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BusinessInsider - Sony is making the same mistake that hobbled Microsoft and almost killed the Xbox.

Kagey K

You not understanding something so simple is not my problem.
I suppose.

If it’s such a simple thought you should be able to elaborate on it, but I’m the daft one somehow.

I suppose that I could not be reading it in the right cadence or tone, but you are giving me nothing to try to understand it.

I believe the reason for that is that it is a nonsense statement, but you choose to stand by it, instead of clarifying or correcting yourself.

Sony is Xbox before Phil?

People aren’t getting banned for having a dissenting opinion anymore. So when you type something you better be able to elaborate on it.

Drivebys are done.

Be ready to have a discussion about whatever you type.
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I suppose.

If it’s such a simple thought you should be able to elaborate on it, but I’m the daft one somehow.

I suppose that I could not be reading it in the right cadence or tone, but you are giving me nothing to try to understand it.

I believe the reason for that is that it is a nonsense statement, but you choose to stand by it, instead of clarifying or correcting yourself.

Sony is Xbox before Phil?

That's the reoccurring theme


The article is trash for many reasons, but the biggest one is the assertion that Microsoft and Sony have swapped winning cycles before... Microsoft has never won a generation. Do they hire interior designers to write these puff piece articles? It would seem anyone who has followed the hobby even remotely closely would know that to say Microsoft has won a generation before is simply revisionist history. If these were Rocky movies and Microsoft were playing the part of Rocky, here’s how the trilogy would look:

Rocky 1 ends with Rocky working his way up the ranks and getting knocked the fuck out before even getting a title shot.

Rocky II ends with Rocky kicking ass and getting to fight the champ for the title before losing after 10 rounds.

Rocky III starts with Rocky getting cocky and stupid one night and saying “Ah don need dese tings Adrian” before lopping off his right forearm with a hay sickle. Because of this, Rocky gets his ass kicked by everyone, even the dorky kid down the street. Rocky tapes a mannequin dummy’s arm on and everyone gallantly claims ROCKY IS FUCKING BACK BRO, but he still gets his ass kicked. But the message of the film is that when you’re a one armed fighter, sometimes just getting into the ring is a victory.

Now I ask you, would these movies even be worth watching? Would anyone walk out wanting to be Rocky or thinking Rock had won? Apparently the gaming press thinks so.
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Kagey K

That's the reoccurring theme

This isn’t OldGAF. If you make a statement back it up. Not this baiting and deflecting shit.

I’m tired of watching you dance around this question.

It’s funny cuz I used to respect you as an intellect, and then this happened.
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This isn’t OldGAF. If you make a statement back it up. Not this baiting and deflecting shit.

I’m tired of watching you dance around this question.

It’s funny cuz I used to respect you as an intellect, and then this happened.

What the hell are you talking about? lol

What I said was simple, The reoccurring theme leading up to next generation is that Sony is like Xbox was before Phil Spencer turned things around.

What is it that you don't understand about that?

Kagey K

I’m done with this,

You do you. I recommend you actually think about your statement before you make it going forward.

If you want to make a deceptive statement figure out where the deceptions are before you make them.

Ppl aren’t going to let random drive bys fly now. You better be able to say what you want to.


You guys should be smarter. Xbox beat PS4 on december in the US market. This is a clear sign: the age of Phil is coming.

(I don't think you can draw too far-fetching conclusions from a single month in a single market)


I’m done with this,

You do you. I recommend you actually think about your statement before you make it going forward.

If you want to make a deceptive statement figure out where the deceptions are before you make them.

Ppl aren’t going to let random drive bys fly now. You better be able to say what you want to.

Do you even know what you're talking about?

Kagey K

Your vague ass statement and your refusal to explain the stance.

It could have been over in 2 responses.

You clarified what Sony = Xbox before Phil

And I said OK I get it.

Instead you chose to be obtuse, and give wierd half answers to nothing. That’s why it got drug out.


Your vague ass statement and your refusal to explain the stance.

It could have been over in 2 responses.

You clarified what Sony = Xbox before Phil

And I said OK I get it.

Instead you chose to be obtuse, and give wierd half answers to nothing. That’s why it got drug out.

That's the theme that people have been pushing leading up to the next generation.

Even the title of this article is
"Sony is making the same mistake that hobbled Microsoft and almost killed the Xbox."


These articles are based on FUD, it's like they're trying to put a negative spin on Sony's outlook for next gen, so people can warm up to MS.....I'm trying to figure out who such articles are meant for, because it's not fooling anybody...Nobody cares about puff pieces, they don't work....Get the games and people will come......

Trying to engineer good-will for MS before they've done anything is perhaps more reason to worry if anything.....It's just like when the media blew up crossplay, bc etc......Sony sold more consoles after E3........Games sell consoles, not puff pieces....

