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Bloated, PR paste-bin |OT|s are a plague on these boards

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People who complain about opt-in threads instead of simply opting-out are a plague on this board. This isn't remedial English, nobody is making you read anything you don't want to.


°°ToMmY°° said:
I don't see anything wrong with them. Those OTs are usually made by people who work in the designing dept or have a passion for it, so they actually use those as a way to improve their skills while doing what they like. What's wrong with that? It's also a way for people like me who doesn't follow games like assassin's creed rev, for example, to catch up with all the info and media released.

Basically. GAF is at its most interesting when the actually talented people get together and make something -- the best GAF thread is probably still that 'make fake magazine adverts'. OTs aren't the most interesting of subjects, but they're mostly harmless. This is a tempest in a teapot.
NHale said:
What I really like is when the person that creates an OT receive gifts from the PR person handling that game like it's no big deal.
I am not sure if a financial benefit motivation is actually more off-putting than the idea that the people who write novella-OTs just really, really want people to buy the game.


NHale said:
What I really like is when the person that creates an OT receive gifts from the PR person handling that game like it's no big deal.
What. I want gifts. Nintendo, send me gifts for my Star Fox OT.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
herod said:
Again, I think you're agreeing with the OP, because a genuinely useful OP is worth far more than a carefully constructed advert on how to buy the game and what DLC and review scores it received.

Do not disagree, sir. But at this point, it be what it be, and I don't think there should be rules against it, per se.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
I dig them. Pleasing to look at, and packed with info.

Handy if a friend asks about a certain game, link them to the OT and be done.


DaBuddaDa said:
What results is masturbatory and useless to most readers. This is a gaming discussion forum, not a PR factory.

Tell that to the WiiU speculation thread, or the pony-lovers thread, or the majority of Sports-GAF, etc, etc, etc. How much information there is actually useful and relevant and how much is the usual masturbatory "all over my tits" garbage?


I see nothing wrong with wanting to make the OP look all fancy if you want, but it really, really shouldn't be more than 3 posts. When you're making a 13-post-long OP there's so much stuff going on that ends up being more annoying to go through than actually useful (which is the point of an OP).

Like I know some people criticized the Daytona OP, but I have no problems with that. The art doesn't really detract from the OP at all and the guy still kept the post relatively short. On the other hand, there's so much going on in that AssRev OP that it becomes kind of a chore to read through.


I have nothing against somewhat nice looking OTs, but when it gets to the text in images level then that's clearly going too far. Also, repeating PR beyond a few bullet points is usually unnecessary.


These huge opening posts of fanboy masturbation don't really bother me. They are sort of a staple for this forum when you think about it. One guy even has his under his username because he spent so much time making it look so good. I don't really see a problem with them. I will admit though I just scroll through most of them just looking at the pictures. Seriously, does anybody really read those things? We already know what the plot for the next uncharted or metal gear is... Just might as well post a couple big images/splashes/gifs for the game and call it a day. Paraphrasing articles on the official site for said game doesn't really make the OP better imo. Not trying to downplay hard work. I just don't think it contributes to anything except image.
Woo-Fu said:
People who complain about opt-in threads instead of simply opting-out are a plague on this board. This isn't remedial English, nobody is making you read anything you don't want to.
By this logic, shouldn't this post not exist?


An interesting point made by ghst is the

moreover, this kind of yawning fanboy rubbing material only serves to set up a sycophantic worship tone for the rest of the thread, stifling rational debate. how dare anyone criticize a king in his own palace?

It is so often that criticism levelled at game in its respective OT often is completely dismissed or frowned upon, rather than having a level-headed debate concerning the flaws of the game in question. Too often have I experienced coming into a thread and giving my criticism of the game, followed by an onslaught of reactionary replies or irrational defense of said game. Some OT's generally become esoteric circle-jerking, at least in my experience.

ShockingAlberto said:
By this logic, shouldn't this post not exist?

A class example of a performative contradiction.


Chet Rippo said:
So, how did I do for my first |OT|?
Good? Bad?
Good. There are images but the important info is all in text, and therefore searchable. Not to mention it is kept to a small amount of posts (one). Well done.

