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Buzzfeed Obtains List Of Potential Trump Cabinet Picks

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I mean Trump is the type of person to put the people that supported him during the election into seats surrounding him as favors, I don't put that past him. Nor would any of his picks look good. My disbelief is Buzzfeed finding a list that a 10 year old paying any kind of attention to the election would come up with by just saying "Yea thats his buddy and was in the news, lets put them there, and them here, etc"
Make America great again aka 'lets regress to how things where back in the 50's'.
I'm pretty sure that even in the 1950s we didn't have a Secretary of Education that believed the Earth is only 4000 years old.

I wasn't seriously considering it but I think now may be the time to leave the US. I haven't started a family yet and I don't think that I could in good conscience bring brown children into this current situation.
This is scary as shit..how bad is David Clarke for DHS?

How about all major cities and neighborhoods being put in a permanent police state? How about a right to stop and frisk whomever, wherever, whenever they want? How about Police essentially being given a license to kill?

Funky Papa

Didn't most of the GOP establishment oppose him? What does he owe them?

Current GOP has no sense of office nor public service. They are privateers. They hate him, but they also realised that he had become their ticket to the White House so that it was. Means to an end.


what percent of the list is white men?

hooooly shit, so much for Trump being the first pro LGBT Republican President.

So much for Drain the Swamp. Pathetic.
I am so with you. Damnit, if only I had enough money...
I have family in a lot of different countries so I'm very lucky to have options. Part of me doesn't want to be a coward and run away from my birthplace but the landscape here is changing in ways I never imagined possible and looking at the electoral map and the political leanings of the millennials I feel like it's going to get worse before it gets better.


If he's going to fuck everything up, might as well do it as much as possible. That way we can retake Congress in two years after these idiots fall flat on their faces.
I hope when he selects them r/the_donald comments on how anti-Establishment they all are.

Sounds like friends hiring friends. Pay to play?


Looking at the bright side... At least Steve Bannon isn't on it... yet?

What a shit stew.

I might have to unplug from politics for a while because I am getting physically nauseous reading the list.

Haha, holy shit what a list. The US is going to look really bad in 4 years with some of those appointments.

And if the right tries to blame any of the shit they caused on the Obama administration... we throw all of this back in their faces.


The only thing worse than Trump is that cabinet. We are potentially months away from Huckabee, Gingrich, Christie, Giuliani, and Carson all working together in the executive branch.


Unconfirmed Member
Current GOP has no sense of office nor public service. They are privateers. They hate him, but they also realised that he had become their ticket to the White House so that it was. Means to an end.
I get that part. But why does Trump owe them?
The election cycle was Nightmare on Elm Street and the Trump administration is Wes Craven's New Nightmare, where all the horrifying shit seen on television is now invading the real world.


A bunch of old republican has-beens, a political mafia wanna-be, and recent fringe campaign nutters? Can't see anything going wrong.


at least we'll find out how far the us can fall in 4 years, there is no way it can get any worse then this

is it ok to just hate all trump supporters?


Secretary of Education:

Ben Carson

My god. The man once told this to students:

"My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain. Now all the archaeologists think that they were made for the pharaohs’ graves. But, you know, it would have to be something awfully big if you stop and think about it. And I don’t think it’d just disappear over the course of time to store that much grain."


at least we'll find out how far the us can fall in 4 years, there is no way it can get any worse then this

is it ok to just hate all trump supporters?

That's too many people to hate but shaming them when Trump and his Legion of Doom fuck up everything because they voted and supported him... fair game.



lol yup. Basically a list of establishment who were the first to scratch his back during the election. I'm think I should invest in pfizer, because advil is going to be flying off the shelves with all the cognitive dissonance headaches that are coming for the next 4 years.

Someone explain to me again how an elite fiscal conservative (Trump) surrounded by a GOP that holds a majority everywhere, who would absolutely love to remove much of the social securities that people who are struggling probably depend on, is going to help those struggling people?

Because as far as I can remember, the GOP believes in trickle down economics. As in give the elites all the money, then you'll get some eventually. And the majority of the GOP base think policies that could actually help them as "sharing the wealth socialism".

So, how?

At no point did a single person vote for anti-establishment, they just voted (or didn't vote at all!) for one side of ithe establishment to have the most free reign that part of the establishment has had in 100 years.

And it just so happens that this particular part of establishment now in total power has the motto of, "don't look to government for assistance, pull yourself up by your bootstraps". That's who's going to come to the forgotten working mans rescue?


Funky Papa

I get that part. But why does Trump owe them?

The people on that list are not exactly the rank and file of the GOP, but the few nutters who were quick to side with him before the rest of the party realised they had no other options.

Trump is promoting the few allies he actually has within the party. He understands all too well that he's tolerated, not embraced. He's paying back his few loyal (?) friends, not the GOP.
You know, even though Obama won in a landslide wave election, he still brought on Bush admin people and kept republicans in his admin. Without the popular vote Trump and the GOP will give nothing to the other side.
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