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Battlefield 3 - Snipers will have Scope Reflection & Sway


Brannon said:
I wonder...

Can the devs make it so that if a third or or more than a third of your kills came from any use of the sniper rifle, then your K/D ratio won't count for that match?

Why stop there? Let's do the same for anything that comes to the gustav, tank or grenade launcher?
RS4- said:
Why stop there? Let's do the same for anything that comes to the gustav, tank or grenade launcher?

They should just remove kills and deaths from the score screen, if all people see are the score then it might make them work harder for that than a high K/D. Of course, DICE should also increase the amount of points you get for doing objectives and such.


questionmark said:
They should just remove kills and deaths from the score screen, if all people see are the score then it might make them work harder for that than a high K/D. Of course, DICE should also increase the amount of points you get for doing objectives and such.

This is something that should have been in since...forever.
strange, am I the only person that played recon in bc2 with shotgun? And not just because you can snipe rather well with them =P.

throwing the sensors into a building, charging in and capping everyone... good times!
chickdigger802 said:
strange, am I the only person that played recon in bc2 with shotgun? And not just because you can snipe rather well with them =P.

throwing the sensors into a building, charging in and capping everyone... good times!

Recon + Saiga is the way I roll.


Everything is tsundere to me
chickdigger802 said:
strange, am I the only person that played recon in bc2 with shotgun? And not just because you can snipe rather well with them =P.

throwing the sensors into a building, charging in and capping everyone... good times!
Man, if they keep the same pump shotgun stats from the Medal of Honor multiplayer I'll be a happy camper (I mean run-and-gunner :p). It's easily the best implementation of shotguns out there. Tight, realistic spread, decent range, but slow enough fire rate that you only had one, maybe two shots if you were lucky.

Actually, here's an interesting idea for the support class: auto shotguns like the AA-12 for close-fire suppressing actions in a wide area, but only at mid-to-close range. Damage model is similar to semi-autos, but difficult to control at more than short bursts.


Mr. Snrub said:
Yeah, I hate getting shot.
Think about it. If all anyone could do was run around making angry faces at each other, it would be perfectly balanced!

Hire me on, DICE. I will bring a fresh new take to online multiplayer.


Trucker Sexologist
Mr. Snrub said:
Yeah. Objective/team play points need to vastly outweigh kill points.
To a point. Lemmings still cost the team tickets in Conquest, and thus the game. A team with a high K/D will beat a team with a low K/D if flag control isn't overwhelmingly lopsided the whole match. Revives can be just as critical as flag control because they recover tickets.
How about giving recons a separate spotting scope with anti glare lens so they can still be fullfill their roll and give intel to their teammate without having offensive capabilities right away. That way if you wanna just scout the horizon you can do that but as soon as yo take out your sniper rifle and set up your bipod, your rifle's scope will start to glare.

Plus these scopes should provide a greater field of view while providing better magnification.



Everything is tsundere to me
Hulud said:
Think about it. If all anyone could do was run around making angry faces at each other, it would be perfectly balanced!

Hire me on, DICE. I will bring a fresh new take to online multiplayer.
No, if everyone only had the M16 set to single fire only with ironsights, then it would be "balanced". Of course, then we may as well all just be playing Fox on Final Destination with no items too, but that's not fun. The thing is, Snipers tend to be at ranges beyond practical engagement for your typical AR toting player who is working on playing the game-mode. I have no problem with snipers, and sometimes play as one myself, but camping snipers slow down gameplay for the teams. On the attacking side, you want the momentum to capture objectives. On the defending side it's about being able to engage the attacking team with reliable, continuous fire. You don't get that from snipers as much, so in order to maintain the flow of gameplay, Sniping needs to be deincentivized for anyone but the best snipers. I'll play recon to be sure, but a much more mobile, mid range variety, as this is typically the role of a designated marksman in a battlefield role.
BC2 mp would have easily been better without the Recon class.

Class is so hated. To add insult to injury FF is turned on on the Console versions so you can't grief.

GeneralIroh said:
How about giving recons a separate spotting scope with anti glare lens so they can still be fullfill their roll and give intel to their teammate without having offensive capabilities right away. That way if you wanna just scout the horizon you can do that but as soon as yo take out your sniper rifle and set up your bipod, your rifle's scope will start to glare.

Plus these scopes should provide a greater field of view while providing better magnification.


Listen to this man. I really hope recon does not have magical binocular mortar strikes in Bf3.


I am pumped for the scope glare, but I dont want it to be unnatural. The post makes it sound like after a certain time limit it will glare.

I would like it to be if the scope is moving or something like that. Far Cry 1 multiplayer had lens glare...it was crazy looking out into the jungle and then seeing a bright light and just running. So cool.

Anyway...Really excited for this game.


