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Believe it or not, gamers who like the Atelier series are NOT pedophiles

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It's kind of disappointing to hear it like this.

Playing through Rorona first (eventually!) anyway.

If you are willing to, I say do it! I did and don't regret it. In fact, I finished Meruru last month and am now replaying Rorona, so...

When games like this are so connected, I always like to start at, well, the starting point, so for me it was never anything to stop and think about. Mostly for the character/story progression and "creator intended order" but also because doing so makes it easier to appreciate the enhancements in the next installment(s).

However, all things considered (the quality jump between Rorona and Totori, the fact that I don't know who else in this thread shares my mindset on starting points, etc.), if asked to make a recommendation with little to no additional information, gonna go with Totori because if you don't care about starting at the beginning and watching the characters progress through the years before Totori starts, then Totori is probably "objectively" the next best starting point!

This isn't a series like Tales or FF; the games share reoccurring characters and places and basically pick up where the previous one left off, so while you won't be missing any earth-shattering twists or anything due to the laid back nature of the stories, by not starting at the beginning you will be skipping over certain story events, relational things, and so-on that will be referenced later either directly by the characters or indirectly by their behavior.


Agreed. Watch some YouTube vids of Rorona to get a feel for who everyone is, then play the better game, Totori. :D

Oh, I thought it would be like rune factory, where every game is a standalone with some loose connections to the previous games for the people that were following since the beginning.

If the story connection is stronger then I think I'll go from the first one. If it gets too tedious then youtube it is. Thanks for the heads up though!


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
It's kind of disappointing to hear it like this.

Playing through Rorona first (eventually!) anyway.

I love Rorona personally, but I recognize where it could be not appealing to others. The interface is kinda clunky, which the sequels fix.


Bones season 7 as an example has several episodes of pure fanservice, as an example.

Although there's room to argue that seeing the bones crew act in a movie as a sort of alternate themselves in order to solve a mystery is quite different from panty shots, showers and titty bouncing. Specialy when in many instances the focus of the late tends to be on underage characters.

One could argue that most of this content is targeted at young adults so it's age-proper, but then there's the issue of adults consuming such content and well, this thread is quite long already...

I don't necessarily disagree, but I would argue that if you are only going to focus on anime that features or is targeted towards teenagers, then you should compare it to a western equivalent. You have shows like Glee, Gossip Girl, Skins, Awkward and the like that have a heavy focus on high school romances. Reality programs like Teen Mom and Pregnant and 16 that have turned teen pregnancy into a spectacle. Then there are the various little girl beauty pageant shows that are well...little girl beauty pageant shows.

I just don't see this as being something unique to anime and don't understand why anime gets such a bad rap for it. It's just odd to me that shows with real people in them get less flak than an animation.


Oh, I thought it would be like rune factory, where every game is a standalone with some loose connections to the previous games for the people that were following since the beginning.

If the story connection is stronger then I think I'll go from the first one. If it gets too tedious then youtube it is. Thanks for the heads up though!

Yeah, just touched on that with an edit to my post directly above yours, take a look. It's more a character connection than plot/story connection, though. Each game focus on a different main character and their trials to overcome, so the stories aren't really directly connected but all three games are set in the same continent and most of the main characters are in all three games.

My poor backlog. Just ordered Totori

My poor backlog. Just ordered Totori

I'm surprised this is still a thread, kind of forgot where I left off. Are things more civil now or is everything still crazy?

Seems most of the "HURR EVERYONE WHO WATCHES ANIUME IS A PEDO!" trolls and most of the "DURR MOE HAS INFESTED ANIME" clowns (cute things have been a large component of Japanese animation since, well, ever) seems to have driven off to the sunset, the former successfully evading bans that they would have gotten if they tried a similar tactic elsewhere.

Watching Brass Eye in its entirety really should be mandatory, to be frank.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Seems most of the "HURR EVERYONE WHO WATCHES ANIUME IS A PEDO!" trolls and most of the "DURR MOE HAS INFESTED ANIME" clowns (cute things have been a large component of Japanese animation since, well, ever) seems to have driven off to the sunset, the former successfully evading bans that they would have gotten if they tried a similar tactic elsewhere.

Watching Brass Eye really should be mandatory, to be frank.

Seems like things calmed down in the last page. There is just a lot of... I'm not even sure what to call it exactly. I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with the Ateleir character designs. I think a lot of this thread is over analyzing things or looking for a reason for something that doesn't really need a reason to be or in short there's a lot of big jumps to conclusions.

