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CNN Money :Sony's PS3 A Sinking Ship: Sales Plummet


Tobor said:
The pages where they explain how treading water with no sail while your competitors sail away is as good as sunk. Forgive me for mixing metaphors.
What if a console is still able to make money? Please correct me if i am wrong, but didnt Nintendo make money on the Gamecube eventhough that the competition (atleast the PS2) was "sailing away"?

In this case, i would rather say something like that the PS3 is a sailboat, while the Xbox 360 is a faster boat and the Wii is a really fast speedboat. All of the 3 consoles might reach a destination where they want to go (atleast talking about realistic expecations, i am sure that every console manufactors wants to sell like 100 million consoles or more each, but i dont think that is an realistic expectations for the PS3 and the Xbox 360. It is probably a realistic expectation for the Wii though :)), but the Wii will get to the desitnation much faster, then the Xbox 360 might get there, and in the end the PS3 will get there. It doesnt necessarily means that anyone of them are sinking just because that the competitors got a faster boat.

I am not saying that the PS3 is making money at this moment, but i think that Sony can be able to do it when it is all said and done, or atleast be able to break even. But who knows :)

I think it depends on how people are defining "sinking ship" and "plummeting sales", if they mean this litterally or if it is just anything way to say that the PS3 sales arent that good.


Professional Schmuck
It's either here or the NPD thread. My current problem is that my image host is down (can you guys see my avatar?).

Until then, picture a blue line going up, a green line like a sin wave, and a black line looking like a 2-dollar whore on a filthy bar floor scrounging up nickels for one last drink before a swing-around-the-block with "Fat Bob."


I would like to see how the PS3 is doing versus the 360 at an equitable price point. If the PS3 is tracking close to the 360 at $399, then I don't think Sony's in trouble. If it is significantly lagging, then yes, Sony's screwed.

If the two are tracking together at the same price point, I think the PS3 will enjoy a similar bump as the 360 did after its price drop. Note that before the $199 core, the 360 and the PS3 were running close to each other. Also note that retail musings suggest that it's the Arcade units that are selling the 360 to its current numbers; not the Pro/Elite (not suggesting that the latter don't sell, just that price is definitely the factor here).

Will the PS3 be able to drop in price to 360 levels? I would think close to, if not exactly at the same price. One hurdle could be the hard drive, which would not scale down in price as much as the processors would -- it's not exactly a component that rides the Moore's curve. The other issue of course, and this is the genius of MS strategy this gen, is that the PS3 is lagging the 360 by one year. So even if Moore's Law comes to favour, it would only do so at a time-lag (everything else assumed equal, could be a wrong assumption of course).

Therefore we might see either miniscule price shavings, or Sony tightening its belt, borrowing money and sinking (even more) cash to boost sales. Either way, it's too early to call the PS3 a sinking ship. Maybe it's a ship that has spotted an iceberg ahead and it's up to the captain and the crew to steer it to safety.

Or to sink it.


test_account said:
The price has dropped and the sales weren't that good last year indeed, i agree to that, but i think that the price drop is one of the main reasons why the PS3 sold more from January to October in 2008 compared to January to October in 2007.

How does the business economics books defines a "sinking ship" and "plummeting sales"? :)

the thing is, the article is stupid and sensationalist. Sony/PS3 isn't "dying" but ridiculous hyperbole aside, it definitely isn't doing well, but that's not as exciting as saying "it's sinking".


Professional Schmuck
rjcc said:
the thing is, the article is stupid and sensationalist. Sony/PS3 isn't "dying" but ridiculous hyperbole aside, it definitely isn't doing well, but that's not as exciting as saying "it's sinking".

Trust me, it's hard finding new ways of saying "it's already dead."
quest said:
I say they do because if they don't it could kill any momentum the format has. The hardware prices in 2009 will be priced right entry players near 99 dollars. That won't do any good if movie prices are still 30 dollars. It is in the movie studios best interest to kill off DVD fast as possible to reduce piracy. Every year blu movies are 30 dollars another year is wasted over greed. That and they risk on demand and downloads making in roads. People care more about pricing than they do PQ/SQ as proven over and over.

You're kidding yourself if you think Blu Ray is going to reduce piracy in any meaningful way.
Basileus777 said:
You're kidding yourself if you think Blu Ray is going to reduce piracy in any meaningful way.
Well adopting a bleeding edge and expensive new disc technology has reduced/eliminated piracy of PS3 games so far.

