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Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare E3 2016 Demo


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I will be honest. I was not expecting CoD to pop up at the end of that trailer and from the looks of it most everyone else wasn't either. Seriously I thought this was either Titanfall or an extension of EVE Valkyrie or hell even a console port of Squardron 42 from Star Citizen. I was genuinely impressed at the graphical fidelity, the setting and art style, and hell yeah even the gameplay looked great. Seriously though that grappling hook had me thinking of several other games than this especially after TF2. Really impressed. May pick up a CoD game for the first time in years.


First IW CoD I will consider playing since CoD4. When the demo started during Sony's show I was thinking "WOW, what the hell is this!?!" especially since I thought it was part of their VR segment. Once the gun shooting started, I realized it was CoD.

It looks great. I'll play it for sure, but will probably not buy it because I won't be interested in the multiplayer this year.


First IW CoD I will consider playing since CoD4. When the demo started during Sony's show I was thinking "WOW, what the hell is this!?!" especially since I thought it was part of their VR segment. Once the gun shooting started, I realized it was CoD.

Lol, I honestly thought it was a VR announcement, and spent the entire trailer worrying about how vomit-inducing the various gameplay sections were...


Surprisingly, it was the reload and aim animation that betrayed the fact it was a CoD game...reminded me of the M4A1 of CoD's before!


I figured most would have known it was CoD given that the bad guy is in those trailers they released when they revealed the game, it's in the top left hand corner of the screen when this one starts


It's not often that a game does everything exactly as I wish it to be. Leaving the ship in space and going directly into combat is just amazing. I've only seen that in Star Citizen before.

The atmosphere just seems incredible. I only hope they can keep that up through the entire game

I figured most would have known it was CoD given that the bad guy is in those trailers they released when they revealed the game, it's in the top left hand corner of the screen when this one starts
Yeah, that's what it gave away for me as well. Remembered him from the teaser.


Honestly, I was truly impressed by it. COD games doesn't interest me anymore besides Modern Warfare. But, I was surprised of how nice it looked.
I was actually impressed with the footage they had. Early parts of the demo were giving me a BSG type vibe. Has IW said anything about what the ratio between space-based missions and more traditional ones may be?

K' Dash

You know what is really the problem with this?

It's 100 years in the future, in space and yet you use The same fucking weapons as The last 10 games.

How can these people not be creative and make up some interesting guns that are fun to play?

I knew this was COD as soon as the guy started shooting, same shit but in spaaaaace!

Give a cerebral bore type of gun IW, for fucks sake.


Still running on Quake 3 engine from 1999.

Everything you see is per-scripted. There is no real physics or destruction.
You know what is really the problem with this?

It's 100 years in the future, in space and yet you use The same fucking weapons as The last 10 games.

How can these people not be creative and make up some interesting guns that are fun to play?

I knew this was COD as soon as the guy started shooting, same shit but in spaaaaace!

Give a cerebral bore type of gun IW, for fucks sake.

Because one of the core elements of the CoD franchise is its military aesthetic. It's definitely one of the reasons I enjoy playing it, as it gives it some sort of groundung (however superficial ) even as the settings get more and more out there.


When I first saw the COD reveal trailer, I thought nope, looks boring but after seeing the E3 demo, opinion has pretty much changed, I'll still need to see the non-space areas but interest has definitely grown.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
This is the first Call of Duty to interest me since the original way back in the day.

I'm a sucker for anything that lets me pilot a starfighter though.


After playing BO3 and being thoroughly underwhelmed I thought I wouldn't be interested in what IW was doing at all.

WOW, what a difference one demo can make! The demo gave me Battlestar Galactica vibes and I loved everything I saw. I'm now genuinely interested in seeing more.

Well done Infinity Ward!


Gold Member
I was interesded thinking that would be my EVE VR replacement till I noticed this wasn't a VR gane.


I haven't bought a COD game since MW2 but wow that demo during the Playstation conference dropped my jaw. I'll still wait for reviews and impressions but that looked really different and fun.
This kind blew me away. It's gonna get shit all over for being COD but if this was some new IP people would be losing it.