Willy105 said:
I'm going to do some market research here.

Tell me what you think would be an appropriate design for an OP should be.

From the responses, it seems that a short, easy to read disclaimer with the release date and price would be useful as the first thing you see in an OP.

What comes next?
The Kirby one posted is a good example. Other good examples are Cursed Crusade, Neptunia, and Street Fighter.

These OTs use images in good ways. No important info is in an image, just in searchable text. There's a good breakdown of versions, features, preorder bonuses, reviews, online MP info, achievements, etc. I think these are good examples.

Another issue is that overly large and obnoxious OTs become a topic of conversation over the actual game itself. Granted this isn't something that happens every time, but it happens enough that it is annoying.


listen to the mad man
Enosh said:
I hope a game you like will be granted such "privileges" just to see your reaction

Knowing gish, he would laugh. He's got a pretty anarchic spirit to him, I can't imagine him the type to have his own sacred cows.


hide your water-based mammals
Wario64 said:
LOL at Assassins Creed OT. That's cool, I will never read the first page ever.
I agree, although I look at them and depending on the game, I will read up on facts.

But I read the user posts following that. It's like starting to build a house, you go through all the work and talk and then the game comes out and we get to live in it (play the game).
There's a fine line to be walked between information and praise. It's worth noting, though, that most people taking care of OTs do so because they love in one way or another, the game or franchise in question. It would be harsh to limit them in regards to the effort and care they put on OTs for their favorite games. But at the same time, it's true that an OT that goes way over the top can limit or hinder its very purpose as an information tool for people interested. This coming from a guy that has been guilty of merely showing up to say "Great OT!" from time to time as well.


FStop7 said:
Is there literally nothing someone will find a reason to cry and whine about on the Internet?
Stating an argument in attempt to improve the quality of posting in our forum is "crying and whining"?


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
The longest OT I made was the one for OoT 3D: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=433600
Even there, I thought I went overboard with the large illustration of the three main characters and the large font used for the banners. It was mostly a copy-paste of stuff, plus a list of what was new in the remake, though.

The most fitting OT I made was probably the one for Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=353508
Still laugh at the tumbleweed in the empty mall.

DaBuddaDa said:
Stating an argument in attempt to improve the quality of posting in our forum is "crying and whining"?
Apparently, any form of criticism on the Internet is considered crying and whining, no matter how motivated and constructive.
Completely agree with the OP. These bloated messes are not much of a help to anyone who isn't a massive fan of the title at hand. Nothing against the authors, it's just a bit overwhelming if you make a gigantic OT starter post.

I think that the Minecraft OT has a nice starter post. It's not too long, not to short, and gets across the idea of the game without going overboard.


NHale said:
What I really like is when the person that creates an OT receive gifts from the PR person handling that game like it's no big deal.

EDIT: WTF 15 posts for an OT? Ridiculous.
When did that happen?


I don't read gaming-side OPs so it's never bothered me too much. Maybe one day I'll read one if it's not a bloated astroturfing mess.
WickedLaharl said:
Going beyond one post is never necessary.

I think this should be a good rule for an OT. If you can't say it in one post, you're saying too much.

Oh... and btw, the AssCreed OT is *still* loading for me. It's been like 2 minutes now.


NHale said:
What I really like is when the person that creates an OT receive gifts from the PR person handling that game like it's no big deal.
Yeah. I'm still waiting for my Mortal Kombat, Motoheroz, Skylanders and Solatorobo gifts...aside the ones they already sent to me; but obviously never arrived. :p


I don't mind em. You're likely only looking at the first page once or twice and if you are, it's to get info on the game. That example provides a LOT of it which is exactly what it should do IMO. After that, you'll typically jump to the last unread page or something so why does it even affect you?
I had no idea there was much Assassins Creed stuff out there....wow.

On topic: I do like the idea of filling up the |OT| with a lot of information. It just has to be meaningful. Sometimes too much is too much.

I mean BruceLeeRoy's MGS4 |OT| was awesome and I loved it. Some say overboard? I say great.


Whilst the AC:R OT is very nice, it's far too long and bulky. I thought the BF3 OT was pushing the limits myself.