The problem is eliminating piracy doesn't help if no one buys your games anyway. The console that is most difficult to pirate has the lowest tie ratio... hmmmmm, what is going on here?


Jew Gamer
Metal Gear?! said:
Well adopting a bleeding edge and expensive new disc technology has reduced/eliminated piracy of PS3 games so far.

The problem is eliminating piracy doesn't help if no one buys your games anyway. The console that is most difficult to pirate has the lowest tie ratio... hmmmmm, what is going on here?

More systems sell when they can be pirated, its a sad fact, but when little Jimmy sees little Bobby playing his Xbox with stolen games little Jimmy gets one as well, another system sold

Look at PSP sales vs. PSP game sales if you doubt in any way


antispin said:
I The other issue of course, and this is the genius of MS strategy this gen, is that the PS3 is lagging the 360 by one year.

One thing to consider is that it took MS basically three years to get out a box that was all 65nm. Hasn't the PS3 been 65nm for well over a year? I think Sony will be quicker with production cost cuts like die reductions than MS if the last couple years are anything to go by. If that ends up being the case Sony could very well end up matching the 360's price point in a couple years.

Was there ever an accurate breakdown of the cost of the PS3? I take it cutting BC and the memory card slots cut some of the cost.

Is it safe to assume the cost of blu ray diodes will decrease quicker than that of dvd drives since the later is a lot more mature (granted dvd drives will always be cheaper, but if Sony can cut the cost of the most expensive part of the system by ~50% that would be a big reduction)?

Also not really sure of MS first party line up for the future, but with all the recent departures of first party devs, Sony's lineup might start to look more enticing for consumers.


Halvie said:
One thing to consider is that it took MS basically three years to get out a box that was all 65nm. Hasn't the PS3 been 65nm for well over a year? I think Sony will be quicker with production cost cuts like die reductions than MS if the last couple years are anything to go by. If that ends up being the case Sony could very well end up matching the 360's price point in a couple years.

Was there ever an accurate breakdown of the cost of the PS3? I take it cutting BC and the memory card slots cut some of the cost.

Is it safe to assume the cost of blu ray diodes will decrease quicker than that of dvd drives since the later is a lot more mature (granted dvd drives will always be cheaper, but if Sony can cut the cost of the most expensive part of the system by ~50% that would be a big reduction)?

Also not really sure of MS first party line up for the future, but with all the recent departures of first party devs, Sony's lineup might start to look more enticing for consumers.

1. cell was tapped out in 2005
2. xenon has been at 65nm for sometime, it's just recently that xenos is at 65nm
3. 360 h/w will cheaper to manufacture than ps3 h/w in the next few years at least


Metal Gear?! said:
Well adopting a bleeding edge and expensive new disc technology has reduced/eliminated piracy of PS3 games so far.
Is that really the reason? Because blu-ray movies can be pirated and watched on the PC. It probably has more to do with the PS3 OS/PS3 HW being a harder nut to crack.
Metal Gear?! said:
Well adopting a bleeding edge and expensive new disc technology has reduced/eliminated piracy of PS3 games so far.

The problem is eliminating piracy doesn't help if no one buys your games anyway. The console that is most difficult to pirate has the lowest tie ratio... hmmmmm, what is going on here?

It's my understanding that PS3's lack of piracy has little to do with Blu Ray and is mostly due to the protection the actual system has. But he was talking about movies; Blu Ray's copy protection has long since been cracked. Blu Ray movies are already being pirated.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Metal Gear?! said:
Well adopting a bleeding edge and expensive new disc technology has reduced/eliminated piracy of PS3 games so far.

The problem is eliminating piracy doesn't help if no one buys your games anyway. The console that is most difficult to pirate has the lowest tie ratio... hmmmmm, what is going on here?

Piracy serves for powerful word of mouth and also as a powerful way for cheapasses to rationalize the cost of console, even if they don't end up pirating games.

Its affect is significant, but you'd be hard pressed to make the argument that it contributes to the lion shares of differences between market performance.
Thrakier said:
Hm, maybe they do that because this is their only option to react at the moment?
I can't believe they are unable to get the price of the PS3 under $300 after two years. Didn't the PS2 launch at $299 in the USA?
The PS4 will be sold at a small lost and maybe none at all imo. Having a business model that demands you have 70% of the market to succeed isn't a recipe for success.