The artist chose to go with a certain style and the publisher was obviously okay with that style. The game was sold in the US and rated by random people selected at the ESRB. They were obviously okay with the game being sold, otherwise there would have been a big stink about it.

Sure the fanservice is unnecessary and the tentacle picture that got posted is goofy. That doesn't mean it needs an explanation. It's part of the anime subculture. There's weird stuff about any subculture. If you don't like part of the subculture then that is perfectly fine. You can avoid games/shows that feature that kind of stuff, you can express your negative opinion about it, and you can even avoid anime/manga/japanese games in general if it bothers you that much. Just because someone else may find it funny or gets a kick out of it doesn't mean they're a disgusting person or a pedophile.

Different people like different things. We're on GAF where there's an assload of different OTs for a whole bunch of different things. Not everyone visits all of the OTs because they have different taste; this is obvious and needs no explanation.

People are allowed to think anyone with an anime avatar is a pedophile. Doesn't mean it's right though, but I can't tell them they're not allowed to think that either. It's hard to even really say something one way or another about this thread because everything is so subjective. That's not to say that there aren't people out there who are way into lolicon and get off on that kind of stuff, but there's always at least one person who enjoys something about a certain hobby or whatever and takes it to the extreme. That exists everywhere. (I feel like I'm typing a bunch of nonsense at this point. Feels like a shitty school essay).

Inb4 someone quotes my avatar. I'm sporting it as an apology to animeGAF for shitting on them for their avatars early on in the thread.


Neo Member
My poor backlog. Just ordered Totori

Got mine, they're pretty cheap at Gamestop. Based on the reviews and what people have said here it does sound like a Good Game. I have some time before summer vacation is over for me, so now is a good time as any to play an RPG~


If you are willing to, I say do it! I did and don't regret it. In fact, I finished Meruru last month and am now replaying Rorona, so...

When games like this are so connected, I always like to start at, well, the starting point, so for me it was never anything to stop and think about. Mostly for the character/story progression and "creator intended order" but also because doing so makes it easier to appreciate the enhancements in the next installment(s).

Pretty much. I feel like that if I want to play them all, I will do it from the logical starting point, regardless of the quality involved. What little I did play of Rorona was fun, I just never finished it. Then I found the LE for cheap and never went back to it at some point.

But, in the grand scheme of things, I do get why the general recommendation is to start with Totori first.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I don't necessarily disagree, but I would argue that if you are only going to focus on anime that features or is targeted towards teenagers, then you should compare it to a western equivalent. You have shows like Glee, Gossip Girl, Skins, Awkward and the like that have a heavy focus on high school romances. Reality programs like Teen Mom and Pregnant and 16 that have turned teen pregnancy into a spectacle. Then there are the various little girl beauty pageant shows that are well...little girl beauty pageant shows.

I just don't see this as being something unique to anime and don't understand why anime gets such a bad rap for it. It's just odd to me that shows with real people in them get less flak than an animation.

I'm gonna be honest with you - I have never seen any of those shows so I can't really argue about their content (neither did I hear about them until know, except Glee).

I also am not much in the know about what happens in those pagents. I've seen bits because they've been linked as YT's occasionally here and as upsetting as they are, I don't remember having contestants "accidentally" fall down so the audience get's a peek was as prominent as fanservice happens in some anime (well, I never saw it happen, if it does excuse my ignorance although in this particular case I'm happy to be).

I got to say tho, I didn't wanna argue much in here because I am of the opinion you can watch watever movie or tv show you like, no matter where it comes from or if it is cartoons or real people.

But specifically anime's tendency to feature a particular type of fanservice focused on young characters will always taint both anime itself (and derivatives like Atelier games) and the people who enjoy such content (in the eyes of outsiders).

And that's something that cannot really be fixed. Of course going so far as to assume the fandom is pretty much a gang of pedos is obviously wrong, but life ain't fair. People judge and assume things about us that most of the time are not true, it blows, but things are what they are.


Setec Astronomer
People are allowed to think anyone with an anime avatar is a pedophile. Doesn't mean it's right though, but I can't tell them they're not allowed to think that either.
I really don't agree. It's even worse when you have GAF posters trying to slam other groups of GAF posters over that kind of stuff. It's asinine broad generalization of the kind that can get people banned on this forum, but I like to be nice.

People don't have to like anime or ponies or whatever, but when when you're in some insecure fit that causes you to see phantom rapists around every corner, then you should probably keep that to yourself.
I love Rorona personally, but I recognize where it could be not appealing to others. The interface is kinda clunky, which the sequels fix.

