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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


2 Minutes Turkish said:
Just out of curiosity people, is it confirmed that World at War was the last COD game for Treyarch and that Infinity has total control of future releases now?

There is this thread - Rumor: Call of Duty 7 in Vietnam, Cuba? which says:

A source we consider reliable has told TVGB that Activision is looking to licence music for “Call of Duty 7,” music that gives some serious hints as to the locations the game may take us. Mentioned were Vietnam War era tunes, as well as Cuban, African, and Soviet Union music. The source says Call of Duty: World at War’s senior producer Noah Heller is involved, so it looks like Treyarch is once again developing.

Credibility to the change from WWII is added by Heller himself who last year said they “are showing the final battles of the Pacific and the European Theatre and that lets us put a close to the war. I’m sure game companies will be making World War II games for years to come and World War II is a very classic war. But we’re happy that we put the war to bed.”

While Modern Warfare 2 is still six months from release, someone under Activision already working on a new Call of Duty game isn’t very hard to believe when considering the cold hard fact that there’s been a new release in the series every single year since 2005, and Modern Warfare 2 will continue that tradition this year with its November 10 release.

The link source is ThatVideoGameBlog which now has on that page..

Update: Whoops, looks like talking about this is too soon for some people and our source has requested of us to remove the story. Because we’re rather fond of the guy, we’ll comply this time. Hell, it is probably too soon to talk about CoD7 anyway. After all, we don’t even know all that much about Infinity Ward’s Modern Warfare 2 right now. But that should change come E3 2009.

Our thanks and apologies to everyone who linked to the story

...which I guess now makes it completely fact (or at least more likely than not)
I have a quick question. My buddy picked up the Game of the Year edition of CoD4 today but it doesn't have a token to download the maps. He checked online and saw it was posted that Activision support said if you do not have a sticker on the case saying it contains a token you are out of luck?

Is this true? Was it only the first shipments of GOTY edition that had this? Because my other friend bought it last year and got the token and free maps. It would suck pretty hard if it turns out this is true because he could have just picked it up used instead.


SuperEnemyCrab said:
I have a quick question. My buddy picked up the Game of the Year edition of CoD4 today but it doesn't have a token to download the maps. He checked online and saw it was posted that Activision support said if you do not have a sticker on the case saying it contains a token you are out of luck?

Is this true? Was it only the first shipments of GOTY edition that had this? Because my other friend bought it last year and got the token and free maps. It would suck pretty hard if it turns out this is true because he could have just picked it up used instead.

Yea, they stopped putting the map pack tokens in the GOTY editions.


itsgreen said:
really? wow lame. Thought that was the whole point of the GOTY edition...

Well they only included the tokens in the GOTY editions for a limited time then they stopped doing it. Don't know why tho, seems pretty stupid.


Just jumped back into cod4 mp. Same old shit, random grenades thrown everywhere and a whole slew of back to back to back to back "The host has ended the game" or w/e it says.

EDIT:gameplay still good.


oneHeero said:
Just jumped back into cod4 mp. Same old shit, random grenades thrown everywhere and a whole slew of back to back to back to back "The host has ended the game" or w/e it says.

EDIT:gameplay still good.

Haven't stopped playing.. and though random grenades come and go depending on the map, so far I don't get that much host disconnects (ie rage quitters).

I will say though, the number of people without microphones is amazing. I only play Sabotage, so it weirds me out people play a objective based gametype and don't use the mic... but whatever.
PacoDG said:
Haven't stopped playing.. and though random grenades come and go depending on the map, so far I don't get that much host disconnects (ie rage quitters).

I will say though, the number of people without microphones is amazing. I only play Sabotage, so it weirds me out people play a objective based gametype and don't use the mic... but whatever.

Or you are playing with a group of friends who are already in a party chat together and you can't hear them. I constantly play with 4-5 of my real life friends and we are in a party 100% of the time so no one else can hear us but that doesn't mean that we aren't using mics and that we aren't talking.

edit: I've had the game since launch and still play hours a night with all my buddies. Not sure what all the grenade spam talk is.


I'm just praying there's no M16 analog in MW2. I can deal with pretty much every other annoyance in the game, but that gun was what made me and my friends ultimately stop playing it as our evening game.

... which given that we played it almost nightly for something like five months, ain't bad


OldJadedGamer said:
Or you are playing with a group of friends who are already in a party chat together and you can't hear them. I constantly play with 4-5 of my real life friends and we are in a party 100% of the time so no one else can hear us but that doesn't mean that we aren't using mics and that we aren't talking.

edit: I've had the game since launch and still play hours a night with all my buddies. Not sure what all the grenade spam talk is.

I play with friends on my days off of work, but I always force them to use game chat. Party chat ruined objective based games for me for the most part :( .. I get home from work at about 3am, so i'm gaming anywhere from that time till about 8-9am (when I am about to go to sleep, there is a rush of brits coming online who seem to enjoy the mic thankfully).

