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Come 2to buttocks. i welcom thee

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Unconfirmed Member
The JP exclusive part.

It thought the point of not region locking was not having exclusive games for region x?

Maybe I am missing the obvious.

Anyways, death to the Xbox and MS.

Microsoft already has an entire console generation that tells them they have failed to gain significant traction in that market. Platinum's titles aren't too expensive to produce, compared to western AAA titles, so they probably contracted Platinum to develop a game specifically tailored to appeal to that market. Since Japanese tailored titles, especially PG titles, don't historically sell well in western markets; they probably estimated the costs and determined any potential profit would not offset the cost of marketing and publishing the title in western markets. Alternatively, they might want to focus on marketing their exclusive western titles to Europe/US, instead of spending time on a small Japanese production. A franchise that has no potential for returns in the form of semiannual sequels compared to their already revealed franchises, and whatever FPS/TPS that Black Tusk is working on.


Did anyone come to a conclusion why MS weren't releasing in 21 countries in the end?

I'm assuming it's the yield issues Cboat mentioned a while back. Probably can't make as many consoles as they thought and chose to make sure the biggest markets were taken care of first.
It's weird how much more convincing CBOAT is as an insider than Reddits "CONFIRMED XBONE DEV", who I always imagine as some associate / junior QA who really knows fuck all about what is going on.

Even if it was some high ranking exec, they would never confirm a rumor like this. Imagine how much it would hurt Microsoft if they confirmed a knectless sku early next year? there would be mass preorder cancellations.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
I actually find SPELLING it JIF far more offensive than pronouncing it that way. It's like if you insisted on spelling tomahto instead of tomato, you're just making yourself look like an ass.

Hahaha. Case in point. Let's stop now. Before something negative comes out of this.
"And he stood with his disciples, and the disciples pondered his teachings.

And Thomas the doubter said,

'But CBOAT, why have you brought us such news so close to its implementation?'

And the other disciples were silent, and they reflected on the thought. And CBOAT said,

'no trst I'm the dued. Itz and truthfacts is still portnt but u NO.'

And they knew that the time of the Lord was at hand."

-- GAF 2:11

I knew I should've trademarked mah shit.
Did anyone come to a conclusion why MS weren't releasing in 21 countries in the end?

Translation issues? For the third version of a console in a number of countries?

With rumored 1:4 outnumbered stock at GameStops, low APU yields... it's pretty obvious there's not a lot to go around. They're picking in lucrative countries.
Microsoft already has an entire console generation that tells them they have failed to gain significant traction in that market. Platinum's titles aren't too expensive to produce, compared to western AAA titles, so they probably contracted Platinum to develop a game specifically tailored to appeal to that market. Since Japanese tailored titles, especially PG titles, don't historically sell well in western markets; they probably estimated the costs and determined any potential profit would not offset the cost of marketing and publishing the title in western markets. Alternatively, they might want to focus on marketing their exclusive western titles to Europe/US, instead of spending time on a small Japanese production. A franchise that has no potential for returns in the form of semiannual sequels compared to their already revealed franchises, and whatever FPS/TPS that Black Tusk is working on.

Okay, this is making some sense now.

I do think that the Xbox One could wind up in a wii u like state at this point next year.
Even if it was some high ranking exec, they would never confirm a rumor like this. Imagine how much it would hurt Microsoft if they confirmed a knectless sku early next year? there would be mass preorder cancellations.

Its not that, its the fact he has said said nothing of interest or significance ever.

If he wasn't 'confirmed' by Reddit I'd just assume hes the same kind of wannabe insider as Ideaman on GAF. Which is why I imagine he is at the very bottom of a very tall totem pole.

I thought that was a rumor months ago, anyway. Lemme dig it up.

Semiaccurate were first to report possible yield problems IIRC
True, but how would you feel as a developer if your game turns out to be unplayable on a console sku released 6 months later? It would turn into an ass storm!

If it it is launch window software it doesn't matter. Whoever was going to buy it will be buying it.

Past that, obviously they will sell the kinect separately anyway. People want the game they will buy a kinect.


I can tell you one thing, it is not because of translation issues. You don't need to be an insider to see through that.
It's very likely not "translation issues" but rather acquiring local content partners and having a meaningful amount of local media content for launch. Without that, they have no justification for inclusion of Kinect and the $100 premium. They have no Kinect-based games for launch - none. So they NEED local media content; otherwise Kinect is a paperweight.

Logically they would have focused on the larger markets for content acquisition, and the smaller markets likely have nothing locked in.
I don't know how much you know about investigative linguistics (I'm an expert), but vocabulary and sentence structure are huge parts of it. It's not like forging a signature, where you can avoid cross reference-sourcing by deliberately writing differently all the time.

Even still, I doubt an investigative linguist would be able to assertain anything more that cboat writes like Cboat.

Still I do think he should take a back seat and let the chips fall as they may from now on. He is being a bit too active and that may be his undoing.


man u guys are a trip. lol. so from what I understand, MS has not given up hope on trying to make some progress in Japan? I'm kinda surprised at that.


It's very likely not "translation issues" but rather acquiring local content partners and having a meaningful amount of local media content for launch. Without that, they have no justification for inclusion of Kinect and the $100 premium. They have no Kinect-based games for launch - none. So they NEED local media content; otherwise Kinect is a paperweight.

Logically they would have focused on the larger markets for content acquisition, and the smaller markets likely have nothing locked in.

This doesn't make sense, since even without those content partners they would have still sold out at launch because the early adopter demand is there. The most probable reality is that they are having yield issues. As mentioned by CBoat and other insiders.
It's very likely not "translation issues" but rather acquiring local content partners and having a meaningful amount of local media content for launch. Without that, they have no justification for inclusion of Kinect and the $100 premium. They have no Kinect-based games for launch - none. So they NEED local media content; otherwise Kinect is a paperweight.