I have Rorona, but none of the others. But would it make a diff in appreciating the the series if Merumeru was played first? If so, I might have to stop and play Merumeru first.
I didn't get far in Rorona, just finished the first chapter and I played this in early spring =O

Well, duh. The ones who like Neptunia are.
I'm one of those few who played Neptunia and I'm no pedo. It's actually pretty cute and you should try, however, you might get bored with the repetitive dungeon crawling.

Boss Man

I really don't agree. It's even worse when you have GAF posters trying to slam other groups of GAF posters. It's asinine broad generalization of the kind that can get people banned on this forum, but I like to be nice.

People don't have to like anime or ponies or whatever, but when when you're in some insecure fit that causes you to see phantom rapists around every corner, then you should probably keep that to yourself.
It's odd, not threatening. The presumptions can be chalked up to ignorance at worst or healthy skepticism at best.

This is just not a normal thing for most people and it seems unhealthy. It genuinely seems wrong for an adult to be interested in something like this to me. I could be totally wrong, but it's not just me being 'insecure' or 'scared' or something.
I really don't agree. It's even worse when you have GAF posters trying to slam other groups of GAF posters over that kind of stuff. It's asinine broad generalization of the kind that can get people banned on this forum, but I like to be nice.

People don't have to like anime or ponies or whatever, but when when you're in some insecure fit that causes you to see phantom rapists around every corner, then you should probably keep that to yourself.

Aren't you actually agreeing then? You're just saying they shouldn't voice their opinions on the matter, not actually not have them.


Setec Astronomer
It's odd, not threatening. The presumptions can be chalked up to ignorance at worst or healthy skepticism at best.
I understand that, but at times people act like cranky old men decrying the evils of rock music when they should know better.

Aren't you actually agreeing then? You're just saying they shouldn't voice their opinions on the matter, not actually not have them.
Other people don't need to know you think that.


Aren't you actually agreeing then? You're just saying they shouldn't voice their opinions on the matter, not actually not have them.
You can't force people not to have shitty bigoted opinions. You can however ask that they aren't dicks about it. That's fair.

People don't have to like anime or ponies or whatever, but when when you're in some insecure fit that causes you to see phantom rapists around every corner, then you should probably keep that to yourself.
Don't joke about it, ghost rapists are a serious problem. Can't see them, can't lock them up. Can't kill them again. There could be dozens of them out RIGHT NOW, in elementary schools.


I have Rorona, but none of the others. But would it make a diff in appreciating the the series if Merumeru was played first? If so, I might have to stop and play Merumeru first.
I didn't get far in Rorona, just finished the first chapter and I played this in early spring =O

Biggest thing I can think of is that dialog in Meruru kind of spoils the end of Totori, while Totori doesn't really spoil the end of Rorona. Other than that, Meruru is, gameplay-wise probably the best of the bunch, but going back to Totori won't feel like much of a downgrade as the two feel quite similar in how they play (both the alchemy system/menus and the exploration/battle). Also, refer to top of page for more input. IMO if you started Rorona and didn't hate it, might want to give it another try unless you don't care about continuity.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I really don't agree. It's even worse when you have GAF posters trying to slam other groups of GAF posters over that kind of stuff. It's asinine broad generalization of the kind that can get people banned on this forum, but I like to be nice.

People don't have to like anime or ponies or whatever, but when when you're in some insecure fit that causes you to see phantom rapists around every corner, then you should probably keep that to yourself.
I agree with this. I was speaking in the very literal sense that they are allowed to think it. Saying it to someone or the whole witch hunt for people with anime avatars that some posters seem to encourage is another matter.

Boss Man

I understand that, but at times people act like cranky old men decrying the evils of rock music when they should know better.
Maybe some things should be unacceptable though? It seems just as ignorant to assume that all things are acceptable (because rock music) as it does to assume that all things are not acceptable..


Setec Astronomer
Maybe some things should be unacceptable though? It seems just as ignorant to assume that all things different are acceptable (because rock music) as it does to assume that all things different are not acceptable.
I'm making the comparison because broad ignorant assumptions aren't a good reason to be against something.


Well yeah, I think that goes without saying.
But at the same time that doesn't mean that their opinions aren't heavily biassed. What the point is that it's still a bad opinion but so long as one keeps it to himself it's relatively harmless outside the person harbouring that opinion of course. Same can be said about a closet homophobe. He's still a bigot and probably shouldn't have these opinions but he isn't really offensive so long as he keeps his views to himself.


