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Colin Moriarty is leaving Kinda Funny Games.

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So that's where the line is drawn? Need to have a professional comedian license? If Louis CK had tweeted parts of his stand up routine, the internet would explode.

Wasn't Colin satirical? I am not trying to provoke people just asking an honest question. If we take satire by it's Ancient Greek definition (see Aristophanes' plays for instance) then satire should have no limits on topic.

There is an unwritten rule that comedians are allowed to go dark places in the name of humor. When you walk into a comedy club, you understand that something might be said that you disagree/offends you but it's all in the name of comedy, so it's ok.

That kind of context/rule does not exist on Twitter.

I've heard countless Catholic jokes in my life at comedy clubs, but I always understood this so I never took offense.


Hillary was for civil unions and full partner rights/benefits though, while Romney wasn't. This is a dumb path to go down.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Yeah, they do, and they shouldn't. That's the whole point here, mate. Because of this stance we're stacking normal people with real racists, pedophiles, homophobes, etc...

As some one who was verbally abused for years in school for my autism you can fuck right off with this thinking. Yeah I shouldn't have taken all that abuse to heart as a confused kid who didn't have anyone to properly turn too just because you think it's just that easy.


So that makes him hate gay people? That's quite a fucking stretch. Especially when Trump, for all his other horribleness, had not been particularly nasty to the LGBT community in comparison to past GOP candidates (I know that is a low bar).

dude pay attention to the world that is happening around you


Cool, show me the receipts, because actions speak louder than words.

I'm not digging through his entire history for you, but I can come up with a couple examples on the spot that I remember in regards to the issue of sexism. Just last week he praised Guerilla for creating Aloy as a very strong female character.

In the summer, he tweeted that despite his dislike for Hillary Clinton, he considered her nomination as the Democratic candidate to be a huge moment for women in America, "geraldine ferraro x 1000".

Anyone who has consistently listened to his podcasts or read his articles over the years can likely come up with several more examples.
That wasn't the issue at hand tho?

The issue at hand is we're at a point where everything is all or nothing and it's absolutely poison.

I'm not going to go the Boogie and white wash actual horrible shit because I want to stay neutral. Colin is wrong a lot of the time, he has an insane temper that has clearly gotten worse and he's practically snapped the last few months, probably because he's a conservative living and working in extremely liberal areas of life.

None of that was really a major issue till this election where everything cracked and became hyper polarized, even more so than before.

Colin did a bad joke. A type of joke I would hear if I was watching Married With Children. Colin had a bad reaction to the whiplash he had, and rightfully should have expected in this political climate.

But now we're at the point where we have a thread that is largely dedicated to attacking Colin because he's conservative and holds views that most people around here don't agree with.

And it's fine if people don't like Colin, he's a brash personality and couple that with things you don't agree with, he's likely to make people turn away. However this need to label him things he clearly isn't is simply wrong, and it's dangerous. You start labeling someone like Colin who has always been an open conservative, but with social liberal leans, and you're going to run out of ammo for the actual awful people who need to be targeted. You can't put JonTron and Colin in the same conversation, which is what people in this thread were/are trying to do, because once you do that you lose all credibility and it becomes a joke to anyone on the outside looking in.

And it goes beyond that, where people are literally calling him a racist because of it's not the center point of his discussions or he's not actively looking to create a week of content that isn't just white males. If his topics were about gender, race, sexism in gaming and he brought along only white dudes, then yea, that's fucking ridiculous. I don't know what the breath of the conversations where with all those interviewees, if sex/race weren't on his list of things to talk about that's not an issue, it's his content that he wants to create, that doesn't make him a racist.

People are trying so hard to put him in a group of horrible people because they want him to be horrible, they want anyone who has the views he has to literally be a piece of shit and to just go away. There are completely valid criticisms of Colin that I'm not going to defend because I'm not going to really speak for him. There are people who do exist who like to feel good and target others because they know they can easily get away with calling someone a racist/altright because they have a conservative view point and be backed up by others who share a similar view.

This entire situation was an experiment in some insane alteration of "mission creep".

I don't like Colin => Colin made a stupid joke => Colin goes on some conservative podcasts and talks about stuff he has always been open about => Colin is a sexist => Colin is a racist => Colin is alt-right.