BigJiantRobut said:
Recon + Saiga is the way I roll.
Jesus, I just tried this for the first time and absolutely dominated. I thought the points from spotting with my motion sensors would never end. I think this is how I'll officially roll from now on using recon. I hate sniping in this game.


GeneralIroh said:
How about giving recons a separate spotting scope with anti glare lens so they can still be fullfill their roll and give intel to their teammate without having offensive capabilities right away. That way if you wanna just scout the horizon you can do that but as soon as yo take out your sniper rifle and set up your bipod, your rifle's scope will start to glare.

Plus these scopes should provide a greater field of view while providing better magnification.

I approve.
Playing Recon like a Spotter was probably the most fun I've had in BC2. No shots fired, just a mortar strike here and there for vehicles.

Now give me a SMG instead of a sniper rifle to go with that and I've found my class.


Good addition. Should reinforce the practice of "fire and move" which is what the combat snipers should be doing in the first place.


No-scope headshots should be worth more points than destroying an M-Com. But then that should also activate friendly fire only against that team mate.
I haven't played BF since BF2, but a sniper played well was something really useful. And I don't mean just straight-up camping. When I was playing in a squad I'd get asked to play sniper quite a bit because I'd do a lot of recon/scouting work and call guys out, as well as defend positions waiting for guys to come on back. Constant contact, always acting as support, not trying to just rack up kills.

That said I didn't play it all the time. Preferred using C4 :) or dropping ammo everywhere.

Love support classes.
RS4- said:
This is something that should have been in since...forever.

Definitely. As much as I love BC2, it is an incredibly flawed game. Many poor decisions and half assed effort by DICE.

GeneralIroh said:
How about giving recons a separate spotting scope with anti glare lens so they can still be fullfill their roll and give intel to their teammate without having offensive capabilities right away. That way if you wanna just scout the horizon you can do that but as soon as yo take out your sniper rifle and set up your bipod, your rifle's scope will start to glare.

Plus these scopes should provide a greater field of view while providing better magnification.



Shai-Tan said:
what about the maps where 80% of all players are engineers



Since when did zhinto become a General Manger at DICE? Jesus fuck that studio is going downhill fast. :lol

Gotta love the fact that BF3 has 4 classes and 1 of them will be practically useless. :lol


Just wondering if there are binoculars in the PC version. If there are binoculars that dont have glare and you can swap from that to your gun I would be happy.


Ok, honest question:

Instead of artificial limits and dumb stuff like this, why doesn't DICE actually limit the classes? Let me explain. Anyone played America's Army on PC?

It had a class system where in a group there was 2 regular guys (=assault), 1 heavy gunner (=support), 1 sniper. Player who got the most points in the last round gets to pickup his class of choice first, then the player with second most points picks his class and so on.

There were 2 or 3 groups per side depending on the server settings, so at the same time there were 4-6 assault guys, 2-3 supports, 2-3 snipers. Team full of snipers? Not anymore. Play well enough to earn the position you want.

Anyway, don't get me wrong, I hate camping recons as much as the next guy but there are better ways to go around sniperfest problems.


BigJiantRobut said:
Recon + Saiga is the way I roll.
Recon + VSS with a red dot is pretty good at close to mid range and good support with motion sensors for aggressive team. C4 takes out vehicles nicely, although you are almost all the time out of ammo or motion sensors.
Lostconfused said:
No but it will make it easier for the sniper on your team to spot the enemy sniper without giving away his position. It's called counter sniping.

Counter Sniping is easy as shit. Most of the time when starting up a match I fire some blind shots at the 5 most obvious camping places, and usually I'm getting about 1 or 2 kills from that. The vast majority of snipers in BC2 are unimaginative, lack any sense of environment awareness, and use the biggest bolt action rifle available to feel badass. Everytime I see someone using the M95 I know that I don't have to worry about them as no other Rifle in BC2 lets you spot a bad player faster than the M95.

Snipers aren't the problem if you have to face them, they are easy as shit to kill, hell in BC2, you are better off counter sniping with a Neostead, as it has no spread, no bullet drop and with upgrades shoots perfectly straight. Snipers are a problem if you have them on your team. I've played BC2 on 360 and PC, and I gotta say that I rarely encountered a Sniper that was a real threat. Hell, my Platinum Knife Star is about 90% earned by farming wookies on maps like Arica Harbor (second and third set)

The biggest Problem is, that Sniping in BC2 gives you way too much points for doing nothing. Hell on Arica Harbour you can get up to 500 to 700 points for a single Headshot from the mountain ridge to the last set. And since people tend to snipe in the hill behind or on the roof of the last stand, you have non moving targets as well. I was able to rake up almost 2000 points there just by picking off snipers from that distance.

Here is why I think that nerfing Snipers isn't going to make the Wookie Infestation go away. At least not with these two ideas.