The PS3 is at 17 million after 2 years on the market so 50 million isn't yet out of the question. Not bad for a failure.


I don't think Sony could have done anything with the PS3 that wouldn't be seen as a 'failure' after the sweeping success of the PS2. After the domination of the DS, which I doubted when it was announced, I had a feeling Nintendo would be the ones to own the game this time around. Even if Sony had clobbered MS, they wouldn't have beaten Nintendo, and so still a 'failure.'

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Aaron said:
I don't think Sony could have done anything with the PS3 that wouldn't be seen as a 'failure' after the sweeping success of the PS2.
True but until the FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY-NINE U.S. DOLLARS announcement was made I don't think anybody thought the PS3 was going to have it so rough. Going into E3 06 there were plenty of GAFers (myself included) who thought Sony would still lead this generation but by a much smaller margin.


NemesisPrime said:
This all reminds me of the DC threads. Same fights, different people.

Except the PS4 is not going the Sonys last system, and not the 2nd system in a row to fail from them. Sega fanboys where already bitter by then. SDF is still shellshocked.


YagizY said:
2. .....The differences between Blu-Ray and DVD are hard to see on a TV less than 50".
While I agree with most of the things said in this article, I find the statement above to be an article-crusher because of how stupid the statement is.
That's what I thought. In fact I stopped reading after that.
Surely the VAST majority of those who buy blu-rays are watching them on TVs smaller than 50". Are all those people deluded then?
test_account said:
What if a console is still able to make money? Please correct me if i am wrong, but didnt Nintendo make money on the Gamecube eventhough that the competition (atleast the PS2) was "sailing away"?...

...I am not saying that the PS3 is making money at this moment, but i think that Sony can be able to do it when it is all said and done, or atleast be able to break even. But who knows :)

I think it depends on how people are defining "sinking ship" and "plummeting sales", if they mean this litterally or if it is just anything way to say that the PS3 sales arent that good.
The main problem for Sony from this perspective is the PS3 will never make money. I haven't seen the latest update but Sony's gaming division had lost something like $3 billion from April 2006-March 2008 (despite the PS2/PSP making money during the period), more than they made during the 5 year PS2 heyday. Even if the PS3 could be everything the PS2 was it still wouldn't be a net profit. The comparison with the Gamecube is obvious given hardware sales, but Nintendo did not sell the Gamecube at a massive loss and had massive 1st party game sales to buck it up. Even then its profits couldn't make up the PS3's losses. At this point I would be more surprised than not if the PS3 ever makes a significant yearly profit (mostly because I suspect the WiiS4 will be out before then).

Sony was making some headway earlier this year but the recession is like a giant wave crashing over the deck of a ship already taking on water. With the PS2 on the decline, the PSP holding steady, Sony losing money like crazy company wide, and the credit crunch making borrowing more problematic more waves are coming. So I would agree the PS3 has reverted to sinking but it doesn't mean it is sunk, nor does it mean is may necessarily ever sink. To continue using the nautical metaphor, a systems lifespan is relatively short, like crossing the channel instead of the Atlantic. Even if a console is sinking it'll usually be able to ride it out until it runs aground on the other coast. Few post-crash major consoles suffer the ignominy of sinking outright (Saturn and DC essentially) and almost none are scuttled like the Xbox.

To sum my point, sinking equals losing money that cannot be afforded with no end in sight and is not the same as saying the PS3 is sunk (finished). In that case I think it applies to the PS3.

reakt said:
That's what I thought. In fact I stopped reading after that.
Surely the VAST majority of those who buy blu-rays are watching them on TVs smaller than 50". Are all those people deluded then?
No, he's saying (or should at least) there aren't enough people who can see the difference or care enough about it make bluray a system seller for the PS3. Whatever you think, or I think (I can see the difference, just don't care), or any other individual thinks, the aggregate is not enough people can see or care as shown by sales. The guy who wrote the article could have said it in a manner that wouldn't cause such an instant visceral reaction though.

Rolf NB

Quite surprisingly, SCE posted another incremental loss in the quarter ended September '08. 118M$ if I recall correctly379M$. There should be a thread somewhere.


rjcc said:
the thing is, the article is stupid and sensationalist. Sony/PS3 isn't "dying" but ridiculous hyperbole aside, it definitely isn't doing well, but that's not as exciting as saying "it's sinking".
Ye, that was the point i was trying to make :) The article says that the PS3 is a sinking ship because it sold less in November 2008 compared to what it sold in November 2007. Here the writer of the article compares 2008 to 2007. The article (atleast not what i can see) doesnt mention anything that the PS3 sales in the 10 previous months was better in 2008 compared to the same 10 months in 2007. Why doesnt he compare those months as well?