Okay look, I'm going to break it down since it seems like a lot of people don't see the obvious.

The ONLY, and I repeat--ONLY--reason the PS3 stumbled was because the pricing on it was absolutely stupid and it was essentially a modern Sega Saturn that was way too difficult to develop for. That's it. No one's ever liked Microsoft. No one ever wanted an Xbox. The ONLY reason the 360 did well was because Sony completely bungled the pricing on the PS3 and made it difficult to develop games for. I really need to hammer this home because people don't seem to get it: the 360 wasn't a Microsoft success; it was a Sony failure.
The thing is, I don't see where the pessimism for Sony's outlook is coming from, at this point you have to maufacture it and go way out of leftfield to concoct such a formula......

As for the bolded and other points raised in your response........The 360 had a 54.2% failure rate, whatever final installbase you see on wikipedia is just a half-shell....People had to keep on buying 360's because MS convinced them that XBLIVE was the holy grail and they wanted to continue playing with friends.......Of course, MS replaced a tonne of 360's too and lost over a billion+ trying to mitigate the train wreck that RROD was......

The point is, under these circumstances how could anybody believe MS was destined to win this gen beginning 2013, their actual 360 installbase was more in the range of 40 million, just as XBOX-ONE is now, besides, their software run dry past 2009 when they started to shovel more kinect ware.....Whilst PS3 released some of the best games on the PS3 post 2009 and beyond....

People are pretending MS won that gen, they didn't, with their failure rate they were way behind PS3.......360 installbase success is not as simple as just watching the figures, it's just a padded system for an over half-rate failure ratio...So there's more to it than what you see......So when people went into 2013 writing articles about how MS is going to dominate and they went on to write all the "most balanced console" puff pieces, they were just setting themselves for a fall giving the stats and history...and it's the same thing here...We even forget that the media was pro TV TV TV, snap, skype and kinect and some even defended MS's 2013 DRM.....So it's not strange that these articles are popping now, if anything, I expect these type of articles to double from henceforth and the train to go full choo-choo when the next gen consoles are officially revealed in early to mid 2020.....

Kagey K

All these articles are way too early.

We know literally nothing about what these next gen consoles are, yet there a people begging to preorder, people predicting winners and losers, and a whole lot of misinformation and guessing.

Why can’t we just wait and see, while enjoying things that are already known?

Everything else is meaningless speculation and offers a whole bunch of nothing for the time being.

I said this on page one.

That's the theme that people have been pushing leading up to the next generation.

Even the title of this article is
"Sony is making the same mistake that hobbled Microsoft and almost killed the Xbox."

I’m well aware of the topic,I got into a conversation based on what you said.

Sony = MS before Phil.

You said that, not me, I was way on topic before that,and we are still on topic now.


So basically the article writer seems to think that each generation, there's some kind of rule for companies to switch chair?


Who writes a next generation console article without talking about all THREE major consoles? Seems legit.

Also this: "Sony is far from the position that Microsoft was in during that first year of the Xbox One's life, but recent signs point to exactly the type of shift we saw at Microsoft before the launch of the Xbox One. "

The last sentence shows clearly he is not very sure of what he just wrote lol.


I said this on page one.

I’m well aware of the topic,I got into a conversation based on what you said.

Sony = MS before Phil.

You said that, not me, I was way on topic before that,and we are still on topic now.

You don't understand what quotation marks mean?
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Microsoft and FUD who’d have thunk it.

The article is appalling, conclusion based on very little. Reactions here unsurprising.


Journalists are bored, that's all. Even if MS's wildest success dreams happened and they dominated like with the 360 in the US and the UK, the rest of the world would still make it even. Even with the colossal mistakes with the PS3, Sony managed to sell the same amount of units. We will not see something similar again, Crazy Ken, completely custom CPU architectures and new optical formats to push are not there anymore, Sony will sell a lot of consoles next cycle, most likely outselling MS.

Of course, writing that is boring, so you get those articles. Also, I wonder if there's a bit of jingoism involved, since usually it's only the american press that's rooting for Xbox and coming up with narratives with little reason I can think of, except to support the american company I suppose.


"With such a huge lead, it's Sony's game to lose - and there are some worrying signs that Sony's repeating the same mistakes Microsoft did when it introduced the Xbox One."

What mistakes? They haven't introduce PS5 yet. How can you blame on something don't even exist🤔?

Do you even read? He said there are SIGNS that they are going to repeat the same mistakes.


always chasing the next thrill
Well its obvious sony can only fall microsoft has learned his lesson.
And will smite down the hammer of 4k and gfx on sony’s head.



