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Bungie are upsetting the fan base with Destiny 2

Why are ps4 destiny players complaining about exclusive content ? 🤣
This community wants to be whole. We would prefer if everyone could enjoy everything Bungie makes at the same time. We would prefer to carry our investment across platforms. We would prefer to play with others across platforms. Exclusive content and Sony's policies against cross-platform functionality are frustrating to PS4 players because they feel like they are decisions that hurt the community. It feels less like getting something extra or special, and more like them fucking over an awesome, passionate, and otherwise united fanbase.


The cancer that is Activision

How do people still blame Activision for everything Bungie does wrong? Bungie just isn't a great developer. They've put together really good shooting for Destiny and are mediocre to bad at everything else. It's not Activision's fault no one at Bungie knows how to write coherently or their PvP is 4 on 4 at 30fps in 2017. Activision doesn't​ make Bungie layer 5 levels of RNG over everything in the game or prevent them from being able to balance weapons in their "competitive" multiplayer.


The cancer that is Activision

As I said again earlier in the thread, how is this Activision's fault?

In fact, if it weren't for the stupid amount of money this series has been making I'd imagine a number of the higher up ATVI people would be rather worried/peeved at Bungie over the state of Destiny.

Remember they had to get in Blizzard to "fix" their game, the widely reported stories of development trouble we've seen in the past, and the originally contracted bi-annual plan for sequels is also clearly gone.
All things considered ATVI has been pretty forgiving, and if this IP wasn't so popular Bungie would have burned up all their good will long before now.

I'm not seeing where Activision fits in anywhere to the stuff people are criticising Destiny for, with the exception of the PS4 content and the lack of dedicated servers.



Yeah no, as much as it seems that my post is bullshit there's truth there. The Cabal centered plot was known even before TTK was released. It's known that the DLC released up until ROI was all previously planned to be in game.


Capcom USA
I may be in the minority here, but I would love to have a universal Destiny account that would allow me to carry over my progress, character build, levels, and RNG loot collection between multiple platforms.

I have many real life and online only Destiny friends that I play with on both Xbox and PS4, but it’s such a huge time sink to bring your character’s light level up to a playable state for high level strikes, raids, and Iron Banner matches.

And of course the countless hours spent on collecting a decent amount of high quality RNG-based exotic and legendary gears.

From a business standpoint, it’s understandable they can’t carry over content to and fro different platforms that involve real money purchases such as silver coins (micro transaction currency), season pass, and paid DLC content. Those can be locked per platform until you own them on both platforms (first parties still need to get their cut from the sale).

In summary, it’d be super awesome if I can carry over stats, progress, and content ownership that doesn’t involve real money purchases across multiple platforms. It would be such a huge time-saver. I’ll even gladly pay for such feature.

EDIT: To be clear though, I am not upset at Bungie at all. They’ve provided countless hours of enjoyment with D1 over the years. I have faith they will do the same with D2 and make tweaks, changes, and feature additions over time.


Anthem WILL be the game. With everything they've shown so far, Anthem will leave people thinking "what's Destiny?"

Destiny had a good run.

Slow down man, the game hasn't even announced for more than a week. This isn't the second coming of Yeezus.


Anthem WILL be the game. With everything they've shown so far, Anthem will leave people thinking "what's Destiny?"

Destiny had a good run.
Based on a vertical slice of a game that's at least a year away? C'mon. Please be realistic.


Why are ps4 destiny players complaining about exclusive content ? 🤣


Just because someone write "I'm a PS4 player and I hate the PS-exclusive content in Destiny" on an online forum, doesn't mean they actually own a PS4 or even play Destiny.

A lot of trolling and astro-turfing does online. In real life (oh the irony), I've yet to meet such a player (PS4/Destiny) complaining.



Just because someone write "I'm a PS4 player and I hate the PS-exclusive content in Destiny" on an online forum, doesn't mean they actually own a PS4 or even play Destiny.

A lot of trolling and astro-turfing does online. In real life (oh the irony), I've yet to meet such a player (PS4/Destiny) complaining.

PS4 player who hates this practice. My GAF name is same as my PSN. Feel free to explore my trophies. Now you've met one.


What's meant by 'ranked pvp' in a Destiny context?

It wasn't really in Destiny 1. I'm thinking just a ranked mode kind of like Overwatch. It would be a good addition.


Just because someone write "I'm a PS4 player and I hate the PS-exclusive content in Destiny" on an online forum, doesn't mean they actually own a PS4 or even play Destiny.

A lot of trolling and astro-turfing does online. In real life (oh the irony), I've yet to meet such a player (PS4/Destiny) complaining.

it negatively impacts the game because the exclusives can't appear in any of the weekly content.
Seems like business as usual for Destiny.

