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Bungie are upsetting the fan base with Destiny 2

Noob Fu

Is story in these types of games really a issue for most people? Loot driven MMOish games?
When a quest giver is spewing out a reason why you need to go and kill so and so, how many of you just mash X to get on with it?
I don't need a plot in these games. Give me great gameplay, skill trees, and loot.


Neo Member
The thing that really pisses me off (and maybe I just misunderstood) is that all PVP modes will be 4v4.

I never liked 4v4 battles in their past games. My favorite PVP modes in Destiny and in older Halo games were those with a ton of players, vehicles, etc.
Acme of meaningless.

This story is about wiping out you abilities as an excuse to make you start from scratch again so this thing has the pretense of a new story. It's pretty obvious.

Is that a bad thing when the original story was generally criticized across the board? I mean apparently the original script was so bad that Bungie had to excise huge parts of it and paste together the few salvagable bits into what we got with Destiny 1 launch.

Why is it a bad thing that they're trying to reboot the story in an attempt to deliver something better?


Is story in these types of games really a issue for most people? Loot driven MMOish games?
When a quest giver is spewing out a reason why you need to go and kill so and so, how many of you just mash X to get on with it?
I don't need a plot in these games. Give me great gameplay, skill trees, and loot.



We should also note that the dude discusses a map (a MAP!) as a major addition to the series, and admits that D2 is merely iterative.

There's just so little ambition in this sequel.

So an in-game map addition shows that D2 is "iterative" and has no ambition? lol wut??

It's hilarious to me that no matter what Bungie adds or fixes, people still find a way to see it in a negative light.
Hold on a second!?!
I thought beards were confirmed for D2.
What the hell is going on?
It's the little things that make the biggest difference.


So an in-game map addition shows that D2 is "iterative" and has no ambition? lol wut??

It's hilarious to me that no matter what Bungie adds or fixes, people still find a way to see it in a negative light.

1. He used the word "iterative."

2. How is an in-game map remotely anything more than that? It's a feature on nearly every single generation out there.
Destiny is never going to be the epic space opera we thought it would be. It's just a fun popcorn loot game and that's ok even if it's still a bit disappointing.


Is story in these types of games really a issue for most people? Loot driven MMOish games?
When a quest giver is spewing out a reason why you need to go and kill so and so, how many of you just mash X to get on with it?
I don't need a plot in these games. Give me great gameplay, skill trees, and loot.

I want both great gameplay and a great story.


Why are ps4 destiny players complaining about exclusive content ? ��

The argument I see is usually; "but we can't get the strike as nightfall". Bungie have far bigger problems, but people are always screaming over that one strike, a weapon or two and gear (which is only cosmetic). They can't do shit about that, so lets concentrate on the other part of the list in the first post (except beads (wtf).) It's ridiculous they they hold back on features, only to reveal them later as some kind of new amazing thing, that they could've included from the beginning.

I will play this game, but I'm starting to get a bit grumpy. What are they doing with all employees? The rumors were that one single playable area were supposed to be bigger than all areas combined in Destiny, and that doesn't seem to be the case. Looking at the one(?) map we've seen, I get the impression that each "planet", will basically be a Dreadnaught. Which means that you've seen everything in a few days.
It's that exclusive content garbage that will be preventing me from purchasing Destiny 2. But I know that won't stop them from exercising it, and it's severely disappointing.

I was so ready to get back into the game too, but I just can't support it.


1. He used the word "iterative."

2. How is an in-game map remotely anything more than that? It's a feature on nearly every single generation out there.

You're the one downplaying it. How does an addition to the game mean that they have no ambition?

Because other games have one? So building any features any game that has done something another game has means they have no ambition? I get that you're mindlessly just trying to mock the game because they're talking about a feature that other games have, but you're just reaching to flame destiny.
I guess the other half of that segment didn't fit your narrative?

There's no narrative. I outlined what it pissing people off and a quick look at the reddit for the game shows that.