Ye, i think that this a hyperbole too. As you say, the PS3 sales isn't doing well, but it is too early to say that the PS3 is a sinking ship based on 1 month of sales, atleast my opinion :) I would atleast wait like 3-4 months to see if there was a trend that was going on before i would saying that the PS3 is a sinking ship and that the sales are plummeting.

Bending_Unit_22 said:
The main problem for Sony from this perspective is the PS3 will never make money. I haven't seen the latest update but Sony's gaming division had lost something like $3 billion from April 2006-March 2008 (despite the PS2/PSP making money during the period), more than they made during the 5 year PS2 heyday. Even if the PS3 could be everything the PS2 was it still wouldn't be a net profit. The comparison with the Gamecube is obvious given hardware sales, but Nintendo did not sell the Gamecube at a massive loss and had massive 1st party game sales to buck it up. Even then its profits couldn't make up the PS3's losses. At this point I would be more surprised than not if the PS3 ever makes a significant yearly profit (mostly because I suspect the WiiS4 will be out before then).

Sony was making some headway earlier this year but the recession is like a giant wave crashing over the deck of a ship already taking on water. With the PS2 on the decline, the PSP holding steady, Sony losing money like crazy company wide, and the credit crunch making borrowing more problematic more waves are coming. So I would agree the PS3 has reverted to sinking but it doesn't mean it is sunk, nor does it mean is may necessarily ever sink. To continue using the nautical metaphor, a systems lifespan is relatively short, like crossing the channel instead of the Atlantic. Even if a console is sinking it'll usually be able to ride it out until it runs aground on the other coast. Few post-crash major consoles suffer the ignominy of sinking outright (Saturn and DC essentially) and almost none are scuttled like the Xbox.

To sum my point, sinking equals losing money that cannot be afforded with no end in sight and is not the same as saying the PS3 is sunk (finished). In that case I think it applies to the PS3.
I agree that it doesnt look to good when it comes to that Sony could make money on the PS3 (as in that they will atleast break even and then start to profit from it after all the expences are payed), but who knows. How much is Sony losing on each PS3 that is sold now? Who knows, maybe sony will push out the PS4 (WiiS4) in some years, i guess it is possible :)

The example i did with the Gamecube, didnt Nintendo make a profit when all the hardware and all the software was basicly done selling? They might have lost some money on some of the games etc., but all in all, when you add all the money that they got in on the hardware sales and the software sales, and then you take away all the costs that they had around the Gamecube, both with the hardware and the software.

If Nintendo made money on the Gamecube in total, then i just wanted to show that being far behind the competition doesnt necessarily mean that you are a sinking ship, atleast in my opinion, so i just wanted to mention it :) The way i understood it, it seemed that someone was saying that just because the PS3 was selling less units compared to the competition, then it was a sinking ship based on that it was so far behind the competition on the number of consoles sold. It might be that this isnt what they ment though, so it can be that i have been missunderstanding what was written, so please correct me if i am wrong :)

Sony seems to be losing money company wise as you say, but i dont think that is just because of the PS3. I think it also something because that their HDTV sales are going down or something. Sony did have a net income of around 20 billion yen (around 200 million US dollars i think) in the fiscal year of Q2 in 2008, i guess that is something atleast :) They had a net income of about 74 billion yen in the fiscal year of Q2 in 2007 though, so it is quite a drop, but i have no idea of Playstation 3 is the main reason for this.

I like the last metaphor that you used about crossing the channel instead of the Atlantic, i agree :)

Ye, i would say it depends on how you define a "sinking ship". If it is about losing money, then it looks like the PS3 might be a sinking ship, i agree. When it comes to this CNN article that is in the first post in this thread, the guy who wrote that article only mentions (atleast what i can see) the numbers of PS3 consoles sold. It doesnt seem that he takes anything other into account. It seems that he just compared the PS3 sales in November 2008 to November 2007, and since the PS3 sold about 88.000 consoles less in November 2008 compared to in November 2007, then the PS3 is a sinking ship and the sales are plummeting, accoring to the write of this article atleast.

