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Black Mesa Source still not out, still no date, still no discussion in this thread


alf717 posted this in the old thread but can't make threads due to being Junior.

alf717 said:
Maleber over at the Steam Forums says the game has been released... but only if you are special.

I think its actually been released: http://forums.blackmesasource.com/showthread.php?t=7994


They're part of a private group and somewhere in that thread it sounds like its going to be released to the general public on the 4th.

There's too many true responses in that thread for this to be wrong.
Considering the mod, might be a prank by more annoyed followers or the real thing.


At frickin last! It's going to be so awesome playing through the best part of the HL saga again :)

edit: whaaaaat



Well I'm not a photo shop expert so I can't tell if the screens are fake but they look pretty good if they are. I got super excited about it until I read the "only trusted members" part but I still think it could be real. Not sure where the Jan 4th release came from but I'm still reading through the locked thread.
Firestorm said:
Beta test is better than what we've had so far if real =P
Hoping is real, frankly HL1 is pretty outdated (graphically) and this would warrant a replay from me.

But I'm not keeping my hopes high.


I've been interested in this since they originally announced the project some years ago. I'm glad it didn't fold. Hopefully, we'll be playing it soon.


I've been waiting years for this! It can't come soon enough! Then maybe I'll play through Half Life 2 and Ep 1 and 2. Pc Gaming :D


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Also been waiting years for this, been following the project from day one and still don't know whether this is ever going to be released, I have a feeling they were/are hoping that valve would pick them up.


Plasma said:
No way, surely they would do some big build up to the release?
releasing it by surprise would probably create more hype and a lot of "holy fucking shit its OUT NOW!" kind of stuff.


They already said there would be an announced release date. If they come out and say January 4 that would be great, but I'm chocking this up as them BM forum members trolling.


A new year brings new hope. I call fake. But they're kind of limiting their noob hype potential by giving it only 3 more days before the "reveal."


The Amiga Brotherhood
spats said:
Don't care anymore.

Pretty much this. I have played through HL1 and all of the expansions countless times since this has been announced. All of the hype I had for this release went quite a while ago.
spats said:
Don't care anymore.

I've never really understood this line of thinking. Not just Black Mesa Source, but I've seen this attitude from other people on the internet, like there's a secret intangible window of opportunity for things to come out and if it misses it, it's worthless.

What has made you stop caring? Is it because you feel scorned by them for making you wait so long? This isn't Duke Nukem Forever, where there's a guy out there with a pre-order slip from 1998 saying he paid $5 to reserve a copy of a videogame over a decade ago. You didn't pay anything for Black Mesa Source, besides your attention.

It's not like there's been some kind of dramatic shooter gameplay revolution since Black Mesa Source's announcement that would imply that BMS is too dated to play. The Black Mesa Source Trailer still looks great.

It's like...

  1. Do you think Half-Life 1 was awesome?
  2. Do you own Half-Life 2?
  3. Does the prospect of a remastered Half-Life 1 sound interesting?

Then you should be all over Black Mesa Source when it releases.


Sega1991 said:
I've never really understood this line of thinking. Not just Black Mesa Source, but I've seen this attitude from other people on the internet, like there's a secret intangible window of opportunity for things to come out and if it misses it, it's worthless.

What has made you stop caring? Is it because you feel scorned by them for making you wait so long? This isn't Duke Nukem Forever, where there's a guy out there with a pre-order slip from 1998 saying he paid $5 to reserve a copy of a videogame over a decade ago. You didn't pay anything for Black Mesa Source, besides your attention.

It's not like there's been some kind of dramatic shooter gameplay revolution since Black Mesa Source's announcement that would imply that BMS is too dated to play. The Black Mesa Source Trailer still looks great.

It's like...

  1. Do you think Half-Life 1 was awesome?
  2. Do you own Half-Life 2?
  3. Does the prospect of a remastered Half-Life 1 sound interesting?

Then you should be all over Black Mesa Source when it releases.