Yes Luke made some vague promises but the rest of the quote just serves to outline that they had no fucking clue what the darkness was have now made some shit up on the spot. It its great that's great. I've got nearly 2000 hours in Destiny I'm invested but when they come out and say that part of what made me invested was for cosplay (Mara Sov, tool tips(The Darkness) and now wrapped up plot threads (exo stranger) then I can understand how fans are annoyed.

Here's the thing, if you look at my threads I've visible defended destiny. When people made the 1.5 remarks I tried to show people that enough new content exists that those remarks are reductive. I even spent a long time doing a unofficial post mortem whic I posted part of on GAF where I scrubbed D1 prerelease media.

I want D2 to be a success but remarks from bungie have split parts of the community and caused a vocal disappointment and backlash and this thread was created to bring that to the wider GAF audiences attention.


I guess that's what happens when you hire game "journalists" to write stories.

I wish our industry had higher standards.


They're basically launching a game lacking so many features just as they did with the 1st one. Since I'm only interested in the PC version I'll see how it goes in the console versions and how they plan to launch it on PC.

Thankfully they soon will have Anthem right behind their back, so if they keep playing it like that they're gonna risk being left behind by the competition.
Is story in these types of games really a issue for most people? Loot driven MMOish games?
When a quest giver is spewing out a reason why you need to go and kill so and so, how many of you just mash X to get on with it?
I don't need a plot in these games. Give me great gameplay, skill trees, and loot.

How many loot-driven MMOish games are there? If you look at regular action games, story is important. If you look at MMOs, story is important. If you look at RPGs, story is important. If you look at Loot Grind games, story is important. Plot and narrative are important to almost every game that has some type of length and breaks to it. You need a reason to go from Point A to B, otherwise you start to realize you are just going from Point A to B.

What's more confusing to me than "Why are people concerned about plot" is "Why are people concerned about losing the awful excuse of a plot that was Destiny 1?" Retcon the whole thing barring the major events of the DLC - Oryx, Crota, SIVA. Those are the only things that approached something close to a good story and the only things that should have an effect on the Destiny universe.

The first Destiny was (mostly) a scam. Not surprised the sequel won't live up to expectations.

Game had an absurdly high average play time per player for a scam.
Bungie seems entirely tone deaf on the appeal of Destiny, and how to apply changes and evolve the game for Destiny 2.

I'm sure the core gameplay will be solid enough, but I can't say Bungie has made me interested. The expansions for Destiny seemed more intriguing at this point.


Agreed .. they have lost the plot ... and have been saying so. Story motivated me in the first one.. They just tore that up with 2, rendering first one pointless in the process. They screwed up huge....
I don't get people's arguments that D2 looks more like an expansion than a sequel. Could you not say that regarding every sequel ever?

Uncharted 2, 3 and 4 were basically more of the same shooting and climbing with new areas with slight improvements in each version.

Every COD from MW series could have just been an expansion.

It's a ridiculous argument in my eyes. Whether D2 is an expansion or full on sequel I will put the same amount of time into it. People play Destiny for how good the basics of shooting and moving are. Everything else added on improves the experience. There isn't a single shooter I've played that just feels this good.
I don't get people's arguments that D2 looks more like an expansion than a sequel. Could you not say that regarding every sequel ever?

Uncharted 2, 3 and 4 were basically more of the same shooting and climbing with new areas with slight improvements in each version.

Um, because it looks like just another expansion content wise & from a graphical standpoint. I have yet to see anything in destiny 2 that you couldn't convince someone is part of destiny 1.

& did you actually play the uncharted sequels? 2 looks completely different from 1. & 4 is an entire generational jump. Not to mention each added an entirely new campaign & with 2 the addition of a multiplayer mode. So no, Uncharted sequels couldn't be expansions to their prior games.

Destiny 2 looks like the taken king when it launched. Which is bananas considering they spent 2 years on it & don't have the excuse of cross generational support to go on


OP, you might be right, but here's the thing:

y'all are going to buy Destiny 2 anyway. Why should they listen to you?