Those fans will be upset and they will complain but theyre hooked so they'll spend 2000hrs on Destiny 2 just like they did on the first game


Why are ps4 destiny players complaining about exclusive content ? 🤣

Because yearly exclusive content is a bad practice, and I mean exclusive content is bad in general but not to wait a year or even 2 for content that should be in the game at the start.
I was hoping Bungie would get back on track with Destiny 2 and attempt to rescue the story/lore from what happened to it in the first game. The loose ends and vagueries of the first game are exactly what this one needed to fix and expand on. Now I keep reading about them abandoning setups from the first game entirely and not even understanding why it's a big deal. You cant just ignore the darkness.

Same old shit. Just...nevermind. I'm out.
This game is a rush job so activision wouldn't own them if they didn't ship the game this year. I'm more than likely going to pass on this game if the beta doesn't blow my socks off.
Anthem WILL be the game. With everything they've shown so far, Anthem will leave people thinking "what's Destiny?"

Destiny had a good run.

Anthem was my "game of e3" but we've seen and know too little about it to make such ridiculous claims.

I thought Division looked good too, but the end game was trash. Everyone I know that switched to Division ended up right back on Destiny shortly after.


Anthem WILL be the game. With everything they've shown so far, Anthem will leave people thinking "what's Destiny?"

Destiny had a good run.

I mean I'm super excited for Anthem, but it's very premature to make a statement like that. We've barely seen or heard enough about it.
Anthem WILL be the game. With everything they've shown so far, Anthem will leave people thinking "what's Destiny?"

Destiny had a good run.

If Phil Spencer was in charge at Bioware he'd cancel Anthem because it was getting too much hype.

Seriously, you guys are going to smother Bioware's baby before it even leaves development.


Why are ps4 destiny players complaining about exclusive content ? 🤣

Apart from what others have said being bad for the community, here are the scenarios.
Let's say the exclusive strike is the best one of all, since that is gated, it can never be the Nightfall strike since the events are the same for all platforms.

Let's say the exotic gun is the best one for the raid, but since it's gated, it won't be available from a vendor, it will depend on RNG if it's not there depending on a quest.

Also, exclusive loot is one of the possible lame excuses they have to say universal account support is not there, which is frustrating since all the character's data resides in bungie's servers.

Just because someone write "I'm a PS4 player and I hate the PS-exclusive content in Destiny" on an online forum, doesn't mean they actually own a PS4 or even play Destiny.

A lot of trolling and astro-turfing does online. In real life (oh the irony), I've yet to meet such a player (PS4/Destiny) complaining.

Are you serious? Just look through this thread...

I haven't chipped in yet, because I wouldn't have thought this was contested, but I'm another.

The fact is the PS4 exclusive content is gimped content.

Like, A PS4 strike can't be a Nightfall strike because Nightfalls have to be globally set for all platforms. This usually means the only way you'll see the PS4 strike is hoping it pops up randomly in a strike playlist. Yes, you can technically select the strike from the director, but the rewards you get when you do this are virtually non-existent. Depending on how often you play the game, this means you could go days or weeks without ever seeing this strike despite being on a Sony platform.
PS4 exclusive exotics can't be sold because these vendors are globally set for all platforms.

Typically, if these strikes or exotics are broken, this also means they get pushed way to the back of the priority list because a shitty exotic weapon only available to half the people isn't as bad as one available to everyone. See the Dragon's Breath Exotic Rocket launcher. Launched as a shitty weapon and it took about 2 years for it to finally be fixed.

Just because someone write "I'm a PS4 player and I hate the PS-exclusive content in Destiny" on an online forum, doesn't mean they actually own a PS4 or even play Destiny.

A lot of trolling and astro-turfing does online. In real life (oh the irony), I've yet to meet such a player (PS4/Destiny) complaining.
Have YOU played Destiny?

It's bad because PS exclusive strikes can't appear as the nightfall. It means Xur can't sell PS exclusive exotics as well. It means PS exclusive PvP maps can't be used for trials
Bioware's writing in recent games hasn't been anything to write home about either, I don't see any reason to get hyped over Anthem for potential storytelling.


Your point is mute.

None of this concerns me.
Can't wait for the beta.
Gf preordered me the super deluxe edition.
Destiny is my 2nd favorite game of the gen and I'm immensely hyped for D2.
In for swords/Cap shields/ That sniper that switches elements/ the best gunplay in the biz/those glorious raid moments.


