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Best Multiplayer game of this Generation?


League of Legends by a mile.
Then Starcraft 2.

On the consoles, I didn't play online anywhere near as much as I did last gen.
I had the most fun with:
Pinball FX2
Forza 3 and 4


It might not be the best Multiplayer example, and it's from a game I never finished, but it was one of the best surprises I had this gen:


- There might not voice chat enabled but you don't need to. As soon as you summon someone to help you they will do a bow, showing respect to his fellow Adventurer. With gestures you follow and battle together find shortcuts, items that were hidden and you fight together in amazing Boss fights while the unique Soundtrack makes you even more nervous.

- Leaving a message. You might be a kind person and leave tips so others can find secret items, prepare for a boss battle, advise someone of an upcoming trap/enemy or you can be a bad player, luring other to traps or just say "jump" when the only prize you will get will be death.

- You fight against another players and even here many find honor before starting the battle by doing a sign of respect. You may be visiting a location for the first time when then someone appears on your game and invades you. You have no idea where he/she is coming from, you just know that he/she is looking for you. Hide or face the enemy, it's your choice.

- Dark Souls was the best Multiplayer I played this gen. After 40 Hours I left the game unfinished and now I no longer have the game (and the console). One day I will get the PC Version and start all over or wait for Dark Souls 2 (and then wait to get a PC that can handle it, too). I found many great people online, people that helped me in Boss fights, that helped me finding items such rings that, otherwise, I would never got them and so on. For such a challenging game, I never saw so much kindness in helping the other online friend like in this game, it was an amazing Multiplayer experience that I hope, to one day start it again and have a great time.


Halo 3... I miss this game so very much... :(

Left For Dead

Castle Crashers

League of Legends

EDIT: Post under this reminded me of how great Max Payne 3 multiplayer was for a good while.


Call of duty 4 modern warfare. Never liked shooters too much til this game. Hell, I got my first 360 because of this game. Gears of war was also pretty cool but cod 4 was just so much fun


YES for COD4. Shame, because none of the COD's after it can touch the quality of this game. Only BLOPS 1 came close for me.


Classic mode only but it really is in a class all by itself. Requires and fosters communication/teamwork better than any game out there.

Also this. I prefer Double Agent, but this will certainly do.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

All these other games will fade with time or get set aside for whatever the latest incarnation is, but DOTA 2 will remain timeless.


YES for COD4. Shame, because none of the COD's after it can touch the quality of this game. Only BLOPS 1 came close for me..
I'm not really a fan of either BLOPS. Honestly they feel too "light". In the same way that Killzone feels like a heavy shooter, I feel that BLOPS is a "light" shooter, and considering that COD4 was my first real shooter (not counting Goldeneye or PD) it's just too different for my taste, which isn't necessarily a bad thing


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Runner-up: COD4: Modern Warfare


- Unique gameplay that every single developer has tried to emulate this gen and failed miserably.

My winner.
Damn addictive.....that little bar at the bottom of the screen? Ever since COD got rid of that I havent cared about COD as much.

Seriously pretty much every gun in the game was usable and there wasnt a supreme weapon, and for the most part the community kinda agreed to not use the ugly perks.(martydom, Juggernaut etc)


I don't know why people dig on WH's graphics. I think they're quite good. Still impresses me today.

The graphics didn't really pop at out you in a flashy way, but the sheer scale and draw distance were right on the verge of stunning, if you knew what to look for.

A simple, fast and fun game with really interesting DLC and only cosmetic upgrades.
The graphics didn't really pop at out you in a flashy way, but the sheer scale and draw distance were right on the verge of stunning, if you knew what to look for.

A simple, fast and fun game with really interesting DLC and only cosmetic upgrades.

The game would of been a perfect Star Wars Battlefront 3
I think Team Fortress 2 is a good choice, although SF4 and Gears 3 give it a run for its money.

It's an incredible looking game, even after all these years. Its character design are instantly recognizable and you know the class roles, it's small visual touches like the little red crosses that come out of the Medic's gun that immediately visualize to players how this mechanic works. Everything is just so clear and intuitive...it's a brilliant art direction, that not only gives the game a unique personality, but creates a more accessible game to play moment-to-moment.

I'm also a huge lover of objective-based gameplay in multiplayer shooters. CTF and KotH variants are instantly more appealing to me than Deathmatch, where I'm often just wondering around the map aimlessly looking for people to kill. I think having a certain hotspot area you need to get to or protect really keeps the action flowing because everyone is focused on that one spot. And to win in this game, you need teamwork, people who can play their chosen roles with skill, who understand the maps and its various chokepoints. Kill/Death ratio doesn't matter; if us winning this CTF game means me rushing out to the objective as a Scout and keeping it alive, then goddamnit it was worth the deaths.

