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Castlevania: Harmony of Despair |OT|

Vamphuntr said:
Please add me. No ones seems to be playing online, I get the cannot find team message. GT =my username.
Quick match didn't seem to be working for me earlier. I had to choose Custom Game then set region to UNLIMITED(yeh)and then searched. It should bring up 6 different rooms on the left of people hosting and you can choose to join one of them.
Just beat the first stage solo.
Got to the boss of the second stage but he threw me in an iron maiden and I died. Dunno what that's about.

Not bad so far.

Anybody got a 48 hour code they'd be willing to spare? I'm really Jonesing to try this online.


BMX Bandit said:
Quick match didn't seem to be working for me earlier. I had to choose Custom Game then set region to UNLIMITED(yeh)and then searched. It should bring up 6 different rooms on the left of people hosting and you can choose to join one of them.

Thanks. Also the controls in the lobby sucks. If you press B to cancel to quickly you will leave the team withouth warning :lol .


PepsimanVsJoe said:
Just beat the first stage solo.
Got to the boss of the second stage but he threw me in an iron maiden and I died. Dunno what that's about.

Not bad so far.

Have you played Dawn of Sorrow? If not, just jump out of the way whenever you see an iron maiden pop up (if i'm remembering correctly).


Played a bit this morning before heading to the office. I like what I played so far. Maybe I can get a few games in tonight with some GAF players. PepsimanVsJoe did you purchase it?
Teknoman said:
Have you played Dawn of Sorrow? If not, just jump out of the way whenever you see an iron maiden pop up (if i'm remembering correctly).

I read somewhere that I was supposed to destroy the puppet he spawns or something. The iron maidens are just sitting there.

Actually I'll just get a month-long XBL card. That's probably about how long the game's online will last and if I manage to make some friends that actually want to keep playing well then awesome.

Need a mic too.dammit dammit dammit.

BTW Konami - *shakes fist* I hate you.
Vamphuntr said:
Thanks. Also the controls in the lobby sucks. If you press B to cancel to quickly you will leave the team withouth warning :lol .
Is it just me or is that B/cancel sound lifted right from Silent Hill 2? :lol

Anyway, enjoying the game for what it is. Didn't get much of a chance to play it earlier but looking forward to get more time in later today.


has yet to tasted the golden nectar that is tag
I played the trial before work today and liked what I saw. You can only choose Alucard in the trial so I was very familiar with controlling him. I can't wait to play some online with my bro when I get out of work.

Are you gimped if you only play with 2 people? Are there triggers that require more players to get to certain areas?


Not sure whats wrong with 3X zoom, that seems like the best camera level when focusing on yourself. Also the game looks pretty sharp, so not sure why things were blurry for you Nuclear Muffin.

Doesnt really feel sluggish to me, but then again I never used backdash that much other than to dodge attacks. Game plays just fine, looks nice (nothing mindblowing, but that wasnt to be expected), and looking forward to MP.


I like how each characters have unique way to gain skills. Soma is to hope for the monsters to drop their souls, Shanoa has to absorb glyphs, Charlotte absorbs spells and so on. Coop is good, everyone get the treasures when someone finds one. I'm playing as Soma and I get the souls even if it's someone at the other side of the castle that kills the monsters. Will play more tonight.
Just played through the first stage solo. It's okay. I didn't expect there to be the usual Symphony of the Night-like features like a Bestiary and Item Compendium, which is definitely cool. I didn't know what to think of randomized items in the stages at first, but I am kind of digging it after playing it for the hour that I did. I don't really like the menu design and look, but the game looks fine, even though I'm sure it reuses 100% of previous Castlevania assets. The music is good, as expected, but for some reason I think the slower pace of the characters doesn't make the game feel as explosive as it should feel. It's just not that exciting.

If a few of my friends decide to DL it I am sure it would be more fun. I really hope this game does well enough so Iga can return to 3DS and make a true, complete Castlevania title. Castlevania HD just seems like a fan service appetizer until the real meal is ready.


