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Being white is a privilege, says this PSA.

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So the video says that white people are privileged because certain bad things are not happening to them and while watching I don't really see that being a bad thing. We only need to solve black disadvantage and not people being privilege of other people looking at the person not the color and so on. Basically black disadvantage is the biggest issue.

Uhhh.... those things are kinda of related, except on where the focus is.

The target audience of this are white people. So focusing on white people makes a lot more sense than focusing on black people.

This is to get white people to understand that society benefits them more than anyone else. This isn't to make them feel bad. It's to tell them the truth.

This is especially targetted to people who wonder why black people can't seem to pick themselves up by their bootstraps.

Also, saying white priviledge is a lot easier than saying, black/hispanic/(other minorities) disadvantage.


All that needs to be said is "this breeds more hate." And that's totally true.

You could just what was said before this "privilege" nonsense took over, "persons of color have to worry about being followed in a store," instead of what the PSA says "I, white person, don't have to worry about being followed in a store." It's the same message just packaged in a shitty, dumb way. You don't need to make white people feel like assholes just for being born.

Increasing awareness of privilege has nothing to do with making people feel bad. Why do some privileged people still have to play the victim even when talking about their privilege?


It would be convenient.

I would be able to talk to women without being fetishized or playing up an ethnic angle.

This stuck out to me, hopefully this isn't way off-topic, but... what? Do you only talk to women of other races, or something? I honestly don't get this.

Increasing awareness of privilege has nothing to do with making people feel bad. Why do some privileged people still have to play the victim even when talking about their privilege?
Because that's exactly what its purpose is, and it's a dumb way to go about things -- just look at the dislikes on that video. Present it as "this shit happens to people of color, doesn't that suck," and I guarantee the likes would far outweigh the dislikes.

And knock it off with the "playing the victim" nonsense. The "privilege" angle is ineffective and stupid, but I'm fine.


Uhhh.... those things are kinda of related, except on where the focus is.

The target audience of this are white people. So focusing on white people makes a lot more sense than focusing on black people.

This is to get white people to understand that society benefits them more than anyone else. This isn't to make them feel bad. It's to tell them the truth.

This is especially targetted to people who wonder why black people can't seem to pick themselves up by their bootstraps.

Also, saying white priviledge is a lot easier than saying, black/hispanic/(other minorities) disadvantage.

Why is saying that black people are discriminated and there is racism against them harder than saying white privilege?

Or if you want to talk about minorities to focus on how minorities are discriminated?
White people are privileged and it is unfair. I believe that we need to get rid of the scholarships that are only available for whites, as well as affirmative action laws that benefits whites only.


This is to get white people to understand that society benefits them more than anyone else. This isn't to make them feel bad. It's to tell them the truth.

This is especially targetted to people who wonder why black people can't seem to pick themselves up by their bootstraps.

To be more clear, it's targeted at white people that will identify with what he's saying. There are plenty of white folk who don't (or didn't) share in a lot of this kind of status-sharing, but they already understand the other side of this issue anyway.


I've often thought that my life would be much easier if I was white. But at the same time I have more "privilege" than many white women and men.

Of course, if I had everything I had now with the addition of being white, my life would certainly be at least a little bit easier, but I do have some level of racial pride and I hate making others feel guilty for something which they do not have direct control.


It's funny. I want to respond to this thread, but it's a bad idea to respond to this thread.



Why is saying that black people are discriminated and there is racism against them hard than saying white privilege?

Because it isn't just black people who are discriminated against.

And it puts the focus off of white people, who are the intended target.

EDIT: Just saw your edit. But the focus isn't necessarily about discrimination. It's also how certain people benefit from others being discriminated against.


It's more the implication that bothers me. Saying that "being white is a privilege" is an incomplete thought. Being white in a country or society that is white dominated is a privilege. But simply being born of any particular race does not designate superiority or inferiority. That's what I don't like. Does that clear up what I'm getting at?

If it were supposed to imply that whiteness is a privilege because it indicated some sort of superiority, yes. I could see the problem with that.

But that isn't why whiteness is a privilege, so that possibility doesn't bother me. And I think that PSA is appropriate for the country it is being aired in, even if it would not be appropriate in every country. I don't think it is necessary to have a disclaimer that it only applies in X country, for instance.

I feel like the incompleteness you speak of is actually completed by the context in which the video is airing, if that makes sense.


All that needs to be said is "this breeds more hate." And that's totally true.

The PSA says "I don't have to worry about being followed in a store for fear of shoplifting." You could just what was said before this "privilege" nonsense took over, "persons of color have to worry about being followed in a store." You don't need to make white people feel like assholes just for being born.