Logically they would have focused on the larger markets for content acquisition, and the smaller markets likely have nothing locked in.

You would think that sometime during the last 7 years, they would have had a time preparing for this...


Neo Member
Well this is interesting to say the least. Love the whole having to actually look for a translation to this mystical language that OP is posting in lol..
It's very likely not "translation issues" but rather acquiring local content partners and having a meaningful amount of local media content for launch. Without that, they have no justification for inclusion of Kinect and the $100 premium. They have no Kinect-based games for launch - none. So they NEED local media content; otherwise Kinect is a paperweight.

Logically they would have focused on the larger markets for content acquisition, and the smaller markets likely have nothing locked in.

Nah, I going to go out on a limb and say that the company that can't produce enough Xbones to fulfill the preorders in its prime territories despite being outsold in those areas, is trying to redistribute units to minimize the market share loss in those territories.
I'm blown away by the staunch opposition to Cboat that seems to have sprung up. Cboat delivers over and over, but a few wrong statements a while back have become, "Cboat is vague and doesn't have a good track record."

I'm glad he's around. He might not have a 100% accurate track record, but he's accurate far more and has delivered far more than any insider I'm aware of around here. The attack on his credibility is crazy. You're alright in my book Cboat and most people around here can agree on that.


This doesn't make sense, since even without those content partners they would have still sold out at launch because the early adopter demand is there. The most probable reality is that they are having yield issues. As mentioned by CBoat and other insiders.
First off, I would not bet on them selling out anywhere in Europe, other than perhaps the UK. Everything we've heard indicates that XB1 pre-orders in continental Europe are dismal.

More importantly, this isn't about just selling a handful of launch units. Their focus has to be on a well-received launch that generates good word of mouth and momentum for future sales. They would be getting the opposite of that launching with a poor/nonexistent local content offering.
I'm blown away by the staunch opposition to Cboat that seems to have sprung up. Cboat delivers over and over, but a few wrong statements a while back have become, "Cboat is vague and doesn't have a good track record."

I'm glad he's around. He might not have a 100% accurate track record, but he's accurate far more and has delivered far more than any insider I'm aware of around here. The attack on his credibility is crazy. You're alright in my book Cboat and most people around here can agree on that.
But we're all Sony bots according to reddit


love on your sleeve
I'm blown away by the staunch opposition to Cboat that seems to have sprung up. Cboat delivers over and over, but a few wrong statements a while back have become, "Cboat is vague and doesn't have a good track record."

I'm glad he's around. He might not have a 100% accurate track record, but he's accurate far more and has delivered far more than any insider I'm aware of around here. The attack on his credibility is crazy. You're alright in my book Cboat and most people around here can agree on that.

Outside of Prince of Persia and Mirror's Edge 2, cboat basically spoiled MS's entire E3 presser. His accuracy outside of those two was remarkable.


Dunno why Xbox fans would even upset by any of this news.
Most of the stuff CBOAT dropped today has been rumored for a while now.

The only surprising thing is the "whispers" of a kinectless SKU so everyone should chill.

Still nice to have more confirmation.

Also other surprises include the Platinum exclusive, as well as other Japanese devs and Rare still being Kinect focused.
Dunno why Xbox fans would even upset by any of this news.
Most of the stuff CBOAT dropped today has been rumored for a while now.

The only surprising thing is the "whispers" of a kinectless SKU so everyone should chill.

It's pretty obvious some higher ups have to have considered it.

Just like with the Dreamcast and GameCube. When shit goes south, you try to entice people to purchase your console, whether it's free games, new colors, etc.

And given the absoultely shit pre-order rate that triggered all these reversals, it's becoming more likely every day. Will they tell a dev? Maybe not. All that matter is the device works and boots without a Kinect for "sanity" reasons and they don't even need to fucking bother the engineers at all about not even selling it anymore.

Heck, it's the easiest price drop ever, too. Because they can make it back up on marking up the Kinect past the cost of the price drop, much like the Core 360 + Hard drive.


I don't know why people keep referencing the Prince of Persia thing, I thought it was clear he was joking about Halo 4 looking like Prince of Persia. Or if he was being serious he may have just saw part of the trailer anda assumed it was PoP. CBOAT hasn't failed in the big decisions.


I'm pretty good at cboat speak myself but I'm still tripping at the cloud power = parole officer line he posted during E3.

What is the line exactly? Because cloud power = parole officer just means that MS is touting Cloud power when it is just glorified DRM.
Still nice to have solid confirmation.

Also other surprises include the Platinum exclusive, as well as other Japanese devs and Rare still being Kinect focused.
Ah yes!
But Platinum is good news!

Situation with Rare is definitely disheartening... but I guess the plus is that Microsoft has started outsourcing Rare's IP (Killer Instinct), maybe "Rare" might continue to live on that way. Hopefully.

What is the line exactly? Because cloud power = parole officer just means that MS is touting Cloud power when it is just glorified DRM.
Well cloud is inherently "always online" so even though they got rid of the check, if games end up using the cloud often then it is like always online (parole officer) is still there.
That is what he meant. It isn't like the cloud features are going to stop you from sharing discs with your friends like the old DRM was.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Man, I was there at the beginning of the CBOAT era. I remember when he spilled the 7GB DVD thing for 360 and I've never seen him wrong. I feel sorry for the posters (more so on Reddit) that can't see the truth right in front of them. Especially, when other moves that MS is making (like the Gamestop thing) match up with his info.
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