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Comic Book Day! - 05/11/11. Not the CBS Drama; Monster Husbandry; 8-bit Action Hero.

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Finally read Avengers 7 - 12.1 and I just realized Captain America Bucky version wasn't in any of them. He wasn't mentioned from what I recall but he was on a few of the covers. What happened to him? Last I remember was from the end of the first Avengers arc when one of the kids mentioned how much he disliked Bucky.

I've never read any Captain America so I'm guessing I missed something. I always assumed it was sort of like Dick's relationship with Bruce with Bucky and Steve.


I was surprised by Flashpoint I really liked it. Also, as a Captain Marvel fan I really like this alternate version of him. Infinitely better than his current mainstream DC incarnation.
God I'm reading through the annotations for the last arc of Batman Inc on comicsalliance...... Its funny how much stuff you can miss with Morrison writing.
Rokam said:
So if I've never read a comic in my life would I be completely lost if I were to pick up Flashpoint #1? I've been keeping up with the threads on here and the story intrigues me quite a bit.
I'm in the same boat, I bought Flash #12 and Flashpoint today. I've lurked these threads for awhile (I mostly just browse the OP) and the Free Comic Book Day thread finally convinced me to take the plunge. Here's a GIANT wall of text, that no one asked for, chronicling in painstaking detail my experiences along with some questions:

My local comic shop wasn't participating in FCBD, I drove by just to be sure and the store was closed even though the posted hours of operation said they're normally open on Saturdays. I guess he didn't want to deal with the hassle, lol.
I wound up driving to another shop close to my school but by the time I got there at 1, the place was packed and they were completely gutted. I heard this awkward exchange when I got there between the one guy behind the counter, who was completely swamped, and some dude:

"Do you have the free Sonic comic book?"
"All the free stuff is on the table just outside."
"That's all you have left?"
"Yeah, the owner went somewhere to see if he can bring some more."
"When will he be back?"
"It's hard to say, maybe in about an hour?"
"Oh. When did he leave?"
"Uhh... like 10 minutes ago?"
"Oh. Where'd he go?"

Hahaha. This shop was different from my local one. It seemed to be purely comics, no sports collectibles or card games. Sections were clearly labelled, lots of paperbacks and hardcovers, but the kicker was the comics weren't sealed and there were benches between the aisles.

This brought back memories of the "aisle cows" in the manga section at Borders and Barnes & Noble. I can't bring myself to just lounge around for hours reading comics and just walk out without buying anything, even in a giant book store. I mean what's the proper protocol?

-Read all the new comics for free and then walk out? Can't do it. Way too shameful and embarrassing.
-Read all the comics I want then buy something from the bargain bin? Somehow this is even worse, lol.
-Read a comic and then pay for it? I guess I can understand this but I'd rather read them at home.
-Go in, buy comics, leave. This is what I do, plus I kinda like the plastic sleeve and cardboard. Although, if I'm already buying stuff, I guess it couldn't hurt to read one book without buying it ;)

At any right, the line was hella long and I didn't see anything that caught my eye, so I left with nothing; defeated.

I felt like I wanted to prepare, read all those "getting into comics" threads here and ask some questions but then I read last night about Flashpoint coming out today. So I woke up this morning and just said "fuck it".

Got a slice for lunch and went to my Local comic shop next door. I don't know why I feel intimidated by these stores. Luckily, the stereotypical 'annoying dude hanging out at the counter' was here, so all eyes weren't on me and I didn't have to make small talk about shit I don't understand. Maybe next week.

Spike Spiegel said:
That's a very good question. I haven't read my copy yet, but given what I know about comics I'll say this...

Since Flashpoint is shaping up as a "something's altered reality and it's up to the one guy who still remembers how things are supposed to set things straight by rallying his friends to the cause" storyline, you might run the risk of enjoying this alternate universe so much that when things switch back you'll be left cold.
I agree with this. In my case, I know so little about the DC universe, that the payoff to this altered reality stuff is going to be less enjoyable for me compared to a longtime reader.
I mean, obviously I know Batman isn't a casino owner but If you showed me this stuff without telling me it was altered reality beforehand, I wouldn't know the difference. Oh well, have to start somewhere. Krypt0nian's link helped.


Storage- I see that some of you guys buy a lot of comics every week. Does it start to pile up quickly and if so, what do you do? Keep everything and box it up? Toss/recycle them? Give them away? Digital distribution?


I've been trying to include a scale for new reader accessibility in my reviews on my site, which I won't pimp, and Flashpoint I thought was an interesting experiment.

So much that I really don't think you need to have read the last year in The Flash to understand what's happening, actually just starting here would be a good jumping on point for most people.