I very much like the LOTR: War in the North & Skyrim OT's for recent example.


hide your water-based mammals
I do like what Goldrusher did for the second GT5 thread. Basically making it short and linking the original OT. But that doesn't change my opinion on the work of the original OT's. Let them be but just cut back on the pics that kill y bandwidth.


DaBuddaDa said:
Stating an argument in attempt to improve the quality of posting in our forum is "crying and whining"?

When you see that happen, let me know. All I see here is whining. "PR laden", "doing a shill's work"... grow up.
I agree as well. Often you page down click through a OT OP and still can't find the info you were hoping to find out about so you go to google instead. Whats the point then with the opening post? Especially now with the trend with having the text as images so you can't even search for the info.

Maybe we need a summary like in a science paper and a link so you can easily go past the rest the commercial/OP.


Doesnt bother me too much, I appreciate an OT with as much info as you can have in one location and if it has some extra visual flair then whats wrong with that. I just usually dont visit them for a few days since the first few pages are just compliments.

I really dont see the big deal.
Woo-Fu said:
People who complain about opt-in threads instead of simply opting-out are a plague on this board. This isn't remedial English, nobody is making you read anything you don't want to.
My eyes aren't the greatest and I can't afford to lose them you know. It'd be nice if I could actually read half of the stuff in the huge OT's(or at least ctrl+f some stuff).


Still, I usually just opt out of reading, but it certainly doesn't increase my chances of finding something interesting that may make me stick around for the game.
I totally agree. At first I was like, cool! and then i was like uh... and then i was like...holy shit, and not in a good way.
I definitely agree with the sentiment, although one OT in particular that I thought split the difference really well was the Sonic Generations OT

Info was easy to find, but still had some of the fancy banners and what not. I think that is what an OT should be. It can look pretty, but give me a clear and easy way to get info and see the newest updates about a game.


tagged by Blackace
fernoca said:
That's the thing, how it is overboard?
If every OT since then was "huge" Id agree, but this year Mortal Kombat, Battlefield 3. Assassin's Creed Revelations, Modern Warfare 3? That's 4 games; 4 OTs.

Maybe add a few more I'm probably missing and is like what..10?
There are hundreds of games released every year; with most getting either an OT or some general discussion thread. Less than 10% of the OTs been "big or "bloated" is not what I'd consider overboard.
I'm saying the OPs themselves go overboard in containing extraneous information like entire histories of everything in the context of the franchise, that they make it hard to find the information someone needs WHEN they need that information, that is saying when someone indeed does read the OP. Someone else said it best, if I wanted to read that shit I'd go to Wikipedia. Table of Contents somewhat help this, but you still have that extraneous, sometimes even miscellaneous, stuff in the way.

I appreciate the effort and passion though, don't get it twisted. Fancy images and stylistic choices are a fetish of the artist inside me. Were you the one who did the MK OT? I'm not a fan of the size. I like the graphic a great deal, but parsing through all that information is a bitch and counterintuitive to the goal of an OT, in my personal opinion.

If anything, a middleground needs to be found or something unique like Kagari's wonderful OT, as I'm aware they are a staple of GAF.


Stumpokapow said:
Knowing gish, he would laugh. He's got a pretty anarchic spirit to him, I can't imagine him the type to have his own sacred cows.

More or less. In some other thread he was trying to argue essentially that the stuff he likes can't have fanboys, because it's all logically better.


I find there are way more offensive posts than a fancy OT.

It should also be noted that every page of every thread is opt-in only. So... you know.

Chris R

OldJadedGamer said:
I would comment but I clicked these threads at the same time but the AssCreed OT is still loading...

So many images! I like OPs to be short and concise, getting the general information out to the reader in as few posts as possible. If I enter a thread for a game I don't know much about and it is like the AssCreed one I just go back and click on another thread.


I enjoy well put together OTs, and I see no issue with the Assassin's Creed one.
In fact I think it is rather impressive.


I'd be in the dick
I appreciate a good OT. Usually the people making them do them for fun since they have some solid graphic design skills. That said, that Revelations one is way too long.
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