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Bungie Weekly Update 9/28/07 - 640p or How they did their lighting

Sho Nuff

Brashnir said:
it's amazing how one can tell the content of posts in these types of threads simply by looking at usernames.

It's like I don't even have to click on the threads anymore.


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aquí en la escuela.
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Es un gato, es un gato
Meow, meow, meow
Meow, meow, meow
Es un gato, es un gato
Con una nariz muy grande


Un perro y un gato
Con una nariz muy grande
Esto es muy extraño
Ay! Que gran tamaño!


No offense or anything but really...

The only people who complain about Halo 3 are fucktards. Halo 3 is the best game on Xbox 360 and just possibly this generation.

So anyone complaining can fuck off. Halo 3 is one of the best games on retail and theres no denying that.


any meltdowns in this thread yet?

... I kinda wish Deepblue was still here... just so I could see his posts concerning this...


hyperbolically metafictive
i don't think this 640p thing really matters -- it must have been the right approach for their visual goals, and the lighting is gorgeous -- but the tone they're taking is a little strange. the way the b3d folks spotted this thing is pretty clever, and they managed to get it exactly right -- i'm not saying they deserve a medal, but this 'GOOD FUCKING JOB INTERNET MORONS' isn't really appropriate either.


f@luS said:
it does look very good , indeed, but more from an artistic standpoint, than a technical. I m not saying that halo 3 is a bad looking game though it can really be (indoor), but some technical issues are unnaceptable from such a big game i think.
Its not as bad but i remember a Haze thread where , and i was in it , people were shocked by the way the vegetation pop in and grow and it was like "omfg how can it be nowadays". So many things are too easily forgiven because its halo , its just not fair. I will shut up for halo if people do the same for the other games. Bungie say with an ironic touch " hey we stole you 80p ahah rofl " , and this is enough to make it worth it with their HDR story. Not buying it , optimization is about reaching initial goals with some possible drops here and there, not downgrading the whole thing like this.
Maybe im a bit too serious about this.....maybe. :D

i don't think you're being too serious about it. we all pretty much know your crusade so it's not a big deal. if you were someone with no motive it'd be a lot different. as it stands, i wouldn't expect less. have fun, the MS fanboys did with Lair.


I'm failing to see what the problem is, the tiny bit the 360 is upscaling the image to fill your HDTV is almost negligible and... well count me in the group of people that didn't notice the game wasn't running native.

This isn't like PGR3 at the systems launch folks where horribly out of sync aliasing and strangely sized pixels gave away it's blown up and stretched 800X600 quite easily. You've lost 20% of the pixels likely at the gain of a locked 30FPS. Halo3 is the most stable out of all 3 halo games graphically and it's pushing tons more detail all over. The HDR really is quite impressive.

Also, there's allready some naysaying fanboys of sony saying "atleast ps3 games are 720p" well.. I dunno if we played different copies of heavenly sword but I"m betting that it too could have stayed locked at 30FPS 99% of the time instead of 50% of the time had they descreetly lowered the resolution... oh wait that's right you can't make a game on ps3 like that becuase it can't scale it's games. Silly me. They could still have cheated their way into it like capcom did resident evil 4 though, added a thin black border around the whole game where no detail was drawn, or putting the game in super cinemascope mode to look more cinematic. Basically what I'm getting at is this negligable pixel count loss isn't even visually comprehendable, someone had to actualy view the framebuffer to even notice. So all y'all should just shut up and enjoy one of the years better games.


Here, I'll purposly fuck up the formatting on the page just to prove how insignificant a difference this ultimatly is.
That fairly thin black bar around the edge is the detail you're "missing". The 360 just blows the image out that miniscule amount.

Sho Nuff

If you have two separate frame buffers and blend them together in an intelligent fashion, there should be no perceptib--OH GOD WHY AM I TRYING TO TALK SENSE AHHHH


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
This thread is...

Oh my.

Both sides of the aisle.

It's like the Texas legislature in here.


Sho Nuff said:
If you have two separate frame buffers and blend them together in an intelligent fashion, there should be no perceptib--OH GOD WHY AM I TRYING TO TALK SENSE AHHHH

Stop making sense in our Hyperbole and Internet Drama Land!