What was more curious to me was a lot of events were already in motion at the start of the series so you have a lot to look forward to. And with the number of tie-ins, someone could make Flashpoint's universe their own for a few months, but it would soften the blow about gettting into comics I feel.


Penguin said:
I've been trying to include a scale for new reader accessibility in my reviews on my site, which I won't pimp, and Flashpoint I thought was an interesting experiment.

So much that I really don't think you need to have read the last year in The Flash to understand what's happening, actually just starting here would be a good jumping on point for most people.

What was more curious to me was a lot of events were already in motion at the start of the series so you have a lot to look forward to. And with the number of tie-ins, someone could make Flashpoint's universe their own for a few months, but it would soften the blow about gettting into comics I feel.

Would you mind PM'ing me your site if you wouldn't mind? :)


Rokam said:
Would you mind PM'ing me your site if you wouldn't mind? :)
Also interested on the link.
I've made my jump into Action Comics and Detective Comics two weeks ago, and I don't really regret it (even if I'm a bit lost, I still found them enjoyable).
I was thinking of getting Amazing Spider-Man as I've been reading FF, not sure how "lost" I'll be, but I'm fine with it.
Penguin said:
I've been trying to include a scale for new reader accessibility in my reviews on my site, which I won't pimp, and Flashpoint I thought was an interesting experiment.

So much that I really don't think you need to have read the last year in The Flash to understand what's happening, actually just starting here would be a good jumping on point for most people.

What was more curious to me was a lot of events were already in motion at the start of the series so you have a lot to look forward to. And with the number of tie-ins, someone could make Flashpoint's universe their own for a few months, but it would soften the blow about gettting into comics I feel.
Can you pm the link to me? :)
Kinda related, but I think I may buy this shirt:

I haven't read any FF in years, but I absolutely love the new costumes. Thinking about either the Mr. Fantastic shirt, or the Spider-Man shirt.
bean breath said:

Storage- I see that some of you guys buy a lot of comics every week. Does it start to pile up quickly and if so, what do you do? Keep everything and box it up? Toss/recycle them? Give them away? Digital distribution?

I give my singles away to a young cousin of mine or friends who don't normally read comics. Anything I really like I will buy the trade.


i just put mine on one of several bookshelves

in reality that means they are in stacks on my desk and basically everywhere
favouriteflavour said:
I give my singles away to a young cousin of mine or friends who don't normally read comics. Anything I really like I will buy the trade.

Exactly what I do for the majority of my floppies. Spread the wealth!




i started scanning (not for uploading, just for me) one of my favorites, Neon Cyber. Such a beautiful book. I wish Darkminds, Neon Cyber, Warlands, all those Dreamwave studio books would be released on a hardcover collected edition.

krypt0nian said:
Exactly what I do for the majority of my floppies. Spread the wealth!
i leave them at the laundromat
krypt0nian said:
Exactly what I do for the majority of my floppies. Spread the wealth!

I don't have the space, the cataloging ability or the collectors drive to keep singles around. Best they go to someone who will enjoy them. I am however completely OCD about having collections in a series in the same format. No mixing trades and hardcovers.
never! I keep them for life!

BATMAN INCORPORATED #6 *book of the week, Bruce Wayne trolling people online about batman was hillarious*

FLASHPOINT #1 * I had not read any fo teh previews so this actually came a s abit of ashock to me, we'll see where this goes*

REBELS #28 *heard they were cancelling this book, that is a real damn shame. this book is/was excellent. more Vril Dox is a good thing.*


I've got a small box where I store my comics right now, all bag and boarded. Thought it'd be hard to hit 200 issues as I've only started buying singles 2 months ago, but I guess I was wrong.
I've been thinking of selling them on eBay per collection once the trades are out, but I don't know how big the market for 1-year old comics really is.

For re-reading and collecting purposes I prefer Trades or HC, but I enjoy the feeling I get from getting my package of comics bi-weekly too much to start Trade-waiting instead.


bean breath said:

Storage- I see that some of you guys buy a lot of comics every week. Does it start to pile up quickly and if so, what do you do? Keep everything and box it up? Toss/recycle them? Give them away? Digital distribution?
I usually loan them out to friends and then eventually drop them off (after everyone has had a shot at them) at a nearby hostpital to give to the kids staying there.


favouriteflavour said:
I don't have the space, the cataloging ability or the collectors drive to keep singles around. Best they go to someone who will enjoy them. I am however completely OCD about having collections in a series in the same format. No mixing trades and hardcovers.

