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BritGAF |OT6| Dark Souls? More like Arse Holes

I live in an HMO, and the guy in the room next door had a habit of playing music until gone 4am at increasingly loud volumes. He threatened to "smash up all my stuff" because about five months previously I had moved his bike upstairs so it wasn't blocking the tiny corridor to the front door. He also kicked the door of his own room in at some point, for some reason, so now it just blows open in the wind because the frame is fucked. The kind of person he hangs around with is the kind of person who leaves him messages written on his door in biro. There was a time when he'd just disappear all week and then re-appear at the weekend with a different arrangement of children. Like, sometimes he'd have a baby, and sometimes there'd be a couple of kids like 7 or 8 years old or so. People would come and smash on the outside front door because he owed them money. This happened numerous times at 7am. At one point, he opened the door and the woman outside saw a pram in the (still tiny) hallway, because it must have been baby week. So she shouted at him and accused him of having an affair or something. I could tell when he was going out, because despite him being a good 30 at least, the hallway would smell like someone had used three cans of Lynx Africa. Basically, he's all fucking class.

I haven't seen him for about three months, now. I'm really curious. I wonder if he's in prison, or dead.

No one was waiting for an update on this, but here it is anyway, he's gone I guess. The landlord has been in and said he's not coming back. Not sure what's happened to him, but yeah.

Anyway, now there's no one living in the room next door, the door is just sat open so it's possible to see how this guy used to live. This is a photo of the room as he left it (minus some fucked up furniture which the landlord took away.)


I don't even know how you can exist in a place like that. There are cotton buds fucking everywhere as well, which I can only explain by assuming they were used for injecting heroin or something.

Not gonna miss him, tbh.


formerly Oynox Slider

top activity! Thanks both :)

Fuck this thread has gotten so shit and boring since all the cool interesting people got banned. I know I don't post here much anymore but I still lurk and it seems like it barely moves on anymore.

I think BritGaf is slowly heading towards death's door.

I do try and post less these days because I've become super-conscious about posting too much and thread shitting.

I think it's a fresh blood problem. There are loads of Brits but they either don't know this exists or think we smell.

Also, without Jimbor's misanthrophy and Jed's casual racism, we're only left with BGBW's anime-ism and Daps's ruling-class-ism and everyone else is far too amiable.

We need a Rimmer.
lived above a place like that, the guy seemed alright, the girl had a problem with drugs so there were always people round banging on the door, shouting stuff at some horrid time in the morning. the guy left at one point only to find he was locked out, he climbed up the house to the window t find her in bed with another guy so he flipped out and smashed the communal door in.my girlfriend and i came home to a load of his friends just hanging out in the hallway trying to help him, the lot of them drunk off their face. police had to be called.
when the flat was finally open she had set fire to a bunch of his stuff.
don't do drugs or... live in brighton.

glad he's gone for you now. hope your next tenant is much better.
glad he's gone for you now. hope your next tenant is much better.

Hah, yeah, it could easily be someone worse. It's pretty cheap for Kingston so it's going to attract that kind of crowd, I guess.

It'd be nice to have someone clean, at least. The other two guys here are generally quiet but they've got no fucking idea how to clean up after themselves. I spent an hour cleaning the bathroom and then a few days later someone had spilt dirty water all over the floor somehow and just left it there. I was pretty pissed off. I honestly expect more of grown men.


is it common practice to take drugs you've found?

last week my hairdresser told me he found a massive baggie of coke with more than an eighth in it in on the floor a cafe in Ibiza and he didn't sleep till it was all gone.

so thats nice

i can only assume the poster before found it in his pocket or something, or you know found as in a dealer had some.


It was clearly coke or mandy, either way my bro was the willing guinea pig.


Anyway, it's good shit, alls well that ends well!

(So high right now...)

Manc peeps, me and some pals from work are going to the wine tasting night at Proof tomorrow night. There is going to be about 8 of us, but more the merrier! My bro does the food, ergo, it's going to be amazing.