Except that one guy somewhere who won't buy it because there's PS exclusive content, the other one who won't buy it because there's no cross play. And the last one, the crazy person here on NeoGAF, who mentions Anthem in every single Destiny thread. :lol
As someone who has spent more hours in the game than I dare look, imo it's one of the best feeling shooters, if not the best that I've ever played.

In pure gameplay terms it's a fun game to play, super fun and they deserve kudos for nailing that.

Now, all that being said, we were promised a story that would rival Star Wars etc, and we were given something that's more like an episode of Family Guy.

The story if done properly could have made this one of the best games of all time, unfortunately they completely failed on this aspect.


My hype for this game deflated so fast...that reveal was really underwhelming for me and then finding out subclass perks have to be chosen in clusters instead of individually like in the first game was another blow. Patrol fireteams are still only 3 players. Only 4v4 pvp. Grimoire totally removed. Sigh.....this game is shaping up to be everything I didn't want in a sequel.
Let me farm, patrol, and stockpile

I'm good!

This was actually oddly satisfying in Destiny. My favorite was going into the Mars patrol and farming the relic iron from chests in one corner of the map (forgot the name of the location). I could honestly do that for hours.


This was actually oddly satisfying in Destiny. My favorite was going into the Mars patrol and farming the relic iron from chests in one corner of the map (forgot the name of the location). I could honestly do that for hours.

Haha, I ran around for hours collecting spin metal. No idea why, I was just bored and had nothing better to do.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
They are? I'm not upset...

Yeah I'm pretty happy with what's coming.

Plus I know we will get some QoL updates as we go.

I wish we might have some more variety outside of SP/Strikes/Raids as it seems it's 4v4 PvP or bust with no larger scale PvP or Arena but whatever. It'll come eventually.

Plus I'll have all of the regular content to work through first.

Maybe I'm just easy to please. *Shrugs"


Kinda losing respect for Luke Smith lately. Wishy washy.

I've dropped off Destiny right after finishing Taken King and I've always found Luke Smith's responses/engagement frustrating.

Finding out he is still managing comms is a bit upsetting for me. Then what I see with D2 so far is the same old. I shouldn't be so surprised.


This was actually oddly satisfying in Destiny. My favorite was going into the Mars patrol and farming the relic iron from chests in one corner of the map (forgot the name of the location). I could honestly do that for hours.
Having to do this to upgrade my gear is what made me quit vanilla Destiny. Glad someone out there actually enjoys it!


of all the things to get upset about, "the darkness" (which always seemed more like a poetic name for evil than an actual thing) and the fucking exo stranger... really?

If you read the Grimoire, especially stuff from the Taken King, they expanded on it quite a bit without ever explicitly defining it. But if you consider that "Light" is a literal force in the Destiny universe, being what powers all the Guardians space magic, you kind of have to say the same for "Darkness" as well. It's like white vs black magic or the Force in Star Wars - Sith vs Jedi. Fundamentally opposed forces that are a part of the fabric of that reality/universe. The Hive worship the Darkness (or more specifically the Worms, servants to the Darkness), and their Wizards call upon it for their space magic. Various Gaurdians have also been corrupted by the Darkness after being tempted by it's power, so it is most definitely more than just a metaphor for "evil".

Confusingly, it is also clearly referenced as an entity - with attributes described from the POV of Rasputin in the Grimoire - that attacked Earth and the Traveler, directly causing the collapse...

It sounds like The Darkness HAS been defined since he was talking past tense ("at a point"), and is still an important part of the overarching story line, it's just not going to be mentioned in this game... which for a full sequel is pretty puzzling.

This makes me worry they really have no idea where the story is going, which is something I would have hoped they figured out by now. Even with all the last minute changes D1 story went through, I figured by now they had established a firm backstory for the Destiny universe to build on going forward, and the details in The Taken King grimoire seemed to suggest they had.

Or maybe they are just rebooting the backstory completely...

The removal of the Grimoire is kind of a shame. I'm glad they are putting more into the game's direct storytelling, but the Grimoire was super interesting and gave depth to the universe that really can't be replicated by additonal/better cut scenes and dialogue. They really should have kept it and moved it into the in-game menu.