I've played through HL1 propably a few dozen times and I know the game like my own pockets. When the project was announced I was interested in seeing what they had done to improve the experience, but after all this time it's just another overhyped fan project to me. So I don't care. I have other things to waste my time on now.


Sega1991 said:
I've never really understood this line of thinking. Not just Black Mesa Source, but I've seen this attitude from other people on the internet, like there's a secret intangible window of opportunity for things to come out and if it misses it, it's worthless.

What has made you stop caring? Is it because you feel scorned by them for making you wait so long? This isn't Duke Nukem Forever, where there's a guy out there with a pre-order slip from 1998 saying he paid $5 to reserve a copy of a videogame over a decade ago. You didn't pay anything for Black Mesa Source, besides your attention.

It's not like there's been some kind of dramatic shooter gameplay revolution since Black Mesa Source's announcement that would imply that BMS is too dated to play. The Black Mesa Source Trailer still looks great.

It's like...

  1. Do you think Half-Life 1 was awesome?
  2. Do you own Half-Life 2?
  3. Does the prospect of a remastered Half-Life 1 sound interesting?

Then you should be all over Black Mesa Source when it releases.

Maybe because they've come to the realization it's a bunch of b.s. People forget just how massive the original game was. It's huge. It seems impossible a handful of people could redo everything at the level of quality they were showing. But people suspended their disbelief because it looked so awesome. As the years went on, many people have just accepted it's a stunt and don't care anymore. Hence that attitude. It's entertaining only in that people still expect it to ever be released.


spats said:
Don't care anymore.
It's been 3 years since they announced a release date, 2 yeas since any substancial news was released about the game.

What is it with video game devs and secrecy? Guess what? Everyone will lose intrest in your game. Look at Alan Wake.


Sega1991 said:
I've never really understood this line of thinking. Not just Black Mesa Source, but I've seen this attitude from other people on the internet, like there's a secret intangible window of opportunity for things to come out and if it misses it, it's worthless.
You're right, there is a secret, intangible window, specific to each individual. Attention and care for something wanes over long periods of time. It happens with everything and to everyone throughout your whole life, not just towards videogame hype. It's human nature.

A loose example: remember that cool, awesome super duper toy you wanted when you were 8 years old? Imagine if you had to wait 6 years before you got it. Chances are you wouldn't give a shit about that toy when you were 14.
DaBuddaDa said:
You're right, there is a secret, intangible window, specific to each individual. Attention and care for something wanes over long periods of time. It happens with everything and to everyone throughout your whole life, not just towards videogame hype. It's human nature.

A loose example: remember that cool, awesome super duper toy you wanted when you were 8 years old? Imagine if you had to wait 6 years before you got it. Chances are you wouldn't give a shit about that toy when you were 14.

Only because of self-awareness that you had to act more "Grown up" than you were when you were 8 years old.

Which, you know, eventually wears off as you get older. Once you transition to adult hood, it's not like you have to worry about a second puberty or anything like that.


Fox318 said:
It's been 3 years since they announced a release date, 2 yeas since any substancial news was released about the game.

What is it with video game devs and secrecy? Guess what? Everyone will lose intrest in your game. Look at Alan Wake.

It's a game made by small team of modders. Obviously without funding and a larger team you get delays, people leaving, issues that take longer to fix, ect.

The team just did some poor decisions by making release date and release date that they never met. I'll play it on day 1 but I won't care about this until that day.


MrBelmontvedere said:
what a bunch off BS I want my free game now *pouts*

oh and I need a diaper change thanks

being free doesn't make all the mistakes they've made disappear, and it doesn't mean the game should get a free pass if it's not fun to play.
But at the same time it's not fair to hold them to the same standards as a professional dev team, in terms of schedule etc.

I won't lower my standards when it's released just because it's a mod team, but I don't blame them at all for having it take this long.


If the thing on the forums is a joke, the PR people really need to say something. The hype train left the station without a conductor, and it'll just embitter people if misinformation goes uncorrected.
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