Grenade spam . eh.. I think the best example of a level which uses this on almost any game type, is wet works and ambush. Just that first 10 seconds of the game where the middle of a level becomes hell from the sky (i know.. easy enough to avoid.. but it still happens)


TheyCallMeMoney said:
Anyone having issues getting on PS3?...Keep getting "Downloading Settings" whenever I try to join a match. :(

Yup this is a shitty issue which they have never fixed. Resetting your router usually does the trick.
I haven't played COD 4 in awhile. My current plan is to pick up again about 2 months away from the release of MW2 so I can get my skill curve back up again for the big release.
Stoney Mason said:
I haven't played COD 4 in awhile. My current plan is to pick up again about 2 months away from the release of MW2 so I can get my skill curve back up again for the big release.
Yeah same here, i'll be rusty but it'll all come back no doubt.


If I can't find a buddy for L4D, COD4 is my SP go-to game for taking out aggression with bullets.

There's a bunch of COD hate, but IW are pretty great. Ask the average Joe Wal-Mart Gamer what console game has the best gfx, and you'll get some iteration of COD. Sure people who know their stuff understand it's smoke and mirrors.

People can see this as:

it's not teh HD! Lazy IW! Bad IW!


That's some smart coding.

What do you guys think 60fps would have done for sales of BF:BC? (I know, I know, I hate sale-age too, but I really think it would push more copies. Not as a bulletpoint for the case or anything, but to put it simply, would COD sell like it does if it ran at ~30fps?)


Stoney Mason said:
I haven't played COD 4 in awhile. My current plan is to pick up again about 2 months away from the release of MW2 so I can get my skill curve back up again for the big release.

Kinda what I'm doing it now. Rebought onthe cheap and play it a bit every week, figure by the time MW2 comes out I'll be at prestige 10 lvl55 (prestige 9 lvl20-something is where I left off) and hopefully be somewhat decent again


Anyone else buying MW2 on more than one platform?

I know I can't pass on the PC version, but I also want the Live/PSN goodies with my casual gaming buds.

I really don't like the idea of rewarding Activision, but my principles will go out the window for this release. I might have to make it my second trifecta....COD4 being the first. :|

Screw new consoles, give me a single online community future!:lol


kamspy said:
Anyone else buying MW2 on more than one platform?

I know I can't pass on the PC version, but I also want the Live/PSN goodies with my casual gaming buds.

I really don't like the idea of rewarding Activision, but my principles will go out the window for this release. I might have to make it my second trifecta....COD4 being the first. :|

Screw new consoles, give me a single online community future!:lol

i have MW and WaW for 360, PS3 and the PC. I will probably so the same with MW2


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
kamspy said:
What do you guys think 60fps would have done for sales of BF:BC? (I know, I know, I hate sale-age too, but I really think it would push more copies. Not as a bulletpoint for the case or anything, but to put it simply, would COD sell like it does if it ran at ~30fps?)

Totally off topic, but let's go through this (probably though PM's or some such? Not that I really give a damn, but I'm just shooting the shit on this with you): BF: BC wouldn't have sold better with 60FPS, I feel. Ask most people (that aren't on GAF) about 30/60 FPS preference in games, and I'm sure most won't care. Considering 30 FPS (if locked/solid) is going to be barely noticable if it went to 60 (just means the game plays/renders faster, at the core 30/60 FPS is negliable in terms of eyes).

The main problem with BC is the "Find All Five" (which was later redeemed with free codes/Battlefield Veteran for the last one *slightly bullshit*), which most games are now doing with the DLC "PRE-ORDER AT THIS STORE AND YOU GET XXXXX BONUS FOR MULTIPLAYER!" shit, which drove away most multiplayer players. (Along with nuermous other issues, like not having Conquest out of the box and gameplay/control issues)

It remains to be seen if this (multiple pre-order bonuses exclusive at stores) will be accepted/denied by gamers on everything but the AAA exclusives (I'm sure Uncharted 2 will sell like hotcakes with or without this bullshit).

CoD4 at 30FPS/60FPS. I don't think there would be too much of a fuss if it was locked at 30, minus the "speed" difference that I'm sure the majority would feel for a couple of weeks until they "adjusted" to the lock.
kamspy said:
If I can't find a buddy for L4D, COD4 is my SP go-to game for taking out aggression with bullets.

There's a bunch of COD hate, but IW are pretty great. Ask the average Joe Wal-Mart Gamer what console game has the best gfx, and you'll get some iteration of COD. Sure people who know their stuff understand it's smoke and mirrors.

People can see this as:

it's not teh HD! Lazy IW! Bad IW!


That's some smart coding.

What do you guys think 60fps would have done for sales of BF:BC? (I know, I know, I hate sale-age too, but I really think it would push more copies. Not as a bulletpoint for the case or anything, but to put it simply, would COD sell like it does if it ran at ~30fps?)

