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Behold Nintendo Switch (March 2017, Hybrid w/ Dock, Detachable Controllers, Nvidia)

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Do we know if the switch can be used as a standalone tablet when not gaming? It would be a trojan horse into the iPad market if it was. More of a reason to use it for non gaming functions?

One thing I couldnt see in any pictures was a power button ? If you dont use the Joy-Cons how do you turn on the tablet screen? Does it only turn on via Joy-Cons?


Do we know if the switch can be used as a standalone tablet when not gaming? It would be a trojan horse into the iPad market if it was. More of a reason to use it for non gaming functions?

One thing I couldnt see in any pictures was a power button ? If you dont use the Joy-Cons how do you turn on the tablet screen? Does it only turn on via Joy-Cons?

Nothing is known about the functionality of the device outside gaming, I hope that apps are plentiful for this thing (youtube, netflix, internet etc etc)

There's a power button along the top of the device, to the left side alongside some volume buttons

Do we know if the switch can be used as a standalone tablet when not gaming? It would be a trojan horse into the iPad market if it was. More of a reason to use it for non gaming functions?

Probably, but Nintendo has yet to announce any sort of touchscreen functionality. Insiders who broke a bunch of Switch news early (Laura Kate Dale and Emily Rogers) report that Switch definitely includes a touchscreen.
So if the tablet has a power button it would be safe to assume that if it has multi touch it could be used for general browsing and such when not gaming? I think this is a KEY feature because it could replace an iPad if it turns out to be successful.


I can't wait to play Skyrim & Zelda botw on the go, but if anyone had any doubts that the gameplay footage on the console was real time or not:


I asked about this before but I found it odd that no one asked if the screen images were simulated or not. In 2016 I would expect the obligatory: "screen images simulated" or "actual screen images" or something to make it clear.

No interviewers asked either?


That's why, the Zelda Gameplay looked like 21FPS. The video material of the live-action was either longer or they wanted it to be longer. But the editor could only use the given Zelda material. So he simply slowed down the gameplay part.

That's a relief! I was really worried the game will run at 10fps on portable mode D:
The more I think about Switch, the more I think it's a good idea. I just don't trust Nintendo to be able to execute on it fully to make it a success. I don't think it will have the games the majority of people want, and I don't think it will have enough functionality outside of gaming to attract people who would otherwise just buy an iPad. I think Microsoft should ape this design. They already have great hybrids/tablets with the Surface series, so I don't think it would be that hard for them branch those over to the Xbox division. They also have the backend to give you access to thousands of programs and apps to make it a true hybrid device. I imagine being able to use the screen portion as a full-on tablet while walking around, then place it in the stand and switch over to keyboard and mouse control. It just seems like a solid idea, but I feel Nintendo's vision and ability will leave it half-baked.


Guys, I just thought about it but...how the heck will splatoon work without the gamepad ? It was essential to have the map on the gamepad in order to teleport as quick as possible.


Guys, I just thought about it but...how the heck will splatoon work without the gamepad ? It was essential to have the map on the gamepad in order to teleport as quick as possible.

Hold a button for an overlay real time, perhaps partly transparent, map for part of the screen and scroll through to your spawn. Done. Or a BF style spawn screen. In any case, the core gameplay still works.


It would be kind of weird if they did another DS successor now that I think about it. Both would preumably use cartridges, and that could get really confusing when both game boxes would look similar.

Maybe I'm thinking about this too hard


Neo Member
How can that be lol?

The major rumors panned out. It's a hybrid. It unified the software lines as Gamefreak has confirrmed. It has detachments as controllers. It has carts.

wait what? when? Did they say they want to do a mainline pokemon game on it?!

Also @Rösti

Oh ok, I saw so much infos, especially patent things, from you about it that you found so I thought you would be the first person, who would say how hyped he/she is :D

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Guys, I just thought about it but...how the heck will splatoon work without the gamepad ? It was essential to have the map on the gamepad in order to teleport as quick as possible.
It's really not that vital. You could easily just press a button to bring up the map and select where to warp from there. It's not going to take much longer. The core gameplay will work just fine.


