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Buzzfeed Obtains List Of Potential Trump Cabinet Picks

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How anti establishment


And how should Democrats respond?

By pointing it out to the nation from day one.

Don't wait until midterms or the next general election to use that argument.

And Democrats in Congress should vote against these appointees out of principle. Republicans did it to obstruct Obama. Democrats should do it because these are dangerous individuals.


tagged by Blackace
Secretary of Education:

Ben Carson



I typed in "shock" to find gifs in Google Images and found images of Donald Trump. Is what that making America great again looks like?


how exactly is this anti-establishment and pro-working class? these dudes are all political elites. newt fucking gingrich? anyone who railed against clinton for corruption better turn their attention to that
Trump has never been pro-working class or anti-establishment. That was nothing but a slogan designed to win him votes.


None of this is surprisingly, but it really is upsetting to see these expectations confirmed.

The world is on fire.
Why is he done?

As far as I know, he's nowhere near done. Two staff members took the bullet for bridgegate and there isn't enough substantial evidence to bring Christie to trial.

We now have a man willing to abuse his power and disrupt the lives of his citizens taking on greater power.

Under Donald Trump.

The bullies are running this shit now.


Only thing I can say is i wish Jon Stewart and Craig Ferguson would return to tv (i know ferguson has but you know what I mean)


Over the next 40 minutes, Clarke holds forth on the topics of the day: Planned Parenthood is “what I call ‘Planned Genocide.’” Public schools are so dangerous “there should be a body camera on every teacher.” Higher education has become “a racketeering ring.” The Sheriff is also a big fan of presidential candidate Donald Trump: “He gets us. He understands us.”

Clarke, an African American law-enforcement leader who favors cowboy hats and often appears atop a horse, fights crime in Milwaukee, the U.S. city that has been called “the worst place” for African Americans to live. He has become a fixture of conservative media. Glenn Beck presents the sheriff’s podcast on his multimedia juggernaut, The Blaze, and he is a frequent guest on Fox News. Clarke is also popular on Twitter, where he recently tweeted to his 127,000 followers that the young activists of the Black Lives Matter movement—he calls it “Black Lies Matter”—will eventually “join forces with ISIS.” He made sure to note, “You heard it first here."

Lately, Clarke has been focused on what he calls “the myth of mass incarceration,” warning that recent efforts by some of his fellow conservatives to reduce prison sentences and ease punishment for drug offenses are little more than “cuddling up to criminals.” He believes that rehabilitation is “not something for the criminal-justice system to do” and that incarceration should primarily function as a deterrent to breaking the law.
Our possible new Secretary of Homeland Security


brazen editing lynx
Trump winning was just the opening act. The current GOP and alt-right with complete control of every branch of government is where the real nightmare begins.


Gold Member
How the hell can Michael Flynn be SECDEF? He's been retired for only two years, he's ineligible.
John Bolton oh lord not again.

Hes the most dangerous person on that list. I remember him clearly from the Iraq War days, there is no action he wont promote or defend if he believes it advances "America's interest"
Torture. War crimes. All of it.

Funky Papa

Many people associate establishment with mainstream and middle of the road politics, even if that is no longer the case in America. Those are the ones who "compromise" and water down the radical solutions needed to cure the many ills that afflict the nation. Cowards and crooks at best, fifth columnists at worst. This has been Trump's platform since day one.

Now Trump is combing the fringes of the GOP and probably intends to present a bunch of deeply entrenched mix of far right nutters, oligopolits and nationalist radicals as his fix.

People who wanted to shake up the system are going to find themselves taken to the closest window and hold by their ankles.


Hes the most dangerous person on that list. I remember him clearly from the Iraq War days, there is no action he wont promote or defend if he believes it advances "America's interest"
Torture. War crimes. All of it.

Yep. We are going to be torturing lots of people and bombing even more. Prepare for all out carnage.


Unconfirmed Member
Hes the most dangerous person on that list. I remember him clearly from the Iraq War days, there is no action he wont promote or defend if he believes it advances "America's interest"
Torture. War crimes. All of it.

Yeah. John Bolton has always struck me as a guy who is constantly in a state of fear and panic and he will react in totally irrational ways to make himself feel just a tiny bit safer.

Funky Papa

Anti-lgbt, anti-climate change science. Anti-vaccine.

This is our new future America.

America, the nation that sent the first and only men to the Moon, that harnessed the power of the atom, that for nearly a century built world class infrastructure and gave birth to countless innovations through the advances of science and technology is about to be ruled by a cabinet of religious fanatics, proud antiintelectuals and highly functioning cretins.

Let that sink in.
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