Just listened to the interview with Jason. The quote in the OP isn't really fair b/c it stops halfway through Smith's answer. It was actually a pretty good answer from him that showed humility. He admitted a mistake and went on to explain how they're trying to right the ship for D2.

Here's the second part to his answer...

Yea, OP needs to be updated to reflect the entirety of the answer....


Not sure about the changes to the size of multiplayer battles and leaving the single player groups as is. I feel a new class to increase the strike groups to four could have been good, and at least double four vs four multi, that seems tiny. I'll still be there day dot and hope it does have a coherent story this time.


Destiny players have proved time and time again that they'll take any crap and keep forking over the money so why would the devs respect them?
I actually do not really care about the lore that much with Destiny, it is the gameplay that matters to me. Though vanilla Destiny was quite boring I played it not too long ago with all the expansions and I got to say it is quite fun now. Destiny 2 looks to be taking the base of the finality of what Destiny 1 became and expanding on it. I am actually looking forward to Destiny 2 quite a bit. I do agree though the exclusivity stuff needs to stop.

Just because someone write "I'm a PS4 player and I hate the PS-exclusive content in Destiny" on an online forum, doesn't mean they actually own a PS4 or even play Destiny.

A lot of trolling and astro-turfing does online. In real life (oh the irony), I've yet to meet such a player (PS4/Destiny) complaining.
The ps4 exclusive strikes were some of the worst. Id rather they not be in the strike rotation.

The best thing we (ps4 players) got out of the exclusive deal was hawkmoon year 1. And by the time our xbox friends got to play with it, it was gimped.


Destiny players have proved time and time again that they'll take any crap and keep forking over the money so why would the devs respect them?

Gameplay is king, and we love our game. Like others have said, it's more disappointment then being upset (simply knowing what Destiny "could" be given development time)


So glad I got out. It's clear that Destiny is nothing but a social experiment attempting to fire the right brain receptors to keep their players busy and addicted. When they added micro-transactions it was just an added way to use what they learned about psychology to extract as much money as possible. The fact that they have no explanation for fundamental themes like "The Darkness" or no ideas for the main, mysterious protagonist from the original game (exo stranger) shows that story is nothing but an after thought.

But they've gotten their hooks in. They've hit the right psychological stimuli so their fan base will continue eating it up.


Its only upsetting to some of the fan base. Ill still be picking up my PC copy when it launches. Why? Because theres no other game out like it and the gameplay is fun.


I was actually really interested in the Destiny lore, at least until I found out the story was not as accessible or cohesive as it should of been within the game itself.

After these statements, I will play destiny for the great gameplay, but I'm really looking forward to Anthem, as this looks to be a better representation of the kind of sci-fi lore that Destiny was at least shooting for to some degree.
So glad I got out. It's clear that Destiny is nothing but a social experiment attempting to fire the right brain receptors to keep their players busy and addicted. When they added micro-transactions it was just an added way to use what they learned about psychology to extract as much money as possible. The fact that they have no explanation for fundamental themes like "The Darkness" or no ideas for the main, mysterious protagonist from the original game (exo stranger) shows that story is nothing but an after thought.

But they've gotten their hooks in. They've hit the right psychological stimuli so their fan base will continue eating it up.
Interesting take, OR it could be the fun gameplay, awesome raid mechanics, the most social game without actually having social features. But your probably right. It's just a drug were all addicted to, the game is actually bad and we should feel bad for enjoying it and putting 2k hours into such a crappy game.
I enjoyed vanilla destiny, got my money worth and then some but...yeah.. I don't think I'll be coming back.

Seems like Bungie has learned nothing and is doubling down on arrogance.


It's bad because PS exclusive strikes can't appear as the nightfall. It means Xur can't sell PS exclusive exotics as well. It means PS exclusive PvP maps can't be used for trials

Well, they could. Playstation running on separate servers with no cross-play means they could have Playstation-specific playlists and weeklies, if they wanted. However, Bungie being Bungie, they won't.


So glad I got out. It's clear that Destiny is nothing but a social experiment attempting to fire the right brain receptors to keep their players busy and addicted. When they added micro-transactions it was just an added way to use what they learned about psychology to extract as much money as possible. The fact that they have no explanation for fundamental themes like "The Darkness" or no ideas for the main, mysterious protagonist from the original game (exo stranger) shows that story is nothing but an after thought.

But they've gotten their hooks in. They've hit the right psychological stimuli so their fan base will continue eating it up.

The amount of people who come in here and say "actually it's bad and people are being tricked or just like shit" is ridiculous. It's fucking ridiculous.

It's one of the best feeling shooters on the market. The raids are experiences that can't be found in other shooters. It's also just a great multiplayer game.
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