Of course, it might be that he have in mind that Sony is and has lost alot of money on the PS3 so far when he calls the PS3 a sinking ship and when he says that the sales are plummeting, so it might be that he takes this into account anyway, but i cant see that he mention anything about that in the article atleast.

And fair enough, the sales did go down quite a bit in November compared to last year's November, so the writer of this article is correct about that, but to use the words "sinking ship" based on 1 month of sales, i think it is too early to say anything about that :)


test_account said:
I am not saying that the PS3 is making money at this moment, but i think that Sony can be able to do it when it is all said and done, or atleast be able to break even. But who knows :)
I'm not sure. They managed, in two years, to lose more than the benefits of PS1 and PS2 combined. I think the PS3 will never be as cheap to produce as previous playstations, and I also don't think they can have the same success as PS1/PS2. So I would be surprise they break even on the whole generation (they'll obviously break even on a year-by-year basis).

Not that it's a real threat for SCEI, but I think that'll change their politics for next generations of Playstations.


Koren said:
I'm not sure. They managed, in two years, to lose more than the benefits of PS1 and PS2 combined. I think the PS3 will never be as cheap to produce as previous playstations, and I also don't think they can have the same success as PS1/PS2. So I would be surprise they break even on the whole generation (they'll obviously break even on a year-by-year basis).

Not that it's a real threat for SCEI, but I think that'll change their politics for next generations of Playstations.
Ye, that is true, it doesnt look too good. I guess it totally depends on how long the PS3 will be popular and how long it will be for sale on the market. If Sony really can manage to keep the PS3 on the market for like around 8 years that they manage to do with the PS1 and the PS2, and if they actually can start making money on the hardware itself, who knows if they can break even, or atleast get relatively close to breaking even. I wouldnt exactly bet any money on that they would break even on the PS3 though, so i am actually not that optimistic about it, i was just questioning if it was possible :)

Ye, i am curious about how SCEI will do it with the PS4 (and maybe the PSP2 as well if that ever comes out), if they will try to do a more approach like Nintendo did with the Wii, or if they will upgrade the hardware much like they did did from the PS1 to the PS2, and from the PS2 to the PS3. I think it shall be interesting to see what happends :)


I think Sony were overconfident when designing the PS3, they thought that brand alone could make the PS3 a success like the PS2 was.

Unfortunately that made the machine ridiculously expensive compared to its competitors and very hard to program, making game developing time much longer than the competition.

The problem is that Sony thinks they can still manage to solve their problems, I think they should accept that the PS3 is a lost cause and focus in the PS4 with cheaper hardware, slightly more powerfull than PS3 and a much much better launch lineup.


I got grudge sucked!
I think Sony still hasn't found a way to package the PS3 in a way that appeals to the mass consumer market, so you're not just dealing with the high price, but the perceived value of the the system. The PS3 right now has no obvious advantage over the $199 Xbox 360 to the average consumer. They don't care enough about blu-ray movies to buy the system for that reason and most of all the big games they'd hear about on TV are on the PS3 AND 360 (or just 360 in a lot of cases).
This is where I think Sony taking out the PS2 BC was a real stupid mistake. I know a few people here will "I never use my PS3 to play PS2 games, so nobody else does either" or "Just keep your PS2, how hard is it to hook up another system?" Well you make mass market success by appealing to the mass market, not hard core video game nerds and the average person tends to view big ticket purchases as "new" replacing "old". If you have kids, the space you have allotted to store crap like old systems is severely compromised (I know this first hand). If you've bought a PS2 and a bunch of PS2 games for your kids to play and they still enjoy them, why buy the "upgrade" when it doesn't play the old stuff? When you think of the market penetration the PS2 had, it may be that the general consumer that had a PS2 doesn't view the PS3 as the logical successor if it doesn't play their old games. Heck, that was an age old gripe back in the NES/SNES days. Sony was smart enough to avoid that pitfall during the PS1/PS2 transition...now not so much. Then again Sony hasn't really made a smart savvy move since the E3 2006 debacle.


...doesn't the fact that the cheapest model of the PS3 is $400 and they're still selling over 300k in a down-turned economy speak for something?