You might want to get up to date on some of the people and policies Trump has been supporting lately.

unless you're a transgender student and want to use the bathroom

dude pay attention to the world that is happening around you

This is fair criticism, Trump has been shitty so far on transgender rights for sure. I should have cut off the "T" from LGBT.

I DO pay a hell of a lot of attention to politics, a bit too much. And I'm on your fucking side people, I just am uncomfortable with how Colin is getting crucified on here. A pro-gay marriage, pro-choice, pro-marijuana libertarian who doesn't like Trump is not the fucking enemy right now to me, sorry.
So that makes him hate gay people? That's quite a fucking stretch. Especially when Trump, for all his other horribleness, had not been particularly nasty to the LGBT community in comparison to past GOP candidates (I know that is a low bar).

Colin may not hate gay people, he just cares more about lower taxes rates more than their rights judging by his previous political support.

Edit - Again, Colin may not be alt right himself, but he has no problem having lots of fans who are alt right edgelords.


I'm not digging through his entire history for you, but I can come up with a couple examples on the spot that I remember in regards to the issue of sexism. Just last week he praised Guerilla for creating Aloy as a very strong female character.

In the summer, he tweeted that despite his dislike for Hillary Clinton, he considered her nomination as the Democratic candidate to be a huge moment for women in America, "geraldine ferraro x 1000".

Anyone who has consistently listened to his podcasts or read his articles over the years can likely come up with several more examples.

Reposting this response I made earlier.

People try to oversimplify things too much. "Is this person a racist???" Then we get into pointless conversations about what it means to be racist/sexist and who qualifies under what conditions. Praising Hillary doesn't inoculate him against doing sexist stuff later. Neither do some comments about liking some female leads. So many comments on here speculate about whether Colin is a "bad guy." Who gives a shit? What he truly has deep down in his heart or whatever goofy description people want to use is wholly immaterial. His comments on international women's day, diversity for diversity's sake, and all his other nonsense just work to marginalize already marginalized groups. That is not acceptable for many people and they respond accordingly.

Just because Colin isn't saying shitty, sexist stuff literally all of the time, doesn't excuse him when he does. There are numerous posts here pointing out the laundry list of sexist or otherwise marginalizing stuff he's said.


Obama appointed two Justices who helped gay marriage legal.

If it was up to Colin, either McCain or Romney would've been President as a result, filled those spots with anti-gay marriage conservative justices.

He voted for Obama in 2008. Not that it matters, we are in full on witch hunt mode in here, so sure, he voted for McCain.


Just because Colin isn't saying shitty, sexist stuff literally all of the time, doesn't excuse him when he does. There are numerous posts here pointing out the laundry list of sexist or otherwise marginalizing stuff he's said.

So saying the right things some of the time doesn't make you not sexist, but the reverse is true?

I dunno.


Gold Member
As some one who was verbally abused for years in school for my autism you can fuck right off with this thinking. Yeah I shouldn't have taken all that abuse to heart as a confused kid who didn't have anyone to properly turn too just because you think it's just that easy.

Yeah, I know, and this is how the cookie crumbles...

Echo chambers in the left, echo chambers in the right and nobody meets in the middle because one side is too fragile and the other is too insane.
He voted for Obama in 2008. Not that it matters, we are in full on witch hunt mode in here, so sure, he voted for McCain.

And obviosily, gay marriage was so important an issue for him that he had no problem backing a gay marriage opponent like Romney who promised to repeal the SC decision that allowed gay marriage Nationwide.
There is an unwritten rule that comedians are allowed to go dark places in the name of humor. When you walk into a comedy club, you understand that something might be said that you disagree/offends you but it's all in the name of comedy, so it's ok.

That kind of context/rule does not exist on Twitter.

I've heard countless Catholic jokes in my life at comedy clubs, but I always understood this so I never took offense.

I totally agree with you and not trying to pick sides or anything on the topic, just interested in the philosophical discussion of it (even though I have enjoyed Colin's shows in the past).

As you've said, context does not exist on Twitter so it's probably just normal human reaction to assume that his tweet was mean-spirited. However, without context, it is unfair to shed any negative light (or positive, for that matter) on a single tweet.


This is fair criticism, Trump has been shitty so far on transgender rights for sure. I should have cut off the "T" from LGBT.

I DO pay a hell of a lot of attention to politics, a bit too much. And I'm on your fucking side people, I just am uncomfortable with how Colin is getting crucified on here. A pro-gay marriage, pro-choice, pro-marijuana libertarian who doesn't like Trump is not the fucking enemy right now to me, sorry.