Don't know what to make of "The Stranger" arc being considered complete.... that makes no sense and makes me think they really ARE rebooting the universe in a way.


Exo stranger was one of the things that people most mocked from d1 yet their disappointed she's not in d2.
I'm surprised there's not people demanding more dinklidge and more loot cave...
It's like they just had a good idea for a setting and ran with it without actually fleshing anything out. Why hype up the darkness if you yourself don't know what it entails? Still picking it up probably, but that's just asinine.

That whole thing with him saying the Exo Stranger was wrapped up too was also weird. They showed up for like 5 minutes total, gave you a gun, then ran off.


So i stopped after over 1000 hours , but before taken king.

I am looking forward to seeing how Destiny on PC shapes up, but Luke Smith is really not the best for coms.

I met some of the best people in game or out playing Destiny 1 and had a blast despite all of its shortcomings. I think it is hilarious they are just cutting things instead of dealing with them. Maybe by D3 it will be solved.

It will be also hilarious if the rumor D2 is really just a fleshed out D1 expansion turned into a stand alone. The development stories that leaked out after the fact, were awesome sources of in game bonding/bitching in D1.
Um, because it looks like just another expansion content wise & from a graphical standpoint. I have yet to see anything in destiny 2 that you couldn't convince someone is part of destiny 1.

& did you actually play the uncharted sequels? 2 looks completely different from 1. & 4 is an entire generational jump. Not to mention each added an entirely new campaign & with 2 the addition of a multiplayer mode. So no, Uncharted sequels couldn't be expansions to their prior games.

Destiny 2 looks like the taken king when it launched. Which is bananas considering they spent 2 years on it & don't have the excuse of cross generational support to go on

I didn't realise all of D2s content had been announced. I must have missed that press release. Bungie won't have released details of all content, and from what they've mentioned so far there is a lot of more of the same, but they've also introduced more activities in patrol space.

Completed all the uncharted games, and generation leap aside that provided graphical improvement my point stands. The general mechanics were the same with small changes and improvements in each iteration.

So adding a new campaign is a prerequisite for a sequel? Pretty sure that D2 has a new campaign / story mode which will probably be as long as most games released this year. Hell D1 "story" was longer than most COD campaigns. The upcoming uncharted expansion has a new campaign. Is that a sequel? It looks like more of the same but with different characters.

D2 was always going to look similar to D1. It's set in the same universe. Yet the locales are different, the hud has changed, character abilities have changed, odds are the UI has been overhauled as well. But again go back to the uncharted games, they had slight graphical changes over the years. But if you were shown screen shots from the games randomly most people would identify it as uncharted, they would struggle to identify which specific version it was from.

As for your point of U2 having multiplayer making it a sequel as well. It's not like multiplayer modes can't be patched in after release is it.

The only reason people are calling destiny out on the sequel / expansion thing is because of its MMO links. Yet if you apply the same points to any game series you can argue the same point.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
Upsetting fan base or is the OP fanning the flames for no reason? I go with the latter


I love the PS4 exclusive content. I played COD for years during the PS3 era and I always waited a month to get the DLC. Now that I have it first, feels good.


LOL i give absolutely zero shits about a plot or story. its a loot shooter and its coming to pc where it isnt locked to 30fps. they made a new fan out of me.


I love the PS4 exclusive content. I played COD for years during the PS3 era and I always waited a month to get the DLC. Now that I have it first, feels good.

How about everyone gets it at the same time? I played on PS4 too but this is really shitty.

As someone who owns all platforms the game is releasing on, I feel like I'm being manipulated into choosing a technically inferior platform (PS4 over PC), just so I don't get locked out of this content. That doesn't "feel good", at all.


Wait, did he seriously confirm there is no emote wheel?

Can we at least equip different emotes to different buttons on the d-pad? That would be fine.
I love the PS4 exclusive content. I played COD for years during the PS3 era and I always waited a month to get the DLC. Now that I have it first, feels good.

except you don't really get it because you can't play it in any weekly activity until xbox gets it too.
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