1st: Sway. Sway is needed, pretty much so, but with a bipod as an option it should be eliminated. The tradeoff should be, that mounting the bipod should take considerable time and limit your angles and turning range considerable. Sway alone isn't going to stop anyone from chosing the Sniper Class. The only way that Sway would be effective is if the ridiculous hit box sizes from BC2 are refined.

2nd: Reflections: Killcams didn't stop BC2 from becoming a wookie infested campers heaven, neither will Reflections. Reflections won't force Wookies into moving or stop camping. Adding anti sniper weapons (mortar strikes, laser target rocket strikes, calling in airstrikes etc) for other classes (perfect reason to bring support gunners back, and finally nerf medics)

The thing that really needs to change though is that Snipers really have no reason to care for objectives, since the Kill bonus is so ridiculously high. The points you get for a kill should be significantly decreased.

I would introduce score areas.
Simple concept. You get about 5 points for a kill outside of a score area (objective with a reasonable area surrounding it) and no bonus points under no circumstance (no headshot bonus, no assist points, nothing. If it isn't a clean kill you get nothing) but 10 or 20 points for every kill inside of a score area, with an added bonus if the kill was made during an objective being contested (armed crate, flagpole capturing etc)

This would encourage people to at least move forward and take position near or in closer proximity to the objectives. It would also encourage defending players to keep a closer eye on the area they are supposed to protect, as it not only helps the team, but it also benefits them with point bonuses.

Point degradation

Decreases the points you get for each consequent kill after a set amount of kills that grant you full points (5 or so), unless you change position and move at least a few meters. This stationary area and its size should be map specific and inside or in close proximity to the home base it should be permanent, forcing people out of that area and into the actual fighting zone.

In short, stop encouraging players to camp and start encouraging objective oriented gameplay. But I fear that Dice doesn't really care for that all that much anymore.
There should never be more than 3 Snipers on each team at any time (assuming 24 players, of course). A hard limit for that would greatly help.


the biggest problem i have with the snipers is the fact that most of the people dont play them as the recon class but more like something to get cheap kills and do nothing for the team at all. Hell, most of the snipers dont even press select to scout some bad guys for the front fighters and that just pisses me of.

Especially when my team is in charge to secure some points and you know that this 1 guy, that is camping in your spawn, trying to be el1te, is just what your team is missing to get the upper hand.

Decreases the points you get for each consequent kill after a set amount of kills that grant you full points (5 or so), unless you change position and move at least a few meters. This stationary area and its size should be map specific and inside or in close proximity to the home base it should be permanent, forcing people out of that area and into the actual fighting zone.

too complicated, probably feels artificial. If you restrict players, restrict their gear/view whatever. I think doing it the way you suggest would lead to confusion and pull people out of the illusion that they are on a "battlefield".


Jhriad said:
Scope reflections aren't exactly aritifical the use of them in this instance is a little contrived but only in that they have a timer of some sorts determining the reflection rather than movement or something like that.

It would be so awesome if they could do it based on the lighting... instead of a timer...
sponk said:
the biggest problem i have with the snipers is the fact that most of the people dont play them as the recon class but more like something to get cheap kills and do nothing for the team at all. Hell, most of the snipers dont even press select to scout some bad guys for the front fighters and that just pisses me of.

Especially when my team is in charge to secure some points and you know that this 1 guy, that is camping in your spawn, trying to be el1te, is just what your team is missing to get the upper hand.

too complicated, probably feels artificial. If you restrict players, restrict their gear/view whatever. I think doing it the way you suggest would lead to confusion and pull people out of the illusion that they are on a "battlefield".

Oh I got you wrong the first time. Yeah, the point degradation is something that would need a lot of tweaking to work well, but I guess a good modification would be that in your base (starting base, for example) you simply get no points at all, and neither are enemies awarded points for killing you in there (spawn protection). Of course this only counts for attackers. It was in BF1943, it boggled my mind to see that in BC2 they allowed you to get points for Baserapes.
i think snipers definately have their place in Battlefield. More so than in Call of Duty. The maps are large and therefore snipers are really useful.

But i do agree that there should be a maximum amount of snipers per team, or one per squad. However this does tend to get annoying if you are actually a good sniper and then some asshat has taken the only sniper slot and keeps failing :p

When i play recon i take the M95 with Magnums and the Red dot sight and keep running in the frontline taking crates :D
boris feinbrand said:
CEverytime I see someone using the M95 I know that I don't have to worry about them as no other Rifle in BC2 lets you spot a bad player faster than the M95.

I disagree wholeheartedly. A M95 is a dangerous weapon in the hands of someone who understands how to manage its limitations. I platinum'd both versions of the M95 while using a 4x scope, while platinum'ing 4 handguns in the process. If the first shot does not kill, the quickdraw to a sidearm most definitely will. A bad player is one, while in a midrange firefight and has missed their mark, tries to put another bullet in the chamber instead of switching to their sidearm or repositioning themselves. If played aggressively and intelligently, a M95 Recon can be the very tip of the spear.
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