The online is like crack. It's been a while since I've been this addicted to an online XBLA title. Well there was Snoopy but other than that it's been a long time.

It's a real shame that the demo is single player only. Gonna turn a lot of people away as the solo play isn't that great. The co-opping is truely a blast though.


Rad- said:
The online is like crack. It's been a while since I've been this addicted to an online XBLA title. Well there was Snoopy but other than that it's been a long time.

It's a real shame that the demo is single player only. Gonna turn a lot of people away as the solo play isn't that great. The co-opping is truely a blast though.

Agreed. It's difficult to find a team right now though :(
Damn Puppetmaster. After a little while he starts climbing around the map and if he reaches an iron maiden before you it's pretty much over =/.

Working with Jonathon at the moment. Key to building him up is leveling his sub-weapons which in turn levels his whip.


Vamphuntr said:
Agreed. It's difficult to find a team right now though :(
We'll set up a GAF game in the next hours if you guys want, or whenever i see some of you guys online.

Anybody here that plays the game and has a bunch of free spots in his friend list? so that everyone can add him and use his friend list to see who else is online.

My GT is Wiizpig


Wizpig said:
We'll set up a GAF game in the next hours if you guys want, or whenever i see some of you guys online.

Anybody here that plays the game and has a bunch of free spots in his friend list? so that everyone can add him and use his friend list to see who else is online.

My GT is Wiizpig

I'll add you after this round :D


Ok, so I retract my previous statement about thinking the game is garbage. Two embarassing notes. Didn't know there was an option to zoom in in the Options screen. I thought it would have been a button press and only looked at the controller layout, so I take that back and I was trying solo, but got into my first multi team last night and had a pretty good time.

So, strike my previous statement from the record... the game has definite promise. Why they chose the 1000 ft view as the default view is beyond me though.


It's full of people online now. I think there is sometime a glitch where you can't join game for a while. I was getting the unable message for a while even if the team was of 1/6.
So after playing the trial I decided to pick this up. Seems like it will be fun co-op and I could use a CV fix for now. Add me on Live: two time grime. I'll be playing later tonight so I hope to hook up with some GAF co-op!


Am I missing something obvious? Regardless of what camera settings I choose, the view will stay all the way zoomed out.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Davedough said:
Ok, so I retract my previous statement about thinking the game is garbage. Two embarassing notes. Didn't know there was an option to zoom in in the Options screen. I thought it would have been a button press and only looked at the controller layout, so I take that back and I was trying solo, but got into my first multi team last night and had a pretty good time.

So, strike my previous statement from the record... the game has definite promise. Why they chose the 1000 ft view as the default view is beyond me though.

Click the right stick to change the zoom on the fly.


So after playing the trial I decided to pick this up. Seems like it will be fun co-op and I could use a CV fix for now. Add me on Live: two time grime. I'll be playing later tonight so I hope to hook up with some GAF co-op!

added :D


Oh, and my GT is the same as my nickname here, so if anyone wants some multiplayer Pacific Time Zone tonight, I'll be up for it.


Pandoracell said:
Am I missing something obvious? Regardless of what camera settings I choose, the view will stay all the way zoomed out.

I made my camera settings:

1. Full screen
2. 3x

That way it starts with 3x zoom and when I press right stick it shows the whole map.


For a free game its fun! ( I have won 3 XBLA arcade games on twitter lately! Megaman 10 Blacklight tango down and now this. :D)
Is it just me or is this game really confusing?

I'm not a Castlevania guy. I played about 6 hours of Symphony of the Night. Enjoyed what I played but for some reason stopped. I understand the basic premise but when it comes to making my character stronger, I have no idea what to do outside of equipping better items.

I can understand the stat screen quite a bit but then some items have somethings like MP +2 and I don't have a clue where the MP stat is. Is this Magic Power? I don't know because the game certainly didn't tell me. When I eat food it improves my stats, but I don't know if these improvements are temporary or not.