That's what the conversations used to be like, and the response was always "I don't believe that really happens." Privilege has nothing to do with making white people feel bad -- as a person of color I can honestly say I really don't have any interest in making most white people feel anything in particular. It's supposed to help people understand why their perceptions often don't jibe with those of different races when it comes to topics of this nature. Unfortunately, the reality is that for most white people (or men, NT people, hetero, ad kyriarchum), that means telling them they take a lot of things for granted, which often makes them feel bad. But that's really not the GOAL, just the side effect. One of my friends has argued convincingly with me that the word has become almost useless due to the defensiveness it causes. He's probably right, but at the very least it can be useful to explain to other POC that they're not crazy, the world just really is all screwed up.


This stuck out to me, hopefully this isn't way off-topic, but... what? Do you only talk to women of other races, or something? I honestly don't get this..

I talk to women of all races. It's just annoying to have to get my ethnicity out of the way whenever I'm getting to know someone. I just don't care anymore.

Honestly I don't specifically seek out women of my own race (indian) because it rarely works out well for me for a number of reasons.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Just another form of reverse racism

The greatest problem in all of America. As I think about rush Limbaugh trying his best to sleep in his Palm Beach mansion with barely five Vicadin on his bedside table, I think, Rush never once had a free ride because he was black. He got where he is through hard work and intellect and ability. What he, as an unhelped white man has achieved for this country proves that even with reverse racism reverse oppressing the man, it is possible for a pure white person to achieve his goals.


Increasing awareness of privilege has nothing to do with making people feel bad. Why do some privileged people still have to play the victim even when talking about their privilege?


There are millions of white people who get fucked over by the system just as much as minorities, rich white people who run the system are most definitely privileged.

Go to tell a white child who comes from a broken home, who has abusive parents who indulge in substances how privileged they are ..... they might just tell you to go fuck yourself.

To blanketly state that all white people are privileged is totally wrong.
Saw this comment:
Nobody is saying that Africa needs diversity.
Nobody is saying that Asia needs diversity.
They are already 100% diverse.
People are only telling white children in white countries that they need diversity.
White countries will be 100% diverse when there are no white people left.
Diversity is a code-word for the genocide of white people.
SAVETHECHILDREN6592 1 day ago 19

I agree, if it was Europe. North American is not a white continent; it is a native American continent. White people immigrated here as well.



There are millions of white people who get fucked over by the system just as much as minorities, rich white people who run the system are most definitely privileged.

Go to tell a white child who comes from a broken home, who has abusive parents who indulge in substances how privileged they are ..... they might just tell you to go fuck yourself.

To blanketly state that all white people are privileged is totally wrong.

No. That's not correct.

It's not 'just as much' as minorities. If you compare poor white people and poor black people, who do you think is treated worse? Poor white people might have it bad, but they're still not as harassed as much as poor black people.


As I get older I find it completely crazy how much racism is still a thing. We must really be doing it wrong. That video was just stupid and disgusting.


contribute something
Jesus fuck at the dislikes and comments on that video.

I know that Youtube comments are always so scummy, but some of these are particularly bad.
I sure felt privileged growing up having to use lunch support programs and food stamps to get by. It was like being white totally cancelled out poverty!

way more

People that don't understand the concept of White Privilege in this day and age are like those Creationist that don't bother to learn Evolution because they are too lazy and apathetic.

"But I never got special treatment because I was white!" Jesus, it's like trying to explain how polling works.


Something I find interesting about white privilege is that it really extends beyond the US particularly when it comes to traveling abroad. Seeing as how predominantly Caucasion American media has spread throughout the developed world, most whites have the greater luxury of seeing the developed world.

Don't twist my words. In no way am I saying that White Americans aren't at all prone to racism around the developed world but rather that there's plenty less worrying about prejudice than there is for Black Americans traveling abroad.


People that don't understand the concept of White Privilege in this day and age are like those Creationist that don't bother to learn Evolution because they are too lazy and apathetic.

Live today man, don't judge on race.


To blanketly state that all white people are privileged is totally wrong.

Holding all other factors identical, you're better off in this society being white than a POC. Or being rich rather than poor, male rather than female, neurotypical rather than autistic, naturally thin rather than naturally fat, etc. etc. Very few people have ALL of these advantages, but most people have some. On the other hand, most people have some disadvantages, too, and ideally everybody would work together to remove everybody's joint societal disadvantage, because we're all fellow travelers. This is called intersectionality, and it turns out to be impossibly difficult.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
People that don't understand the concept of White Privilege in this day and age are like those Creationist that don't bother to learn Evolution because they are too lazy and apathetic.

"But I never got special treatment because I was white!" Jesus, it's like trying to explain how polling works.

This argument is applied to nearly everything these days. "Christ, people who don't think X is Y are just like creationists/truthers/birthers." It's a meaningless statement that only seeks to assert that you're right, because of how right you are.