See, for example, you're hoping streetpass when it's pretty clear to me, that there won't be any, as it would be a portable feature, and not designed for a home console.

That's precisely what i'm saying. People are hyped for something they have absolutely no clue what it is or what they can wait from it. And when i'm saying hey this is confusing, i got people telling me i should just be happy and have faith as usual
I think it's going to need to incorporate ideas from both worlds. It is both a portable and home console.

Streetpass will obviously not be something that can be just lifted from 3DS. I should have clarified that they need to bring the idea, not the implementation. They realized later in the 3DS life that their initial implementation of Streetpass doesn't work for the US. But could only change things to a certain extent.

I don't think it's confusing. It's a mystery because we don't fully know what their implementation plan is. We ONLY have that concept. At this point, people are filling in the gaps of what they think it might be based only on the concept video.


He/she did. I was surprised at how many fan concept were close.

I hope there's some added ergonomics to the Joycon later on but that seems too late. That also reminds me that I really wanna see this OS.
They based it all on the Eurogamer leak, that was arguably closer than any derivative fan mock-up.



I just put two and two together, those damn Macquarie analysts were right about the NX reveal coming "next week". It was such a random thing to casually drop in that article, and most people including me kind of took it as an excuse to get a new NX thread going. Turns out it was legit.

I guess sometimes analysts are worth something.
More like, they knew it would also go to NX/Switch, so they had to de-emphasize the GamePad/Slate's importance in-game, hence the delay.

Yup, all indications are that Switch doesn't even support dual-screen gameplay, and obviously it would make for very bad PR if the Wii U version were superior in any way.


I think down the line a "Nintendo Switch Micro" or a "Nintendo Switch Nano" could be an attractive SKU for people who want a portable emphasis. Make it fit in a pocket with a longer battery life.


I know that the images of gameplay are inserted post editing, but did anyone notice that the screen doesn't fill up the entire display when in portable mode? Do you think that's an accurate representation of what to expect? It looks like there's a big thick black border around the entire picture whenever it's shown up close playing a game.


Sorry if this is already addressed in this 150 page thread, but has there been any word on what kind of performance and graphical power this thing is supposed to have? I understand it's a handheld, so we can't expect too much, but the fact that they're marketing it as a home console as well means it needs to at least be just as powerful as the Wii U at the very least I'd think.

Of course, I'm hoping that it is more powerful than Wii U, because that's part of what a lot of third parties hated about it in the first place. Any ideas how it compares to a standard PS4 or Xbox One at least?
Sorry if this is already addressed in this 150 page thread, but has there been any word on what kind of performance and graphical power this thing is supposed to have? I understand it's a handheld, so we can't expect too much, but the fact that they're marketing it as a home console as well means it needs to at least be just as powerful as the Wii U at the very least I'd think.

Of course, I'm hoping that it is more powerful than Wii U, because that's part of what a lot of third parties hated about it in the first place. Any ideas how it compares to a standard PS4 or Xbox One at least?

IIRC, it's stronger than the Wii U, but obviously not as strong as the Xbone or PS4.
I know that the images of gameplay are inserted post editing, but did anyone notice that the screen doesn't fill up the entire display when in portable mode? Do you think that's an accurate representation of what to expect? It looks like there's a big thick black border around the entire picture whenever it's shown up close playing a game.

That's the bezels. It's one of few downsides to the design imo, but they're truly huge by modern standards.


Sorry if this is already addressed in this 150 page thread, but has there been any word on what kind of performance and graphical power this thing is supposed to have? I understand it's a handheld, so we can't expect too much, but the fact that they're marketing it as a home console as well means it needs to at least be just as powerful as the Wii U at the very least I'd think.

Of course, I'm hoping that it is more powerful than Wii U, because that's part of what a lot of third parties hated about it in the first place. Any ideas how it compares to a standard PS4 or Xbox One at least?

More powerful than WiiU, less powerful than PS4/Xbone, with a modern architecture. Much more developer friendly than past Nintendo devices.

It uses the most cutting edge Nvidia mobile technology. It'll be by far the most powerful portable ever built.