I'm gonna be honest with you - I have never seen any of those shows so I can't really argue about their content (neither did I hear about them until know, except Glee).

I also am not much in the know about what happens in those pagents. I've seen bits because they've been linked as YT's occasionally here and as upsetting as they are, I don't remember having contestants "accidentally" fall down so the audience get's a peek was as prominent as fanservice happens in some anime (well, I never saw it happen, if it does excuse my ignorance although in this particular case I'm happy to be).

I got to say tho, I didn't wanna argue much in here because I am of the opinion you can watch watever movie or tv show you like, no matter where it comes from or if it is cartoons or real people.

But specifically anime's tendency to feature a particular type of fanservice focused on young characters will always taint both anime itself (and derivatives like Atelier games) and the people who enjoy such content (in the eyes of outsiders).

And that's something that cannot really be fixed. Of course going so far as to assume the fandom is pretty much a gang of pedos is obviously wrong, but life ain't fair. People judge and assume things about us that most of the time are not true, it blows, but things are what they are.

I agree with you, and find it sad to see gamers (who have been on the receiving end of those assumptions for a long time) falling on assuming and judging another media from a superficial look.

There's one example of the scenario you put that's pretty well known. K-on, the big concert starts but the vocalist can't sing so the bass has to do that, but she's really shy. After singing the first song pretty well she starts to gain confidence but she trips on some cables on stage and shows her panties to the audience (tv broadcast didn't show them on camera, though, don't know about dvd/br). Her confidence is thus tragically shattered for comical effect. It would be equally comical on a male character (ranma did that a lot)

But a judgemental person would only look and say "See? Underage girl showing panties, everyone who likes the show is a pedo!". Sadly, I share the sentiment that that's something that can't really be fixed

This is just not a normal thing for most people and it seems unhealthy. It genuinely seems wrong for an adult to be interested in something like this to me. I could be totally wrong, but it's not just me being 'insecure' or 'scared' or something.

This is what I mean, the show itself (denpa onna) is pretty tame and enjoyable, but he will never watch it because of his prejudiced opinion



I have had a passing interest in this collection of games and similar titles for a long time, but it seems like they have a small but highly dedicated fanbase which I've had a hard time finding to give me a good rundown of what the meat of these games are. I'm glad someone finally gave a good explanation, which I will need to pour over a little more deeply, but I wish the topic didn't need to be started with such a defensive tone, I thought we were all adults here and were understanding enough that some people just enjoy certain aesthetics.
Whoa! Didn't see this thread coming. More views in it already than any Atelier OT. You guys should try out Atelier Ayesha when it comes out in NA, um, next year I'm guessing.

I'm playing Atelier Ayesha right now and it ROCKS! Especially the music. Daisuke Achiwa at his best! Props to the other two composers who contributed to the game's soundtrack as well. Quite possibly the best OST I've heard this year. Right up there with Kid Icarus: Uprising and Beyond the Labrynth, and I definately prefer it over Xenoblade's.

I don't think the majority of people think those like me who like the Atelier games are into that nonsense. I mean, I honestly don't know who is enjoying panty shots and all that crap, especially in these games. If your looking for a sexual fix, these games kinda suck for that. But what do I know. There is no denying, however, that the Arland games have there share of bouncing and bare toes. I've yet to see any in Ayesha, but I'm only 13 hrs. in and I'm sure that stuff is lurking somewhere, and I have no idea why Gust puts that stuff in there at all or who they're trying to pander to (themselves probably).

These games are not Ar tonelico or your usual Compile Hearts/Idea Factory games though. The gameplay is not only fun, but addicting. It's one of those "okay just one more level!" kinda games. Watching the days/clock pass in the in-game timer adds to the tension felt while playing. I really enjoy it.

That said though, the games skits and characters are what you would expect from your usual slice of life anime, complete with the old comedy routines. A good editor could go in and cut a lot of the garbage out and have a better flowing story.

I really like these PS3 Atelier games though and I strongly recommend you guys give 'em a try or a rent and see if it's for you. Personally, I sometime dreamed of how a western studio would do an Atelier game, complete with Patrick Doyle or David Downes music, but with an artsyle more suitable for a western crowd and the bullcrap removed.