The class-based system is great too, because of it's limits. So many other games, Medics also carry SMGs, or Engineers have assault rifles. By keeping your abilities more specific, it makes every role feel more unique. Medics are completely focused on healing your team and keeping them in the fight, with the right Uber/Krit charge. Scouts rocket around the map annoying everyone, grabbing objectives and picking off lone wolves. Spies avoid the typical pathways of other classes, being clandestine and sneaky and shit, going for those satisfying backstabs and fucking your equipment. If you ever get bored with one class, you can just switch to another and play the match entirely different.

And I really gotta hand it to Valve on how they've supported this over the years. 200+ updates, 30+ maps, new modes...all free! So many new weapons and gadgets and HATS! GLORIOUS WONDERFUL COLORFUL HATS!

Finally, this is completely anecdotal, but in my hundreds of hours playing TF2, the number of assholes I've ran into are completely overshadowed by the great people I've played with. Perhaps its the teamwork nature of the game, or the comedy inherent in so much of it, but there's a joyous atmosphere to much of TF2's mayhem that even when I lose, I'm having fun.

Its a beautiful, wonderful, fun video game. I take breaks from it now and again, and then I come back and fall in love all over. Top 5 game of the generation for me, I believe.


Call of Duty 4 - For better or worse, turned a franchise into a juggernaut and changed an entire industry. It's also still the the most fun I've had with the series to this day.

Runner's up: Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2


In terms of features and forward thinking, I'd give it to Burnout Paradise. Landmark release for seamless online integration.

In terms of esports I would've said SC2, but Dota 2 probably takes it. Both are tremendous as spectator sports, exciting and entertaining to watch the best players compete. Dota 2 takes it with a more complete feature set for spectators.

In terms of games I loved to play with friends myself... I think I spent the most time in Minecraft, Monster Hunter (Tri and 3 Ultimate), as well as Dota 2.

Special shoutout to those local multi games like the various PES and FIFA incarnations, Smash Brothers and Mario Kart - even though local multi took a real nosedive this generation, we still got some good stuff there, especially from Nintendo.


I think Team Fortress 2 is a good choice, although SF4 and Gears 3 give it a run for its money.

It's an incredible looking game, even after all these years. Its character design are instantly recognizable and you know the class roles, it's small visual touches like the little red crosses that come out of the Medic's gun that immediately visualize to players how this mechanic works. Everything is just so clear and intuitive...it's a brilliant art direction, that not only gives the game a unique personality, but creates a more accessible game to play moment-to-moment.

I'm also a huge lover of objective-based gameplay in multiplayer shooters. CTF and KotH variants are instantly more appealing to me than Deathmatch, where I'm often just wondering around the map aimlessly looking for people to kill. I think having a certain hotspot area you need to get to or protect really keeps the action flowing because everyone is focused on that one spot. And to win in this game, you need teamwork, people who can play their chosen roles with skill, who understand the maps and its various chokepoints. Kill/Death ratio doesn't matter; if us winning this CTF game means me rushing out to the objective as a Scout and keeping it alive, then goddamnit it was worth the deaths.

The class-based system is great too, because of it's limits. So many other games, Medics also carry SMGs, or Engineers have assault rifles. By keeping your abilities more specific, it makes every role feel more unique. Medics are completely focused on healing your team and keeping them in the fight, with the right Uber/Krit charge. Scouts rocket around the map annoying everyone, grabbing objectives and picking off lone wolves. Spies avoid the typical pathways of other classes, being clandestine and sneaky and shit, going for those satisfying backstabs and fucking your equipment. If you ever get bored with one class, you can just switch to another and play the match entirely different.

And I really gotta hand it to Valve on how they've supported this over the years. 200+ updates, 30+ maps, new modes...all free! So many new weapons and gadgets and HATS! GLORIOUS WONDERFUL COLORFUL HATS!

Finally, this is completely anecdotal, but in my hundreds of hours playing TF2, the number of assholes I've ran into are completely overshadowed by the great people I've played with. Perhaps its the teamwork nature of the game, or the comedy inherent in so much of it, but there's a joyous atmosphere to much of TF2's mayhem that even when I lose, I'm having fun.

Its a beautiful, wonderful, fun video game. I take breaks from it now and again, and then I come back and fall in love all over. Top 5 game of the generation for me, I believe.
After Halo 4, I need a competitive FPS. Might give this a shot. How steep is the learning curve? I'm ok with KB+M, but I've played TF2 maybe 3 times.


I think Team Fortress 2 is a good choice, although SF4 and Gears 3 give it a run for its money.