I agree with you, but many of his followers are "the enemy" (a phrase I'm not into), and Colin is doing nothing to address them. If anything he's prodding them on and giving them a safe space.


I'm not digging through his entire history for you, but I can come up with a couple examples on the spot that I remember in regards to the issue of sexism. Just last week he praised Guerilla for creating Aloy as a very strong female character.

In the summer, he tweeted that despite his dislike for Hillary Clinton, he considered her nomination as the Democratic candidate to be a huge moment for women in America, "geraldine ferraro x 1000".

Anyone who has consistently listened to his podcasts or read his articles over the years can likely come up with several more examples.

wow what a progressive in support of women's rights. That totally neglects making a sexist joke on Women's Day in misogynist gaming culture, calling those hurt humorless sacks of shit, lecturing a LGBTQ developer for standing up against homophobic Trump voters, making fun of a BLM protester, acting offended and victimized when asked for more diversity on his show, caping for a homophobic presidential candidate (Romney), calling transpeople special snowflakes for not wanting to be terrorrized, etc.

It's cool that he managed to tweet something about a female protagonist and a female presidential candidate, but that's like the bare minimum effort and relatively insignificant in contrast to the harmful actions he does.


Let's actually post the entire conversation because it is much worse for him in full context...
What's wrong with his tweets? Is he not allowed to defend his position? All 5 episodes were excellent and the best KF content in months.

And then he drops out and his fans show up to call her racist, claim Colin didn't get any minorities on his show because there just aren't minoritied who are as successful as those guys, praise Colin for not seeing race.., and then said what good is diversity for diversity sake (where have we heard that before?)
It's wrong that his fans behaved that way, indefensible even. But why is he responsible for the actions of other adults who choose to behave that way?


And obviosily, gay marriage was so important an issue for him that he had no problem backing a gay marriage opponent like Romney who promised to repeal the SC decision that allowed gay marriage Nationwide.

Again, Obama and Hillary were against gay marriage just four years before in 2008.

Obergefell v Hodges wasn't even decided til 2015, what the fuck decision are you talking about?


And it goes beyond that, where people are literally calling him a racist because of it's not the center point of his discussions or he's not actively looking to create a week of content that isn't just white males. If his topics were about gender, race, sexism in gaming and he brought along only white dudes, then yea, that's fucking ridiculous. I don't know what the breath of the conversations where with all those interviewees, if sex/race weren't on his list of things to talk about that's not an issue, it's his content that he wants to create, that doesn't make him a racist.

Minorities have other interesting things to say and contribute than talking about gender, race, sexuality. There's a ton of interesting voices out there who can talk about design, mechanics, art, fashion, coding, procedural generation, e-sports, Twitch streaming, etc. Minorities shouldn't just be relegated to only have a voice when it concerns identity politics.


The issue at hand is we're at a point where everything is all or nothing and it's absolutely poison.

I'm not going to go the Boogie and white wash actual horrible shit because I want to stay neutral. Colin is wrong a lot of the time, he has an insane temper that has clearly gotten worse and he's practically snapped the last few months, probably because he's a conservative living and working in extremely liberal areas of life.

None of that was really a major issue till this election where everything cracked and became hyper polarized, even more so than before.

Colin did a bad joke. A type of joke I would hear if I was watching Married With Children. Colin had a bad reaction to the whiplash he had, and rightfully should have expected in this political climate.

But now we're at the point where we have a thread that is largely dedicated to attacking Colin because he's conservative and holds views that most people around here don't agree with.

And it's fine if people don't like Colin, he's a brash personality and couple that with things you don't agree with, he's likely to make people turn away. However this need to label him things he clearly isn't is simply wrong, and it's dangerous. You start labeling someone like Colin who has always been an open conservative, but with social liberal leans, and you're going to run out of ammo for the actual awful people who need to be targeted. You can't put JonTron and Colin in the same conversation, which is what people in this thread were/are trying to do, because once you do that you lose all credibility and it becomes a joke to anyone on the outside looking in.

And it goes beyond that, where people are literally calling him a racist because of it's not the center point of his discussions or he's not actively looking to create a week of content that isn't just white males. If his topics were about gender, race, sexism in gaming and he brought along only white dudes, then yea, that's fucking ridiculous. I don't know what the breath of the conversations where with all those interviewees, if sex/race weren't on his list of things to talk about that's not an issue, it's his content that he wants to create, that doesn't make him a racist.