Biggest potential audience for the Atelier series to expand, in my opinion, are females. I'm thinking mainly about Japan, but in the West your typical FPS male isn't going to browse the Gamestop PS3 section (one of the few places you'll see an Atelier game on a store shelf), see a young girl with a crown on her head, and say "oh, I gotta have that." Princess's as stars are generally percieved to be more geared toward young girls. That's why movies like the Little Mermaid back in the day, and recently Brave from Pixar get a lot of chatter about how they'll do at the box office as the movies may be perceived as being for young girls and unappealing to men of any age.

Back to Japan, one youtube commenter commented for a video showing a convention or something where Gust revealed A14 (Atelier Ayesha) that the entire audience in attendance are all guys. The only gal there was the one on stage. When I see Harvest Moon and now Rune Factory scoring with the ladies, I have to wonder why the Atelier series, starring girls in the main role, are only attracting men in Japan. Perhaps the main problem is the marketing, but I wonder if the problem has anything with the games themselves too.

Atelier Rorona, Totori, and Meruru (when it first shipped) were all rated CERO A in Japan, which is like rated E in NA. Rorona and Totori sales ranged from mediocre to okay, but Meruru, starring a pink haired princess, was where the real sale success was. Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm drawing this from memory, but I believe Meruru scored 130k units sold total according to famitsu data. Totori and Rorona were 90k or under, and the recently released Ayesha is currently sitting somewhere in the 90k area trying to crawl six figures. All famitsu data.

My question is, where did those extra 30k Meruru sales come from? All otaku? My growing guess is that girls played a role in the increase fueled by the fact that for some reason, children were getting their hands on Atelier Meruru and suddenly parents were calling CERO telling them that they deem some parts of the game inappropriate for there child. Thus Meruru had to be re-rated to CERO B. Atelier Ayesha, of which 13 hrs in, appears far more modest than any of the Arland games, is also rated CERO B. Of course with Ayesha, I can't understand most of the chats so I don't know what their talking about for the most part, but there is nothing that leads me to believe their talking about anything beyond Alchemy, Nio, candy, flowers, animals, and stuff like that. Everything's in good taste.

I think Rorona and Totori managed to escaped a rating change because they were less popular and primarily purchased by older users who could afford a PS3 at those times. But Meruru got more customers, and I speculate a number of those people have never played an Atelier game before. I highly doubt those old Salburg players who played the PS1 Atelier games (didn't some of those sell over 200K?) decided to finally jump back on board the Atelier bus after so many years had past. I speculate a number of little Japanese girls added to Meruru's total. How many? I don't know.

I may have gotten way off topic here. I'd like to see more people play and enjoy the games, and we who already do most certainly are not pedophiles, but if that perception that little girls is the sole selling point of these games is anywhere near common among fellow gamers, then that mis-information is just that, mis-information. These are solid games that could always have more improvement.

And, man, that music baby!

Listen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJJK21-wanY&feature=channel&list=UL battle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDfEpWgjjzc&feature=relmfu world map
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuuiMUuIdzs&feature=channel&list=UL battle

I could post the entire first disk. Everything's awesome. I listened to it during my trip up and down the east coast. Haven't listend to disc 2 yet though. Have to beat the game first. Can't wait to hear the vocal songs too. :D


That said though, the games skits and characters are what you would expect from your usual slice of life anime, complete with the old comedy routines. A good editor could go in and cut a lot of the garbage out and have a better flowing story.

A good editor would look at the game and realize that stuff is integral to the tone of the game and would leave it there because that fluff is what the game is about. There is no serious storyline or ambitious narrative that said garbage is getting in the way of (except possibly in Totori). Saying Atelier Arland games need pruning is like saying a slice of life anime needs garbage removed or Seinfeld needs its narrative fat trimmed. It's about the day-in, day-out, in an idealized setting where everyone is usually on good terms with each other.

That said, Meruru did have a lot of skits (I didn't count, but it felt like it had more than Rorona and Totori combined), and some did feel a bit repetitive later in the game.
This is what I mean, the show itself (denpa onna) is pretty tame and enjoyable, but he will never watch it because of his prejudiced opinion


I think Denpa Onna is disturbing and a pretty terrible show. If you don't see the sexualisation then you are just fooling yourself.

It's fine if you like it, just don't pretend it's something it isn't.


I think Denpa Onna is disturbing and a pretty terrible show. If you don't see the sexualisation then you are just fooling yourself.

It's fine if you like it, just don't pretend it's something it isn't.

I don't find that image sexual at all, I find it cute, and having watched the show, I find it specially cute. If you could post images of Maekawa I would be most grateful
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