Sho Nuff said:
If you have two separate frame buffers and blend them together in an intelligent fashion, there should be no perceptib--OH GOD WHY AM I TRYING TO TALK SENSE AHHHH
This is not time, or the thread, to talk sense. It is not welcome.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
drohne said:
omgwtf :lol

maybe bungie should have let one of their graphics people address this instead of sending luke to die

I wrote that and it was what we call a joke. Like your post.


Stinkles said:
I wrote that and it was what we call a joke. Like your post.

was this post a joke too or just some bullshit spin?

Stinkles said:
I think the orginator of that bizarre analysis forgot that we had a PUBLIC BETA AVAILABLE TO THE ENTIRE WORLD FOR A MONTH instead of spending all day counting stair-stepping on poorly encoded QuickTime movie of a trailer. Some stuff is beneath even my contempt. And my contempt swings looooooow.


Stinkles said:
He was counting the steps on an image that had already been scaled.

so why didnt you just come out and say the game was not even 720p?

oh wait i know why


Stinkles said:
I think the orginator of that bizarre analysis forgot that we had a PUBLIC BETA AVAILABLE TO THE ENTIRE WORLD FOR A MONTH instead of spending all day counting stair-stepping on poorly encoded QuickTime movie of a trailer. Some stuff is beneath even my contempt. And my contempt swings looooooow.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
sega4ever said:
so why didnt you just come out and say the game was not even 720p?

oh wait i know why


As I stated plainly in the update, to avoid this shit.

Meanwhile, people are enjoying the way the game looks and plays, instead of whining about a game they have no interest in on the internets.

But whatever you prefer to do. Enjoy.


Unconfirmed Member
If 640p was necessary to achieve the amazing lighting in the game then I am glad they did it.
so what is the rez standard for 360 games? is there one? will MS let any studio break that 'minimum 720p' thing they talked about way back when? cause 3 of the 4 games that do are MGS games.


Sho Nuff said:
If you have two separate frame buffers and blend them together in an intelligent fashion, there should be no perceptib--OH GOD WHY AM I TRYING TO TALK SENSE AHHHH
Blending != scaling. It may be a step in the process, but you're still filling in missing data. PEACE.


"Did we short change you 80 pixels?"

"In fact, you could argue we gave you 1280 pixels of vertical resolution"

I like your arguments there Stinkles. Great job.
Stinkles said:
He was counting the steps on an image that had already been scaled.

Uh, yeah. That's how these calculation are done, actually. No one has a debug kit to output true 640p framebuffer, they're counting steps on 720p (or 1080p) scaled output. Your point about compression is true, but the display resolution part isn't relevant.

If you meant to avoid this argument, your best approach would've been to say nothing and stay above the fray. Instead you wrote something that strongly implied the claim of 640p rendering resolution was false when it wasn't.

I know you meant no falsehood, but untruth-by-implication like this is exactly why forumgoers don't trust company reps.


wow not true 720p. From what i saw of single player (ive mostly played the much more eye offending splitscreen this game does) it looked fine but needed more AA, it seemed to fall short of what weve expected in 360 games AA.

I laugh though at people tossing Sony cards as damage control "doesnt sony keep coining true HD"

Yeah they do, and like someone had snapped before, at least their games are true 720p.

Its obvious their lighting was too much for the game, and they sadly had to sacrafice for it. Rushed or underperforming hardware? you decide.
B-Ri said:
wow not true 720p. From what i saw of single player (ive mostly played the much more eye offending splitscreen this game does) it looked fine but needed more AA, it seemed to fall short of what weve expected in 360 games AA.

I laugh though at people tossing Sony cards as damage control "doesnt sony keep coining true HD"

Yeah they do, and like someone had snapped before, at least their games are true 720p.

Its obvious their lighting was too much for the game, and they sadly had to sacrafice for it. Rushed or underperforming hardware? you decide.

doesnt effect how the game plays, thats what matters, right?


Yeah they do, and like someone had snapped before, at least their games are true 720p.

this is getting silly

Why don`t we call a truce?

Sony fans will stop going on about how X360 games don`t have real HD
MS fans will stop going on about how PS3 HD don`t have real games.
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