People are trying so hard to put him in a group of horrible people because they want him to be horrible, they want anyone who has the views he has to literally be a piece of shit and to just go away. There are completely valid criticisms of Colin that I'm not going to defend because I'm not going to really speak for him. There are people who do exist who like to feel good and target others because they know they can easily get away with calling someone a racist/altright because they have a conservative view point and be backed up by others who share a similar view.

This entire situation was an experiment in some insane alteration of "mission creep".

I don't like Colin => Colin made a stupid joke => Colin goes on some conservative podcasts and talks about stuff he has always been open about => Colin is a sexist => Colin is a racist => Colin is alt-right.

Stop talking to the wall. Address the people who are actually making incorrect claims. A couple people, at most, have claimed Colin is racist or that he's alt-right. You're going to find a couple people saying things that are outlandish in every lengthy thread.

There are other people who have argued that Colin inadvertently supports some racist policies, or that he is inadvertently supporting alt-right communities, but those are different arguments to be engaged with on their own terms.


This is fair criticism, Trump has been shitty so far on transgender rights for sure. I should have cut off the "T" from LGBT.

I DO pay a hell of a lot of attention to politics, a bit too much. And I'm on your fucking side people, I just am uncomfortable with how Colin is getting crucified on here. A pro-gay marriage, pro-choice, pro-marijuana libertarian who doesn't like Trump is not the fucking enemy right now to me, sorry.

"i should have left out transgender discrimination to be technically correct" lol. come on. all trump did was wave a rainbow flag that with "lgbt for trump" scribbled on it and then surrounded himself with people who have constantly stymied progress on that front for years


So saying the right things some of the time doesn't make you not sexist, but the reverse is true?

I dunno.

I literally say in my response that labeling a person sexist or racist is meaningless and serves no purpose. You're just swinging away at a straw man. There's no way for a person to read my post and come back with your response without being hilariously disengenuous.

Sure, I'll play along then. Does doing the right thing sometimes, make it okay to do the wrong thing the rest of the time? Does not calling a black person the n-word some of the time make you not a racist, but the reverse is true? I don't know!
Yeah, I know, and this is how the cookie crumbles...

Echo chambers in the left, echo chambers in the right and nobody meets in the middle because one side is too fragile and the other is too insane.
How that hell is saying verbal abuse is real an echo chamber...

Again, Obama and Hillary were against gay marriage just four years before in 2008.

Obergefell v Hodges wasn't even decided til 2015, what the fuck decision are you talking about?

Typing on a phone, sorry. Meant to type that Romney opposed gay marriage and would've appointed Justices that would've stopped the decision that made gay marriage possible natiowide. That wasn't a secret. But ya know, Obama raised taxes and spent too much...

As for Obama and Hillary, every gay person I knew was well aware Obama and Hillary were spewing BS to keep moderates of the time happy. Again Obama appointed the two SC justices who made gay marriage possible Nationwide.


Colin may not hate gay people, he just cares more about lower taxes rates more than their rights judging by his previous political support.

Edit - Again, Colin may not be alt right himself, but he has no problem having lots of fans who are alt right edgelords.

And as a Kinda Funny listener that migrated from Beyond that is sort of how his actions come across to me. Most voters (Colin included) have a single issue or two that really stand out that they vote on. Between Clinton and Trump, Colin admitted he would vote Trump. Do I believe he supports Trump's unprogressive, garbage views on pretty much any social policy? No, I do not personally believe that. I think he just cares about taxes and economy more.

Personally I think that's callous asf but I've always tried to look at the person as a whole. His shitty actions (such as the tone-deaf and fucked tweet) should be condemned, but his interactions with the community have always come off more positive and compassionate.

Hating him is a fair thing to do though, honestly. It's for the best that he moves on from Kinda Funny as their politics on the whole are a lot more progressive in terms of messaging and communication.
It's wrong that his fans behaved that way, indefensible even. But why is he responsible for the actions of other adults who choose to behave that way?
Of course he's responsible when he does nothing to curb his fans shitty ways. He never tells them to stop. When the Kinda Funny guys were getting harassed and insulted because they called out his stupid joke, What was he doing? Posting pictures of flags


"i should have left out transgender discrimination to be technically correct" lol. come on. all trump did was wave a rainbow flag that with "lgbt for trump" scribbled on it and then surrounded himself with people who have constantly stymied progress on that front for years

No, let me be absolutely clear, I am very much for transgender rights and Trump's opposition to them so far is nothing short of abhorrent, and I apologize for thinking of gay rights exclusively when I made that statement.