This argument is applied to nearly everything these days. "Christ, people who don't think X is Y are just like creationists/truthers/birthers." It's a meaningless statement that only seeks to assert that you're right, because of how right you are.


on so many levels. We are spinning our wheels people and going nowhere fast
It's depressing how hard it is for white people to just accept that society is set up in a way so that we're 100 meters ahead of other races in the dash to the finish. It might not be your fault but you could at least take the blinders off.


Well in ways it isn't. Like someone pointed out, impoverished black kids are still more likely to have it worse then their white counterparts in ways.

More likely, yeah. There are, of course, many thousands of cases where that isn't true at all; those however aren't exactly the target audience for this piece. So long as people don't lose sight of the fact that this doesn't make those people irrelevant, this article is quite useful.


No. That's not correct.

It's not 'just as much' as minorities. If you compare poor white people and poor black people, who do you think is treated worse? Poor white people might have it bad, but they're still not as harassed as much as poor black people.

Poor white people are one of the few groups that it is still ok to openly mock. Rednecks and white trash and hillbillies are always the butt of jokes in basically every form of popular media.

Sure, it is a different situation, but that's the whole point. You can't objectively weigh the experiences of different individuals based on generalities about a larger group, the only thing you accomplish by doing so is to feed resentment among people who don't fit your generalities.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
There's an interesting thing.

Has any person of color here wished they were white?

I did when I was like 12. And then there were definitely stretches until I was 18 or so.

Yes, I did when our family immigrated. We were pretty much the only Asian family in the community, and I was getting bullied. I wanted to be white to fit in. That desire faded as I got better at speaking English and assimilating into the culture, but I always remembered that desire.


Ok, you can still be poor and white. That is 100% obvious.

What about every other aspect of life besides money?


This argument is applied to nearly everything these days. "Christ, people who don't think X is Y are just like creationists/truthers/birthers." It's a meaningless statement that only seeks to assert that you're right, because of how right you are.

Don't you get it, though? He's SUPER-FUCKING-SMART! Like... waaaaaaay smart.

Edit: Furthermore, people who don't agree with him? SUPER-FUCKING-DUMB.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
It's depressing how hard it is for white people to just accept that society is set up in a way so that we're 100 meters ahead of other races in the dash to the finish. It might not be your fault but you could at least take the blinders off.

oh come on devo, us colored folks will get over it and above it... you know... someday....
You know I have only really concerned myself with my problems. Not who has it better or worse. Could be the white kid on the other side of town or my spoiled cousin. I just never gave a shit.

So whites have an advantage. Now what? What is realizing that gonna do to help me? I think for the most part it just makes people bitter. I have a shitload of opportunities in this country and have never felt oppressed . Not saying others haven't but I'm speaking for myself. Do others have it better? I guess so but I won't lose sleep over it.

Knowing the intention of this PSA now it makes more sense that it's directed to white people who don't get it. I just personally hate singling out any races for anything.


It's depressing how hard it is for white people to just accept that society is set up in a way so that we're 100 meters ahead of other races in the dash to the finish. It might not be your fault but you could at least take the blinders off.

Unfortunately, taking the blinders off is more often than not met with accusations of white guilt.


I sure felt privileged growing up having to use lunch support programs and food stamps to get by. It was like being white totally cancelled out poverty!

White privilege is not exclusively class privilege, but also academic privilege. Tim Wise (at about 27 minutes in) describes how the American school system very implicitly take into account race in assessing academic performance.


Poor white people are one of the few groups that it is still ok to openly mock. Rednecks and white trash and hillbillies are always the butt of jokes in basically every form of popular media.

Sure, it is a different situation, but that's the whole point. You can't objectively weigh the experiences of different individuals based on generalities about a larger group, the only thing you accomplish by doing so is to feed resentment among people who don't fit your generalities.


I'm not sure how to even respond to this.

The example you gave was mocking. Not police harassment. Not going to jail. Not living in a really dangerous environment, but mocking?

Yea, I'm not seeing the lack of privilege there.

How does this group lack privilege over minorities?
You know I have only really concerned myself with my problems. Not who has it better or worse. Could be the white kid on the other side of town or my spoiled cousin. I just never gave a shit.

So whites have an advantage. Now what? What is realizing that gonna do to help me? I think for the most part it just makes people bitter. I have a shitload of opportunities in this country and have never felt oppressed . Not saying others haven't but I'm speaking for myself. Do others have it better? I guess so but I won't lose sleep over it.

Knowing the intention of this PSA now it makes more sense that it's directed to white people who don't get it. I just personally hate singling out any races for anything.

Oh I don't know they could realize how they're routinely not hassled, given better opportunities, not assumed the worst of. Then as a result of realizing this, recognize how others don't have these luxuries.

Unfortunately, taking the blinders off is more often than not met with accusations of white guilt.

Preaching to the choir on this one.
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