IMHO, it seems to me that whenever SONY gets around to dropping the price to $300 or less, the PS3 is going to sell gangbusters.
This gen isn't going away soon. There will be a $199 PS3 SKU for Christmas eventually. They will eventually break even on the hardware.
test_account said:
Sony seems to be losing money company wise as you say, but i dont think that is just because of the PS3. I think it also something because that their HDTV sales are going down or something. Sony did have a net income of around 20 billion yen (around 200 million US dollars i think) in the fiscal year of Q2 in 2008, i guess that is something atleast :) They had a net income of about 74 billion yen in the fiscal year of Q2 in 2007 though, so it is quite a drop, but i have no idea of Playstation 3 is the main reason for this.
I don't think Sony's overall losses are just from the PS3 or even perhaps primarily from it (though I haven't read much on their exact situation myself). However, that is the well from which Sony mainly draws to cover any losses from the PS3 so itll be a major determinant in just how much "sinking" occurrs. A company making $15+ billion a year in profit with no debt (like say Microsoft) can afford to ride out billions in losses if they want. A company losing money that has debt and a tougher time getting new debt isn't in as good a position to do so. To compare to ships, the Xbox was a 100,000 ton ship taking on 1,000 tons of water a year, the PS3 could be a 10,000 ton ship taking on 1,000 tons of water a year. For the former its no biggie with little sinking evidenced, for the latter its potentially catastrophic with at least some sinking.

test_account said:
Ye, i would say it depends on how you define a "sinking ship". If it is about losing money, then it looks like the PS3 might be a sinking ship, i agree. When it comes to this CNN article that is in the first post in this thread, the guy who wrote that article only mentions (atleast what i can see) the numbers of PS3 consoles sold. It doesnt seem that he takes anything other into account. It seems that he just compared the PS3 sales in November 2008 to November 2007, and since the PS3 sold about 88.000 consoles less in November 2008 compared to in November 2007, then the PS3 is a sinking ship and the sales are plummeting, accoring to the write of this article atleast.

Of course, it might be that he have in mind that Sony is and has lost alot of money on the PS3 so far when he calls the PS3 a sinking ship and when he says that the sales are plummeting, so it might be that he takes this into account anyway, but i cant see that he mention anything about that in the article atleast.

And fair enough, the sales did go down quite a bit in November compared to last year's November, so the writer of this article is correct about that, but to use the words "sinking ship" based on 1 month of sales, i think it is too early to say anything about that :)
He did a very poor job in my opinion writing the article. I think he means basically what we're discussing (losses/ability to absorb them and not sales so much) but didn't really express it well nor did he tie in other aspects of it. Certainly, I agree looking simply at sales you cannot say the PS3 is a sinking ship right now. You could say given the likely causes of Novembers drop in sales that it portends an extended period of lower sales and therefore "sinking", but he didn't. So the reaction has mostly been fanboyish anger/joy instead of serious thought and discussion about what is going on with Sony, the PS3, and their future right now. Not entirely fortunately.
There are only two scenarios I can think of as to why the ps3 has been handled in the way it has until now:

1. Sony are thinking VERY long term, banking on blu-ray becoming successful, and then on killzone 2 to push them above the competition on what can be achieved on current gen consoles.

Is there anything to suggest microsoft can match killzone 2 with the xbox 360? No, not even close. I've played it, and compared to most other shooters it is a near generational leap. So then, will the next console microsoft makes be able to produce games on par with KZ2? Most probably. But is it going to be worth an investment, given how established and cheap the ps3 will be at that point? This is all assuming that more games, at least internally developed ones, will come close to the standards of killzone 2.

2. They don't have a clue what they are doing anymore. This can be evidenced in any number of examples since before the ps3 launched, and most recently by their approach to marketing the console and its games.

on a semi-related note, remember that thing where GT5:p was running on 4 ps3s at One million FPS and a massive resolution? Will the next Sony console be the first to actually fulfill the promise of making backwards compatible games look and perform better?