But as for gay rights, so far, Trump hasn't been bad (or good), he just hasn't done much of anything on that issue. He discussed gay people in his otherwise horrific convention speech too, which was historic for the Republicans.
So that makes him hate gay people? That's quite a fucking stretch. Especially when Trump, for all his other horribleness, had not been particularly nasty to the LGBT community in comparison to past GOP candidates (I know that is a low bar).

Oh, fuck off with this "Trump hasn't been nasty to queer people" nonsense. Trans people alone are worse off than we ever have been under Trump's administration.
Because he never tells them to stop. When the Kinda Funny guys were getting harassed and insulted because they called out his stupid joke, What was he doing? Posting pictures of flags

Bingo. If Colin had spent the last year calling out his toxic fanbase for the shitty stuff it said instead of joking about triggers and protests, he'd likely still be part of KF.


I literally say in my response that labeling a person sexist or racist is meaningless and serves no purpose. You're just swinging away at a straw man. There's no way for a person to read my post and come back with your response without being hilariously disengenuous.

Sure, I'll play along then. Does doing the right thing sometimes, make it okay to do the wrong thing the rest of the time? Does not calling a black person the n-word some of the time make you not a racist, but the reverse is true? I don't know!

I admit it wasn't my most well thought-out post in this thread, so don't worry about it.

Of course, some actions are irredeemable. I just don't think any of Colin's rose to quite the level of the example you cite.
I'm getting frustrated here, but how the hell is this a 'narrative'?

Why are people still defending him? Why do people refuse to realize the factual actions that he's taking?

This is disingenuous, and you have a pretty loose definition of "factual action."

"Moriarty cares about native Americans, he just complains about them for 10 minutes straight when they write something about cultural appropriation."

I watched the 10 minutes in question when it was linked in this thread, and Moriarty never once complained about Native Americans. He took issue with the criticism, which is not the same as taking issue with the person writing the criticism, let alone all people who share the writer's background. It would be just as dishonest to say the writer of that critique "cares about games from Europe, but writes an entire article complaining about Dutch people when they make a game."

It's inflammatory and dishonest to equate criticism of a game or criticism of said criticism to complaining about all people under whatever social or cultural umbrella they fall under. The only "factual action" is that he attacked the criticism. If you think that's sufficient to put in your list, fine, but overselling it does indicate you are more interested in pushing a narrative than the underlying facts.


Oh, fuck off with this "Trump hasn't been nasty to queer people" nonsense. Trans people alone are worse off than we ever have been under Trump's administration.

I addressed my idiotic omission of trans people above, I apologize again for the oversight. Trump has indeed been awful for the trans community.


Of course he's responsible when he does nothing to curb his fans shitty ways. He never tells them to stop. When the Kinda Funny guys were getting harassed and insulted because they called out his stupid joke, What was he doing? Posting pictures of flags
What's he gonna do, make a compassionate plea to Internet trolls? What world do you live in?

Two Words

So what makes it OK that Louis CK is joking about it but it's despicable if Colin does it?
I can go out on the sidewalk and start making offensive jokes to people passing by, but that doesn't make them an audience that wants to hear that kind of humor. Social sites like Twitter are essentially the same thing.
This is the real problem with the anti pc argument that has plagued any attempts to call out prominent online personalities for shitty behaviour.

You have 2 types of people who react to someone who says that certain actions and comments (including jokes) are hurtful because of historical discrimination and oppression.

On one side you have someone who is aware of history and how widespread actions, opinions and language have hurt and marginalised different people and will take that criticism and make an effort to think about the potential hurt it could cause people, because they didn't really want to hurt someone and want to change.

You then have people who either aren't aware of history and how society affects people, especially in subtle ways, or are unable to truly empathise with others or just plain ares holes who dont care and all jump to the defence of freedom of speech or that all opinions are valid and refuse to change and attack those who are 'outraged'.