It's very hard to put your finger on the one magic bullet that pushed COD 4 to where it was. For some it was the change to modern warfare. For others it was the multiplayer rpg stuff. For others it was simply the tight but fast paced gameplay.

It was mostly likely just a combination of things that pushed it as an overall package in a way that other shooters didn't.


Stoney Mason said:
It's very hard to put your finger on the one magic bullet that pushed COD 4 to where it was. For some it was the change to modern warfare. For others it was the multiplayer rpg stuff. For others it was simply the tight but fast paced gameplay.

It was mostly likely just a combination of things that pushed it as an overall package in a way that other shooters didn't.

The online stat building helped, but I can help but point to the silky refresh rate. Plenty of games have the aforementioned features, but don't run at 60fps.

I know it's been talked to death here (but I never got my say!), but the 60 is what changed it from a 3 million seller to an 11 million seller. IMO, or course.

Anyhow, IW has some magic fairy dust that other devs should try to scoop up. I know it only renders at 600p or whatever on consoles, but it sure as shit looks better than any other console FPS in overall IQ.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Do you guys still play online regularly? if so any chance of getting in on the matches

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Man people have been cheating like a motherfucker the last couple of days. Flying around levels, walking through walls, and bullteproof. Looks like me and my friends are going to have to start playing more private matches.


he's Virgin Tight™
I got back to playing this to get better prepared for MW2.

Yeah, this is definitely better than WAW =P
kamspy said:
I really don't like the idea of rewarding Activision, but my principles will go out the window for this release. I might have to make it my second trifecta....COD4 being the first. :|
Same here... Kind of annoyed. Did also double-dip with WaW on PC but I got that for free with a graphics card purchase though. No case sucks though. =(

Believe so. 360 seems to be fine.
MW and WaW were both patched on the 360 a few months back to counter these hacks. Was neat, but would be really cool if it was an option though, not just a bunch of guys overpowering you.


Literally all objective-based games are runined. On headquarters they can fly instantly to the capture point, on search and destroy they can pick up the bomb and zip it to the objective.. it's just more annoying than it is funny now and I'm quite tired of it. Hurry up IW, I'm already sick of it. DM and TDM also suck cuz you can just run around the map and get sniped all day by people camping on buildings outside of the world.
Flunkie said:
Literally all objective-based games are runined. On headquarters they can fly instantly to the capture point, on search and destroy they can pick up the bomb and zip it to the objective.. it's just more annoying than it is funny now and I'm quite tired of it. Hurry up IW, I'm already sick of it. DM and TDM also suck cuz you can just run around the map and get sniped all day by people camping on buildings outside of the world.
I always wonder how anyone can feel any satisfaction doing this over and over again...


Yeah, this game is pretty unplayable on the PS3 right now. I tried playing a few matches tonight with Flunkie and Full Recovery but every game had multiple glitchers, this shit has spread so quickly. I couldn't make any progress at all in the matches because right after a spawn I'd be getting killed from some douchebag inside a wall, barrel, car, underground, or 1,000 feet in the air. :/


holy crap, are they actually buying these things or is it something simple like the notepad glitch 2 years ago for coloured names on ps3?


borsdy said:
holy crap, are they actually buying these things or is it something simple like the notepad glitch 2 years ago for coloured names on ps3?
Yep, I was looking at the IW forums today to see if they had made any mention of what they're doing about the glitch and in some thread about it, this kid posted a youtube link showing how to do it and all it is, is taking the save file and changing some words around or something along those lines. To make things worse, the video had a link to download a save file that was ready for copying to a PS3 so even the lazy folks can do it.


Flunkie said:
Literally all objective-based games are runined. On headquarters they can fly instantly to the capture point, on search and destroy they can pick up the bomb and zip it to the objective.. it's just more annoying than it is funny now and I'm quite tired of it. Hurry up IW, I'm already sick of it. DM and TDM also suck cuz you can just run around the map and get sniped all day by people camping on buildings outside of the world.
If we played on PC we could just ban the fuckers. :p


Full Recovery said:
If we played on PC we could just ban the fuckers. :p
I wouldn't be against that. It's you guys that I'd have to convince.

Maps are free on PC, so you could finally play Broadcast, Creek, Chinatown, and Killhouse! :lol


Flunkie said:
I wouldn't be against that. It's you guys that I'd have to convince.

Maps are free on PC, so you could finally play Broadcast, Creek, Chinatown, and Killhouse! :lol
It's not me that you'd have to convince, it's my PC that you'd have to convince to be able to run the damn game. :lol


Flunkie said:
I wouldn't be against that. It's you guys that I'd have to convince.

Maps are free on PC, so you could finally play Broadcast, Creek, Chinatown, and Killhouse! :lol

I want to build a nice rig, but I need money first :S

edit: totally quoted the wrong dude.
brandumpling said:
Whats all your guy's favorite game mode. For me it's Headquarters all the way biatch

I tend to stick to Team Deathmatch so I'd say that's my favorite. I usually only go into other modes as changes of pace once in a while.
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