Sony is without a doubt in trouble with the PS3 but it remains under my TV for 2 reasons,
bluray movies and exclusive titles.
If sony keeps the exclusive titles like uncharted,GOW3,GT5 etc. coming then it will remain under my TV.
The only problem for sony is that I keep a 360 too for the better multi-platforms, better online and MS exclusives.
But if sony manages to match the 360 in online functionality and get developers to match the multi-platforms in framerate and texture quality then the 360 will be sold,WHY?
Because I am fed up with with the rubbish hardware and paying for DLC in moonbucks, I want to spend penny for penny not virtual MS points.
I really hope sony gets its acts together becaust the hardware is 1st class and I am slowly warming to HOME.
But to be honest I think MS will win this generation between sony and MS and I feel MS's next console the 360 follow up will wipe the floor with PS4 in online and CPU/GPU features. Also they have learnt alot about the cost of hardware reliability and I would think it will be probably tested before launch.
MS could well launch with halo4, gears of war3 and forza 3.
Sony will probably just have got GT5 and god of war 3 out the door, but then PS3 might be down to £199.
I find it all very interesting.
Kosma said:
Except the PS4 is not going the Sonys last system, and not the 2nd system in a row to fail from them. Sega fanboys where already bitter by then. SDF is still shellshocked.

Well let's hope they learn their lesson. If PS4 is like PS3 it will indeed be their last console. That being said... I am pretty sure the PS4 will return to the PS1 legacy. Non-custom hardware and a much better SDK.

Is there anything to suggest microsoft can match killzone 2 with the xbox 360? No, not even close.

Lol. You guys never learn do you?

Rolf NB

Psychotext said:
Did you even read the link? :p
I always do!
(I went searching myself and wanted to post my find anyway; I know the one number I was looking for can be picked out from your table as well, but the post I chose contains only that, to the point at hand so to speak)


NemesisPrime said:
Well let's hope they learn their lesson. If PS4 is like PS3 it will indeed be their last console. That being said... I am pretty sure the PS4 will return to the PS1 legacy. Non-custom hardware and a much better SDK.

...and hopefully not a new format...


TheIroning said:
Is there anything to suggest microsoft can match killzone 2 with the xbox 360? No, not even close. I've played it, and compared to most other shooters it is a near generational leap. So then, will the next console microsoft makes be able to produce games on par with KZ2?

Why do people keep banking on a single game to reverse Sony's fortunes? This next generation card has been played already (LAIR,HS,MGS4...). KZ2 will appear to us (aka the "hardcore"), it will hopefully sell well (after LBP and R2, I've lost faith in PS3 owners to support their own console). Plus the game comes out in March, they needed it to come out now to have any real impact.

The only thing that will have any chance of reversing this trend is a major pricecut and much better marketing. Personally I think they needed to bundle and market the shit out of LBP this holiday season.
AwRy108 said:
...doesn't the fact that the cheapest model of the PS3 is $400 and they're still selling over 300k in a down-turned economy speak for something?

IMHO, it seems to me that whenever SONY gets around to dropping the price to $300 or less, the PS3 is going to sell gangbusters.
Yes, it does speak to something. It speaks to Sony pricing the system too high to begin with. It speaks to Sony having difficulty cost-reducing to the huge extent required to lower the price of the system without taking a complete bath. It speaks to Sony being in last place. It speaks to Sony being in a very difficult position during very difficult financial times.

When Sony does get the PS3 to $300, the competition is going to be even cheaper, holding even more marketshare, and even more mindshare. This kind of thing is a slippery slope, and Sony has been flying ass-over-applecart down the hill for two years now. I wouldn't expect them to regain their footing this gen.

Just enjoy the good games they're putting out and don't worry about the sales. It'll be next gen before you know it.


Neo Member
OniShiro said:
I think they should accept that the PS3 is a lost cause and focus in the PS4 with cheaper hardware, slightly more powerfull than PS3 and a much much better launch lineup.

But they won't, it's not in their corporate ethos. They will build the biggest, most badass, convoluted machine they can because they don't know how to do anything different. They don't strike me as a company that can take a look at their situation and change their direction to address their problems.


bcn-ron said:
Jelllybean goalposts. Neither phrase has tangible numerical meaning, but "plummet" is at the very least a downward motion. It's a false headline.
It's a bit misleading, but YOY, the sales did plummet. I would say any time where your competitors see significant gains and you decline, a sinking ship is not a bad analogy.

test_account said:
What if a console is still able to make money? Please correct me if i am wrong, but didnt Nintendo make money on the Gamecube eventhough that the competition (atleast the PS2) was "sailing away"?

The GC was making money almost throughout its entire run by most accounts and certainly had a fraction of the R&D costs that the PS3 did. It (the PS3) has a great chance to be the largest failure in VG history given the success of its predecessor and the money lost from it.


CNN.. shouting iceberg on a crowded ship huh?

Writing the whole thing off because they did poorly in November.. GG
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