Need to know numbers by tomorrow afternoon to book tables.


was just talking to a girl about ddlg and realised halfway through the convo that i didn't know what i was agreeing with. googled it just before she went to bed and now im in a sticky spot.

anyone got any experience of this shit?


Sure, why not.

DD/LG, to me, is a relationship about trust, love, and innocence. A little girl can be just like any normal, hard working, stressed out, mature adult, but when she is alone with her Daddy, her Guardian and Protector, Knight in Shining Armor, her Prince and her King, does she drop the cares of the world and reveal to him the small, carefully guarded innocence that was forced out of her as she grew up. It is the desire for playful tickle times, long cuddles, tender looks, and the overwhelming desire to make him proud.

As a 'daddy', he essentially takes up a sword and a shield and defends her from all of her nightmares, supporting the outer shell that has become the older woman, who has experienced an immeasurable amount of heartbreak and has hardened because of it, but when they are alone he is also the teacher, allowing her to return deeply to her roots and find that small sliver of childlike happiness. He encourages her to enjoy the excitement over small things and activities that others might frown upon. When necessary, he understands the things that hurt her and he catches her by the waist before she accidentally falls. For those times that he isn’t there to catch her when she gets hurt, he is there with open arms to comfort her and tell her it is okay, that she will be okay, and to help her feel better he will put a colorful bandaid over her owwie and kiss it better, because he understands that is what she needs.

In short, it is about exploring the dual feelings of innocence and wanting to protect/be protected. You could say a daddy shows a far greater concern for her wellbeing than a normal relationship may have. On one hand, he yearns to protect someone and have them look up at him with complete trust and comfort, and on the other hand, she yearns for someone to protect her and understand all of her weaknesses and strengths in ways that she couldn’t even put to words.

Out of all of this, the most important thing to remember is that it is between two consenting adults.


Oh my god Cy appears and it takes like a second for the conversation to return to kiddy fiddling.

Get some other interests.


formerly Oynox Slider
Non-subjective statement: whatever adults do in "bed time" is up to them

Subjective statement: eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Some of that language...no, I do not like.


It's terrible, really. It's a shock that he's allowed outside the house with those kinds of thoughts.

They are not my thoughts, they were taken from a link on Google. And anyway, read it properly - both parties involved are fully consenting adults. Age does not come in to it.


Sometimes, when I'm feeling down, I can go in this thread and find comfort in the thought "at least I haven't googled DD/LG".


consenting something absolutely abhorrently weird doesn't make it okay
How is being a protective figure weird? If you read it properly, you'll see its not a father/daughter thing like you all seem to think it is. A lot of the time it's a 'knight' protecting and loving his 'princess' by doting on her. It's just normal love stretching the definition of caring for someone.


I'm all for sexual experimentation; tying each other up, a bit of rough sex, sexy outfits, it's all good. But objectively speaking, pretending your lover is actually your daughter in the name of sexual gratification is all kinds of gross.

Such a practice being of interest when you actually have a daughter?



formerly Oynox Slider
There are quite a lot of fetishes and what not that I quite like, probably most of them. But this...I guess for me it's that 'parental line' and also the sexualisation of parental affection. They make me feel a bit icky.


There are quite a lot of fetishes and what not that I quite like, probably most of them. But this...I guess for me it's that 'parental line' and also the sexualisation of parental affection. They make me feel a bit icky.
There's nothing parental about it. Read up on it properly. They only refer to the one as a 'daddy' as he is the protective figure in the relationship, and the other a 'little' as she is the one who needs or wants protection. This is NOT a father/daughter relationship, nor does it involve any form of incestual fantasy. It is the idea of a partner protecting their loved one to the extreme that is the appeal.

bet he fuckin endorses knife play and sadomasochism because they're consensual too

How'd you figure that? Because I posted a load of shit from Google? Your logic is flawed.
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