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Buzzfeed Obtains List Of Potential Trump Cabinet Picks

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The list of 41 names, obtained by BuzzFeed News, covers 13 departments, the attorney general, Office of Management and Budget, White House chief of staff, and White House counsel.

A source familiar with the list stressed it was not final, and it is unclear whether transition officials have narrowed it down or added more potential candidates for consideration by Trump.

I bolded some interesting name...

Attorney General:

Gov. Chris Christie

Attorney General Pam Bondi

Sen. Jeff Sessions

Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani

Secretary of Commerce:


Former Nucor CEO Dan DiMicco

Businessman Lew Eisenberg

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee

Sen. David Purdue

Former Sen. Jim Talent

Agriculture Secretary:

Gov. Sam Brownback

National Council of Farmer Cooperatives CEO Chuck Conner

Gov. Dave Heineman

Texas Agricultural Commissioner Sid Miller

Former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue

Secretary of Education:

Ben Carson

Hoover Institution fellow William Evers

Secretary of Energy:

Venture Capitalist Robert Grady

Businessman Harold Hamm

Secretary of Health and Human Services:

Former New Jersey state Sen. Rich Bagger

Ben Carson

Newt Gingrich

Gov. Rick Scott

Secretary of Homeland Security:


Sheriff David Clarke

Secretary of the Interior:

Gov. Jan Brewer

Gov. Mary Fallin



Oil Executive Forrest Lucas

Rep. Cynthia Lummis

Former Gov. Sarah Palin

Secretary of Defense:

Former Gen. Mike Flynn

Stephen Hadley

Rep. Duncan Hunter Jr.


Former Sen. Jim Talent

Secretary of State:

John Bolton

Sen. Bob Corker


Treasury Secretary:

Rep. Jeb Hensarling

Businessman Carl Icahn

Banker Steven Mnuchin

Chief of Staff:

Reince Priebus

Director of Office of Management and Budget:


Secretary of Labor:

EEOC Commissioner Victoria Lipnic

Veterans Affairs:

Rep. Jeff Miller

White House Counsel:

Donald McGahn



Gold Member
Trump should really avoid Palin like the plague. I don't think she'll get anything...at least I hope not.
He's burned so many bridges that he's really left with the bottom of the barrel. That administration is going to be a huge clusterfuck of complete morons, inhuman assholes and/or genuinely crazy people.


Unconfirmed Member
What happened to all his "best people you've never heard of"? There is a lot of career politics on there
Well, at least there's no Sheriff Joe on there as a consolation prize to his ousting in AZ.

But Sheriff Clarke is on the list :

Clarke is a frequent and vociferous critic of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, referring to it as "Black Lies Matter" and describing the movement as a hate group. Clarke denies that cops are more willing to shoot black suspects than white suspects, has labeled BLM activists "subhuman creeps," and has called for the eradication of the movement "from American society." Clarke has blamed "liberal policies" for rioting and other issues in American cities.

Funky Papa

Most of those names are absolute, pure lunacy. Carson and Gingrich grabbing healthcare would be a monumental disaster, but even lesser known figures such as Harold "frack everything, frack everywhere" Hamm for Energy should give anyone pause. Top to bottom, it's a complete nightmare. There's no healing to be made here.

America is set to regress not just a decade but several ones if Trump manages to keep this gig going for an entire term, let alone two.


A creationist as secretary of health or education. Amazing. whatyearisthis.jpg

At least Robert Grady (for Secretary of Energy) seems to acknowledge climate change...?


how exactly is this anti-establishment and pro-working class? these dudes are all political elites. newt fucking gingrich? anyone who railed against clinton for corruption better turn their attention to that
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