I am also OCD about having not mixing formats in a series, though I did break my rule with Morning Glories after picking up the first TPB and the getting individual issues starting with #7. I wanted to get individual issues for 1-6, but I was not willing to pay the $50+ I saw they were going for. Anyway big pull list this week:


I was happy to finally get to read Nonplayer after missing out on the first print run. Flash and Flashpoint were pretty cool. Flashpoint threw a lot at you in the first issue, but I though it was still pretty good. Crossed was messed up as per usual. Batman Arkham City and Cinderella were kinda meh. The standout for me this week was Batman Inc. With everything that happens in this issue, it is definitely not one to miss.


I don't mean this to be a particularly whiny post, but I think I've become burnt out on comic books. I just find it frustrating that characters seem to show no substantial development (as is with my favourite X-Men series) because they're stuck in a permanent stasis of having to be superheroes so that they can be licensed out on stationery sets. (That last bit doesn't bother me especially much. The comic book industry sells characters, not comics, after all, and that's how it's pretty much always going to be.) I admit that I've been out of the comic loop for a long while, especially after I came to Japan, but I try to keep up on the latest developments and it seems that the characters are basically the same as they were ten or 20 years ago. Is that an unfair conclusion?

Gah. I think it may just be my interest in the X-Men: First Class film making me wish that there were a proper X-Men comic where we see the characters develop and change, over a long-running series, as they grow old and whatnot.
gerg said:
I don't mean this to be a particularly whiny post, but I think I've become burnt out on comic books. I just find it frustrating that characters seem to show no substantial development (as is with my favourite X-Men series) because they're stuck in a permanent stasis of having to be superheroes so that they can be licensed out on stationery sets. (That last bit doesn't bother me especially much. The comic book industry sells characters, not comics, after all, and that's how it's pretty much always going to be.) I admit that I've been out of the comic loop for a long while, especially after I came to Japan, but I try to keep up on the latest developments and it seems that the characters are basically the same as they were ten or 20 years ago. Is that an unfair conclusion?

Gah. I think it may just be my interest in the X-Men: First Class film making me wish that there were a proper X-Men comic where we see the characters develop and change, over a long-running series, as they grow old and whatnot.

Try X-Factor. Its much more character driven series as opposed to soap opera antics of ther egular X-books. They're real people with a real job first and mutants second.
drkOne said:
Also interested on the link.
I've made my jump into Action Comics and Detective Comics two weeks ago, and I don't really regret it (even if I'm a bit lost, I still found them enjoyable).
I was thinking of getting Amazing Spider-Man as I've been reading FF, not sure how "lost" I'll be, but I'm fine with it.

Give Spider-Man a try. He's been with the FF in the last two issues I think. These last two issues have been great.


drkOne said:
Also interested on the link.
I've made my jump into Action Comics and Detective Comics two weeks ago, and I don't really regret it (even if I'm a bit lost, I still found them enjoyable).
I was thinking of getting Amazing Spider-Man as I've been reading FF, not sure how "lost" I'll be, but I'm fine with it.

Since its relatively recent and already collected in trades, I recommend finding Big Time for a nice jumping on point for ASM.


Superman #711: You can tell Chris Roberson is just dying to break away from Straczynski's notes and write a really good Superman story. Whenever I see the possessed school teacher show up I sort of roll my eyes but Roberson is doing great with what he's been given. He's been calling back to all kinds of fun stuff too: Luthor stealing the forty cakes, and the electric blue Superman suit most recently. It's just a lighthearted read every month I can sit back and enjoy.


gerg said:
I don't mean this to be a particularly whiny post, but I think I've become burnt out on comic books. I just find it frustrating that characters seem to show no substantial development (as is with my favourite X-Men series) because they're stuck in a permanent stasis of having to be superheroes so that they can be licensed out on stationery sets. (That last bit doesn't bother me especially much. The comic book industry sells characters, not comics, after all, and that's how it's pretty much always going to be.) I admit that I've been out of the comic loop for a long while, especially after I came to Japan, but I try to keep up on the latest developments and it seems that the characters are basically the same as they were ten or 20 years ago. Is that an unfair conclusion?

Gah. I think it may just be my interest in the X-Men: First Class film making me wish that there were a proper X-Men comic where we see the characters develop and change, over a long-running series, as they grow old and whatnot.
People that criticize comics always bring up that very argument. There is more to comics than the popular superhero books, and they are not as hard to find as some people make that out to be.
New generations of kids did not read the stories of 1990. Let them enjoy these stories even if you recognize it to be recycled.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Fuuuuuck, just read Flashpoint #1. That ending...goddamn. I can say I kinda saw it coming, but still the reveal was great.

My top pick of the week is a tough one.

Chew #27 was great as well. I love Tony's sister and D-Bear totally got owned this issue. God I love this comic.

And Punisher MAX continues to be one of the top 5 I look forward to every month. Frank is fucked up and I have no idea where it's going to go.