Well, I was impressed anyway. Looks like they're actually trying this year.

Thought it was really cool from the demo, didn't think it was Call of Duty and was surprised that it was.


I've haven't been wowed by a Call of Duty game since Modern Warfare. The jump from Call of Duty 3 to that was immense...but I think that was because it was a completely different engine.

These incremental updates on a per-game basis aren't anything like as impressive compared to other engines, but they usually perform at a pretty solid rate.
Biased perspective.
The jump from Ghost to Advanced Warfare was equally big if not more...and they are all incremental, including COD3 to COD4.

You have a very simple definition of what a game engine is, it's something a lot more complicated. COD3 to COD4 was a completely different engine in the same way BO2 ran a completely different engine than COD4. They all originate from the same place (Quake 3 engine) and every developer has heavily modified it and made their own version of the engine so much so that it's a new engine on its own with almost nothing remaining of the Quake 3 engine, and really this is how engine development works, it's always iterative. In this day and age the ones who start from scratch end up running into trouble...just look at how so many Japanese studios have had issues with engine development over the past decade to see what happens when you don't.

So while it's not correct to say those COD engines were just "modified Quake 3" like some people claim, it's also not correct to say that COD3 and COD4 were completely different engine but Ghost and Advanced Warfare weren't.

Here's what happened: Treyarch got the COD4 engine from IW and nothing else. IW left them to their own with no support since they had to make MW2. Treyarch modified and did their own thing for WaW, BO1, BO2 and made their own current gen version for BO3. Infinity Ward had the COD4 engine they modified it for MW2, MW3, upgraded it for Ghost and now Infinite Warfare. This is why you see some features in Treyarch's games but not in others and vice versa.

Jack cw

This is the first CoD since MW that I'm interested in. This and Titanfall 2 will be fun. I hope the SP campaign doesn't suck at both.
Isn't that what they did last year with Bo3?

It was a surprise and very welcome exception but normally multiplayer is revealed around august.

This year is an exception as well as the multiplayer won't be revealed until September now due to Call of Duty XP 2016.
The biggest deciding factor for me buying this game will be the ttk. If it's as fast as it has been, Titanfall all the way. Titanfall's kill times are just about perfect.
Do they usually not show "COD" in the beginning?

It was a clever way of showing the game without making people immediately think COD


Tears of Nintendo
That was awesome! Almost at the level of Advanced Warfare and even better in some aspects. Well done IW. I really wan't to play the game now.


I thought it was a Colony Wars reboot when they were zipping around in space. The gun made me realize it was probably CoD and I was kind of disappointed to find it was.


Unconfirmed Member
Not showing Call of Duty until the end was brilliant ( not in the sense that they planned it that way as most trailers didn't reveal their name until the end). People were like "what is this game it looks so good! " Then the shock when they found out they were enjoying the hell out of a Call of Duty trailer.
I have had zero interest in call of duty since MW2. Watching this demo, I was floored. It looked fantastic!

Imagine my surprise when the Call of Duty logo splashed across the screen. Had no idea.


It was a good move to not show the logo until the end. It shows that beyond just its name, the new COD looks fun and brings new ideas to the table..


I thought it was a take on Colony Wars. Was so confused because it was right after Sony Exclusives and VR Games...

there was no separation.

Activision and Sony did a good job by not saying what game it was.... I unfortunately would have judged it differently if I knew it was COD... I might have turned away from the screen to grab something. But the trailer kepted me glued.

Don't get me wrong, I was already planning to by this year's COD for the first time in a loooooong time, mainly for COD MW Remastered. This seems like icing on the cake.

Has Activision built a new engine for their Call of Duties lately? I know Advanced Warfare looked different and advanced....but that wasn't IW.


First Call of Duty game I have even the slightest interest in

The video got me good in the conference, didn't realize it was CoD until the title card at the end, I was shocked


Looks very interesting, but I have a feeling the multiplayer will be the usual modern CoD shitshow of horrible netcode, lag, rubberbanding, awful hit detection and lag compensation, so I'll just stick to Titanfall 2.
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