Outside of the game trying it's best to make me not care about it, I'm having fun. I love the going back into the same "dungeons" to get loot. I love the music. I love the art style. I love when I'm playing the game part of the game. But the interface around it confuses the fuck out of me.

One more thing. When I found a match, why can't I start equipping items to my character while I wait for other players to join. It seems really stupid that there's nothing to do while I'm just waiting for people to join. At least let me look at my bestiary or something.


Rad- said:
I made my camera settings:

1. Full screen
2. 3x

That way it starts with 3x zoom and when I press right stick it shows the whole map.

Ok, yeah, I don't know what I was doing :lol. And the right stick tip is greatly appreciated as well.

Now that I can actually see what i'm doing, i'm actually enjoying this. I was never a huge Castlevania fan, but there's something very alluring about this concept. May buy. But I just read that there are only 6 stages. Ehhhhhh.


snoopeasystreet said:
One more thing. When I found a match, why can't I start equipping items to my character while I wait for other players to join. It seems really stupid that there's nothing to do while I'm just waiting for people to join. At least let me look at my bestiary or something.

You can equip yourself. Choose the Main menu option to equip.


I'm having fun with the demo, but not sure if the game is worth dropping 15 bucks for.

Also can we create a GAF account for it? I'd like to play, but only have room on my list for one more friend.


Ok GAF, i'm headset-ready and i'll buy the game now, anyone wants to play? maybe a nice 3-4 people group?

Can we start from the first level since i just bought it?
Wizpig said:
Ok GAF, i'm headset-ready and i'll buy the game now, anyone wants to play? maybe a nice 3-4 people group?

Can we start from the first level since i just bought it?
Yeah. I'm up for a game. Send me an invite. My GT is the same as my gaf name.


snoopeasystreet said:
Yeah. I'm up for a game. Send me an invite. My GT is the same as my gaf name.
There's no way to inv you without having you as a friend, right?
Wait a sec, i'll free a spot in the friend list...


I'm starting to warm up to this more. I imagine later stages are significantly more difficult/lengthy?


I was going to get this anyway and after some impressions I was expecting a big disaster and a boring game. And that I was going to feel as if I wasted $15.

But I really like it. Looks sharp (thought it was going to look blurry like those emulated games with filters), music is cool and the game is fun. Single is nice to grind and get items, online is a blast. Had no problem playing online the first tiem with 6 people, played 2 chapters and then died in the 3rd one. :lol

I'm still getting to know the controls and everything (using Jonathan mostly). But so far so good. Well worth the $15 and the wait. :)


It took a little while before I thought about it, but I realized this game have absolutely zero filters on the graphics. After playing games like Metal Slug XX which forces a filter, or 99% of other 2D games on XBLA which has some kind of ugly filter by default, it's nice to have all the pixels in their square glory. I do think the default view is way zoomed in, but 2x camera setting fixes that.

My only complaint is that the game has zero local coop support, but it's a lot of fun to play online.


2x zoom is useless on a 23'' TV, I mean it's still way too big, it's playable (unlike default!) but damn.

3x is nice.

If anyone has some tips, playing as Shanoa.
Also, we died 3 times on level 2 :'( i hate it, any tips?


Wizpig said:
2x zoom is useless on a 23'' TV, I mean it's still way too big, it's playable (unlike default!) but damn.

3x is nice.

If anyone has some tips, playing as Shanoa.
Also, we died 3 times on level 2 :'( i hate it, any tips?

You are dying at the boss? You are supposed to destroy the green/blue doll before he puts them in the iron maiden otherwise he will swap someone with the doll and you will take 150 damage.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I quite like the zoomed out look. Not all the way, mind you, but the second most distant view looks great. If I sit near my 50" TV it's no smaller than any other 2D game I played back in the day on a smaller set...you can just see a lot more at once.

Unfortunately, I don't really like the game much. If I had others willing to play with me, I'd be on it, but most of my friends game on PS3. :\ I wish you could do game sharing ala PS3 as well. I would load it up on my second 360 and get a multiplayer session going in the same room.
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