The idea that 'jokes shouldn't be taken seriously' is ridiculously unaware or disingenuous of the very real ways that comments and opinions can cause hurt and it just shows a real lack of empathy, either because of ignorance or prejudices.

Also, why do people who champion their freedom of speech not only ignore the complainers freedom of speech but also feel that treating people with compassion and understanding is worth less than your ability to say things that offend others just so you can have a laugh?

How anyone could read this post and stick with the position that 'people just need to grow thicker skin' or 'don't bring attention to problems' (and many will of course) and still claim to be kind, caring and understanding people is laughable and disgusting all at the same time.


So what makes it OK that Louis CK is joking about it but it's despicable if Colin does it?

I'm surprised people are missing the point of the joke here. Ninja hits it perfectly.

Louis' entire routine is poking fun at the notion that white privelage doesn't exist because "being white is awesome!" and of fucking course it's easier being white in America. Has Colin expressed this position? Not sure where your comparison is coming from in terms of positions as it doesn't sound like anything Colin has said, but if listen to that Louis bit and come away thinking "oh man he's such a white supremacist talking about how awesome it is to be white!", you've missed the point.

CK's entire bit is about how much privilege he has for being a white male in society. He's not saying white people themselves are more awesome, he's saying the experience is more awesome because of how well society treats them.

I actually think this is one of his best bits.


This is disingenuous, and you have a pretty loose definition of "factual action."

"Moriarty cares about native Americans, he just complains about them for 10 minutes straight when they write something about cultural appropriation."

I watched the 10 minutes in question when it was linked in this thread, and Moriarty never once complained about Native Americans. He took issue with the criticism, which is not the same as taking issue with the person writing the criticism, let alone all people who share the writer's background. It would be just as dishonest to say the writer of that critique "cares about games from Europe, but writes an entire article complaining about Dutch people when they make a game."

It's inflammatory and dishonest to equate criticism of a game or criticism of said criticism to complaining about all people under whatever social or cultural umbrella they fall under. The only "factual action" is that he attacked the criticism. If you think that's sufficient to put in your list, fine, but overselling it does indicate you are more interested in pushing a narrative than the underlying facts.

If all those points that I listed don't tell you what type of person Moriarty is because you disagree with one single point, then maybe you're just looking for a way out to acknowledge what his position is. Besides, he was all indignant and offended from a member of a historically oppressed group wrote a blog article about her feelings and experience on the matter of indigenous culture in a AAA game. The guy has issues and needs to talk to someone. Becoming so angry and offended over a blog article and written by someone who's marginalized, is very alarming. Regardless, stop sticking your head in the sand, because his actions should be a clear indication of how much support he's actually willing to give to marginalized groups and the things he wants to advocate.

The dude spends so much time on correcting and criticizing marginalized people, but how much is he in support of them? How often does he take action to lessen injustices via his own work?

Jesse Williams' BET award speech captures perfectly what Colin needs to do

"I would have voted for Obama a third time if I could"

My man.

This is the real problem with the anti pc argument that has plagued any attempts to call out prominent online personalities for shitty behaviour.

You have 2 types of people who react to someone who says that certain actions and comments (including jokes) are hurtful because of historical discrimination and oppression.

On one side you have someone who is aware of history and how widespread actions, opinions and language have hurt and marginalised different people and will take that criticism and make an effort to think about the potential hurt it could cause people, because they didn't really want to hurt someone and want to change.

You then have people who either aren't aware of history and how society affects people, especially in subtle ways, or are unable to truly empathise with others or just plain ares holes who dont care and all jump to the defence of freedom of speech or that all opinions are valid and refuse to change and attack those who are 'outraged'.

The idea that 'jokes shouldn't be taken seriously' is ridiculously unaware or disingenuous of the very real ways that comments and opinions can cause hurt and it just shows a real lack of empathy, either because of ignorance or prejudices.

Also, why do people who champion their freedom of speech not only ignore the complainers freedom of speech but also feel that treating people with compassion and understanding is worth less than your ability to say things that offend others just so you can have a laugh?

How anyone could read this post and stick with the position that 'people just need to grow thicker skin' or 'don't bring attention to problems' (and many will of course) and still claim to be kind, caring and understanding people is laughable and disgusting all at the same time.
I agree with you about the two type of people that defend mean-spirited jokes. I would say the first group is the smallest and they depend on the second group to rally around them. It's almost as if they want to benefit from some type of outrage culture.
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