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Buzzfeed Obtains List Of Potential Trump Cabinet Picks

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what percent of the list is white men?

hooooly shit, so much for Trump being the first pro LGBT Republican President.

So much for Drain the Swamp. Pathetic.

There are about 4 women(Sara Palin,Victoria Lipnic, etc.) on the list and two black people(Ben Carson and Sheriff David Clarke[I'm going to cry if he gets Secretary of Homeland Security]).


I wish we could script in an mp3 that played the curb your enthusiasm theme every time someone loads the op.

It's like Trump is grabbing from a list of names he vaguely remembers hearing about but not quite remembering why.


You know, even though Obama won in a landslide wave election, he still brought on Bush admin people and kept republicans in his admin. Without the popular vote Trump and the GOP will give nothing to the other side.

Trump ascended to the highest office on Earth with no political career at all. He has no need to placate any voting populace because he has no history and certainly nothing to do after. He has no mandate, but it doesn't matter to him.


Really Really Exciting Member!
So... how does it look like compared to Bush cabinet?

People are gonna miss the Bush years huh? I guess we have to consider ourselves "lucky" that 9/11 didn't happen while Trump was president? Although who knows what might happen in the next 4 years.
This is putting a list to my worst nightmares. Trump is bad but the people he floated early on as wanting to be in his cabinet were certifiable. Lunatics through and through but my biggest fear is in addition to wanting to tear everything down they're simply too stupid to effectively keep us afloat as a nation in more practical ways. Its honestly as if a bunch of Ill informed, no nothing 80 IQ people are about to take over the country. I know high school dropout trash collector republicans that I have more faith in to run my government then this group

I wish we could script in an mp3 that played the curb your enthusiasm theme every time someone loads the op.

It's like Trump is grabbing from a list of names he vaguely remembers hearing about but not quite remembering why.

This. I legit think he has picked half these people because he heard of them on tv or ran against them.


Today is the second day after the election, and the second time I woke up feeling dread and anger that I'm never gonna wake up from this nightmare.

Holy fucking shit at that list. This is the anti-establishment administration that Trump supporters wanted? We're so unequivocally fucked. Fucked.
Secretary of Education Ben Carson and Secretary of the Interior Sarah Palin

With a reminder that Trump got what he wanted and will probably be letting most of these people do his job for him...

Holy shit what a nightmare scenario. These picks are approaching parody. It's like we have shifted in the reality of a Terry Gilliam movie.

I'm going to play the theme from Brazil during the cabinet announcement


Unconfirmed Member
So Mnuchin for treasury is very likely. He's a former Goldman Sachs and Soros Fund manager. Doesn't that go against a lot of things he said and his supporters wanted?


Giulliani, Gingrich, Huckabee, Christie...

And to think, this guy was running as anti-establishment. LOL.

Gingrich handling healthcare...holy shit what a disaster.
So Mnuchin for treasury is very likely. He's a former Goldman Sachs and Soros Fund manager. Doesn't that go against a lot of things he said and his supporters wanted?

Most of his supporters stopped learning about how the government actually works in 1st grade social studies


Carson as Sec of Health might be ok, he was actually a doctor he'll be competent I hope. Christie as DHS head, fuck Clarke. But it means Guilani as AG. Gulp. Barack gonna have to use that Presidential pardon. Gingrich as SoS I'd live with. There are really no good names there.

I cannot believe this is our reality.


Hail to the KING baby
Still getting over all white folks coming out of the woodwork about how Hillary didn't pander to them enough and were too mean about Trump and his supporters. Their lives are about to get so, so much worse. And I take absolutely zero joy in this at all, but the process has basically chosen to drag us all down just to improve the relative position of white people vs. POC/oppressed minorities, almost exclusively by making the latter suffer tremendously. It's self-defeating sadism on a national scale. Completely mad.


How? Did Obama appoint a climate denier?
I was bring sarcastic. I can't tell you the number of people yesterday swearing nothing was going to change. It would just be "business as usual".

It's basically the new "both parties are the same" for me.


Fucking nightmare list. I thought he had people we never heard of? This is just a list of filth that should be shot out into space.

I wanted to believe that Trump would screw things up, but America will not be able to recover from 4 years of this.
Yeah guys this was totally about Trump being anti establishment.

Never mind the fact that Republicans voted for the same damn Congressmen/women, and Trumps potential cabinet is the neocon old guard.

It's totally about not being part of the system!



Palin would be bad, but the current secretary of the interior is a former Mobil Oil executive so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Edit: seems like Wikipedia is wrong, she was only an engineer for Mobil for three years in her youth and was actually against fosil fuels so ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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