It's an incredible looking game, even after all these years. Its character design are instantly recognizable and you know the class roles, it's small visual touches like the little red crosses that come out of the Medic's gun that immediately visualize to players how this mechanic works. Everything is just so clear and intuitive...it's a brilliant art direction, that not only gives the game a unique personality, but creates a more accessible game to play moment-to-moment.

I'm also a huge lover of objective-based gameplay in multiplayer shooters. CTF and KotH variants are instantly more appealing to me than Deathmatch, where I'm often just wondering around the map aimlessly looking for people to kill. I think having a certain hotspot area you need to get to or protect really keeps the action flowing because everyone is focused on that one spot. And to win in this game, you need teamwork, people who can play their chosen roles with skill, who understand the maps and its various chokepoints. Kill/Death ratio doesn't matter; if us winning this CTF game means me rushing out to the objective as a Scout and keeping it alive, then goddamnit it was worth the deaths.

The class-based system is great too, because of it's limits. So many other games, Medics also carry SMGs, or Engineers have assault rifles. By keeping your abilities more specific, it makes every role feel more unique. Medics are completely focused on healing your team and keeping them in the fight, with the right Uber/Krit charge. Scouts rocket around the map annoying everyone, grabbing objectives and picking off lone wolves. Spies avoid the typical pathways of other classes, being clandestine and sneaky and shit, going for those satisfying backstabs. If you ever get bored with one class, you can just switch to another and play the match entirely different.

And I really gotta hand it to Valve on how they've supported this over the years. 200+ updates, 30+ maps, new modes...all free! So many new weapons and gadgets and HATS! GLORIOUS WONDERFUL COLORFUL HATS!

Finally, this is completely anecdotal, but in my hundreds of hours playing TF2, the number of assholes I've ran into are completely overshadowed by the great people I've played with. Perhaps its the teamwork nature of the game, or the comedy inherent in so much of it, but there's a joyous atmosphere to much of TF2's mayhem that even when I lose, I'm having fun.

Its a beautiful, wonderful, fun video game. I take breaks from it now and again, and then I come back and fall in love all over. Top 5 game of the generation for me, I believe.

That's a good write up, I just love how the game can just roll with action without a DM mode as well. It's just amazing on how teams can try win situations by working in groups and the game does allow some ingenious strategies to win matches. There's something for everyone in TF2.


why only shooters???

Wii Sports :)

Yeah I was surprised nobody has mentioned this one. Hell most people got a Wii for this very reason.

Also does World of Warcraft count as this gen? If so Vanilla through Wrath of the Lich King should probably get a mention on this list.


Well I can't really call out a best but here are some that made an impression for me.

Metal Gear Online- This game really deserves more credit such a wide array of options. kill or not to kill, little nuances to the gameplay (cqc slam to head shot or slam to knife stab), special characters (vamp and raiden tdm ftw), and wide array of skills that actually changes the way you play (SOP stealth, Scanner, cqc ex, Scanner, Wake). Many different ways to communicate text, preset messages, mics, and the SOP system that gives you the status of every teammate that you are connected to. Allowing you to come to thier aid as soon as you see they are in danger. To this day I still haven't found a multiplayer shooter this gen that gives the satisfaction of a good game of Team Sneak.

Killzone 2- Good map design, nice classes, and some of the most satifying gunplay in a console shooter. I really bummed how Killzone 3 ruined all that.


Monster Hunter- What can I say it still delivers on awesome 4 player co-op hunting

Demon Souls- I know this game gets alot of mention on this site but I will give it a nod to the multiplayer that it brought this gen. I still remember being impressed the 3-3 ai only to find out I was fighting another person.

Soul Calibur 5-Gotta give a nod to one of my favorites. Great improvements on the gameplay making it excellent for local play, with solid netcode for when you don't have any local people to play against.
Halo 3, CoD 4: Modern Warfare, and Battlefield Bad Company are the standouts for me.

I also had a good time with SSB: Brawl but it didn't grab me like Melee.


In terms of features and forward thinking, I'd give it to Burnout Paradise. Landmark release for seamless online integration.

This is an interesting choice, because it does a lot of things that next gen games are trying to do. Nice call.


I think Team Fortress 2 is a good choice, although SF4 and Gears 3 give it a run for its money.

It's an incredible looking game, even after all these years. Its character design are instantly recognizable and you know the class roles, it's small visual touches like the little red crosses that come out of the Medic's gun that immediately visualize to players how this mechanic works. Everything is just so clear and intuitive...it's a brilliant art direction, that not only gives the game a unique personality, but creates a more accessible game to play moment-to-moment.