What do we even know about the PS5? Barely anything. If anything Microsoft's multiple device strategy is more of a concern. Microsoft seems to have a problem with keeping things simple.

Fox Mulder

This is the same kind of pre next gen clickbait trash we saw in 2013. The ouya was going to change the world and consoles were dead as the wiiu was struggling.

The PS3 was Sony's worst and still sold 80+ million. They're a massive brand worldwide and have no problem making amazing games.
Couldnt give a damn about crossplay. The furore over that was largely system wars and nothing else.

If Sony keeps bringing the best exclusive games (they are so far ahead of Xbox right now it's crazy) then I'll be picking up a PS5 next gen.

Fox Mulder

Couldnt give a damn about crossplay. The furore over that was largely system wars and nothing else.

If Sony keeps bringing the best exclusive games (they are so far ahead of Xbox right now it's crazy) then I'll be picking up a PS5 next gen.

I'm sure plenty of people do care about cross play with how massive stuff like Fortnite and Rocket League are. It's still nothing like the larger platform blunders MS had at the xb1 launch that drove people away.

Sony have also backed down and started allowing it and not every game on Xbox does it either.
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I just posted his original words. Do you still get that? I love the paragraph you get out of his 8 words. It really shows the thought process.

I would definitely hire you as a translator , based on that example.
He words were pretty clear to.

Press actives like that put Phil at second coming level while Sony is doing only trash choices.

Funny enough PS4 is the only of the two delivering gaming amazing experience for gamers each few months just like they did with PS3 that build the thrust to PS4.

While that MS is playing the Phil narrative without actually delivering anything to gamers.

I think you need to calm down yourself first if you can’t understand a simple phase.
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Sony’s hubris has put it in the hole before, like the start of the PS3 era... or the entirety of Gen7 here in the US where Sony never caught up to MS or Nintendo. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that Sony fucks up with the PS5 (high pricing, missing features, etc.) but it’s too soon to forecast anything.

Even with Arrogant Sony back in form, Microsoft still has a lot of work to do to move ahead, if that’s even important in a time when MS is focused on making Xbox games playable on multiple platforms. First-party and exclusive games need to be a thing, and there’s no guarantee that the development teams that the company bought will make games good enough to stand out. Sony has MS dominated here, at least for the foreseeable future, so consumers may continue to swallow Sony’s bullshit if it means playing better exclusives.


Why write this when you have no information to substantiate the claim?

Playing God, creating something out of nothing? Must have quotas to meet.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Im getting a little fucking sick of this "the sky is falling for Sony" articles and hot takes. Sony is doing just fine. They're delivering high quality first party games and have a great consoles.

MS has made major strides to improve the Xbox One and in many ways is now doing a better job than Sony, but that doesn't mean "arrogant Sony" is back.
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GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Sony’s hubris has put it in the hole before, like the start of the PS3 era... or the entirety of Gen7 here in the US where Sony never caught up to MS or Nintendo. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that Sony fucks up with the PS5 (high pricing, missing features, etc.) but it’s too soon to forecast anything.

Even with Arrogant Sony back in form, Microsoft still has a lot of work to do to move ahead, if that’s even important in a time when MS is focused on making Xbox games playable on multiple platforms. First-party and exclusive games need to be a thing, and there’s no guarantee that the development teams that the company bought will make games good enough to stand out. Sony has MS dominated here, at least for the foreseeable future, so consumers may continue to swallow Sony’s bullshit if it means playing better exclusives.

Really? What are they doing that is so arrogant right now? Did they announce a $599 console? Have their CEO tell people it was probably "too cheap" at that price? Telling their audience that people will work extra hours to be able to afford it?

Yeah, I guess I missed that.....


I genuinely believe a lot of these articles are bought and paid for by team Xbox. All the articles about Microsoft are glowing and use fantastical words like “dominate next gen, most powerful hardware ever, and 4 billion potential customers.” Rinse and repeat. Then when there’s a hit peice on Sony it’s either a reach, an unknown, or blatant lie.
Microsoft is going all out next gen and media will be a huge part of that. I’m sure the giant bomb guys, polygon, waypoint, and maybe gamespot will declare ps5 dead long before we even officially see it, all on Microsoft’s dime no doubt.
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Sony = MS before Phil.

You said that, not me, I was way on topic before that,and we are still on topic now.
It’s not even that deep a statement to decipher. Sometimes I feel like some of you just like to argue just for the fun of it.

“The marketing campaign for next gen has started. All these articles trying to portray Sony as Microsoft/Xbox before Phil took over and saved Xbox”

Now back to the article.