More powerful than WiiU, less powerful than PS4/Xbone, with a modern architecture.

It uses the most cutting edge Nvidia mobile technology. It'll be by far the most powerful portable ever built.

So from the sound of this, I'm guessing...even if it will not have the best specs, it'll at least be using the same type of architecture that PS4/Xbox One use? I remember the way Wii U was designed was another thing developers hated, but if Switch uses a more familiar way of developing, then it would probably be more appealing.


So from the sound of this, I'm guessing...even if it will not have the best specs, it'll at least be using the same type of architecture that PS4/Xbox One use? I remember the way Wii U was designed was another thing developers hated, but if Switch uses a more familiar way of developing, then it would probably be more appealing.
Yes ports should be much easier. We saw Skyrim running on it in the trailer, and rumors abound about ports from PS4 already in the works. More importantly, the middleware like Unreal Engine 4 is ready to go from the start.

I expect Dragon Quest XI to be based on the PS4 version. That would mean that Kingdom Hearts 3 and the like aren't out of the question.


Sorry if this is already addressed in this 150 page thread, but has there been any word on what kind of performance and graphical power this thing is supposed to have? I understand it's a handheld, so we can't expect too much, but the fact that they're marketing it as a home console as well means it needs to at least be just as powerful as the Wii U at the very least I'd think.

Of course, I'm hoping that it is more powerful than Wii U, because that's part of what a lot of third parties hated about it in the first place. Any ideas how it compares to a standard PS4 or Xbox One at least?

There is a special thread dedicated to this topic, where they parse all info we have. Allegedly, the system could have either 512 GFLOPS or 750 GFLOPS, with a caveat that this is compared to the regular chips at full clockspeed. Someone mentioned that theoretically the power could increase up to double amount of FLOPS depending on how much computing is done with FP16 rather than FP32 computations (you have to ask in that thread what this means in practice).


Yes ports should be much easier. We saw Skyrim running on it in the trailer, and rumors abound about ports from PS4 already in the works. More importantly, the middleware like Unreal Engine 4 is ready to go from the start.

I expect Dragon Quest XI to be based on the PS4 version. That would mean that Kingdom Hearts 3 and the like aren't out of the question.

That would be cool, I hope it gets some good games and does well next year. A year from now, I will be studying abroad, and I gotta have some gaming with me, but I don't want to lug around a big console. Switch looks like the perfect console for me if I want modern games anywhere.

I am still really shocked by that reveal trailer though. I'm excited because of Nintendo games, but they are really trickling out information on this thing in such a weird way. The console itself looked very prototype-ish in that trailer also. I would think if it's 5-6 months out, that they would have a more sleak finished looking design.
I find the way Nintendo have positioned themselves to be quite interesting.

I was speaking to other gamers on another website about the Pro and Scorpio iterative consoles and how X86 being used , with conjunction with PC is quite exciting from a library standpoint, anything you buy now digitally, should at least work in decades to come. I couldn't really see why things would have to change, but someone mentioned that the way NX is supposedly going to do things could be one way the industry changes.

Having Nintendo essentially on board with "Mobile" type hardware is really going to open up development in that world. And with tablets alongside trying to push mobile tech it is going to be quite exciting for that side of the industry.

I guess what i am trying to say is, that all publishers and developers want a piece of that mobile pie. The money to be earned if done right is ..well.. phenomenal. So i think that maybe we will see companies wanting to work closely with Nintendo. It might not be conventional third party support but i think it is an interesting scenario for Nintendo to be in.

If this remotely takes off, and Sony and Microsoft see the money that rolls in, it is going to pose some interesting questions for them.

Exciting times.


PSY・S;221095947 said:
forgot about the grip, so i guess not./IMG]

Nah dude, the Joycons must be wireless. There's that bit in the reveal where the dude plays Skyrim on the plane, but he splits the joy cons off the Switch and holds them in both of his hands, like a Wiimote+Nunchuck thing.


I just want preorders and price to go up (specifically Amazon). Haven't been this excited for a new console since Vita, i'm probably going to crazy on the launch lineup and preorder everything. Switch hits all my current gaming wants and needs.
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