I'm also a huge lover of objective-based gameplay in multiplayer shooters. CTF and KotH variants are instantly more appealing to me than Deathmatch, where I'm often just wondering around the map aimlessly looking for people to kill. I think having a certain hotspot area you need to get to or protect really keeps the action flowing because everyone is focused on that one spot. And to win in this game, you need teamwork, people who can play their chosen roles with skill, who understand the maps and its various chokepoints. Kill/Death ratio doesn't matter; if us winning this CTF game means me rushing out to the objective as a Scout and keeping it alive, then goddamnit it was worth the deaths.

The class-based system is great too, because of it's limits. So many other games, Medics also carry SMGs, or Engineers have assault rifles. By keeping your abilities more specific, it makes every role feel more unique. Medics are completely focused on healing your team and keeping them in the fight, with the right Uber/Krit charge. Scouts rocket around the map annoying everyone, grabbing objectives and picking off lone wolves. Spies avoid the typical pathways of other classes, being clandestine and sneaky and shit, going for those satisfying backstabs and fucking your equipment. If you ever get bored with one class, you can just switch to another and play the match entirely different.

And I really gotta hand it to Valve on how they've supported this over the years. 200+ updates, 30+ maps, new modes...all free! So many new weapons and gadgets and HATS! GLORIOUS WONDERFUL COLORFUL HATS!

Finally, this is completely anecdotal, but in my hundreds of hours playing TF2, the number of assholes I've ran into are completely overshadowed by the great people I've played with. Perhaps its the teamwork nature of the game, or the comedy inherent in so much of it, but there's a joyous atmosphere to much of TF2's mayhem that even when I lose, I'm having fun.

Its a beautiful, wonderful, fun video game. I take breaks from it now and again, and then I come back and fall in love all over. Top 5 game of the generation for me, I believe.

Yes this.

All of this.

Easily the greatest multiplayer game of this gen, and I'd even argue of all time, at least for me. It's impossible to not have fun playing this game.
After Halo 4, I need a competitive FPS. Might give this a shot. How steep is the learning curve? I'm ok with KB+M, but I've played TF2 maybe 3 times.

TF2 is a very accessible game, IMO. The art style makes everything very clear and intuitive like I mentioned, with the defined roles meaning you don't have to worry about doing everything but your job, as well as the objective-based gameplay meaning you always know where to go or the ultimate goal. Maps have arrows that point the way to goals, and little UI elements that tell you important info. There are a LOT of weapons, but quite honestly, the stock weapons will get you through just fine 90% of the time, which I think is one of the great things about the game. In a world of F2P microtranscations, this is one of the games that gets it right. Not only are there very, very few straight upgrades of stock weapons(and those are mostly melee weapons), but the new weapons can be acquired without spending a dime. You can get them through drops, through accomplishing achievements, through trading with a friend. And even if you don't, you never really feel at a disadvantage because somebody had a more powerful weapon that you haven't unlocked yet.

You live and die by your teamwork. There are comp 6v6 servers, but I can find good people in 24 player servers. Do NOT go to any 32 player servers. The game is balanced around the max of 24 people, otherwise you get me way too many spies to mess with, too many heads for Snipers to pick off, too many Sentry nests to Uber through, etc. Instant Respawn is terrible, too. When you stop a push or blow through a defense, you should be rewarded with a little breathing room, not have guys instantly respawn and charge at you again. The 10-20 second respawns aids with that, I believe. I'm not saying Valve is always right and they haven't made some dumb balance changes in the past(boy, have they done that, mostly patched out though), but I do believe this kind of stuff is integral to the core of the gameplay loop.

Its fun. And its free! You should play it.


Freakin' Warhawk, man.

Server browsers: check.
Ability to host your own dedicated servers: check.
No health regen: check.
Well designed and massive maps: check.
Weponary that's actually varied: check.
Worthwhile DLC: check.

Game just dominated the latter part of my secondary school years. UT3 on PS3 for the same reasons, Especially with the DLC being free and actual mod support on the console.

I would have loved Twisted Metal, but the online problems really dragged it down. Which is a shame as it was mechanically perfect for an online title.


Give some reasons people...

I regret making this thread already.

Never regret making a thread because I will never regret replying to one of yours fellow GAFfer. Like I said above, there's many types of Multiplayer but this gen it was indeed Demon's/Dark Souls the biggest surprise.
I dislike tf2 but I can't deny the fact that its a good game and can be really fun with teamwork , just not my thing. Anyways while not my favorite game SF4 was kinda important to say the least.


Sonic handles my blue balls

That's right. I went there. First person shooter, objective based capture the flag...with fucking ogres, elves and dwarves. Equip spells like teleport and gust or equipment like enhanced accuracy or infrared. It was this gen's Star Wars Jedi Knight II. Gusting someone off to their death is so satisfying.

And the runner-up?


Because the world needs more tower based combat where you actually play a character that can participate in the action.
Watching Robocop as a kid also instilled a love for futuristic satirical advertisements.
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