Some of that had to do with Microsoft's Xbox leadership at the time, which was going through a lot of changes. Sony is seemingly going through the same thing, with execs being swapped all over the place. Former PlayStation CEO Shawn Layden is no longer in charge of PlayStation - now it's John Kodera.
Umm PlayStation and Sony in general was going through a lot changes and restructuring at that time as well. Kaz had just replaced Stringer, Jack stepping down and Shawn took over his job just a month after Phil took over Marc Whittens position. This article is poorly researched.


Really? What are they doing that is so arrogant right now? Did they announce a $599 console? Have their CEO tell people it was probably "too cheap" at that price? Telling their audience that people will work extra hours to be able to afford it?

Yeah, I guess I missed that.....

— Refusal to implement backwards compatibility for PlayStation/PS2 Classics

— Refusal to allow cross-platform play for many games that seek it

— Heavy-handed censorship and/or refusal to allow certain games on its platform

These are three examples of Arrogant Sony currently at the helm, satisfied that the company can do what it wants as the market leader and consumers will stick around without exploring other options.

It’s not out of the realm of possibility that Sony could set an exorbitantly high price tag for the PS5 next year, though any pricing discussion would just be speculation right now.

Hubris has brought down market leaders before. It’s happened to all three current platform-holders. It happened to SEGA when it was a platform-holder, too. It’s not automatic that hubris will catch up to Sony in Gen9, but it’s not completely out of left field to posit that it could happen.


— Refusal to implement backwards compatibility for PlayStation/PS2 Classics

— Refusal to allow cross-platform play for many games that seek it

— Heavy-handed censorship and/or refusal to allow certain games on its platform

These are three examples of Arrogant Sony currently at the helm, satisfied that the company can do what it wants as the market leader and consumers will stick around without exploring other options.

It’s not out of the realm of possibility that Sony could set an exorbitantly high price tag for the PS5 next year, though any pricing discussion would just be speculation right now.

Hubris has brought down market leaders before. It’s happened to all three current platform-holders. It happened to SEGA when it was a platform-holder, too. It’s not automatic that hubris will catch up to Sony in Gen9, but it’s not completely out of left field to posit that it could happen.
That’s not arrogance. Here I’ll do the same thing you just did for Microsoft.

1. Advertising VR then refusing to provide it for their customers on Xbox One X

2. Refusing to remove F2P games from pay wall

3. Charging people on game pass extra for playing online.

Again I reiterate, those are not arrogance. Simply just business decisions that they decided would not affect them financially.

Airbus Jr

Look man

I don't really care about these doom and gloom article

All I need is Sony to announce Bloodborne 2 and I'm all set to get PS5 on my nearest local gamestore
I don't understand the point of the article at all, ps3 wasn't at a distant second place. Ps3 and 360 sold almost the same worldwide.
In US ps3 was in a distant third place (360 and Wii sold a lot better), but in USA xbox one isn't in a distant second place.
I think it's a bad article.


More like BusinessOutsider, this author doesn't even have a grasp of the past of the industry, much less the future.

Microsoft is definitely positioning itself to put up a better fight next generation, that's the real story.
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I don't agree with the premise of the article. Let's look at all the console generations where Sony was involved in the hardware:

Gen 4: SNES won. (Sony provided the sound chips)
Gen 5: Playstation 1 won
Gen 6: Playstation 2 won
Gen 7: Playstation 3 finishes in 2nd place
Gen 8: Playstation 4 won

I don't see flip-flopping here. Sony wins console races with 7 being a minor blip. Playstation 5 will likely win out of the gate too.


Gold Member
Click bait article by Ben Gilbert. To save you all the trouble, and because the op omitted the relevant parts of the article, this is all Ben cites to back up his claim.
  1. Sony being stubborn with cross-play
  2. Recent corporate quotes about synergy between Sony entertainment division's - equated to Xbox One TV, TV, TV.
Doubt these issues will affect PS5.

PS4 has been doing so well since launch, lack of crossplay and Sony's promotion of PS Vue for years seems to have no effect.


What is with all the "Xbox will win next gen" articles? I see so many of them when I browse N4G. Sony hasn't done anything yet. While I do have some concerns about Sony censoring games and the lack of communication around that I don't see any evidence Sony is making the same mistakes Microsoft has.

My hope for next gen is more competition. Sony won immediately with me due to how bad the competitors were. The WII U wasn't very exciting (and ended with multiple censored games just to damage it for me even more) and the Xbox had the worst reveal I've ever seen.

Nintendo is winning me over with the Switch and I'm okay with the Xbox One now so I hope next gen can be all 3 in good shape! There's no rule dictating one must fail. The Wii , 360 and PS3 all ended up having great libraries and succeeded quite well. No one lost, really. It was only this gen that I feel Nintendo and Microsoft dropped the ball. I am eager to see how all three compete next!
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