of the CG is very lacking there. However, at the same time, I can't say that I've ever seen a real invulnerable man hit at that velocity in the sky from that perspective. It seems like a silly complaint to say that a fake scene looks indeed fake, since I don't really have anything real to compare it to so I can point out what the discrepancy is. The Zod/Superman fight had some bad shots for other reasons, but I'd say the punching through the air one is one of the better ones. Zod gets hit and thrown back, and Superman zooms in to have him hit and thrown back a second time. If he were an ordinary man, he'd have been splattered, but he has invulnerability like Supes. If he were an ordinary man, gravity would take over, but he can fly like Supes. If I were given that scene to shoot, other than tell the CG guys to make it look less like CG, I have no idea what I'd change about that shot if my goal was to make it more real.
Real talk I am baffled when I hear people compliment the Superman/Zod fight. It's a series of bad shots, weird direction, spotty cg, awful pacing and terrible choreography. It's five minutes of loud nothing.

and Im baffled when people talk shit about it

Man of Steel is the only movie that feels like it truly captures what a fight between human sized indestructible gods would look like, the weight behing every punch is incredible.
and Im baffled when people talk shit about it

Man of Steel is the only movie that feels like it truly captures what a fight between human sized indestructible gods would look like, the weight behing every punch is incredible.

Yes this is what I thought too . There was weight behind every punch which I have never seen at that level in any superhero movie


Superman has no room to wind up or follow through with that punch. It looks like he's tapping him.

Not sure what you mean as you can see him winding up in the gif. Maybe it looks a bit awkward because it's in the air, it's just that the human body was not developed for aerial combat. So when it's fighting in the air, yeah, it's a bit awkward, but that's not a lack of realistic. If anything, you ought to argue the awkwardness is realistic. Also, super strength and Zod's clear disorientation mean Superman doesn't have to punch as relatively hard as he would on the ground for the hit to send him flying. Perhaps it's not doing that much damage, but Zod's relatively small mass and underdeveloped powers make him being bounced around perfectly plausible to me.
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