Between those 3 are my top picks for this week. So good.


Knows the Score
Sir Garbageman said:
Question question. Outside of Morrison's New X-Men and Whedon's Astonishing X-Men, what has been the best X-Men book over the past decade or so? Looking to pick up a few tpbs and the X-Men has always been my favorite group. Preferably the "core" team or whatever but anything in the "X-Universe" works.

Any recommendations appreciated.

Add me to the list of X-Statix/X-Force recommenders, so good.

Also, I thought Batman Inc. was fantastic this month.
I jumped on board with Flash hoping that johns would find the same spark he did with the Green Lantern revival but that just hasn't been the case. The Flash has simply been kind of boring. I hope that changes with Flashpoint, looks like it could be interesting but I'm not expecting much, all of these DC merga-events have fallen flat for me. Blackest Night and Brightest Day in particular. The BN and BD events in the mainline Green lantern books were fun, just not the mini-series itself.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Flashpoint is $3.99? What happened to drawing the line, DC?
thetrin said:
Flashpoint is $3.99? What happened to drawing the line, DC?

Not in front of me now but I think it's 40 pages.

Next week FP goodness!

Jurgens Booster!


I am sooo into Cyborg as uberhero. :D
gerg said:
I don't mean this to be a particularly whiny post, but I think I've become burnt out on comic books. I just find it frustrating that characters seem to show no substantial development (as is with my favourite X-Men series) because they're stuck in a permanent stasis of having to be superheroes so that they can be licensed out on stationery sets. (That last bit doesn't bother me especially much. The comic book industry sells characters, not comics, after all, and that's how it's pretty much always going to be.) I admit that I've been out of the comic loop for a long while, especially after I came to Japan, but I try to keep up on the latest developments and it seems that the characters are basically the same as they were ten or 20 years ago. Is that an unfair conclusion?

Gah. I think it may just be my interest in the X-Men: First Class film making me wish that there were a proper X-Men comic where we see the characters develop and change, over a long-running series, as they grow old and whatnot.

Break up your superhero reading with some other comics. Try something like Pluto or 20th Century Boys by Urasawa. 20th Century is exceptional.


bangai-o said:
People that criticize comics always bring up that very argument. There is more to comics than the popular superhero books, and they are not as hard to find as some people make that out to be.

I've got nothing against the superhero genre. AFAIC, sanctioning off "superhero comics" into some special section where different standards apply is like calling animated films a "genre" - it's an unfounded distinction that only demeans the medium.

In any case, I'll try Uncanny X-Force. It even has great art, unlike the generally uninteresting art of the main X-Men series. (You might go so far as to call it pedestrian.)

New generations of kids did not read the stories of 1990. Let them enjoy these stories even if you recognize it to be recycled.

If the problem is that the industry needs to find new readers, then it should probably promote a greater importance on the longevity of the material it produces.

favouriteflavour said:
Try something like Pluto or 20th Century Boys by Urasawa. 20th Century is exceptional.

I'll probably try and read it in Japanese, but I already have two volumes of Nausicaa sitting unread, as well as three Shakespeare plays.
Spike Spiegel said:
Prediction: Marvel will solicit many of its most popular series to ship that same week as a counter.

I predict Flashpoint 5 will be the highest selling book in August. But Marvel will have a 40% market share lol.


So...are any of the X-Men books out right now worth following? There's just soooo much crap to sift through.

Picked up The Mighty Thor #1...it was okay.

Reading Black Panther...it's pretty good.

Read Daredevil: Reborn...alright, but it's not Bendis.

Checked out Moon Knight #1...really fast-paced story, but meh. Bendis feels like he's being stretched too think.

Are there any good mainstream comics out right now? Not good, but more at the "great" or "spectacular" levels. The stuff I've picked up lately has left me feeling sort of vacant.


Alucard said:
So...are any of the X-Men books out right now worth following? There's just soooo much crap to sift through.

Kieron Gilllen of "Rock, Paper Shotgun" and "Phonogram" fame just started his run on Uncanny X-men.

Rick Remender is doing a stellar job in Uncanny X-Force and there is a reason so many on here are recommending that book. It was launched late last year and is up to issue 9 , so you can get caught up easily.

I would also be on the lookout for X-men :Schism by Jason Aaron in the near future. Its a five issue mini which is going to setup the status quo of the X-men for the near future. It's also got Carlos Pacheco, Frank Cho, Daniel Acuna, Alan Davis & Adam Kubert on art.


What Flashpoint miniseries are you guys looking forward to?
I got Batman, Project Superman, The World of Flashpoint and Wonder Woman preordered. Wondering if there's something else I should add to the list.
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